Ammoniphilus oxalivorans

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Ammoniphilus oxalivorans
Scientific classification
Binomial name
Ammoniphilus oxalivorans
Zaitsev et al. 1998 [1]
Type strain
ATCC 700648, CIP 105539, DSM 11537, HAMBI 2284, RAOx-FS [2]

Ammoniphilus oxalivorans is a Gram-variable, spore-forming, haloalkalitolerant, rod-shaped, aerobic, obligately oxalotrophic and motile bacteria from the genus of Ammoniphilus with peritrichous flagella which has been isolated from the rhizosphere of the plant Rumex acetosa from a public garden in Helsinki in Finland. [1] [3] [4] [5]


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  1. 1 2 Parte, A.C. "Ammoniphilus". LPSN .
  2. "Ammoniphilus oxalivorans Taxon Passport - StrainInfo".
  3. "Details: DSM-11537".
  4. "Ammoniphilus oxalivorans".
  5. Zaitsev, G. M.; Tsitko, I. V.; Rainey, F. A.; Trotsenko, Y. A.; Uotila, J. S.; Stackebrandt, E.; Salkinoja-Salonen, M. S. (1 January 1998). "New aerobic ammonium-dependent obligately oxalotrophic bacteria: description of Ammoniphilus oxalaticus gen. nov., sp. nov. and Ammoniphilus oxalivorans gen. nov., sp. nov". International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology. 48 (1): 151–163. doi: 10.1099/00207713-48-1-151 . PMID   9542085.

Further reading