Bornholm (Folketing constituency)

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for the Folketing
Bornholm (Folketing constituency).svg
Location of Bornholm within Denmark
Region Capital
Population39,891 (2022) [1]
Electorate30,825 (2022)
Area589 km2 (2022) [2]
Current constituency
Seats2 (2007–present)
Members of the Folketing [3]
  •   Peter Juel-Jensen (V)
  •   Lea Wermelin (A)
Created from Bornholm County

Bornholm (Danish : Bornholm) is one of the 12 multi-member constituencies of the Folketing, the national legislature of Denmark. The constituency was established in 2007 following the public administration structural reform. It consists of the municipality of Bornholm and the unincorporated archipelago of Christiansø (Ertholmene). The constituency currently elects two of the 179 members of the Folketing using the open party-list proportional representation electoral system. At the 2022 general election it had 30,825 registered electors.


Electoral system

Bornholm currently elects two of the 179 members of the Folketing using the open party-list proportional representation electoral system. [4] [5] Constituency seats are allocated using the D'Hondt method. [6] [7] Compensatory seats are calculated based on the national vote and are allocated using the Sainte-Laguë method, initially at the provincial level and finally at the constituency level. [8] [9] Only parties that reach any one of three thresholds stipulated by section 77 of the Folketing (Parliamentary) Elections Act - winning at least one constituency seat; obtaining at least the Hare quota (valid votes in province/number of constituency seats in province) in two of the three provinces; or obtaining at least 2% of the national vote - compete for compensatory seats. [10] [11]

Criticism of the electoral system

The fact that the people of Bornholm elect 2 members of parliament, even though the size of the population only justifies 1 member of Parliament has led to criticism of the electoral law being undemocratic. [12]

Election results


Election Red–Green
Green Left
Social Democrats
Social Liberals
Conservative People's
Liberal Alliance
I / Y
Danish People's
Votes %SeatsVotes %SeatsVotes %SeatsVotes %SeatsVotes %SeatsVotes %SeatsVotes %SeatsVotes %SeatsVotes %Seats
2022 1,2795.17%01,5906.43%06632.68%08,72135.28%12511.02%04,63518.75%19263.75%08923.61%01,5506.27%0
2019 2,0528.12%01,0914.32%08243.26%08,59333.99%18463.35%06,38425.25%14561.80%02480.98%02,62610.39%0
2015 2,1758.38%07162.76%01,2995.01%08,68333.46%14271.65%05,25720.26%14411.70%01,0374.00%05,16819.91%0
2011 1,9927.28%02,0117.35%09,80135.82%11,5095.51%07,30926.71%15802.12%05091.86%02,97210.86%0
2007 5411.93%03,32811.90%09,88835.36%16182.21%07,35026.28%11,6886.04%06172.21%03,36112.02%0

(Excludes compensatory seats)



Results of the 2022 general election held on 1 November 2022: [13] [14] [15] [16] [17]

PartyVotes per nomination districtTotal Votes%Seats
Aakir- keby Rønne Con. Com. Tot.
Social Democrats A4,0644,6578,72135.28%101
Venstre V2,4472,1884,63518.75%101
Denmark Democrats Æ8627281,5906.43%000
Green Left F7898011,5906.43%000
Danish People's Party O7398111,5506.27%000
Moderates M7517481,4996.06%000
Red–Green Alliance Ø7435361,2795.17%000
Conservative People's Party C4474799263.75%000
Liberal Alliance I4574358923.61%000
The Alternative Å3772866632.68%000
The New Right D2742555292.14%000
Christian Democrats K2812225032.03%000
Danish Social Liberal Party B1451062511.02%000
Independent Greens Q2523480.19%000
Charlotte Petersen (Independent)2223450.18%000
Valid votes12,42312,29824,721100.00%202
Blank votes1661783441.37%
Rejected votes – other59471060.42%
Total polled12,64812,52325,17181.66%
Registered electors15,34815,47730,825

Votes per municipality:< [18]

PartyVotes per municipalityTotal Votes
Born- holm Christ- iansø
Social Democrats A8,702198,721
Venstre V4,63324,635
Denmark Democrats Æ1,58551,590
Green Left F1,58281,590
Danish People's Party O1,55001,550
Moderates M1,49541,499
Red–Green Alliance Ø1,27631,279
Conservative People's Party C9215926
Liberal Alliance I8911892
The Alternative Å6567663
The New Right D5281529
Christian Democrats K5021502
Danish Social Liberal Party B2483251
Independent Greens Q48048
Charlotte Petersen (Independent)45045
Valid votes24,6625924,721
Blank votes3413344
Rejected votes – other1060106
Total polled25,1096225,171
Registered electors30,7586730,825

The following candidates were elected: [19] [20]


Results of the 2019 general election held on 5 June 2019: [21] [22] [23] [24]

PartyVotes per nomination districtTotal Votes%Seats
Aakir- keby Rønne Con. Com. Tot.
Social Democrats A3,9654,6288,59333.99%101
Venstre V3,4102,9746,38425.25%101
Danish People's Party O1,3531,2732,62610.39%000
Red–Green Alliance Ø1,1469062,0528.12%000
Socialist People's Party F5535381,0914.32%000
Christian Democrats K5474861,0334.09%000
Danish Social Liberal Party B4374098463.35%000
The Alternative Å4643608243.26%000
Hard Line P2152664811.90%000
Conservative People's Party C2122444561.80%000
The New Right D2112174281.69%000
Liberal Alliance I1431052480.98%000
Klaus Riskær Pedersen E130912210.87%000
Valid votes12,78612,49725,283100.00%202
Blank votes821252070.81%
Rejected votes – other2928570.22%
Total polled12,89712,65025,54781.84%
Registered electors15,71615,49831,214

Votes per municipality: [25]

PartyVotes per municipalityTotal Votes
Born- holm Christ- iansø
Social Democrats A8,573208,593
Venstre V6,37596,384
Danish People's Party O2,62512,626
Red–Green Alliance Ø2,042102,052
Socialist People's Party F1,08561,091
Christian Democrats K1,03301,033
Danish Social Liberal Party B8442846
The Alternative Å8222824
Hard Line P4792481
Conservative People's Party C4533456
The New Right D4280428
Liberal Alliance I2471248
Klaus Riskær Pedersen E2210221
Valid votes25,2275625,283
Blank votes2052207
Rejected votes – other57057
Total polled25,4895825,547
Registered electors31,1546031,214

The following candidates were elected: [26] [27]


Results of the 2015 general election held on 18 June 2015: [28] [29] [30] [31]

PartyVotes per nomination districtTotal Votes%Seats
Aakir- keby Rønne Con. Com. Tot.
Social Democrats A4,0074,6768,68333.46%101
Venstre V2,8822,3755,25720.26%101
Danish People's Party O2,5942,5745,16819.91%000
Red–Green Alliance Ø1,1969792,1758.38%000
The Alternative Å7525471,2995.01%000
Liberal Alliance I5814561,0374.00%000
Christian Democrats K4293207492.89%000
Socialist People's Party F3743427162.76%000
Conservative People's Party C1972444411.70%000
Danish Social Liberal Party B2232044271.65%000
Valid votes13,23512,71725,952100.00%202
Blank votes1041262300.88%
Rejected votes – other4041810.31%
Total polled13,37912,88426,26383.54%
Registered electors16,01115,42831,439

Votes per municipality: [25]

PartyVotes per municipalityTotal Votes
Born- holm Christ- iansø
Social Democrats A8,661228,683
Venstre V5,25345,257
Danish People's Party O5,155135,168
Red–Green Alliance Ø2,17052,175
The Alternative Å1,29541,299
Liberal Alliance I1,03701,037
Christian Democrats K7490749
Socialist People's Party F7115716
Conservative People's Party C4401441
Danish Social Liberal Party B4261427
Valid votes25,8975525,952
Blank votes2273230
Rejected votes – other81081
Total polled26,2055826,263
Registered electors31,3805931,439

The following candidates were elected: [32] [33]


Results of the 2011 general election held on 15 September 2011: [34] [35] [36] [37]

PartyVotes per nomination districtTotal Votes%Seats
Aakir- keby Rønne Con. Com. Tot.
Social Democrats A4,5505,2519,80135.82%101
Venstre V4,0183,2917,30926.71%101
Danish People's Party O1,6111,3612,97210.86%000
Socialist People's Party F1,0389732,0117.35%000
Red–Green Alliance Ø1,0998931,9927.28%000
Danish Social Liberal Party B7677421,5095.51%000
Christian Democrats K4002816812.49%000
Conservative People's Party C2683125802.12%000
Liberal Alliance I2642455091.86%000
Valid votes14,01513,34927,364100.00%202
Blank votes84981820.66%
Rejected votes – other4354970.35%
Total polled14,14213,50127,64385.25%
Registered electors16,63315,79132,424

Votes per municipality: [25]

PartyVotes per municipalityTotal Votes
Born- holm Christ- iansø
Social Democrats A9,788139,801
Venstre V7,30097,309
Danish People's Party O2,96572,972
Socialist People's Party F2,000112,011
Red–Green Alliance Ø1,978141,992
Danish Social Liberal Party B1,50361,509
Christian Democrats K6810681
Conservative People's Party C5791580
Liberal Alliance I5081509
Valid votes27,3026227,364
Blank votes1802182
Rejected votes – other97097
Total polled27,5796427,643
Registered electors32,3556932,424

The following candidates were elected: [38] [39]


Results of the 2007 general election held on 13 November 2007: [40] [41] [42] [43] [44]

PartyVotes per nomination districtTotal Votes%Seats
Aakir- keby Rønne Con. Com. Tot.
Social Democrats A4,6175,2719,88835.36%101
Venstre V4,2213,1297,35026.28%101
Danish People's Party O1,7721,5893,36112.02%000
Socialist People's Party F1,7871,5413,32811.90%000
Conservative People's Party C8668221,6886.04%000
Danish Social Liberal Party B3103086182.21%000
New Alliance Y3962216172.21%000
Christian Democrats K3062495551.98%000
Unity List Ø3122295411.93%000
Mogens Nebelong (Independent)912210.08%000
Valid votes14,59613,37127,967100.00%202
Blank votes85911760.62%
Rejected votes – other2730570.20%
Total polled14,70813,49228,20085.07%
Registered electors17,16915,98133,150

Votes per municipality: [25]

PartyVotes per municipalityTotal Votes
Born- holm Christ- iansø
Social Democrats A9,875139,888
Venstre V7,34197,350
Danish People's Party O3,35743,361
Socialist People's Party F3,301273,328
Conservative People's Party C1,68261,688
Danish Social Liberal Party B6171618
New Alliance Y6152617
Christian Democrats K5550555
Unity List Ø5374541
Mogens Nebelong (Independent)21021
Valid votes27,9016627,967
Blank votes1742176
Rejected votes – other57057
Total polled28,1326828,200
Registered electors33,0816933,150

The following candidates were elected: [45] [46]

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Aakirkeby (nomination district)</span>

Aakirkeby nominating district is one of the 92 nominating districts that exists for Danish elections following the 2007 municipal reform. It is one of the 2 nominating districts in Bornholm Municipality, the other being Rønne. It was created in 1849 as a constituency, and has been a nomination district since 1920, though its boundaries were changed in 1970.


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