2007 Egyptian constitutional referendum

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2007 Egyptian constitutional referendum
Flag of Egypt.svg
26 March 2007 (2007-03-26)

Votes %
Light brown x.svgNo2,272,68324.06%
Valid votes9,445,11997.39%
Invalid or blank votes252,6592.61%
Total votes9,697,778100.00%
Registered voters/turnout35,865,66027.04%

A constitutional referendum was held in Egypt on 26 March 2007. The amendments to the constitution were mostly concerning electoral law, and had been passed by Parliament on 20 March 2007. Government critics accused President Hosni Mubarak of deliberately having hastened the schedule (the referendum had originally been expected on 4 April 2007) in order to make it impossible for them to organise a strong "no" campaign. [1]

According to official results, 76% of voters were in favour of the reforms, with an official turnout of 27%. [2] Government critics claimed the turnout was actually around 5%. [3]


Valid votes9,445,11997.39
Invalid/blank votes252,6592.61
Total votes9,697,778100.00
Registered voters/turnout35,865,66027.04
Source: IFES

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