Boguslawsky (crater)

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Boguslawsky crater 4082 h2.jpg
Lunar Orbiter 4 image with north at top
Coordinates 72°54′S43°12′E / 72.9°S 43.2°E / -72.9; 43.2
Diameter 97 km
Depth 3.4 km
Colongitude 317° at sunrise
Eponym Palon von Boguslawsky

Boguslawsky is a lunar impact crater that is located near the southern lunar limb, to the northwest of the slightly larger crater Demonax, and southwest of the concentric crater Boussingault. Due to its location, this crater appears very oblong in shape because of foreshortening.

The floor of this crater is flooded and relatively featureless. The rim is somewhat worn and relatively low above the surrounding surface. The crater Boguslawsky D lies across the eastern rim.

The crater was named after German astronomer Palm Heinrich Ludwig von Boguslawski. [1]

Satellite craters

By convention these features are identified on lunar maps by placing the letter on the side of the crater midpoint that is closest to Boguslawsky.

A74.4° S44.3° E6 km
B73.9° S61.0° E63 km
C70.9° S27.7° E36 km
D72.8° S47.3° E24 km
E74.2° S53.6° E14 km
F75.3° S52.5° E30 km
G71.5° S34.5° E21 km
H72.8° S29.1° E19 km
J72.2° S28.9° E36 km
K73.5° S50.9° E46 km
L70.6° S36.6° E22 km
M70.6° S35.2° E9 km
N74.0° S33.3° E28 km

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  1. "Geology of the Lunar Glob landing sites in Boguslawsky crater, Moon" (PDF).