Damgalnuna | |
![]() A procession of goddesses, including Damkina (Damgalnuna), in the Yazılıkaya sanctuary. | |
Other names | Damkina, Tapkina |
Major cult center | Eridu, Malgium |
Personal information | |
Spouse | Enki |
Children | Nanshe, Asalluhi, Marduk, Enbilulu |
Damgalnuna, also known as Damkina, was a Mesopotamian goddess regarded as the wife of the god Enki. Her character is poorly defined in known sources, though it is known that like her husband she was associated with ritual purification and that she was believed to intercede with him on behalf of supplicants. Among the deities regarded as their children were Nanshe and Asalluhi. While the myth Enki and Ninhursag treats her as interchangeable with the goddess mentioned in its title, they were usually separate from each other. The cities of Eridu and Malgium were regarded as Damgalnuna's cult centers. She was also worshiped in other settlements, such as Nippur, Sippar and Kalhu, and possibly as early as in the third millennium BCE was incorporated into the Hurrian pantheon. She appears in a number of myths, including the Enūma Eliš, though only a single composition, Damkina's Bond, is focused on her.
The theonym Damgalnuna can be translated as "the great wife of the prince," the "prince" implicitly being Enki. [1] Joan Goodnick Westenholz pointed out that the writing of her name with the cuneiform sign NUN reflects her connection with the city of Eridu, as it was used as a logographic representation of its name. [1] Shortened writings include d dam-gal and possibly ddam. [2] It is agreed that the second form of her name, Damkina, developed later. [2] [3] In late sources it could be spelled as Damkianna. [4] This form is attested in Neo-Babylonian letters found in Uruk, according to Paul-Alain Beaulieu originally sent from Eridu. [5] Further variant spellings such as Damnun, Damnuna [6] and Damgalana are also attested. [7] The Hurrian form of the name was Tapkina. [8]
Damgalnuna's individual character was poorly defined beyond her spousal relation with Enki. [9] She was believed to intercede with him on behalf of human supplicants, which has been compared to an analogous role attested for Adad's wife Shala, Shamash's wife Aya, Ishum's wife Ninmug or Inanna's attendant Ninshubur. [10] Like Enki, Damgalnuna could be associated with exorcisms and ritual purification. [9] In incantations, she could be invoked against demons. [11]
It has been proposed that cylinder seal depictions of a goddess accompanied by Enki's symbolic hybrids, the fish man and the fish goat, on cylinder seals who can be identified as Damgalnuna. [12] Julia M. Asher-Greve points out that sometimes she appears in the same scenes on them as Enki. [13] It has also been suggested that lions might have been her symbolic animals. [14]
In Mesopotamian astronomy, Damgalnuna was identified with the constellation Wagon of Heaven, corresponding to Ursa Minor. [14]
Damgalnuna was the wife of Enki (Ea). [15] In the myth Enki and Ninhursag , she and the eponymous goddess are treated as the same deity. [16] However, Dina Katz points out that they were usually separate, and Ninhursag's husband was Šulpae. [17] Deities considered to be children of Enki and Damgalnuna include Nanshe, Asalluhi, Marduk and Enbilulu. [18]
In a variant of the Weidner god list, Damgalnuna is equated with Kiša, the wife of the river god Idlurugu. [19] An Emesal vocabulary apparently mistakes her and her husband for the primordial deities Enki and Ninki. [20] Despite their similar names, the two Enkis were not identical. [21] Multiple alternate names are assigned to Damgalnuna in the god list An = Anum (tablet II, lines 173-184), [3] including Ningikuga and Ninti. [22] It has been argued that the latter name is also used to refer to her in the Hymn to Ninkasi , where this goddess is the mother of the eponymous beer deity. [23] According to Antoine Cavigneaux and Manfred Krebernik, Ningikuga as a name of a spouse of Enki is to be distinguished with the use of this name to refer to the mother of Ningal or to Ningal herself. [24]
The deities Ḫasīsu and Uznu, "wisdom" and "ear," were considered Damgalnuna's divine attendants (sukkals). [25]
The worship of Damgalnuna is attested in all periods of history of ancient Mesopotamia, [9] though the scope of her cult gradually declined. [26] She already appears in the Early Dynastic Zame Hymns . [27] According to this source, her cult center was Eridu. [28] A first millennium BCE hymn to Nanaya which lists various city goddesses also preserves information about her association with this city, though it also addresses her as the "Queen of Kullaba." [29]
Another city considered to be Damgalnuna's cult center was Malgium, [30] located to the south of Eshnunna. [31] Both of her names, Damgalnuna and Damkina, appear in texts from this city. [32] She is listed as one of its deities in the Code of Hammurabi . [33] Two of its rulers, Takil-ilišu and Ipiq-Ishtar, referred to themselves as appointed to their position by her and Ea. [34] The temple of the pair located in this city might have been the Enamtila, "house of life," mentioned in an inscription of Takil-ilišu. [35]
A temple dedicated to Damgalnuna also existed in Nippur. [3] It was built by Shulgi. [36] A metrological text from the Middle Babylonian period also attests the existence of a house of worship which she shared with her husband, treated as separate from the former by Andrew R. George. [36]
On Old Babylonian seals from Sippar, Damgalnuna and Enki are one of the three most commonly invoked divine couples, though they appear less frequently than Shamash and Aya or Adad and Shala. [6] One of such objects, which belonged to a certain Enkimansum, has been inscribed with the formula "servant of Enki and Damgalnuna." [37] They had a sanctuary in Sippar-Amnanum inside of the temple complex of Annunitum. [37] It is known from a document stating that a number of officials, including the sanga priest of Annunitum, were responsible for inspecting its property after a theft occurred. [38]
An inscription with Ashurnasirpal II indicates that Damgalnuna also shared a temple with her husband in Kalhu. [36]
Damgalnuna was incorporated into Hurrian religion, where she similarly fulfilled the role of Ea's wife. [39] According to Piotr Taracha, it is possible the transfer of her cult occurred in the third millennium BCE already. [40] She is mentioned in the treaty between Šattiwaza and Šuppiluliuma I, in which she appears near the end of the list of divine witnesses, between Belet-ekalli and Išḫara. [41] She is among the deities depicted in the Yazılıkaya sanctuary, where she appears in a procession of goddesses, between Shalash and Nikkal. [42] She was also worshiped alongside other Hurrian deities in the Hittite capital, Hattusa, [43] and in Nerik. [44]
Only a single myth in which Damgalnuna plays a central role is known. [34] She appears in it under the name Damkianna, though it has been suggested that in this context it might refer to Zarpanit. [45] The text is known from two copies, one Neo-Assyrian and another Neo-Babylonian or later. [46] Two translations have been published so far, one by Takayoshi Oshima and another by Wilfred G. Lambert, who gave it the title Damkina's Bond. [46] Based on the fact that Marduk is already presented as a king of the gods, but at the same time Nabu is his scribe rather than son, the latter author assumed that it was originally composed under the rule of either the Kassite or Isin II dynasty. [34] The former concludes it cannot be earlier than the reign of Nebuchadnezzar I. [4] Based on the available evidence for the association between Damgalnuna and Malgium, Lambert suggested it originated in this city. [34] The myth focuses on a conflict between the pantheons of Babylon and Nippur, led respectively by Marduk and Enlil, though its details are uncertain. [47] The forces of Nippur lose, and the conflict is eventually resolved through Damgalnuna's intervention, [48] prompted by a message about the battle delivered to her by Neretagmil, [4] the sukkal of the god Nāru. [49] Lambert argued that to that end, she released an object referred to as a "bond" (il-let-sa [50] ) in his translation, the nature of which is left unstated but which according to hi was something possible to display, perhaps a clay tablet. [48] Oshima instead refers to it as a "burden" and concludes that it might have been some sort of plague or natural disaster. [50] The colophon of the Neo-Babylonian copy states that the contents of the tablet were a secret and revealing them to anyone from outside its intended audience of ancient scholars was considered a taboo of Marduk. [51]
Damgalnuna appears in Enūma Eliš as Marduk's mother. [52] However, the text provides her with no genealogy, and no account of her birth is included. [21] The form of her name used in this text is Damkina. [53]
According to Nathan Wasserman, one of the inscriptions of king Ipiq-Ishtar of Malgium might contain a reference to a flood myth involving Ea (Enki) and Damkina (Damgalnuna). [54] It states that when an unspecified disaster was about to befall this city, Ea instructed his wife to save it by "insuring long dynastic kingship," which according to Raphael Kutscher should be understood as a euphemism for placing an usurper on the throne. [55]
A hymn dedicated to Damgalnuna, identified in a subscript as a šir-šag-ḫula ("song of a joyful heart"), is also known. [56] It focuses on her spousal relation to Enki. [57]
Ninḫursaĝ sometimes transcribed Ninursag, Ninḫarsag, or Ninḫursaĝa, also known as Damgalnuna or Ninmah, was the ancient Sumerian mother goddess of the mountains, and one of the seven great deities of Sumer. She is known earliest as a nurturing or fertility goddess. Temple hymn sources identify her as the "true and great lady of heaven" and kings of Lagash were "nourished by Ninhursag's milk". She is the tutelary deity to several Sumerian leaders.
Ninlil was a Mesopotamian goddess regarded as the wife of Enlil. She shared many of his functions, especially the responsibility for declaring destinies, and like him was regarded as a senior deity and head of the pantheon. She is also well attested as the mother of his children, such as the underworld god Nergal, the moon god Nanna or the warrior god Ninurta. She was chiefly worshiped in Nippur and nearby Tummal alongside Enlil, and multiple temples and shrines dedicated to her are attested in textual sources from these cities. In the first millennium BCE she was also introduced to Ḫursaĝkalamma near Kish, where she was worshiped alongside the goddess Bizilla, who was likely her sukkal.
Zababa was the tutelary deity of the city of Kish in ancient Mesopotamia. He was a war god. While he was regarded as similar to Ninurta and Nergal, he was never fully conflated with them. His worship is attested from between the Early Dynastic to the Achaemenid periods, with the Old Babylonian kings being particularly devoted to him. Starting with the Old Babylonian period, he was regarded as married to the goddess Bau.
Zarpanitu was a Mesopotamian goddess regarded as the spouse of Marduk. Not much is known about her character, though late sources indicate that she was associated with pregnancy and that she could be assigned similar roles as her husband, including that of queen of the gods. She was originally worshiped in Zarpan, a village near Babylon, though the latter city itself also served as her cult center.
Nisaba was the Mesopotamian goddess of writing and grain. She is one of the oldest Sumerian deities attested in writing, and remained prominent through many periods of Mesopotamian history. She was commonly worshiped by scribes, and numerous Sumerian texts end with the doxology "praise to Nisaba" as a result. She declined after the Old Babylonian period due to the rise of the new scribe god, Nabu, though she did not fully vanish from Mesopotamian religion and attestations from as late as the neo-Babylonian period are known.
Nanaya was a Mesopotamian goddess of love closely associated with Inanna.
Aya was a Mesopotamian goddess associated with dawn. Multiple variant names were attributed to her in god lists. She was regarded as the wife of Shamash, the sun god. She was worshiped alongside her husband in Sippar. Multiple royal inscriptions pertaining to this city mention her. She was also associated with the Nadītu community inhabiting it. She is less well attested in the other cult center of Shamash, Larsa, though she was venerated there as well. Additional attestations are available from Uruk, Mari and Assur. Aya was also incorporated into Hurrian religion, and in this context she appears as the wife of Shamash's counterpart Šimige.
Ninegal or Belat Ekalli (Belet-ekalli) was a Mesopotamian goddess associated with palaces. Both her Sumerian and Akkadian name mean "lady of the palace."
Ninimma was a Mesopotamian goddess best known as a courtier of Enlil. She is well attested as a deity associated with scribal arts, and is variously described as a divine scholar, scribe or librarian by modern Assyriologists. She could also serve as an assistant of the birth goddess Ninmah, and a hymn describes her partaking in cutting of umbilical cords and determination of fates. It has also been suggested that she was associated with vegetation. In the Middle Babylonian period she additionally came to be viewed as a healing deity.
Šulpae was a Mesopotamian god. Much about his role in Mesopotamian religion remains uncertain, though it is agreed he was an astral deity associated with the planet Jupiter and that he could be linked to specific diseases, especially bennu. He was regarded as the husband of Ninhursag. Among the deities considered to be their children were Ashgi, Panigingarra and Lisin. The oldest texts which mention him come from the Early Dynastic period, when he was worshiped in Kesh. He is also attested in documents from other cities, for example Nippur, Adab and Girsu. Multiple temples dedicated to him are mentioned in known sources, but their respective locations are unknown.
Ninkarrak was a goddess of medicine worshiped chiefly in northern Mesopotamia and Syria. It has been proposed that her name originates in either Akkadian or an unidentified substrate language possibly spoken in parts of modern Syria, rather than in Sumerian. It is presumed that inconsistent orthography reflects ancient scholarly attempts at making it more closely resemble Sumerian theonyms. The best attested temples dedicated to her existed in Sippar and in Terqa. Finds from excavations undertaken at the site of the latter were used as evidence in more precisely dating the history of the region. Further attestations are available from northern Mesopotamia, including the kingdom of Apum, Assyria, and the Diyala area, from various southern Mesopotamian cities such as Larsa, Nippur, and possibly Uruk, as well as from Ugarit and Emar. It is possible that references to "Ninkar" from the texts from Ebla and Nikarawa, attested in Luwian inscriptions from Carchemish, were about Ninkarrak.
Shuzianna was a Mesopotamian goddess. She was chiefly worshiped in Nippur, where she was regarded as a secondary spouse of Enlil. She is also known from the enumerations of children of Enmesharra, while in the myth Enki and Ninmah she is one of the seven minor goddesses helping with the creation of mankind.
Ninsianna was a Mesopotamian deity considered to be the personification of Venus. This theonym also served as the name of the planet in astronomical texts until the end of the Old Babylonian period. There is evidence that Ninsianna's gender varied between locations, and both feminine and masculine forms of this deity were worshiped. Due to their shared connection to Venus, Ninsianna was associated with Inanna. Furthermore, the deity Kabta appears alongside Ninsianna in many texts, but the character of the relation between them remains unclear.
Sukkal was a term which could denote both a type of official and a class of deities in ancient Mesopotamia. The historical sukkals were responsible for overseeing the execution of various commands of the kings and acted as diplomatic envoys and translators for foreign dignitaries. The deities referred to as sukkals fulfilled a similar role in mythology, acting as servants, advisors and envoys of the main gods of the Mesopotamian pantheon, such as Enlil or Inanna. The best known sukkal is the goddess Ninshubur. In art, they were depicted carrying staves, most likely understood as their attribute. They could function as intercessory deities, believed to mediate between worshipers and the major gods.
Urash (Uraš) was a Mesopotamian god who was the tutelary deity of Dilbat. He was an agricultural god, and in that capacity he was frequently associated with Ninurta. His wife was the goddess Ninegal, while his children were the underworld deity Lagamal, who like him was associated with Dilbat, and the love goddess Nanaya.
Laṣ was a Mesopotamian goddess who was commonly regarded as the wife of Nergal, a god associated with war and the underworld. Instances of both conflation and coexistence of her and another goddess this position was attributed to, Mammitum, are attested in a number sources. Her cult centers were Kutha in Babylonia and Tarbiṣu in Assyria.
Ninmug or Ninmuga was a Mesopotamian goddess. She was associated with artisanship, especially with metalworking, as evidenced by her epithet tibira kalamma, "metalworker of the land." She could also be regarded as a goddess of birth and assistant of Ninmah, most likely because the fashioning of statues of deities and the birth of children could be described with the same terms in Sumerian texts. Her main cult centers were Kisiga, whose location remains uncertain, and Adab.
Tadmuštum or Dadamušda was a Mesopotamian goddess associated with the underworld. She was regarded as the daughter of Nergal, and in known texts often appears in association with his main cult center, Kutha.
Epithets of Inanna were titles and bynames used to refer to this Mesopotamian goddess and to her Akkadian counterpart Ishtar. In Mesopotamia, epithets were commonly used in place of the main name of the deity, and combinations of a name with an epithet similar to these common in ancient Greek religion are comparatively uncommon. Inanna had more titles than any other Mesopotamian deity. They pertained to her associations with specific cities or areas, such as Uruk, Zabalam, Akkad, Nineveh, or the Sealand. Others instead highlighted her specific roles, for example, that of an astral goddess personifying the planet Venus—or that of a war deity. In some cases, her individual epithets eventually developed into separate deities.
Ara was a Mesopotamian goddess regarded as a servant of the god Enki. While in the past it was often assumed this theonym was only an alternate name Isimud, today the two are regarded as distinct deities who eventually came to be conflated with each other. Ara is attested in sources such as god lists, incantations and a curse formula from Malgium.
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