In electrochemistry, chronoamperometry is an analytical technique in which the electric potential of the working electrode is stepped and the resulting current from faradaic processes occurring at the electrode (caused by the potential step) is monitored as a function of time. The functional relationship between current response and time is measured after applying single or double potential step to the working electrode of the electrochemical system. Limited information about the identity of the electrolyzed species can be obtained from the ratio of the peak oxidation current versus the peak reduction current. However, as with all pulsed techniques, chronoamperometry generates high charging currents, which decay exponentially with time as any RC circuit. The Faradaic current - which is due to electron transfer events and is most often the current component of interest - decays as described in the Cottrell equation. In most electrochemical cells, this decay is much slower than the charging decay-cells with no supporting electrolyte are notable exceptions. Most commonly a three-electrode system is used. Since the current is integrated over relatively longer time intervals, chronoamperometry gives a better signal-to-noise ratio in comparison to other amperometric techniques.
There are two types of chronoamperometry that are commonly used: controlled-potential chronoamperometry and controlled-current chronoamperometry. Before running controlled-potential chronoamperometry, cyclic voltammetries are run to determine the reduction potential of the analytes. Generally, chronoamperometry uses fixed-area electrodes, which are suitable for studying electrode processes of coupled chemical reactions, especially the reaction mechanism of organic electrochemistry. [4]
Anthracene in deoxygenated dimethylformamide (DMF) will be reduced (An + e− -> An−) at the electrode surface that is at a certain negative potential. The reduction will be diffusion-limited, thereby causing the current to drop in time (proportional to the diffusion gradient that is formed by diffusion).
You can do this experiment several times increasing electrode potentials from low to high. (In between the experiments, the solution should be stirred.) When you measure the current i(t) at a certain fixed time point τ after applying the voltage, you will see that at a certain moment the current i(τ) does not rise anymore; you have reached the mass-transfer-limited region. This means that anthracene arrives as fast as diffusion can bring it to the electrode.
In 1902, F. G. Cottrell deduced the linear diffusion on a planar electrode according to the diffusion law and Laplace transform, and obtained the Cottrell equation:
Under controlled-diffusion circumstances, the current-time plot reflects the concentration gradient of the solution near the electrode surface. The current is directly proportional to the concentration at the electrode surface.
In 1922, Jaroslav Heyrovský reiterated the chronoamperometric method when he invented the polarographic method. It can use the basic circuit of the polarograph. To connect the fast recorder or oscilloscope, the dropping mercury electrode is not used, instead, the static electrodes such as suspended mercury, mercury poll or platinum, gold and graphite are used. In addition, the solution is not stirred. In the presence of the inert electrolytes, the mass transfer process is mainly diffusion. [5] Jarroslav Herovsky derived the chronopotentiometric method from the Cottrell equation. Chronopotentiometry [6] is an electrochemical method that can generate a stable current that can flow between two different electrodes. [7]
One of the application of chronoamperometry is controlled-potential (bulk) electrolysis, which is also known as potentiostatic coulometry. During this process, a constant potential is applied to the working electrode and current is monitored over time. The analyte in one oxidation state will be oxidized or reduced to another oxidation state. The current will decrease to the base line (approaching zero) as the analyte is consumed. This process shows the total charge (in coulomb) that flows in the reaction. Total charge (n value) is calculated by integration of area under the current plot and the application of the Faraday's law.
The cell for controlled-potential (bulk) electrolysis is usually a two-compartment (divided) cell, contained a carbon rod auxiliary anode and is separated from the cathode compartment by a coarse glass frit and methyl cellulose solvent electrolyte plug. [8] The reason for the two compartment cell is to separate cathodic and anodic reaction. The working electrode for bulk electrolysis could be a RVC disk, which has larger surface area to increase the rate of the reaction. [9]
Controlled-potential electrolysis is normally utilized with cyclic voltammetry. Cyclic voltammetry is capable to analyse the electrochemical behavior of the analyte or the reaction. For instance, cyclic voltammetry could tell us the cathodic potential of an analyte. Since the cathodic potential of this analyte is obtained, controlled-potential electrolysis could hold this constant potential for the reaction to happen. [10] [11]
Double potential step chronoamperometry (DPSCA) is the technique whose working electrode is applied by the potential stepping forward for a certain period of time and backward for a period of time. The current is monitored and plotted with respect to time. This method starts with an induction period. In this period, several initial conditions will be applied to the electrochemical cell so that cell is able to equilibrate to those conditions. [12] The working electrode potential will be held at the initial potential under these conditions for a specified period (i.e. usually 3 seconds). When the induction period is over, the working cells switch to another potential for a certain amount of time. After the first step is completed, the working electrode's potential is stepped back, usually to the potential prior to the forward step. [13] [14] The whole experiment ends with a relaxation period. Under this period, the default condition involves holding the working electrode potential of initial state for another approximate 1 seconds. [15] [16] When the relaxation period is over, the post experiment idle conditions will be applied to the cell so that the instrument can return to the idle state1. After plotting the current as a function of time, a chronoamperogram will occur and it can also be used to generate Cottrell plots. [17]
The application of chronopotentiometry could be derived into two parts. As an analytical method, the range of analysis is normally in the range of 10−4 mol/L to 10−2 mol/L, and sometimes it will be as accurate as 10−5 mol/L. When the analysis is in the extreme lower range of concentration, lower current density could be used. Also, to get the accurate concentration determination, the transition time could be extended. In this area of analysis determination, chronopotentiometry is similar to polarography. Waves that are separable in polarography is also separable in chronopotentiometry.
Chronopotentiometry is an effective method to study electrode mechanism. Different electrode will have different relationship between E and t in the chronopotentiometry graph. In this situation, E is the electrode potential in voltage and t is the reaction time in seconds. By the method of studying the relationship between E and t in the chronopotentiometry graph, we can get the information of mechanisms of electrode reactions, such as the electrode reaction of hydrogen peroxide and oxalic acid. The chronopotentiometry experiment could be done in a very short time period, so it is a good method to study the adsorption behavior at the electrode surface. By studying the chronopotentiometry graph of electrode after adsorption of iron ions, it is proved that the adsorption of platinum on iron ions exists. By studying the chronopotentiometry graph of platinum electrode adsorbing iodine, it is proved that the adsorption of iodine occurs in the form of iodine molecules, not iodine atoms.
Chronocoulometry is an analytical method that has similar principle with chronoamperometry, but it monitors the relationship between charge and time instead of current and time. Chronocoulometry has the following differences with chronoamperometry: the signal increases over time instead of decreasing; the act of integration minimizes noise, resulting in a smooth hyperbolic response curve; and contributions from double-layer charging and absorbed species are easily observed.
Electrochemistry is the branch of physical chemistry concerned with the relationship between electrical potential difference, as a measurable and quantitative phenomenon, and identifiable chemical change, with the potential difference as an outcome of a particular chemical change, or vice versa. These reactions involve electrons moving via an electronically-conducting phase between electrodes separated by an ionically conducting and electronically insulating electrolyte.
In electrochemistry, cyclic voltammetry (CV) is a type of potentiodynamic measurement. In a cyclic voltammetry experiment, the working electrode potential is ramped linearly versus time. Unlike in linear sweep voltammetry, after the set potential is reached in a CV experiment, the working electrode's potential is ramped in the opposite direction to return to the initial potential. These cycles of ramps in potential may be repeated as many times as needed. The current at the working electrode is plotted versus the applied voltage to give the cyclic voltammogram trace. Cyclic voltammetry is generally used to study the electrochemical properties of an analyte in solution or of a molecule that is adsorbed onto the electrode.
Voltammetry is a category of electroanalytical methods used in analytical chemistry and various industrial processes. In voltammetry, information about an analyte is obtained by measuring the current as the potential is varied. The analytical data for a voltammetric experiment comes in the form of a voltammogram which plots the current produced by the analyte versus the potential of the working electrode.
Polarography is a type of voltammetry where the working electrode is a dropping mercury electrode (DME) or a static mercury drop electrode (SMDE), which are useful for their wide cathodic ranges and renewable surfaces. It was invented in 1922 by Czech chemist Jaroslav Heyrovský, for which he won the Nobel prize in 1959. The main advantages of mercury as electrode material are as follows: 1) a large voltage window: ca. from +0.2 V to -1.8 V vs reversible hydrogen electrode (RHE). Hg electrode is particularly well-suited for studying electroreduction reactions. 2) very reproducible electrode surface, since mercury is liquid. 3) very easy cleaning of the electrode surface by making a new drop of mercury from a large Hg pool connected by a glass capillary.
Electrogravimetry is a method used to separate and quantify ions of a substance, usually a metal. In this process, the analyte solution is electrolyzed. Electrochemical reduction causes the analyte to be deposited on the cathode. The mass of the cathode is determined before and after the experiment, and the difference is used to calculate the mass of analyte in the original solution. Controlling the potential of the electrode is important to ensure that only the metal being analyzed will be deposited on the electrode.
In electrochemistry, overpotential is the potential difference (voltage) between a half-reaction's thermodynamically-determined reduction potential and the potential at which the redox event is experimentally observed. The term is directly related to a cell's voltage efficiency. In an electrolytic cell the existence of overpotential implies that the cell requires more energy than thermodynamically expected to drive a reaction. In a galvanic cell the existence of overpotential means less energy is recovered than thermodynamics predicts. In each case the extra/missing energy is lost as heat. The quantity of overpotential is specific to each cell design and varies across cells and operational conditions, even for the same reaction. Overpotential is experimentally determined by measuring the potential at which a given current density is achieved.
In electrochemistry, electrosynthesis is the synthesis of chemical compounds in an electrochemical cell. Compared to ordinary redox reactions, electrosynthesis sometimes offers improved selectivity and yields. Electrosynthesis is actively studied as a science and also has industrial applications. Electrooxidation has potential for wastewater treatment as well.
Electroanalytical methods are a class of techniques in analytical chemistry which study an analyte by measuring the potential (volts) and/or current (amperes) in an electrochemical cell containing the analyte. These methods can be broken down into several categories depending on which aspects of the cell are controlled and which are measured. The four main categories are potentiometry, amperometry, coulometry, and voltammetry.
In electrochemistry, the Cottrell equation describes the change in electric current with respect to time in a controlled potential experiment, such as chronoamperometry. Specifically it describes the current response when the potential is a step function in time. It was derived by Frederick Gardner Cottrell in 1903. For a simple redox event, such as the ferrocene/ferrocenium couple, the current measured depends on the rate at which the analyte diffuses to the electrode. That is, the current is said to be "diffusion controlled". The Cottrell equation describes the case for an electrode that is planar but can also be derived for spherical, cylindrical, and rectangular geometries by using the corresponding Laplace operator and boundary conditions in conjunction with Fick's second law of diffusion.
In electrochemistry, the working electrode is the electrode in an electrochemical system on which the reaction of interest is occurring. The working electrode is often used in conjunction with an auxiliary electrode, and a reference electrode in a three-electrode system. Depending on whether the reaction on the electrode is a reduction or an oxidation, the working electrode is called cathodic or anodic, respectively. Common working electrodes can consist of materials ranging from inert metals such as gold or platinum, to inert carbon such as glassy carbon, boron-doped diamond or pyrolytic carbon, and mercury drop and film electrodes. Chemically modified electrodes are employed for the analysis of both organic and inorganic samples.
Squarewave voltammetry (SWV) is a form of linear potential sweep voltammetry that uses a combined square wave and staircase potential applied to a stationary electrode. It has found numerous applications in various fields, including within medicinal and various sensing communities.
In electrochemistry, the auxiliary electrode, often also called the counter electrode, is an electrode used in a three-electrode electrochemical cell for voltammetric analysis or other reactions in which an electric current is expected to flow. The auxiliary electrode is distinct from the reference electrode, which establishes the electrical potential against which other potentials may be measured, and the working electrode, at which the cell reaction takes place.
A rotating disk electrode (RDE) is a working electrode used in three electrode systems for hydrodynamic voltammetry. The electrode rotates during experiments inducing a flux of analyte to the electrode. These working electrodes are used in electrochemical studies when investigating reaction mechanisms related to redox chemistry, among other chemical phenomena. The more complex rotating ring-disk electrode can be used as a rotating disk electrode if the ring is left inactive during the experiment.
A rotating ring-disk electrode (RRDE) is a double working electrode used in hydrodynamic voltammetry, very similar to a rotating disk electrode (RDE). The electrode rotates during experiments inducing a flux of analyte to the electrode. This system used in electrochemical studies when investigating reaction mechanisms related to redox chemistry and other chemical phenomena.
Hydrodynamic voltammetry is a form of voltammetry in which the analyte solution flows relative to a working electrode. In many voltammetry techniques, the solution is intentionally left still to allow diffusion controlled mass transfer. When a solution is made to flow, through stirring or some other physical mechanism, it is very important to the technique to achieve a very controlled flux or mass transfer in order to obtain predictable results. These methods are types of electrochemical studies which use potentiostats to investigate reaction mechanisms related to redox chemistry among other chemical phenomenon.
Bulk electrolysis is also known as potentiostatic coulometry or controlled potential coulometry. The experiment is a form of coulometry which generally employs a three electrode system controlled by a potentiostat. In the experiment the working electrode is held at a constant potential (volts) and current (amps) is monitored over time (seconds). In a properly run experiment an analyte is quantitatively converted from its original oxidation state to a new oxidation state, either reduced or oxidized. As the substrate is consumed, the current also decreases, approaching zero when the conversion nears completion.
A liquid metal electrode is an electrode that uses a liquid metal, such as mercury, Galinstan, and NaK. They can be used in electrocapillarity, voltammetry, and impedance measurements.
In electrochemistry, protein film voltammetry is a technique for examining the behavior of proteins immobilized on an electrode. The technique is applicable to proteins and enzymes that engage in electron transfer reactions and it is part of the methods available to study enzyme kinetics.
Electrochemical stripping analysis is a set of analytical chemistry methods based on voltammetry or potentiometry that are used for quantitative determination of ions in solution. Stripping voltammetry have been employed for analysis of organic molecules as well as metal ions. Carbon paste, glassy carbon paste, and glassy carbon electrodes when modified are termed as chemically modified electrodes and have been employed for the analysis of organic and inorganic compounds.
The Virtual breakdown mechanism is a concept in the field of electrochemistry. In electrochemical reactions, when the cathode and the anode are close enough to each other, the double layer of the regions from the two electrodes is overlapped, forming a large electric field uniformly distributed inside the entire electrode gap. Such high electric fields can significantly enhance the ion migration inside bulk solutions and thus increase the entire reaction rate, akin to the "breakdown" of the reactant(s). However, it is fundamentally different from the traditional "breakdown".
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