Boethius (lunar crater)

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Boethius crater AS15-M-0936.jpg
Apollo 15 image
Coordinates 5°36′N72°18′E / 5.6°N 72.3°E / 5.6; 72.3 Coordinates: 5°36′N72°18′E / 5.6°N 72.3°E / 5.6; 72.3
Diameter 10 km
Depth Unknown
Colongitude 288° at sunrise
Eponym Boethius
LRO image BoethiusCraterLRO.jpg
LRO image

Boethius is a small lunar impact crater located on the east edge of Mare Undarum near the eastern lunar limb. To the southwest is the dark, lava-flooded crater Dubyago.

Boethius is circular and cup-shaped, with inner walls sloping down to the tiny central floor. It has a higher albedo than the surrounding terrain, and is not overlain by other impact craters of note. It was named after the Roman philosopher Boethius. [1] Before 1976, it was identified as Dubyago U.

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  1. "Boethius (lunar crater)". Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature. USGS Astrogeology Research Program.