Aedes geniculatus

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Aedes geniculatus
Scientific classification OOjs UI icon edit-ltr.svg
Domain: Eukaryota
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Diptera
Family: Culicidae
Genus: Aedes
Subgenus: Dahliana
A. geniculatus
Binomial name
Aedes geniculatus
(Olivier, 1791)
  • Culex albo-punctatusRondani, 1872
  • Culex guttatusCurtis, 1835
  • Culex guttatusMeigen, 1818
  • Culex lateralisMeigen, 1818
  • Culex ornatusMeigen, 1818

Aedes geniculatus, also known as the tree hole mosquito, [1] is closely related to the better known Asian tiger mosquito and is native to Europe and North Africa. [2]

After the Zika epidemic in 2016, it was mistakenly reported to Public Health England by members of the public, who were monitoring the spread of Zika-carrying mosquitoes in southern England following media reports of the spread of the Asian tiger mosquito. [3] [4]

Although it has not been observed in the wild as a disease vector, in laboratory tests, the tree hole mosquito can transmit yellow fever and chikungunya and so may be able to spread the Zika virus. [5]

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  1. "Catalogue of Life - 2012 Annual Checklist :: Species details". Retrieved 2018-06-05.
  2. "WRBU: Aedes geniculatus". Retrieved 2018-06-05.
  3. "Distinguishing Aedes albopictus, the Asian Tiger mosquito, from native British mosquitoes". GOV.UK. Retrieved 2018-06-05.
  4. "'Zika mosquito' eggs found in village". BBC News. 2016-10-19. Retrieved 2018-06-05.
  5. Lindström, Anders (2016). "Mosquitoes in a changing environment" (PDF). Retrieved 5 June 2018.