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Scientific classification

C. griffithii
Binomial name
Cymbolaena griffithii
(A.Gray) Wagenitz

Cymbolaena longifolia
Micropus longifolius
Stylocline griffithii

Cymbolaena is a monotypic genus of flowering plants in the aster family, Asteraceae, containing the single species Cymbolaena griffithii. It is native to Asia, where it is distributed from Turkey to Pakistan. It is one of several genera in "the Filago group," and some authors include it within the genus Filago. [1]

This is an annual herb coated with appressed gray hairs. The stem is very short and the branches extend outward, making the plant squat in stature, sometimes forming a patch on the ground. The alternately arranged leaves are linear. The disc-shaped flower heads are clustered in glomerules 1 or 2 centimeters wide. There are layers of tiny woolly phyllaries around the flower head. It contains usually 4 tubular florets each no more than 1.5 millimeters long. [2] Cypselas from bisexual florets have deciduous white pappi, and those from female florets lack pappi. [3]

The genus name Cymbolaena is a partial anagram of Bombycilaena . [1]

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  1. the outer florets are all tubular; and
  2. the cypselas are minutely tuberculate and lack long finger-like papillae.
<i>Scolymus grandiflorus</i>

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<i>Podolepis lessonii</i> member of the daisy family, native to WA

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