In abstract algebra, a cellular algebra is a finite-dimensional associative algebra A with a distinguished cellular basis which is particularly well-adapted to studying the representation theory of A.
The cellular algebras discussed in this article were introduced in a 1996 paper of Graham and Lehrer. [1] However, the terminology had previously been used by Weisfeiler and Lehman in the Soviet Union in the 1960s, to describe what are also known as coherent algebras. [2] [3] [4]
Let be a fixed commutative ring with unit. In most applications this is a field, but this is not needed for the definitions. Let also be an -algebra.
A cell datum for is a tuple consisting of
This definition was originally given by Graham and Lehrer who invented cellular algebras. [1]
Let be an anti-automorphism of -algebras with (just called "involution" from now on).
A cell ideal of w.r.t. is a two-sided ideal such that the following conditions hold:
A cell chain for w.r.t. is defined as a direct decomposition
into free -submodules such that
Now is called a cellular algebra if it has a cell chain. One can show that the two definitions are equivalent. [5] Every basis gives rise to cell chains (one for each topological ordering of ) and choosing a basis of every left ideal one can construct a corresponding cell basis for .
is cellular. A cell datum is given by and
A cell-chain in the sense of the second, abstract definition is given by
is cellular. A cell datum is given by and
A cell-chain (and in fact the only cell chain) is given by
In some sense all cellular algebras "interpolate" between these two extremes by arranging matrix-algebra-like pieces according to the poset .
Modulo minor technicalities all Iwahori–Hecke algebras of finite type are cellular w.r.t. to the involution that maps the standard basis as . [6] This includes for example the integral group algebra of the symmetric groups as well as all other finite Weyl groups.
A basic Brauer tree algebra over a field is cellular if and only if the Brauer tree is a straight line (with arbitrary number of exceptional vertices). [5]
Further examples include q-Schur algebras, the Brauer algebra, the Temperley–Lieb algebra, the Birman–Murakami–Wenzl algebra, the blocks of the Bernstein–Gelfand–Gelfand category of a semisimple Lie algebra. [5]
Assume is cellular and is a cell datum for . Then one defines the cell module as the free -module with basis and multiplication
where the coefficients are the same as above. Then becomes an -left module.
These modules generalize the Specht modules for the symmetric group and the Hecke-algebras of type A.
There is a canonical bilinear form which satisfies
for all indices .
One can check that is symmetric in the sense that
for all and also -invariant in the sense that
for all ,.
Assume for the rest of this section that the ring is a field. With the information contained in the invariant bilinear forms one can easily list all simple -modules:
Let and define for all . Then all are absolute simple -modules and every simple -module is one of these.
These theorems appear already in the original paper by Graham and Lehrer. [1]
If is an integral domain then there is a converse to this last point:
If one further assumes to be a local domain, then additionally the following holds:
Assuming that is a field (though a lot of this can be generalized to arbitrary rings, integral domains, local rings or at least discrete valuation rings) and is cellular w.r.t. to the involution . Then the following hold