1957 in South Africa

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Flag of South Africa (1928-1994).svg
South Africa
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The following lists events that happened during 1957 in South Africa.








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Class 5E, Series 2


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1990 in South Africa saw the official start of the process of ending Apartheid. President of South Africa, eid. President F.W. de Klerk unbanned organisations that were banned by the government including the African National Congress, the South African Communist Party and the Pan Africanist Congress. The African National Congress, Umkhonto we Sizwe, suspends its armed activity within South Africa. Political prisoners including Nelson Mandela were released. Nelson Mandela met ANC leader Oliver Tambo for the first time in 28 years at a meeting in Sweden. Mandela also traveled to England to thank the people for their support in the campaign to free him. South Africa withdrew its troops from Namibia, which was granted independence. 1990 also saw marches in support and against the formation of a new post-Apartheid South Africa.

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The following lists events that happened during 1959 in South Africa.

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  1. United Nations. "Treaty Series No. 4234: Agreement for co-operation concerning the civil uses of atomic energy" (PDF). United Nations Treaties. Retrieved 22 June 2024.
  2. Paxton, Leith; Bourne, David (1985). Locomotives of the South African Railways (1st ed.). Cape Town: Struik. pp. 127–128. ISBN   0869772112.