Aulus Plautius

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Conquests under Aulus Plautius, focused on the commercially valuable southeast of Britain. British.coinage.Roman.invasion.jpg
Conquests under Aulus Plautius, focused on the commercially valuable southeast of Britain.

Beginning in the year following the successful conquest, the four legions that comprised the provincial garrison proceeded to extend the boundaries of the new province: Legio IX pushed north along the course of what became Ermine Street to construct a camp at what later became Lincoln; Legio XIV advanced into the Midlands along the course of Watling Street, then turned north to set up its base at what later became Leicester; Legio II, under the command of Vespasian, marched through the south reducing over 20 hill forts, conquering the Isle of Wight, and subduing two powerful tribes, to eventually set up its own base most likely at Exeter; the fourth major unit, Legio XX, Plautius likely kept at Camulodunum with some auxiliaries as a reserve force. Some years would pass before the provincial seat would be moved to Londinium, which came into existence later in Plautius' tenure. [8]

In 47, Plautius was replaced by Publius Ostorius Scapula. [9] On his return to Rome and civil life, Plautius was granted an ovation, during which the emperor himself walked by his side to and from the Capitol. [10]


Aulus Plautius was the son of Aulus Plautius, who was suffect consul in 1 BCE, and possibly Vitellia. [11] Quintus Plautius, consul in 36, was his younger brother. [11] His sister Plautia has been identified as the wife of Publius Petronius, consul in 19; [12] the marriage is attested in an inscription. [13] The daughter of Plautia and Publius Petronius, Petronia, married Aulus Vitellius, later emperor during the Year of Four Emperors. [14]

Aulus Plautius married Pomponia Graecina, whom Birley has identified as the daughter of Gaius Pomponius Graecinus, suffect consul in 16. [15] After the execution of her kinswoman Julia Drusi Caesaris by Claudius and Messalina, Pomponia remained in mourning for forty years in open and unpunished defiance of the emperor. [16] In 57 she was charged with a "foreign superstition", interpreted by some to mean conversion to Christianity. According to Roman law, she was tried by her husband before her kinsmen, and was acquitted. [16] There are no attested children of this marriage; though it has been suggested that a later Aulus Plautius, alleged to be the lover of Agrippina the Younger, may have been their son. [17] However, some modern historians, such as Birley, have suggested that, despite the shared name, this Aulus Plautius is the son of Aulus Plautius' brother, Quintus Plautius. [18]

Aulus Plautius was the uncle whose "distinguished service" saved his nephew Plautius Lateranus, (another son of Quintus Plautius) [11] from execution in 48 after his affair with Messalina was discovered. Lateranus was removed from his senatorial position and exiled instead. [19] Lateranus was later executed for his involvement in the Pisonian conspiracy against Nero in 65, from which it is concluded that his uncle Aulus Plautius was by that time deceased. [20]

Portrayals in fiction

Plautius is a character in Henryk Sienkiewicz's novel Quo Vadis , and in Simon Scarrow's novel The Eagle's Conquest .[ citation needed ]

In the film Quo Vadis (1951), based on Sienkiewicz's novel, Plautius (played by Felix Aylmer) and his wife Pomponia are (ahistorically) Christians.[ citation needed ]

Plautius is played by David Morrissey in the streaming TV series Britannia (2018), which portrays a fantasy version of the Roman conquest, where he serves as the series' primary antagonist.[ citation needed ]


  1. CIL IX, 2335 = ILS 961
  2. Birley, Roman Government, p. 21
  3. Attilio Degrassi, I fasti consolari dell'Impero Romano dal 30 avanti Cristo al 613 dopo Cristo (Rome, 1952), p. 9
  4. CIL V, 698 = ILS 5889
  5. 1 2 Birley, Fasti of Roman Britain, p. 39
  6. Dio Cassius, Historia Romana 60:19–22; Suetonius, Lives of the Twelve Caesars : Vespasian 4; Eutropius, Abridgement of Roman History 7:13 [usurped]
  7. Sheppard Frere, Britannia: A history of Roman Britain, revised edition (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1978), p. 82
  8. Frere, Britania, pp. 86-91
  9. Tacitus, Agricola 14
  10. Dio Cassius, Historia Romana 60:30.2; Suetonius, Lives of the Twelve Caesars, "Claudius" 24
  11. 1 2 3 Lily Ross Taylor, "Trebula Suffenas and The Plautii Silvani", Memoirs of the American Academy at Rome, 24 (1956), p. 24
  12. Ronald Syme, Tacitus, (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1957) p. 386
  13. CIL VI, 6866 Syme notes that she does not appear in either the Pauly-Wissowa or Prosopographia Imperii Romani
  14. Tacitus, Histories , II.63.
  15. Birley, Fasti of Roman Britain, p. 37
  16. 1 2 Tacitus, Annales , XIII.30
  17. Suetonius, Lives of the Twelve Caesars, "Nero", 35
  18. Birley, Fasti of Roman Britain, p. 40
  19. Tacitus, Annales XI.27
  20. Tacitus, Annales XV.60


Aulus Plautius
At the Home of Aulus Plautius (from an illustration by Piotr Stachiewicz for the novel Quo Vadis )
Suffect Consul of the Roman Empire
In office
AD 29 29
Succeeded by
Political offices
Preceded by Suffect Consul of the Roman Empire
with Lucius Nonius Asprenas
Succeeded by
New title Roman governors of Britain
Succeeded by