1953 in art

Last updated


List of years in art (table)

Events from the year 1953 in art.







See also

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Events from the year 1956 in art.

Events from the year 1991 in art.

Events from the year 1996 in art.

Events from the year 1937 in art.

Events from the year 1955 in art.

Events from the year 1984 in art.

Events from the year 1928 in art.

Events from the year 1933 in art.

Events from the year 1976 in art.

Events from the year 1966 in art.

Events from the year 1923 in art.

Events from the year 1926 in art.

Events from the year 1960 in art.

Events from the year 1954 in art.

Events from the year 1963 in art.

Events from the year 1972 in art.

Events from the year 1961 in art.

Events from the year 1936 in art.

Events from the year 1952 in art.

The year 2015 in art involved various significant events.


  1. Barcio, Phillip (August 5, 2016). "Alberto Burri and the Transformation of Materials". IdeelArt.
  2. "Jose Manuel Capuletti - Dama en la playa 1953". 25 June 2014.
  3. Roberts, Neil. "Archibald Frank Nicoll". Dictionary of New Zealand Biography . Ministry for Culture and Heritage . Retrieved 23 April 2017.