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A crunode at the origin of the curve defined by y -x (x+1)=0 Cubic with double point.svg
A crunode at the origin of the curve defined by yx (x+1)=0

In mathematics, a crunode (archaic) or node is a point where a curve intersects itself so that both branches of the curve have distinct tangent lines at the point of intersection. A crunode is also known as an ordinary double point. [1]

Mathematics Field of study concerning quantity, patterns and change

Mathematics includes the study of such topics as quantity, structure (algebra), space (geometry), and change. It has no generally accepted definition.

Curve object similar to a line but which is not required to be straight

In mathematics, a curve is an object similar to a line which doesn't have to be straight.

For a plane curve, defined as the locus of points f(x, y) = 0, where f(x, y) is a smooth function of variables x and y ranging over the real numbers, a crunode of the curve is a singularity of the function f, where both partial derivatives and vanish. Further the Hessian matrix of second derivatives will have both positive and negative eigenvalues.

In mathematics, a plane curve is a curve in a plane that may be either a Euclidean plane, an affine plane or a projective plane. The most frequently studied cases are smooth plane curves, and algebraic plane curves. Plane curves also include the Jordan curves and the graphs of continuous functions.

In mathematics, singularity theory studies spaces that are almost manifolds, but not quite. A string can serve as an example of a one-dimensional manifold, if one neglects its thickness. A singularity can be made by balling it up, dropping it on the floor, and flattening it. In some places the flat string will cross itself in an approximate "X" shape. The points on the floor where it does this are one kind of singularity, the double point: one bit of the floor corresponds to more than one bit of string. Perhaps the string will also touch itself without crossing, like an underlined "U". This is another kind of singularity. Unlike the double point, it is not stable, in the sense that a small push will lift the bottom of the "U" away from the "underline".

In mathematics, a partial derivative of a function of several variables is its derivative with respect to one of those variables, with the others held constant. Partial derivatives are used in vector calculus and differential geometry.

See also

In geometry, a singular point on a curve is one where the curve is not given by a smooth embedding of a parameter. The precise definition of a singular point depends on the type of curve being studied.

Acnode isolated point in the solution set of a polynomial equation in two real variables. Equivalent terms are "isolated point or hermit point"

An acnode is an isolated point in the solution set of a polynomial equation in two real variables. Equivalent terms are "isolated point or hermit point".

Cusp (singularity) Point on a curve where motion must move backwards

In mathematics a cusp, sometimes called spinode in old texts, is a point on a curve where a moving point on the curve must start to move backward. A typical example is given in the figure. A cusp is thus a type of singular point of a curve.

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Tangent straight line touching a point in a curve

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In mathematics, a singularity is in general a point at which a given mathematical object is not defined, or a point of an exceptional set where it fails to be well-behaved in some particular way, such as differentiability.

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In classical algebraic geometry, a tacnode is a kind of singular point of a curve. It is defined as a point where two osculating circles to the curve at that point are tangent. This means that two branches of the curve have ordinary tangency at the double point.


  1. Weisstein, Eric W. "Crunode". Mathworld. Retrieved 14 January 2014.