Cartography of Ukraine

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Map of the Odessa Military District (1866) Map of Odessa military command.jpg
Map of the Odessa Military District (1866)

The cartography of Ukraine involves the history of surveying and the construction of maps of Ukraine.


Early maps

Maps of Ukraine have been produced since the late mediaeval period. During the Turkish wars between 1568 and 1918, high-quality French maps were kept[ by whom? ] as state secrets amid diplomatic negotiations, while 20th-century maps have reflected the region's multiple changes of government.

Ukraine is largely absent from the maps of the Turkish manuscript mapping-tradition that flourished during the reign of the Ottoman Sultan Mehmed II the Conqueror (r.1444–1446, 1451–1481); the Mediterranean received its own section in world maps, [1] :5 but typical Turkish maps of the period omitted the Black Sea, and the entire region of the Rus' appeared as just a small portion of Asia between the Caspian and the Mediterranean. [1] :7

17th century

Two centuries later Guillaume le Vasseur, sieur de Beauplan became one of the more prominent cartographers working with Ukrainian data. His 1639 descriptive map of the region was the first such one produced, and after he published a pair of Ukraine maps of different scale in 1660, his drawings were republished[ by whom? ] throughout much of Europe. [2] A copy of de Beauplan's maps played a crucial rôle in negotiations between the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and the Ottoman Empire in 1640; its depiction of the disputed Kodak Fortress was of such quality that the head Polish ambassador, Wojciech Miaskowski, deemed it dangerous to exhibit it to his Turkish counterparts. [3]

Giacomo Cantelli da Vignola's 1684 map of Tartaria d'Europa [4] includes "Vkraina o Paese dei Cossachi de Zaporowa" [Ukraine or the land of the Zaporozhian Cossacks].

18th century

English-language maps of 1769 depicted the Crimean Khanate as part of its suzerain, the Ottoman Empire, with clear boundaries between the Muslim-ruled states in the south and the Christian-ruled states to the north. Another map from the eighteenth century, inscribed in Latin, was careful to depict a small buffer zone between Kiev and the Polish border. [5] [ need quotation to verify ]

Modern maps

In more recent history, maps of the country have reflected its tumultuous political status and relations with Russia; for example, the city known as "Lvov" (Russian : Львов) during the Soviet era (until 1991) was depicted as "Leopol" or "Lemberg" during its time (1772-1918) in the Habsburg realms, while post-Soviet maps produced in Ukraine have referred to it by its endonym of "Lviv" [5] (Ukrainian : Львів). (Under Polish rule (1272-1772) it went by the Polish name of Lwów).


YearOriginal NameName in EnglishAuthorDescriptionMap
1154Map of al-Idrisi Abu Abdullah Muhammad al-Idrisi al-Qurtubi al-Hasani al-Sabti The map of al-Idrisi in 1154 shows not only the territorial placement of Ukraine, but also for the first time the name "Rusia" (Rusia, meaning Kievan Rus). The inscriptions on the map include "Ard al Rusia" - the land of Rus (the territory of Right-bank and Left-bank Ukraine), "muttasil ard al Rusia" - the connected land of Rus, "minal Rusia al tuani" - dependent on Rus. The rivers - Dnipro, Dniester, Danube - are marked and labeled, as well as Kyiv (Kiau) and other Ukrainian cities.
TabulaRogeriana upside-down.jpg
1375Catalan Atlas (Portolan) Abraham Cresques The cartography was done during the decline of the Galicia-Volhynia state. Abraham and Jehuda Cresques Catalan Atlas. Eastern Europe view from the south.jpg
1544"Cosmographia". Map of the Polish regionSebastian Münster Rus (Peremyshl, Lviv, Lutsk, Kyiv), Podolia (Kamianets-Podilskyi, Horodets, Bastarnia), Bessarabia, Scythia, Crimea (Perekop, Kaffa); Muscovy, Pskov region, Tataria; Livonia (Riga), Sarmatia, Lithuania (Vilnius, Hrodna), Prussia (Marienburg, Danzig), Mazovia, Greater Poland, Lesser Poland, Hungary, Wallachia, Moldavia. De Regno et tota regione Poloniae, S. Munster, Cosmographia universalis.png
1550Black Sea basin Portolan Battista Agnese Rus', Tataria and Muscovy Battista Agnese, PORTOLAN ATLAS (Italy ca. 1550) 2.jpg
1559Black Sea Portolan Diogo Homem Diego-homem-black-sea-ancient-map-1559.jpg
1568…dirego della seconda…Forlani Forlani 1568.gif
1571Tabula Sarmatiae from Strabonis Rerum Geographicarum Ptolemy's map Sebastian Münster European Sarmatia with the cities of Olbia, Heraclea, Theodosia, Claypida and geographical features such as the Carpathian Mountains, the Dnieper (Borysthenes), the Dniester (Tyras), Tauria, the Sea of Azov (Paludes Meotidis), the Black Sea (Ponti Evxini), Amadotian Lake and others. Sebastian Munster, Tabula Sarmatiae.jpg
1613Magni Ducatus Lithuaniae Caeterarumque Regionum Illi Adjacentium . . . Anno 1613 (I) Radziwiłł map Hessel Gerritsz,
Willem Janszoon Blaeu
The map shows "Eastern Volhynia, which was also called Ukraine and Niz." between Rzhyshchiv and Kaniv in central Podniprovia. One of the earliest cartographic sources with the mention of "Ukraine". [6] 1613 Magni Ducatus Lithuaniae Caeterarumque Regionum Illi Adjacentium . . . Anno 1613 (I).jpg
1648 …Delineatio generalis Camporum Desertorum vulgo Ukraina General Description of the Deserted Camps, in other words — Ukraine Guillaume Le Vasseur de Beauplan General Depiction of the Empty Plains (in Common Parlance, the Ukraine) Together with its Neighboring Provinces WDL79.png
1649Typus Generalis VkraineGeneral description of Ukraine Jan Janssonius Typus Generalis Ukrainae sive Palatinatuum Podoliae, Kioviensis et Braczlaviensis terras nova delineatione exhibens 1681 B Lukashyk.jpg
1659—1685Ukrainae pars quae Kiovia Palatinatus vulgo diciturUkrainian lands, Kyiv Voivodeship Guillaume Le Vasseur de Beauplan, Covens & Mortier Ukrainae pars quae Kiovia Palatinatus vulgo dicitur.jpg
XVII centuryUkraine Pars qva Podolia…Ukrainian lands, Podillia Covens & Mortier The Covens map was created based on the map by Boplan. Ukraine. Podolia Palatinatus. Beauplan 1664.jpg
XVII centuryUkrainae pars quae Barclavia…Ukrainian lands, Bracław region Covens & Mortier Published in Amsterdam. Ukrainae pars quae Barclavie palatinatus vulgo dicitur - per Guilhelmum le Vasseur de Beauplan - btv1b53041011n.jpg
1662Ukraine Pars qva Pokutia…Ukrainian lands, Carpathians. Joan Blaeu Modern Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast. Created by cartographer Guillaume Le Vasseur de Beauplan.
Atlas Van der Hagen-KW1049B10 041-UKRAINAE PARS QVA POKUTIA Vulgo dictur.jpg
1665Russie Noire Black Rus Nicolas Sanson Black Rus (Galicia)
1665Tartarie Europeenne ou Petite Tartarie…European Tartaria, so-called A Little Tartary Nicolas Sanson Tartary, Ukraine - the state of the Cossacks, Muscovy and Poland.
1665Haute Volhynie, ou Palatinat de Lusuc; tire de la Grande Carte d'Ukraine.Volyn, so-called Lutsk lands; part of the Great Map of Ukraine Nicolas Sanson
XVII centuryVkrainaUkraineWilhelm Pfann
1670Regni Polonia magni ducatus LithuaniaPoland and LithuaniaCarlo AlardPoland, Lithuania, and Ukraine as part of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth Regni Poloniae Magni Ducatus Lithuaniae Tabula Carolo Allard.jpg
1674…Vkraine ou Pays des CosaquesUkraine - State of the CossacksGuillaume Sanson
1684Tartaria d Europa ouero Piccola TartariaEuropean Tartary or Little Tartary Giacomo Cantelli Dnieper Ukraine marked as "Ukraine or the land of the Zaporozhian Cossacks" (Vkraina o Paese de Cossachi di Zaporowa). To the east of it is another Ukraine - "Ukraine or the land of the Don Cossacks, dependent on Moscow" (Vkraina ouero Paese de Cossachi Tanaiti Soggetti al Moscouita).
Pivdenno-Skhidna Ievropa 1684.JPG
1705Королевства Польского и Великого княжества Литовского чертежPlan of the Kingdom of Poland and Grand Duchy of LithuaniaPeter PicartThe map depicts the territories of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. There are also markings for Ukraine (Ꙋkraіna) and Part of Moscow State.
1705Le mar noire… Et les pars Cosaques…The Black Sea... And the Lands of the Cossacks... Nicolas de Fer The northern Black Sea coast - the lands of the Cossacks - Ukraine, and Little Tataria.
FER, Nicolas de, La Mer Noire, ca. 1705.jpg
1710(?)Ukraine grand pays de la Russie Rouge avec une partie de la Pologne, Moscovie…Great Country - Ukraine, Red Ruthenia, bordering with Poland, Muscovy, Wallachia... Pierre Van Der Haeghen ;
Ukraine Rouge.gif
1710UkrainaUkraine Abraham Allard Map of Poland and Muscovy (including Lithuania, Ukraine, Russia, Volhynia, Courland, Crimea, Wallachia, Livonia)
Poland und Moscovia Abrahamum Allard 1710.jpeg
1711Ukraine… Guillaume Delisle Map of Ukraine, Kiev Voivodeship.
1720Vkrania que terra Cosaccorvm…Ukraine - land of the Cossacks Johann Baptist Homann Map "Ukraine or Cossack land with neighboring provinces of Wallachia, Moldavia, and Little Tartary" by Johann Baptist Homann, Nuremberg, 1716. Western and central parts of Ukraine are shown. Near UKRANIA is marked as RUSSIA RUBRA. According to one version, the man sitting and smoking a pipe surrounded by associates depicted on the cartouche is Ivan Mazepa.
Ukrania quae et Terra Cosaccorum cum vicinis Walachiae, Moldoviae, Johann Baptiste Homann (Nuremberg, 1720).jpg
1723Unnamed map in Travels through Europe, Asia and into parts of Africa Aubry de La Mottraye  [ fr ]The author served king Charles XII of Sweden, staying with his army in Bender, Moldova during 1709–1713 after their retreat from the 1709 Battle of Poltava. Most details concern western Black Sea coastal towns between Bender on the Dniester and Constantinople (modern Istanbul), with few details on the area he called "UCKRANIA" except "Pultava" (Poltava, marked with crossed swords) on the left bank and a few towns including "Kiow" (modern Kyiv) on the right bank. Mottraye published Travels through Europe, Asia and into parts of Africa in London in 1723 (dedicated to George I), including this map with (dedicated probably to Robert Sutton (diplomat)).
Aubry de La Motraye, Black Sea (FL36554634 2525109).jpg
1730Nova Mappa Maris Nigri…New map of the Black Sea Matthäus Seutter
1740Nova Et Accurata Tartarie Europe Seu Minoris…European Tartary Matthäus Seutter Little Tartary and Ukraine - land of the Cossacks. Mala tatariia, Ukrayina - derzhava kozakiv.jpg
1740Nova et accurata Turcicarum et Tartaricarum Provinciarum Matthäus Seutter Malo-Tartary and Ukraine - Cossack State.
1770Amplissima Ucraniae Regio…Ukraine and regions Tobias Conrad Lotter Ukrainian lands
1781Russia Rossa Antonio Zatta Translates to "Dry Rus". According to another version - "Red Rus". Eastern Europe - Antonio Zatta (1781).jpg
1919Carte de UkraineA map presented by the delegation of the UNR at the Paris Peace Conference. Map of Ukraine for Paris Peace Conference.jpg
1920World Map with the Distribution of Ukrainians"World Map with the Distribution of Ukrainians" by Georg Hasenko, 1920.
Svitova mapa z rozmishchenniam Ukrayintsiv po svitu.jpg
1928Contemporary Division of Eastern Slavs by LanguageModern division of Eastern Slavs by languageKudryashov K. V.A map published in the "Russian Historical Atlas" in Moscow, which received the first prize of the TsEKUB and the Central Executive Committee of the USSR.

See also

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  1. 1 2 Pinto, Karen. "The Maps are the Message: Mehmet II's Patronage of an 'Ottoman Cluster'". Imago Mundi 63.2 (2011): 155-179. DOI: 10.1080/03085694.2011.568703.
  2. Borschak, Elie. "Beauplan, Guillaume Le Vasseur de". Internet Encyclopedia of Ukraine, Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, 2009. Accessed 2014-08-11.
  3. Pernal, Andrew B. "Two Newly-Discovered Seventeenth-Century Manuscript Maps of Ukraine". Od Kijowa do Rzymu. Białystok  : Instytut Badań nad Dziedzictwem Kulturowym Europy, 2012, 188.
  4. Tartaria d'Europa
  5. 1 2 Kendall, Bridget. "Ukraine Maps Chart Crimea's Troubled Past", BBC, 2014-03-13. Accessed 2014-08-11.
  6. "Magni Ducatus Lithuaniae Caeterarumque Regionum Illi Adjacentium . . . Anno 1613 (I)". Vkraina. Archived from the original on January 16, 2020. Retrieved April 18, 2020.