2020 Emilia-Romagna regional election

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2020 Emilia-Romagna regional election
Flag of Emilia-Romagna (de facto).svg
  2014 26 January 2020 2024  

All 50 seats to the Regional Council of Emilia-Romagna
Turnout67.7% (Increase2.svg30.0%)
 Majority partyMinority party
  Stefano Bonaccini 2019 (cropped).jpg Borgonzoni Lucia.jpg
Candidate Stefano Bonaccini Lucia Borgonzoni
Party PD Lega
Alliance Centre-left Centre-right
Seats won2919
Seat changeDecrease2.svg3Increase2.svg7
Popular vote1,195,7421,014,672

2020 Emilia-Romagna election map.svg
Maps of the election result

President before election

Stefano Bonaccini

Elected President

Stefano Bonaccini

The 2020 Emilia-Romagna regional election took place in Emilia-Romagna, Italy, on 26 January 2020. [1] The result was the victory of the centre-left coalition and the confirmation of Stefano Bonaccini as President of Emilia-Romagna, with more than 51% of votes, [2] nearly doubling the number of votes received in 2014. [3]


The election was held concurrently with a regional election in Calabria.

Electoral system

In Emilia-Romagna, a new electoral law was approved by the Legislative Assembly in July 2014, abolishing the blocked list.

The voter can express one or two preference votes for the candidates on the chosen list; in the case of the expression of two preferences, these must concern candidates of different sex according to "gender preference" (under penalty of annulment of the second preference). As regards the election of the councilors, the law guarantees in any case at least 27 seats on the lists that support the elected president (majority prize), obtaining effects that are very similar to those of the list but acting on the provincial lists. The first 40 seats are distributed on a proportional basis. A seat is then attributed to the candidate for president who came second. The remaining 9 seats are assigned by majority method to the lists that support the elected president if these lists have obtained less than 25 seats with the previous procedure, otherwise the "prize" will be only 4 seats. If, at the end of these assignments, the majority lists have not obtained at least 27 seats, these will be guaranteed by removing some of the seats already assigned to the opposition lists.


Despite Emilia-Romagna having always been considered one of the "red regions" – a stronghold of left-wing parties since the end of the World War II – in the 2018 general election the centre-right coalition became the largest political force in the region. The 2020 regional election has been considered as the first competitive one in the history of the region. [4]

The centre-left nominated incumbent governor Stefano Bonaccini at the head of a coalition including the Democratic Party (PD) and its left-wing allies of Free and Equal (LeU) and Green Europe (EV), as well as More Europe (+E). [5] [6] Bonaccini also launched a personal civic list, named "Bonaccini for President", which included, among others, members from Matteo Renzi's Italia Viva (IV), Carlo Calenda's Action and Federico Pizzarotti's Italia in Comune (IiC). [7] The centre-right proposed Senator Lucia Borgonzoni, member of the League (Lega) and former undersecretary to cultural activities in Giuseppe Conte's first government. [8] The centre-right coalition included also Brothers of Italy (FdI), Forza Italia (FI) and Cambiamo! (C!). [9]


Almost 15,000 people gathering Piazza Maggiore in Bologna to protest against Matteo Salvini, November 2019 Flash mob "6000 sardine contro Salvini" (Bologna).jpg
Almost 15,000 people gathering Piazza Maggiore in Bologna to protest against Matteo Salvini, November 2019

The official election campaign was opened on 14 November by the League, which organized a rally at the PalaDozza, the sport arena of Bologna. On that occasion Matteo Salvini presented the centre-right candidate Lucia Borgonzoni. [10] At the same time, a flash mob named "6000 Sardines against Salvini" was organized in Piazza Maggiore, to peacefully protest against Salvini's campaign in Emilia-Romagna. On the following day, Nicola Zingaretti's Democratic Party held a three-day convention in Bologna, known as Tutta un'altra storia ("A whole different story"). [11]

On 19 November, Bonaccini and Borgonzoni had their first television debate, hosted by the talk show #Cartabianca by Bianca Berlinguer on Rai 3. The debate was followed by about 1.6 million viewers (6% share). [12]

After a period of uncertainty regarding its participation in the regional elections, and after a decline in opinion polls and poor election results in 2019 Umbrian election, on 21 November the Five Star Movement launched a survey on its on-line platform "Rousseau", to ask its members if they should participate in the following regional elections. Almost 70% of members voted to run in the elections, and therefore M5S leader Luigi Di Maio announced the presentation of M5S electoral lists and a M5S candidate for the regional presidency, without party alliances. [13]

On 7 December, more than 10,000 people gathered Piazza Maggiore in Bologna for the launch of Bonaccini's electoral campaign. [14]

Electoral programmes


Newspapers and magazines

Stefano Bonaccini:

Lucia Borgonzoni:

Parties and candidates

Political party or allianceConstituent listsPrevious resultCandidate
Votes (%)Seats
Centre-left coalition Democratic Party 44.529
Bonaccini for President (incl. IV, A, IiC, CD, Pos and CpE)
Brave Emilia-Romagna (incl. Art.1, SI and èViva)
More EuropePSIPRI
Green Europe
Volt Emilia-Romagna
Centre-right coalition League Emilia-Romagna (LNE and LNR)19.48
Forza Italia (incl. UDC)8.42
Brothers of Italy 1.91
Cambiamo!The People of the Family (incl. IdeA)
Borgonzoni for President
Young People for the Environment (formed by Youth League)
Five Star Movement 13.35
Simone Benini
The Other Emilia-Romagna (incl. PRC, PCI, PdS, PU)3.71
Stefano Lugli
Power to the People
Marta Collot
Communist Party
Laura Bergamini
3V Movement
Domenico Battaglia

Opinion polls



  1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 This poll was commissioned by a political party.
  2. with CSX


26 January 2020 Emilia-Romagna regional election results
Emilia-Romagna Regional Council 2020.svg
CandidatesVotes %SeatsPartiesVotes %Seats
Stefano Bonaccini 1,195,74251.421 Democratic Party 749,97634.6922
Bonaccini for President124,5915.763
Brave Emilia-Romagna81,4193.772
Green Europe 42,1561.951
More EuropePSIPRI 33,0871.53
Volt Emilia-Romagna 9.2530.43
Lucia Borgonzoni 1,014,67243.631 League 690,86431.9514
Brothers of Italy 185,7968.593
Forza Italia 55,3172.561
Borgonzoni for President37,4621.73
Cambiamo!The People of the Family 6,3410.29
Young People for the Environment6,0070.28
Simone Benini80,8233.48 Five Star Movement 102,5954.742
Domenico Battaglia10,9790.47 3V Movement 11,1870.52
Laura Bergamini10,2690.44 Communist Party 10,2870.48
Marta Collot7,0290.30 Power to the People 8,0480.37
Stefano Lugli5,9830.26 The Other Emilia-Romagna 7,8300.36
Total candidates2,325,497100.002Total parties2,162,216100.0048
Blank and invalid votes48,4772.04
Registered voters/turnout3,508,17967.67
Source: Ministry of the Interior – Election in Emilia-Romagna
Popular vote
Seats summary

Results by province and capital city


Emilia-Romagna 23.44%58.82%67.68%
Bologna 24.97%61.88%70.98%
Ferrara 23.63%57.94%65.59%
Forlì-Cesena 23.55%59.39%67.54%
Modena 23.96%59.89%69.11%
Parma 21.98%55.12%64.07%
Piacenza 22.55%54.38%62.91%
Ravenna 23.67%60.67%69.71%
Reggio Emilia 23.54%58.83%67.97%
Rimini 19.87%54.57%63.54%
Source: Ministry of the Interior – Turnout Archived 26 January 2020 at the Wayback Machine


Seat totals by Province. As this is a PR election, seat totals are determined by popular vote in each province. Map of the 2020 Emilia-Romagna regional election.svg
Seat totals by Province. As this is a PR election, seat totals are determined by popular vote in each province.

Elected councillors

  1. As President of the Region.
  2. Borgonzoni renounced to her Regional Council seat, keeping her seat in the Senate. Mastacchi, of the list "Borgonzoni for President", took over the empty seat.
  3. Schlein was elected both in Bologna and Reggio Emilia. Taruffi took over her seat in Bologna.
  4. Sgarbi renounced to his Regional Council seat, keeping his seat in the Chamber of Deputies. Castaldini took over the empty seat.

See also


  1. "Elezioni regionali Emilia Romagna, data. Si vota il 26 gennaio 2020". il Resto del Carlino (in Italian). 23 September 2019. Retrieved 23 September 2019.
  2. Giuffrida, Angela (27 January 2020). "Salvini suffers setback in leftwing stronghold during Italy regional elections". The Guardian. Retrieved 27 January 2020.
  3. Johnson, Miles (27 January 2020). "Matteo Salvini's attempt to win key Emilia-Romagna region fails". Financial Times. Retrieved 27 January 2020.
  4. GIACOMIN, PAOLO (3 November 2019). "L'Emilia contendibile. Ma i grillini saranno l'ago della bilancia". QuotidianoNet.
  5. "Bonaccini si candida per secondo mandato". 24Emilia. 28 June 2018.
  6. "I passi di Bonaccini". www.ilfoglio.it.
  7. Regionali, Italia Viva presenta i suoi candidati a sostegno di Bonaccini
  8. PRETE, FEDERICO DEL (7 October 2019). "Elezioni Emilia Romagna 2020, Borgonzoni candidata unica del centrodestra". il Resto del Carlino.
  9. "Regionali, Borgonzoni: la leghista verso l'appoggio del centrodestra". BolognaToday.
  10. "Emilia Romagna, Salvini lancia la campagna elettorale: "Prima liberiamo Bologna e poi Firenze"". 14 November 2019. Archived from the original on 20 February 2020. Retrieved 23 November 2019.
  11. "Tutta un'altra storia".
  12. "Curve ascolti Tv 19 novembre: Il Volo fa il picco". TvZoom. 20 November 2019.
  13. "M5S, su Rousseau vince il no: presenterà liste regionali. E Di Maio: "Andremo da soli"". Repubblica.it. 21 November 2019.
  14. "Bologna, in 10mila per Bonaccini: "Se l'Italia somigliasse di più all'Emilia-Romagna sarebbe un Paese migliore"". Repubblica.it. 7 December 2019.
  15. "Cosa ho fatto". Comitato per Stefano Bonaccini Presidente. Retrieved 13 December 2019.
  16. "Un passo avanti, anzi 4". Archived from the original on 1 November 2020. Retrieved 13 December 2019.
  17. "Intervista a Simone Benini candidato M5S in Emilia-Romagna".
  18. "Il programma per l'Emilia-Romagna". Potere al Popolo!. Retrieved 13 December 2019.
  19. "Turarsi il naso". Il Fatto Quotidiano (in Italian). Retrieved 31 January 2020.
  20. admin. "Un voto determinante per consentire al Governo di far ripartire il Paese". LA NOTIZIA (in Italian). Retrieved 31 January 2020.
  21. "Per Bonaccini". L'HuffPost (in Italian). 25 January 2020. Retrieved 31 January 2020.
  22. Alessandro Sallusti (25 January 2020). "Mandiamoli a casa nel nome di Tortora". ilGiornale.it (in Italian). Retrieved 31 January 2020.
  23. "Lucia Borgonzoni, ecco perché vincerà. La campagna blasfema della sinistra / Guarda". www.liberoquotidiano.it. Retrieved 31 January 2020.
  24. "Il centrodestra sente aria di vittoria e serra le fila per sfrattare la Ditta". La Verità. 25 January 2020. Retrieved 31 January 2020.
  25. "Elezioni in Emilia Romagna, votare centrodestra contro la "piattaforma Cirinnà"". l'Occidentale (in Italian). 22 January 2020. Retrieved 31 January 2020.
  26. "Un voto per la famiglia in Emilia Romagna". La Croce Quotidiano (in Italian). Retrieved 9 February 2020.
  27. 1 2 "Pd-Lega, è guerra di sondaggi. Per i dem Bonaccini è al 48%" (in Italian). Corriere di Bologna. 21 September 2019. Retrieved 22 September 2019.