An adatom is an atom that lies on a crystal surface, and can be thought of as the opposite of a surface vacancy. This term is used in surface chemistry and epitaxy, when describing single atoms lying on surfaces and surface roughness. The word is a portmanteau of "adsorbed atom". A single atom, a cluster of atoms, or a molecule or cluster of molecules may all be referred to by the general term "adparticle". This is often a thermodynamically unfavorable state. However, cases such as graphene may provide counter-examples. [1]
″Adatom″ is a portmanteau word, short for adsorbed atom. When the atom arrives at a crystal surface, it is adsorbed by the periodic potential of the crystal, thus becoming an adatom. The minima of this potential form a network of adsorption sites on the surface. There are different types of adsorption sites. Each of these sites corresponds to a different structure of the surface. There are five different types of adsorption sites, which are: on a terrace, where the adsorption site is on top of the surface layer that is growing; at the step edge, which is next to the growing layer; in the kink of a growing layer; in the step edge of a growing layer, and in the surface layer, where the adsorption site is inside the lower layer. [2]
Out of these adsorption site types, kink sites play the most important role in crystal growth. Kink density is a major factor of growth kinetics. Attachment of an atom to the kink site, or removal of the atom from the kink, does not change the free surface energy of the crystal, since the number of broken bonds does not change. This gives that the chemical potential of an atom in the kink site is equal to that of the crystal, which means that the kink site is the one adsorption site type where an adatom becomes a part of the crystal. [2]
If crystallography is used, or if the growth temperatures are higher, which would give an entropy effect, the crystal surface becomes rough, causing greater number of kinks. This means that adatoms have a greater chance of arriving at a kink site, to become part of the crystal. This is the normal mechanism of growth. [2]
The opposite, so with a lower growth temperature, would give a smooth surface, which means that there is a higher number of terrace adsorption sites. There are still kink sites, but these are only found at the edges of steps. The crystal only grows through "lateral motion of the steps". [2] This type of growth is called the layer mechanism of growth. How the adatoms grow on the surface depends on what interaction is the strongest or what the surface looks like. [2] If the adatom-adatom interaction is the strongest, adatoms are more likely to create pyramids of adatoms on the surface. If the adatom-surface interaction is the strongest, the adatoms are more likely to arrange themselves in such a way as to create layers on the surface. But it also depends on the origins of the steps on the surface. [3] In total there are five different types of layer growth: normal growth, step-flow growth, layer-by-layer growth, multilayer (or three-dimensional island) growth, and spiral growth. [2]
Step-flow growth is observed on stair-like surfaces. These surfaces have a geometry with vicinal steps separated by "atomically flat low-index terraces". [2] When adatoms attach to the edges of the steps, they move along the surface, until they find a kink site to attach to become part of the crystal. However, if the kink density is not high enough, and thus not all adatoms arrive at one of the kinks, additional steps, as if there is a flat surface with small two-dimensional islands on it, are created on the terraces, leading to a mixed growth mode, which leads to a change in layer growth type, from step-flow to layer-by-layer growth. [2]
In layer-by-layer growth, the adatom-surface interaction is the strongest. [3] A new layer is created through 2D islands, which is created on the surface. The islands grow until they spread out over the entire surface, and the next layer will start to grow. This growth is named Frank–Van der Merwe growth. [2]
In some cases the cycle of making new layers in layer-by-layer growth is broken by kinetic constraints. In these cases, growth in higher layers starts before lower layers are finished, which means three-dimensional island are created. A new type of growth, called multilayer growth, is started, instead of the layer-by-layer growth. Multilayer growth can be divided into Volmer-Weber growth and Stranski-Krastanov growth. [2]
If the crystal surface contains a screw dislocation, a different type of growth, called spiral growth might take place. Around the screw dislocation, a spiral shape is seen during growth. As the screw dislocation causes a growth spiral that does not disappear, islands might not be needed to cause crystal growth. [2]
The adatoms are bound to the surface through epitaxy. In this process, new layers of a crystal are created through the attachment of new atoms. This can be through a chemical reaction, or through heating a new film or centrifuging it. Generally, what happens is that the particles that are used to form a new layer, will not always be adsorbed. To create bonds with the surface, energy is needed and not every particle has the needed amount of energy to attach at that part of the surface (for different parts, different energies are needed). If one has a flux F of particles incoming, part of it will be adsorbed, given by the adsorption flux [2]
where s here is the sticking coefficient. Not only does this variable depend on the surface and on the energy of the incoming atom, but also on the chemical nature of both the particle and the surface. If both the particle and surface are made of a substance that easily reacts with other particles, it is easier for the atoms to stick to the surface. [2]
Taking a look at the thermodynamics at the surface of the film, it is seen that bonds are broken, releasing energy, and bonds are formed, confining energy. The thermodynamics involved were modeled by Walther Kossel and Ivan Stranski in 1920. This model is called terrace ledge kink model (TLK). [4] [5]
The adatom can create more than one bond with the crystal, depending on the structure of the crystal. If it is a simple cubic lattice, the adatom can have up to 6 bonds, whereas in a face-centered cubic lattice, it can have up to 12 nearest neighbors. The more bonds created, the more energy is confined, making it harder to desorb the adatom. [6]
A special site for an adatom is a kink, where exactly half of the bonds with the surface can be created, also called the "half-crystal position". [7]
Adatoms, due to having fewer bonds than the other atoms in the crystal, have unbound electrons. These electrons have spin and therefore a magnetic moment. This magnetic moment has no preference for orientation until an external influence, like a magnetic field, is present. The structure of the adatoms on a surface can be adjusted by changing the external magnetic field. Through this method theoretical situations, such as the atomic chain, can be simulated. Quantum mechanics needs to be taken into account when using adatoms due to the small scale. [8]
The magnetic field created by an atom is caused mostly by the orbit and spin of the electrons. The proton's and neutron's magnetic moment are negligible when compared to that of the electron due to their larger masses. When an atom with free electrons is inside an external magnetic field, its magnetic moment aligns with the external field because this lowers its energy. This is why bound electrons do not display this magnetic moment, they already have a favorable energy state and it is unfavorable to change. The magnetization of an (magnetically aligned) atom is given by:
Where N is the number of electrons, gj is the g-factor, μB is the Bohr magneton, kB is the Boltzmann constant, T is the temperature and j is the total angular momentum quantum number. This formula holds under the assumption that the magnetic energy of an electron is given by and there is no exchange interaction.
The movement of adatoms across a surface can be described by the Burton–Cabrera–Frank (CBF) model by Keith Burton, Nicolás Cabrera and Charles Frank. The model treats adatoms as a 2D gas on top of the surface. The adatoms diffuse with a diffusion constant D; they are desorbed back to the medium above with a rate of per atom and adsorbed with flux F. [2]
The diffusion constant can be, when the concentration of particles is small, expressed as:
Where a is the hopping distance for the atom. ED is the energy needed to pass the diffusion barrier. ν0 is the attempt frequency. [2]
The CBF model obeys the following continuity equation:
Combining the steady states () with the following boundary conditions can lead to an expression for the velocity of the adatoms at each adsorption site. [2]
The boundary conditions:
In 2012, scientists at the University of New South Wales were able to use phosphine to precisely, deterministically eject a single silicon atom onto a surface of epitaxial silicon. This resulting adatom created what is described as a single-atom transistor. Thus, inasmuch as chemical empirical formulas pinpoint the locations of branching ions that are attached to a particular molecule, the dopant of silicon based transistors and other such electronic components will have the location identified of each dopant atom or molecule, along with the associated characteristic of the device based on the named locations. Thus, the mapping of the dopant substances will give exact characteristics of any given semiconductor device, once all is known. [9]
With the technology available nowadays it is possible to create a linear chain of adatoms on top of an epitaxial film. With this, one can analyse theoretical situations.
Furthermore, Usami et al. were able to create quantum wells by adding Si atoms to a SiGe bulk crystal. Within these wells they observed photoluminescence of excitons that were confined in these wells. [2]
Fick's laws of diffusion describe diffusion and were first posited by Adolf Fick in 1855 on the basis of largely experimental results. They can be used to solve for the diffusion coefficient, D. Fick's first law can be used to derive his second law which in turn is identical to the diffusion equation.
A scanning tunneling microscope (STM) is a type of scanning probe microscope used for imaging surfaces at the atomic level. Its development in 1981 earned its inventors, Gerd Binnig and Heinrich Rohrer, then at IBM Zürich, the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1986. STM senses the surface by using an extremely sharp conducting tip that can distinguish features smaller than 0.1 nm with a 0.01 nm (10 pm) depth resolution. This means that individual atoms can routinely be imaged and manipulated. Most scanning tunneling microscopes are built for use in ultra-high vacuum at temperatures approaching absolute zero, but variants exist for studies in air, water and other environments, and for temperatures over 1000 °C.
Physisorption, also called physical adsorption, is a process in which the electronic structure of the atom or molecule is barely perturbed upon adsorption.
Adsorption is the adhesion of atoms, ions or molecules from a gas, liquid or dissolved solid to a surface. This process creates a film of the adsorbate on the surface of the adsorbent. This process differs from absorption, in which a fluid is dissolved by or permeates a liquid or solid. While adsorption does often precede absorption, which involves the transfer of the absorbate into the volume of the absorbent material, alternatively, adsorption is distinctly a surface phenomenon, wherein the adsorbate does not penetrate through the material surface and into the bulk of the adsorbent. The term sorption encompasses both adsorption and absorption, and desorption is the reverse of sorption.
Palladium hydride is palladium metal with hydrogen within its crystal lattice. Despite its name, it is not an ionic hydride but rather an alloy of palladium with metallic hydrogen that can be written PdHx. At room temperature, palladium hydrides may contain two crystalline phases, α and β. Pure α-phase exists at x < 0.017 while pure β-phase exists at x > 0.58; intermediate values of x correspond to α–β mixtures.
In surface science, surface energy quantifies the disruption of intermolecular bonds that occurs when a surface is created. In solid-state physics, surfaces must be intrinsically less energetically favorable than the bulk of the material, otherwise there would be a driving force for surfaces to be created, removing the bulk of the material by sublimation. The surface energy may therefore be defined as the excess energy at the surface of a material compared to the bulk, or it is the work required to build an area of a particular surface. Another way to view the surface energy is to relate it to the work required to cut a bulk sample, creating two surfaces. There is "excess energy" as a result of the now-incomplete, unrealized bonding between the two created surfaces.
In electromagnetism, the magnetic moment or magnetic dipole moment is the combination of strength and orientation of a magnet or other object or system that exerts a magnetic field. The magnetic dipole moment of an object determines the magnitude of torque the object experiences in a given magnetic field. When the same magnetic field is applied, objects with larger magnetic moments experience larger torques. The strength of this torque depends not only on the magnitude of the magnetic moment but also on its orientation relative to the direction of the magnetic field. Its direction points from the south pole to north pole of the magnet.
A thin film is a layer of materials ranging from fractions of a nanometer (monolayer) to several micrometers in thickness. The controlled synthesis of materials as thin films is a fundamental step in many applications. A familiar example is the household mirror, which typically has a thin metal coating on the back of a sheet of glass to form a reflective interface. The process of silvering was once commonly used to produce mirrors, while more recently the metal layer is deposited using techniques such as sputtering. Advances in thin film deposition techniques during the 20th century have enabled a wide range of technological breakthroughs in areas such as magnetic recording media, electronic semiconductor devices, integrated passive devices, light-emitting diodes, optical coatings, hard coatings on cutting tools, and for both energy generation and storage. It is also being applied to pharmaceuticals, via thin-film drug delivery. A stack of thin films is called a multilayer.
Desorption is the physical process where adsorbed atoms or molecules are released from a surface into the surrounding vacuum or fluid. This occurs when a molecule gains enough energy to overcome the activation barrier and the binding energy that keep it attached to the surface.
A surface charge is an electric charge present on a two-dimensional surface. These electric charges are constrained on this 2-D surface, and surface charge density, measured in coulombs per square meter (C•m−2), is used to describe the charge distribution on the surface. The electric potential is continuous across a surface charge and the electric field is discontinuous, but not infinite; this is unless the surface charge consists of a dipole layer. In comparison, the potential and electric field both diverge at any point charge or linear charge.
Surface second harmonic generation is a method for probing interfaces in atomic and molecular systems. In second harmonic generation (SHG), the light frequency is doubled, essentially converting two photons of the original beam of energy E into a single photon of energy 2E as it interacts with noncentrosymmetric media. Surface second harmonic generation is a special case of SHG where the second beam is generated because of a break of symmetry caused by an interface. Since centrosymmetric symmetry in centrosymmetric media is only disrupted in the first atomic or molecular layer of a system, properties of the second harmonic signal then provide information about the surface atomic or molecular layers only. Surface SHG is possible even for materials which do not exhibit SHG in the bulk. Although in many situations the dominant second harmonic signal arises from the broken symmetry at the surface, the signal in fact always has contributions from both the surface and bulk. Thus, the most sensitive experiments typically involve modification of a surface and study of the subsequent modification of the harmonic generation properties.
Surface diffusion is a general process involving the motion of adatoms, molecules, and atomic clusters (adparticles) at solid material surfaces. The process can generally be thought of in terms of particles jumping between adjacent adsorption sites on a surface, as in figure 1. Just as in bulk diffusion, this motion is typically a thermally promoted process with rates increasing with increasing temperature. Many systems display diffusion behavior that deviates from the conventional model of nearest-neighbor jumps. Tunneling diffusion is a particularly interesting example of an unconventional mechanism wherein hydrogen has been shown to diffuse on clean metal surfaces via the quantum tunneling effect.
In materials science, segregation is the enrichment of atoms, ions, or molecules at a microscopic region in a materials system. While the terms segregation and adsorption are essentially synonymous, in practice, segregation is often used to describe the partitioning of molecular constituents to defects from solid solutions, whereas adsorption is generally used to describe such partitioning from liquids and gases to surfaces. The molecular-level segregation discussed in this article is distinct from other types of materials phenomena that are often called segregation, such as particle segregation in granular materials, and phase separation or precipitation, wherein molecules are segregated in to macroscopic regions of different compositions. Segregation has many practical consequences, ranging from the formation of soap bubbles, to microstructural engineering in materials science, to the stabilization of colloidal suspensions.
In chemistry, the terrace ledge kink (TLK) model, which is also referred to as the terrace step kink (TSK) model, describes the thermodynamics of crystal surface formation and transformation, as well as the energetics of surface defect formation. It is based upon the idea that the energy of an atom’s position on a crystal surface is determined by its bonding to neighboring atoms and that transitions simply involve the counting of broken and formed bonds. The TLK model can be applied to surface science topics such as crystal growth, surface diffusion, roughening, and vaporization.
Stranski–Krastanov growth is one of the three primary modes by which thin films grow epitaxially at a crystal surface or interface. Also known as 'layer-plus-island growth', the SK mode follows a two step process: initially, complete films of adsorbates, up to several monolayers thick, grow in a layer-by-layer fashion on a crystal substrate. Beyond a critical layer thickness, which depends on strain and the chemical potential of the deposited film, growth continues through the nucleation and coalescence of adsorbate 'islands'. This growth mechanism was first noted by Ivan Stranski and Lyubomir Krastanov in 1938. It wasn't until 1958 however, in a seminal work by Ernst Bauer published in Zeitschrift für Kristallographie, that the SK, Volmer–Weber, and Frank–van der Merwe mechanisms were systematically classified as the primary thin-film growth processes. Since then, SK growth has been the subject of intense investigation, not only to better understand the complex thermodynamics and kinetics at the core of thin-film formation, but also as a route to fabricating novel nanostructures for application in the microelectronics industry.
The vapor–liquid–solid method (VLS) is a mechanism for the growth of one-dimensional structures, such as nanowires, from chemical vapor deposition. The growth of a crystal through direct adsorption of a gas phase on to a solid surface is generally very slow. The VLS mechanism circumvents this by introducing a catalytic liquid alloy phase which can rapidly adsorb a vapor to supersaturation levels, and from which crystal growth can subsequently occur from nucleated seeds at the liquid–solid interface. The physical characteristics of nanowires grown in this manner depend, in a controllable way, upon the size and physical properties of the liquid alloy.
The Langmuir adsorption model explains adsorption by assuming an adsorbate behaves as an ideal gas at isothermal conditions. According to the model, adsorption and desorption are reversible processes. This model even explains the effect of pressure; i.e., at these conditions the adsorbate's partial pressure is related to its volume V adsorbed onto a solid adsorbent. The adsorbent, as indicated in the figure, is assumed to be an ideal solid surface composed of a series of distinct sites capable of binding the adsorbate. The adsorbate binding is treated as a chemical reaction between the adsorbate gaseous molecule and an empty sorption site S. This reaction yields an adsorbed species with an associated equilibrium constant :
The strength of metal oxide adhesion effectively determines the wetting of the metal-oxide interface. The strength of this adhesion is important, for instance, in production of light bulbs and fiber-matrix composites that depend on the optimization of wetting to create metal-ceramic interfaces. The strength of adhesion also determines the extent of dispersion on catalytically active metal. Metal oxide adhesion is important for applications such as complementary metal oxide semiconductor devices. These devices make possible the high packing densities of modern integrated circuits.
Heat transfer physics describes the kinetics of energy storage, transport, and energy transformation by principal energy carriers: phonons, electrons, fluid particles, and photons. Heat is thermal energy stored in temperature-dependent motion of particles including electrons, atomic nuclei, individual atoms, and molecules. Heat is transferred to and from matter by the principal energy carriers. The state of energy stored within matter, or transported by the carriers, is described by a combination of classical and quantum statistical mechanics. The energy is different made (converted) among various carriers. The heat transfer processes are governed by the rates at which various related physical phenomena occur, such as the rate of particle collisions in classical mechanics. These various states and kinetics determine the heat transfer, i.e., the net rate of energy storage or transport. Governing these process from the atomic level to macroscale are the laws of thermodynamics, including conservation of energy.
The Frenkel–Kontorova (FK) model is a fundamental model of low-dimensional nonlinear physics.