Elongated hexagonal bipyramid

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Elongated hexagonal bipyramid
Elongated hexagonal dipyramid.png
Type Elongated bipyramid
Faces 12 triangles
6 squares
Edges 30
Vertices 14
Vertex configuration 2 of 36
12 of 32.42
Symmetry group D6h, [6,2], (*226)
Dual polyhedron Hexagonal bifrustum
Properties convex
Elongated hexagonal bipyramid net.png

In geometry, the elongated hexagonal bipyramid is constructed by elongating a hexagonal bipyramid (by inserting a hexagonal prism between its congruent halves).


This polyhedron is in the family of elongated bipyramids, of which the first three can be Johnson solids: J14, J15, and J16. The hexagonal form can be constructed by all regular faces but is not a Johnson solid because 6 equilateral triangles would form six co-planar faces (in a regular hexagon).


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  1. Wen, Zhiwei; Liang, Chongyun; Bi, Han; Li, Yuesheng; Che, Renchao (2016). "Controllable synthesis of elongated hexagonal bipyramid shaped La(OH)3 nanorods and the distribution of electric property by off-axis electron holography". Nano Research. 9 (9): 2561–2571. doi:10.1007/s12274-016-1142-6.