After nearly a century of endeavour and negotiation which had been led by the Royal Institute of British Architects, a statutory Board of Architectural Education was formed under the Architects (Registration) Act 1931 (21 & 22 Geo. 5. c. 33). For the purposes of constituting the Board of Architectural Education the Act included a list of Schools of Architecture in the United Kingdom. The statutory Board was abolished in the 1990s, and when the Architects Act 1997 repealed the 1931 Act the statutory list of Schools of Architecture went with it.
The 1931 act had come to be passed at the end of a century of development in educational provision and in the method of qualifying by examination. The 1997 Act was passed in the period after the United Kingdom had become one of the Member States of the European Economic Community, later named the European Union, an organization which, among other things, has required Member States to remove obstacles to the freedom of movement and establishment in respect of professional practice, employment, trade and business within the territories of the Union.
The method of qualifying by passing an examination which the RIBA had recognized as allowing exemption continued in the period when the 1931 Act was in force, and remained available under the later legislation. [1]
By a further development, from 2007 a Chartered Member of the RIBA may apply for the registration of a Chartered Practice in respect of a business providing architectural services and comprising one or more Chartered Members meeting criteria for, and operating in accordance with, a prescribed scheme. [2]
The historian will find some source material in the Archive which the RIBA has made accessible at the Victoria and Albert Museum, [3] and in books, periodicals and other publications of the period which have been deposited and retained in the British Architectural Library (of the RIBA). [4] [5] Another contemporaneous source of information, upon which the following is largely based, is provided by two editions of the Encyclopædia Britannica, the eleventh of 1910 [6] and the fourteenth of 1929. [7] These editions contain articles which conveniently indicate how examination, as a method of gaining recognition for the attainment of the specialist knowledge and skill required of a professional practitioner, had grown and had been thought of in the period leading up to the passing of the 1931 Act.
The background to the developments in education and the method of attaining professional qualification had been the unprecedented development of industrial and commercial activity in the United Kingdom and other countries in the course of the nineteenth century. This, and the impact on the working and living conditions of the populations affected, had been making demands for the building of factories, warehouses, offices, educational establishments, hospitals, housing, places of recreation and entertainment and places for religious and other purposes. With that came demands upon architectural practitioners for designs for buildings of all kinds, qualities and standards, for the supervision of the construction of works, and in some cases for making planning schemes for area development or redevelopment, of greater or lesser extent; sometimes collaborating with other branches of the construction professions, notably surveyors, civil engineers and, as the period progressed, structural engineers, and those engaged in mechanical engineering and electrical engineering. The demand for architectural services, in respect of both traditional and newer materials and techniques, was coming from public bodies, commercial and industrial enterprises, private owners or investors, philanthropists, benefactors and others. [8]
As a result, institutional arrangements for architectural education became increasingly systematic, in respect of examinations for formal qualifications, and making qualifications a condition for granting some other form of distinguishing style or title (such as Fellow, Associate or Licentiate of a professional body), or for the right or expectation to be able to practise as an architect, on one's own account or as a partner or as an assistant in another's office.
A leading participant in the development of those institutional arrangements was the society which had been formed in London in the 1830s and had petitioned for, and in 1837 had been granted, a charter of incorporation. This society was later granted the name Royal Institute of British Architects, and is for convenience referred to as the RIBA.
The index of the eleventh edition offers users very little more about architectural education than a few words in an article on Examinations generally, which was attributed in part to Paul George Konody, Art Critic of The Observer and the Daily Mail , formerly Editor of The Artist and Journal of Home Culture , author of the Art of Walter Crane ; Velázquez, Life and Work; etc., and in part to Arthur Watson, Secretary in the Academic Department of the University of London. It began with the paragraph:
There followed eight sections beginning with History and ending with a critical appraisal headed The Object and Efficiency of Examinations, and their Indirect Effects. The second section was on Professional Examinations, followed by others on School-leaving Examinations, mentioning the "accrediting" system in the United States started by the University of Michigan in 1871; Methods of Examination: Written, Oral, Thesis and Practical; Competitive Examinations; The Organization and Conduct of Examinations; and Marking, Classification and Errors of Detail.
The section on History began as follows:
After a survey of the development of examination practice in the universities of western Europe up to the early 20c., the next section of professional examinations began with the remark "University examinations for degrees having ceased to be used as technical tests of teaching capacity, new examinations have been devised for this purpose". For examinations in Medicine, the article referred the reader to the article on Medical Education, and this section concluded with a single paragraph headed Other Professions, stating that a system of professional examinations carried on by other professional bodies, in some cases with legal sanction, was developed in England during the nineteenth century; and, in a list of subjects described as "the most important" mentioned "architecture (Royal Institute of British Architects )", along with: accountancy, actuarial work, music, pharmacy, plumbing, surveying, veterinary medicine, technical subjects, e.g. cotton-spinning, dyeing, motor manufacturing, commercial subjects, shorthand and engineering (civil, mechanical and electrical).
Publication of the fourteenth edition of the Encyclopædia Britannica in 1929 happened shortly before the Board of Architectural Education was constituted under the Act of 1931. In it there was an article three pages long on Architectural Education, attributed to Lionel Bailey Budden, MA, ARIBA, Associate Professor of Architecture in the University of Liverpool. The opening sentence was:
That could be compared with the words of the charter which had been granted to the RIBA in 1837, in which the purpose of the Institute was described as:
When the present supplemental charter was granted in 1971, part of the first charter was revoked but the words quoted were retained.
In the meantime Professor Budden's article of 1929 included the following:
The article then considered: Italy, France, Great Britain and Dominions, Other European Countries, United States, and Mexico. It mentioned that the largest school of architecture in England was that of the Architectural Association (London) and the next that of Liverpool University, and explained the part played by the RIBA:
Schools of architecture which were then recognized for exemption from the RIBA final examination (except in the subject of "Professional Practice") were named as:
Schools in certain institutions which were then recognized for exemption from the RIBA intermediate examination were named as:
It was mentioned that in both classes the maintenance of the requisite standard was assured by the periodic inspection of the visiting board, appointed by the RIBA board of architectural education, which reported to the institute on the work of the various schools granted or applying for exemption.
The system continued after the statutory Board of Architectural Education had been constituted, in connection with the provision in the Architects (Registration) Act, 1931 making it the duty of the Board to recommend "the recognition of any examinations in architecture the passing of which ought, in the opinion of the Board, to qualify persons for registration" under the Act (subsection 5(2)(a)).
Consonant with Professor Budden's remarks at that time, the objects of the RIBA are declared in its charter to be:
and the next paragraph in the charter expresses the power of the RIBA to grant diplomas, certificates or other forms of recognition.
The former division of the membership of the RIBA into the two classes of Fellows and Associates ceased under the supplemental charter and byelaws of 1971, but the method of qualifying by passing an examination which the RIBA has recognized as allowing exemption remains available. To be eligible for election to the now undivided class of Chartered Members a candidate is still required to have undertaken courses of study and passed examinations which have been prescribed or recognized by the Council, or to be able to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Council having had a proper training in architecture.
As the field in which architecture is practised has continued to change, so has the RIBA Chartered Membership been keeping pace. In recent years a Byelaw was introduced to the effect that practising members are responsible for undertaking continuing professional development, defined in the Byelaws as:
A further and more recent development has been the passing of a Byelaw allowing a Chartered Member to apply for the registration of a Chartered Practice, defined in the Byelaws as:
Professor Budden's article in the fourteenth edition of the Encyclopædia Britannica (1929) was published shortly before the passing of the Architects (Registration) Act, 1931 of the Architects (Registration) Acts, 1931 to 1938. His School, Liverpool, was one of those listed in the Act for the purpose of constituting the statutory Board of Architectural Education. When he contributed the article he was Associate Professor in Architecture in the Liverpool University School of Architecture, becoming Roscoe Professor from 1933. He retired in 1952. He had entered the School in 1905, graduated BA in 1909 and MA in 1910, teaching there from 1911 and becoming Associate Professor in 1924. He had been University of Liverpool travelling Scholar in Architecture in 1909, and a student at the British School at Athens 1909-1912. He was first an Associate of the Royal Institute of British Architects (ARIBA), later becoming a Fellow (FRIBA). His architectural work included extensions to Liverpool University Students’ Union.
For further details of the development, in that period, of the policy of the RIBA for architectural education and qualification see 'Statutory Registration – chronology of key events' in Architects Registration in the United Kingdom, and for opposition to the system of registration which was proposed and promoted by successive Bills in Parliament see William H. White, Thomas Graham Jackson and John Alfred Gotch.
An architect is a person who plans, designs, and oversees the construction of buildings. To practice architecture means to provide services in connection with the design of buildings and the space within the site surrounding the buildings that have human occupancy or use as their principal purpose. Etymologically, the term architect derives from the Latin architectus, which derives from the Greek, i.e., chief builder.
The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) is a professional body for architects primarily in the United Kingdom, but also internationally, founded for the advancement of architecture under its royal charter granted in 1837, three supplemental charters and a new charter granted in 1971.
The Architects Registration Board (ARB) is the statutory body for the registration of architects in the United Kingdom. It operates under the Architects Act 1997 as amended, a consolidating Act. It began under the Architects (Registration) Act 1931 which gave it the name the Architects' Registration Council of the United Kingdom (ARCUK). It prescribes architectural qualifications, maintains the Register of Architects, issues a code of professional conduct and competence and imposes sanctions if a finding of unacceptable professional conduct or serious professional incompetence is made against an architect. Its main source of income is fees payable under Part II of the Act by persons on their becoming registered or for their retention on the Register. The board is required to pay into the Consolidated Fund of the United Kingdom any sum paid under a penalty order which its Professional Conduct Committee has made under Part III of the Act. Fines imposed by a magistrates' court under Part IV of the Act are not payable to the board.
The Master of Architecture is a professional degree in architecture qualifying the graduate to move through the various stages of professional accreditation that result in receiving a license.
A Bachelor of Architecture (BArch) is a bachelor's degree designed to satisfy the academic requirement of practising architecture around the world.
Sir Charles Herbert Reilly was an English architect and teacher. After training in two architectural practices in London he took up a part-time lectureship at the University of London in 1900, and from 1904 to 1933 he headed the University of Liverpool School of Architecture, which became world-famous under his leadership. He was largely responsible for establishing university training of architects as an alternative to the old system of apprenticeship.
The Manchester School of Architecture (MSA) is a School of Architecture, jointly administered by the University of Manchester and the Manchester Metropolitan University in the city of Manchester, England.
The Architects (Registration) Acts, 1931 to 1938 is the statutory citation for three Acts of the United Kingdom Parliament, namely:
The Board of Architectural Education is no longer appointed. It had been a statutory body in the United Kingdom constituted under section 5 of the Architects (Registration) Act, 1931.
For the purposes of the statutory Board of Architectural Education, the Schools of Architecture were those listed in the second schedule to the Architects (Registration) Act 1931. The 1931 act had required the Board of Architectural Education to be appointed annually by the Architects' Registration Council of the United Kingdom (ARCUK). The board was to be constituted in accordance with the Second Schedule to the Act. This included a list of twenty Schools, from the Liverpool School of Architecture to the School of Architecture of the Architectural Association London.
Under an Act passed by the UK Parliament in 1931, there was established an Architects' Registration Council of the United Kingdom (ARCUK), referred to in the Act as "the Council". The constitution of the Council was prescribed by the First Schedule to the Act. The Act made the Council a body corporate by the name Architects' Registration Council of the United Kingdom. It was habitually referred to colloquially by the acronym ARCUK.
"Reform of Architects Registration" was the title of a UK government consultation paper dated 19 July 1994 which was issued by the Department of the Environment. The introduction stated that in October 1993 the Government had announced that the profession and others would be consulted about measures which could be taken to simplify the then arrangements for the registration of architects under the Architects Registration Acts, and that broad agreement on what those measures would be had been reached with the Architects' Registration Council of the United Kingdom (ARCUK) and the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA). Eventually, Parliament made certain changes to the Architects Registration Acts which now have effect under the Architects Act 1997.
The Society of Architects was formed in 1884 and continued until 1925. At that time Fellows and Associates comprised two distinct classes of membership of the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA). They were respectively entitled to use the post-nominal affix "FRIBA" or "ARIBA". The formation of the Society of Architects was a result of a campaign by a group of associates to be allowed to vote on the affairs of the Institute which the Fellowship class had resisted.
Chartered Association of Building Engineers (CABE) is a professional body for building engineers in the United Kingdom and overseas.
From 1932 there has been a statutory Register of Architects under legislation of the United Kingdom Parliament originally enacted in 1931. The originating Act contained ancillary provisions for entering an architect’s name in the register and removing a name from it which later legislation has amended. The 1931 Act gave it the name “the Register of Registered Architects”, but by an Act of 1938 the name was changed to “the Register of Architects”.
Lionel Bailey Budden FRIBA was an English architect.
An urban planner is a professional who practices in the field of town planning, urban planning or city planning.
In the United Kingdom, the Architects Act 1997 imposes restrictions on the use of the name, style or title "architect" in connection with a business or a professional practice, and for that purpose requires a statutory Register of Architects to be maintained. The Architects Registration Board constituted under the Act is responsible for Architects Registration in the United Kingdom and is required to publish the current version of the Register annually. Every person who is entitled to be registered under the Act has the right to be entered in the register. The act consolidated previous enactments originating with the Architects (Registration) Act 1931 as amended by the Architects Registration Act 1938. It applies to England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.
Professional requirements for architects vary from place to place, but usually consist of three elements: a university degree or advanced education, a period of internship or training in an office, and examination for registration with a jurisdiction.
The Architects Registration Council of Nigeria (ARCON) is a statutory body tasked with regulating the architectural profession within Nigeria. It was established under the ARCON Act, Decree No 10 of 1969, amended by Decree No 43 of 1990, and currently operates under the Architects Act Cap A19 The Laws of the Federation of Nigeria 2004. The ARCON Act was established to set and maintain professional standards in the architectural field in Nigeria. It grants ARCON the authority to determine and periodically update the qualifications and competencies required to practice architecture. The council's primary mandate is to enforce the standards of knowledge and skill necessary for professional practice.