August Prize | |
Awarded for | the best Swedish books of the year that will increase public interest in Swedish contemporary literature |
Sponsored by | Swedish Publishers' Association (SvF), Elite Hotels of Sweden |
Date | 12 April 1988 (started awarding on 1989) |
Location | Stockholm |
Country | Sweden |
Presented by | Swedish Publishers' Association (SvF) |
Reward(s) | An August figurine and a monetary award of SEK 100,000 |
Website | |
The August Prize (Swedish : Augustpriset) is an annual Swedish literary prize awarded each year since 1989 by the Swedish Publishers' Association. The prize is awarded to the best Swedish book of the year, in three categories. The Swedish Publishers' Association also awards the Young August Prize (Lilla Augustpriset) to youth and young adults (until the age of 20).
In the years 1989–1992, the prize was awarded in one general category. Since 1992, the prize has been awarded in the categories Fiction, Non-Fiction, and Children's and Youth Literature. [1] The prize is named after the writer August Strindberg. [2]
All Swedish publishers may submit nominations for the award. In each category, a jury shortlists six titles each. These titles are then read and voted on by an assembly of 63 electors, 21 in each category. The electors come from across the country, and comprise booksellers, librarians and literary critics. The books receiving the largest number of votes in each category win the prize. [3] [4]
The prizes are handed out at a gala in Stockholm. Winners receive 100,000 Swedish krona and a bronze statuette by the artist Michael Fare. [3]
Year | Winner | Work | Shortlisted nominees | ||
1989 | Cecilia Lindqvist (b. 1932) | Tecknens rike (lit. 'The Empire of Signs') | Bonniers |
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1990 | Lars Ahlin (1915–1997) | De sotarna! De sotarna! (lit. 'The Chimney Sweepers! The Chimney Sweepers!') | Bonniers |
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1991 | Sven Delblanc (1931–1992) | Livets ax (lit. 'Ear of Life') | Bonniers |
Year | Winner | Work | Shortlisted nominees | ||
1992 | Niklas Rådström (b. 1953) | Medan tiden tänker på annat (lit. 'When Time Thinks About Other Things') | Gedins |
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1993 | Kerstin Ekman (b. 1933) | Händelser vid vatten (lit. 'Events by Water') (trans. Blackwater) | Bonniers |
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1994 | Björn Ranelid (b. 1949) | Synden (lit. 'The Sin') | Bonnier Alba |
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1995 | Torgny Lindgren (1938–2017) | Hummelhonung (lit. 'Bumblebee Honey') (trans. Sweetness) | Norstedts |
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1996 | Tomas Tranströmer (1931–2015) | Sorgegondolen (lit. 'The Sorrow Gondola') | Bonniers |
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1997 | Majgull Axelsson (b. 1947) | Aprilhäxan (lit. 'April Witch') | Gedins |
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1998 | Göran Tunström (1937–2000) | Berömda män som varit i Sunne (lit. 'Famous Men Who Have Visited Sunne') | Albert Bonniers förlag |
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1999 | Per Olov Enquist (1934–2020) | Livläkarens besök (lit. 'The Visit of the Royal Physician') | Norstedts |
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2000 | Mikael Niemi (b. 1951) | Populärmusik från Vittula (lit. 'Popular Music from Vittula') | Norstedts |
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2001 | Torbjörn Flygt (b. 1964) | Underdog | Norstedts |
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2002 | Carl-Johan Vallgren (b. 1964) | Den vidunderliga kärlekens historia (lit. 'The Story of Monstrous Love') (trans. The Horrific Sufferings of the Mind-Reading Monster Hercules Barefoot) | Albert Bonniers Förlag |
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2003 | Kerstin Ekman (b. 1933) | Skraplotter (lit. 'Lottery Scratchcards') | Albert Bonniers Förlag |
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2004 | Bengt Ohlsson (b. 1963) | Gregorius | Albert Bonniers Förlag |
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2005 | Monika Fagerholm (b. 1961) | Den amerikanska flickan (lit. 'The American Girl') | Albert Bonniers Förlag |
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2006 | Susanna Alakoski (b. 1962) | Svinalängorna (lit. 'The Swine Rows') (trans. Beyond) | Albert Bonniers Förlag |
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2007 | Carl-Henning Wijkmark (1934–2020) | Stundande natten (lit. 'Night Approaching') | Norstedts förlag |
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2008 | Per Olov Enquist (1934–2020) | Ett annat liv (lit. 'A Different Life') | Norstedts förlag |
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2009 | Steve Sem-Sandberg (b. 1958) | De fattiga i Łódź (lit. 'The Poor in Łódź') (trans. The Emperor of Lies) | Albert Bonniers Förlag |
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2010 | Sigrid Combüchen (b. 1942) | Spill. En damroman (lit. 'Spill: A Lady's Novel') | Norstedts |
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2011 | Tomas Bannerhed (b. 1966) | Korparna (lit. 'The Ravens') | Weyler förlag |
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2012 | Göran Rosenberg (b. 1948) | Ett kort uppehåll på vägen från Auschwitz (lit. 'A Brief Stop on the Road from Auschwitz') | Albert Bonniers Förlag |
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2013 | Lena Andersson (b. 1970) | Egenmäktigt förfarande – en roman om kärlek (lit. 'Arbitrary Conduct – A Novel About Love') (trans. Wilful Disregard) | Natur & Kultur |
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2014 | Kristina Sandberg (b. 1971) | Liv till varje pris (lit. 'Life at Any Cost') | Norstedts |
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2015 | Jonas Hassen Khemiri (b. 1978) | Allt jag inte minns (lit. 'Everything I Don't Remember') | Albert Bonniers Förlag |
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2016 | Lina Wolff (b. 1973) | De polyglotta älskarna (lit. 'The Polyglot Lovers') | Albert Bonniers Förlag |
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2017 | Johannes Anyuru (b. 1979) | De kommer att drunkna i sina mödrars tårar [a] (lit. 'They Will Drown in their Mothers' Tears') | Norstedts |
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2018 | Linnea Axelsson (b. 1980) | Ædnan [b] (lit. 'Earth') | Albert Bonniers förlag |
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2019 | Marit Kapla (b. 1970) | Osebol [c] | Teg Publishing |
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2020 | Lydia Sandgren (b. 1987) | Samlade verk [d] (lit. 'Collected Works') | Albert Bonniers Förlag |
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2021 | Elin Cullhed (b. 1983) | Eufori: en roman om Sylvia Plath [e] (lit. Euphoria: A Novel about Slyvia Plath) | Wahlström & Widstrand |
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2022 | Ia Genberg (b. 1967) | Detaljerna [f] (trans. The Details Wildfire Books, London: 2023) | Weyler Förlag |
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2023 | Andrev Walden (b. 1976) | Jävla karlar [g] (lit. Bloody men) | Bokförlaget Polaris |
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2024 | Tony Samuelsson (b. 1961) | Kungen av Nostratien (lit. The King of Nostratia) | Wahlström & Widstrand |
Year | Winner | Work | Shortlisted nominees | ||
1992 | Gunnar Broberg (b. 1942) | Gyllene äpplen (lit. 'Golden Apples') | Atlantis |
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1993 | Peter Englund (b. 1957) | Ofredsår (lit. 'The Year of Unrest') | Atlantis |
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1994 | Leif Jonsson (b. 1933) | Musiken i Sverige I–IV (lit. 'Music in Sweden I-IV') | Fischer & Co |
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1995 | Maria Flinck (b. 1954) | Tusen år i trädgården. Från sörmländska herrgårdar och bakgårdar (lit. 'A Thousand Years in the Garden: From Sörmland Manors and Backyards') | Tiden |
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1996 | Maja Hagerman (b. 1960) | Spåren av kungens män (lit. 'Traces of the King's Men') | Prisma |
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1997 | Sven-Eric Liedman (b. 1939) | I skuggan av framtiden (lit. 'In the Shadow of the Future') | Bonnier Alba |
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1998 | Bengt Jangfeldt (b. 1948) | Svenska vägar till S:t Petersburg (lit. 'Swedish Roads to St. Petersburg') | Wahlström & Widstrand |
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1999 | Jan Svartvik (b. 1931) | Engelska – öspråk, världsspråk, trendspråk (lit. 'English – Island Language, World Language, Trend Language') | Norstedts |
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2000 | Dick Harrison (b. 1966) | Stora döden (lit. 'Great Death') | Ordfront Förlag |
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2001 | Hans Hammarskjöld (1925–2012), Anita Theorell (b. 1941), & Per Wästberg (b. 1933) | Minnets stigar (lit. 'The Ladder of Memory') | Max Ström |
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2002 | Lars-Olof Larsson (1934–2020) | Gustav Vasa – landsfader eller tyrann? (lit. 'Gustav Vasa – Father of the Country or Tyrant?') | Prisma |
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2003 | Nils Uddenberg (b. 1934) | Idéer om livet (lit. 'Ideas About Life') | Natur & Kultur |
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2004 | Sverker Sörlin (b. 1956) | Europas idéhistoria 1492–1918: Världens ordning och Mörkret i människan (lit. 'History of Europe's Ideas 1492–1918:The Order of the World and the Darkness in Man') | Natur & Kultur |
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2005 | Lena Einhorn (b. 1954) | Ninas resa (lit. 'Nina's Journey') | Prisma |
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2006 | Cecilia Lindqvist (b. 1932) | Qin | Albert Bonniers Förlag |
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2007 | Bengt Jangfeldt (b. 1948) | Med livet som insats (lit. 'With Life at Stake') | Wahlström & Widstrand |
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2008 | Paul Duncan (b. 1964) & Bengt Wanselius (b. 1944) | Regi Bergman (lit. 'Directed by Bergman') | Max Ström |
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2009 | Brutus Östling (b. 1958) & Susanne Åkesson (b. 1964) | Att överleva dagen (lit. 'To Survive the Day') | Symposion |
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2010 | Yvonne Hirdman (b. 1943) | Den röda grevinnan (lit. 'The Red Countess') | Ordfront förlag |
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2011 | Elisabeth Åsbrink (b. 1965) | Och i Wienerwald står träden kvar (lit. 'And in Wienerwald the Trees Remain') | Natur & Kultur |
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2012 | Ingrid Carlberg (b. 1961) | Det står ett rum här och väntar på dig – Berättelsen om Raoul Wallenberg (lit. 'There's a Room Waiting for You – The Story of Raoul Wallenberg') | Norstedts |
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2013 | Bea Uusma (b. 1966) | Expeditionen. Min kärlekshistoria (lit. 'The Expedition. My Love Story') (trans. The Expedition: The Forgotten Story of a Polar Tragedy) | Norstedts |
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2014 | Lars Lerin (b. 1954) | Naturlära (lit. 'Natural Science') | Bonniers |
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2015 | Karin Bojs (b. 1959) | Min europeiska familj. De senaste 54 000 åren (lit. 'My European Family. The Last 54,000 Years') | Albert Bonniers Förlag |
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2016 | Nina Burton (b. 1946) | Gutenberggalaxens nova. En essäberättelse om Erasmus av Rotterdam, humanismen och 1500-talets medierevolution (lit. 'The Gutenberg Galaxy's Nova. An essay on Erasmus of Rotterdam, Humanism and the 16th-century Media Revolution') | Albert Bonniers Förlag |
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2017 | Fatima Bremmer (b. 1977) | Ett jävla solsken: En biografi om Ester Blenda Nordström (lit. 'Fucking Sunshine: A Biography of Ester Blenda Nordström') | Forum |
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2018 | Magnus Västerbro (b. 1971) | Svälten. Hungeråren som formade Sverige (lit. 'Famine: The Years of Hunger that Shaped Sweden') | Albert Bonniers förlag |
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2019 | Patrik Svensson (b. 1972) | Ålevangeliet. Berättelsen om världens mest gåtfulla fisk [h] (trans. The Book of Eels: Our Enduring Fascination with the Most Mysterious Creature in the Natural World (Ecco Press)) | Albert Bonniers förlag |
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2020 | Elin Anna Labba (b. 1980) | Herrarna satte oss hit. Om tvångsförflyttningarna i Sverige [i] (trans. The Rocks Will Echo Our Sorrow: The Forced Displacement of the Northern Sámi (University of Minnesota Press)) | Norstedts |
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2021 | Nils Håkanson (b. 1975) | Dolda gudar – en bok om allt som inte går förlorat i en översättning [j] (lit. 'Hidden Gods. A Book about Everything that is not Lost in a Translation') | Norstedts |
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2022 | Nina van den Brink (b. 1966) | Jag har torkat nog många golv [k] (lit. I have wiped enough floors) | Norstedts |
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2023 | Per Svensson (journalist) (b. 1956) | Zorn [l] | Albert Bonniers förlag |
Year | English literal translation | Original Swedish title | Author | Publisher |
1992 | I Miss You, I Miss You! | Jag saknar dig, jag saknar dig! | Peter Pohl & Kinna Gieth | Rabén & Sjögren |
1993 | Vinterviken | Vinterviken | Mats Wahl | Bonnier Carlsen |
1994 | The Master and the Four Printers | Mästaren och de fyra skrivarna | Ulf Nilsson | Natur & Kultur |
1995 | The Girl Who Did Not Want to Kiss | Flickan som inte ville kyssas | Rose Lagercrantz | Brombergs |
1996 | My Sister is an Angel | Min syster är en ängel | Ulf Stark & Anna Höglund | Alfabeta Bokförlag |
1997 | Truth or Dare | Sanning eller konsekvens | Annika Thor | Bonnier Carlsen |
1998 | The Journey to the End of the World | Resan till världens ände | Henning Mankell | Rabén & Sjögren |
1999 | Plays Dead | Spelar död | Stefan Casta | Opal |
2000 | Gittan and the Gray Wolves | Gittan och gråvargarna | Pija Lindenbaum | Rabén & Sjögren |
2001 | Are U 4 Real? | Sandor slash Ida | Sara Kadefors | Bonnier Carlsen |
2002 | Goodbye, Mr. Muffin | Adjö, herr Muffin | Ulf Nilsson & Anna-Clara Tidholm | Bonnier Carlsen |
2003 | In the Ceiling the Stars Are Shining | I taket lyser stjärnorna | Johanna Thydell | Natur & Kultur |
2004 | Is Elias Dancing? No! | Dansar Elias? Nej! | Katarina Kieri | Rabén & Sjögren |
2005 | Eddie Bolander & I | Eddie Bolander & jag | Bo R. Holmberg & Katarina Strömgård | Rabén & Sjögren |
2006 | Svenne | Svenne | Per Nilsson | Rabén & Sjögren |
2007 | Where's My Sister? | Var är min syster? | Sven Nordqvist | Opal |
2008 | The Legend of Sally Jones | Legenden om Sally Jones | Jakob Wegelius | Bonnier Carlsen |
2009 | Write Again and Again | Skriv om och om igen | Ylva Karlsson, Katarina Kuick , Sara Lundberg & Lilian Bäckman | X Publishing |
2010 | Me On the Floor, Bleeding | Här ligger jag och blöder | Jenny Jägerfeld | Gilla Böcker |
2011 | Girls Lost | Pojkarna | Jessica Schiefauer | Bonnier Carlsen |
2012 | ABC and All Dat | ABC å allt om D | Nina Ulmaja | Bonnier Carlsen |
2013 | The String, The Bird and Me | Snöret, fågeln och jag | Ellen Karlsson & Eva Lindström | Hippo bokförlag |
2014 | The Murderer's Ape | Mördarens apa | Jakob Wegelius | Bonnier Carlsen |
2015 | When the Dogs Come | När hundarna kommer | Jessica Schiefauer | Bonnier Carlsen |
2016 | Ten Past One | Tio över ett | Ann-Helén Laestadius | Rabén & Sjögren |
2017 | The Bird in Me Flies Wherever It Wants | Fågeln i mig flyger vart den vill | Sara Lundberg | Mirando Bok |
2018 | The Pit | Gropen | Emma Adbåge | Mirando Bok |
2019 | Wait for the Wind | Vänta på vind | Oskar Kroon | Brombergs |
2020 | Humlan Hansson's Secrets | Humlan Hanssons hemligheter | Kristina Sigunsdotter & Ester Eriksson | Hippo bokförlag |
2021 | The Night Raven | Nattkorpen | Johan Rundberg | Natur & Kultur |
2022 | We're Just Going to Cycle Past | Vi ska ju bara cykla förbi | Ellen Strömberg | Rabén & Sjögren and Schildts & Söderströms |
2023 | Wood anemones and piss rats | Vitsippa och pissråttor | Oskar Kroon & Hanna Klinthage | Rabén & Sjögren |
Harry Martinson was a Swedish writer, poet and former sailor. In 1949 he was elected into the Swedish Academy. He was awarded a joint Nobel Prize in Literature in 1974 together with fellow Swede Eyvind Johnson "for writings that catch the dewdrop and reflect the cosmos". The choice was controversial, as both Martinson and Johnson were members of the academy.
Karin Maria Boye was a Swedish poet and novelist. In Sweden, she is acclaimed as a poet, but internationally, she is best known for the dystopian science fiction novel Kallocain (1940).
Muriel Rukeyser was an American poet, essayist, biographer, novelist, screenwriter and political activist. She wrote across genres and forms, addressing issues related to racial, gender and class justice, war and war crimes, Jewish culture and diaspora, American history, politics, and culture. Kenneth Rexroth said that she was the greatest poet of her "exact generation," Anne Sexton famously described her as "mother of us all", while Adrienne Rich wrote that she was “our twentieth-century Coleridge; our Neruda."
Bengt Gunnar Ekelöf was a Swedish poet and writer. He was a member of the Swedish Academy from 1958 and was awarded an honorary doctorate in philosophy by Uppsala University in 1958. He won a number of prizes for his poetry.
Alma Katarina Frostenson Arnault is a Swedish poet and writer. She was a member of the Swedish Academy from 1992 to 2019. In 2003, Frostenson was made a Chevalier of the Legion of Honour in France in recognition of her services to literature.
Swedish literature is the literature written in the Swedish language or by writers from Sweden.
Selma Ottilia Lovisa Lagerlöf was a Swedish writer. She published her first novel, Gösta Berling's Saga, at the age of 33. She was the first woman to win the Nobel Prize in Literature, which she was awarded in 1909. In 1914, she was the first woman to be granted a membership of the Swedish Academy.
Jonas Hassen Khemiri is a Swedish writer. He is the author of six novels, seven plays, and a collection of essays, short stories and plays. His work has been translated into more than 25 languages. He has received the August Prize for fiction and a Village Voice Obie Award for best script. In 2017 he became the first Swedish writer to have a short story published in the New Yorker. Khemiri's novel The Family Clause (FSG) was awarded the French Prix Médicis and was a finalist for the National Book Award. Khemiri moved to New York in 2021 for a Cullman Fellowship at The New York Public Library and currently teaches in the Creative Writing program at NYU. In 2023 he was a Ben Belitt Distinguished Visiting Writer at Bennington College.
Aris Fioretos is a Swedish writer, translator and scholar of Greek and Austrian extraction who writes in Swedish, German and English. Aside from his own literary career, he is also Professor of Aesthetics at Södertörn University and a member of both the Deutsche Akademie für Sprache und Dichtung and the Akademie der Künste.
Helene Schmitz is a Swedish photographer born 1960. In her work, Helene Schmitz is interested in how nature is described in science, art and literature. Schmitz investigates how these activities filters our understanding and her work often makes us question our preconceptions of nature. After graduating with a BA in History of Art and Cinema, she started working with photography. Today, Schmitz regularly holds exhibitions in Scandinavia and in France and her pictures have been published world-wide in National Geographic.
Ulf Lennart Nilsson was a Swedish writer who published more than 100 books and picture books, geared mainly to children and adolescents. He was also the longtime president of the Swedish Academy for Children's Books. A number of his works have been translated into English by Gecko Press.
David Lagercrantz is a Swedish journalist and bestselling writer known as the author of I am Zlatan Ibrahimovic and The Girl in the Spider's Web, the fourth installment in the Millennium series. He is also a columnist for Swedish Newspaper Expressen.
Frida Nilsson is a Swedish children’s writer whose first book was published in 2004. She has won numerous international shortlistings and prizes, including the August Prize, the German Youth Literature Prize, Expressens Heffaklump (2015) and the Astrid Lindgren Prize. She was recently chosen as one of the best emerging writers in Europe under 39. Nilsson’s writing is characterised by playfulness and sincerity. She has been compared to Roald Dahl and Barbro Lindgren.
Per I. Gedin is a Swedish publisher and writer.
Monika Ulrika Ann-Helén Laestadius is a Swedish Sámi journalist and bestselling writer. In 2016, her novel Tio över ett won the Swedish August Prize as the best submission in the children and young adult category. She wrote her first adult novel in 2021 titled Stolen, translated to English in 2023 by Rachel Willson-Broyles and became a number 1 paperback bestseller. Netflix released a film adaptation, Stolen, in 2024.
Ida Börjel is a Swedish poet.
Linnea Axelsson is a Sami-Swedish art scholar, novelist and poet.
Elin Anna Labba is a Sámi author and journalist. She has won multiple prizes for her first book Herrarna satte oss hit: om tvångsförflyttningarna i Sverige, which describes the forced migration of the Sámi from Norway to Sweden from 1919 to 1920.
Elin Cullhed is a Swedish writer, teacher and cultural journalist who won the August Prize for best fiction in 2021 for her book Eufori (Euphoria).
Nina Margita van den Brink is a Finnish-Swedish author and journalist. She won the August Prize in 2022.