1974 State of the Union Address

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1974 State of the Union Address
DateJanuary 30, 1974 (1974-01-30)
Time9:00 p.m. EST
Duration43 minutes
VenueHouse Chamber, United States Capitol
Location Washington, D.C.
Coordinates 38°53′23″N77°00′32″W / 38.88972°N 77.00889°W / 38.88972; -77.00889
Type State of the Union Address
Participants Richard Nixon
Gerald Ford
Carl Albert
Previous 1973 State of the Union Address
Next 1975 State of the Union Address

The 1974 State of the Union Address was given to the 93rd United States Congress, on Wednesday, January 30, 1974, by Richard Nixon, the 37th president of the United States. He said, "We meet here tonight at a time of great challenge and great opportunities for America. We meet at a time when we face great problems at home and abroad that will test the strength of our fiber as a nation. But we also meet at a time when that fiber has been tested, and it has proved strong.


"America is a great and good land, and we are a great and good land because we are a strong, free, creative people and because America is the single greatest force for peace anywhere in the world. Today, as always in our history, we can base our confidence in what the American people will achieve in the future on the record of what the American people have achieved in the past." [1] It was given in the same year America withdrew all assistance from South Vietnam during the Vietnam War. Nixon also called for the end of the Watergate investigations. He resigned months later due to the investigations.

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The following is a timeline of the presidency of Gerald Ford from August 9, 1974, when Ford became the 38th president of the United States, upon the resignation of Richard Nixon, to December 31, 1974.

The 1969 State of the Union Address was given by Lyndon B. Johnson, the 36th president of the United States, on Tuesday, January 14, 1969, to the 91st United States Congress in the chamber of the United States House of Representatives. It was Johnson's sixth and final State of the Union Address. Presiding over this joint session was House speaker John W. McCormack, accompanied by Vice President Hubert Humphrey, in his capacity as the president of the Senate.


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