Faultless disagreement

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A faultless disagreement is a disagreement when Party A states that P is true, while Party B states that non-P is true, and neither party is at fault. Disagreements of this kind may arise in areas of evaluative discourse, such as aesthetics, justification of beliefs or moral values, etc. A representative example is that John says Paris is more interesting than Rome, while Bob claims Rome is more interesting than Paris. In the case of a faultless disagreement, it is possible that if any party gives up their claim, there will be no improvement in the position of any of them. [1] [ clarification needed ]

Within the framework of formal logic it is impossible that both P and not-P are true, and it was attempted to justify faultless disagreements within the framework of relativism of the Truth (propositional truth being relative to perspectives), [2] Max Kölbel and Sven Rosenkranz argued that genuine faultless disagreements are impossible. [1] [2] However, defenses of faultless disagreement, and of alethic relativism more generally, continue to be made by critics of formal logic as it is currently constructed. [3]

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John MacFarlane is an American professor of philosophy at the University of California, Berkeley interested in logic and metaphysics. He has made influential contributions to truth-value theory inferential semantics. In 2015, he was elected a Fellow the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. He is also known for his contributions to open source software, especially the Pandoc document converter and other Markdown parsers and verifiers. MacFarlane was among the group of people that helped launch the CommonMark standardization effort for Markdown.

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  1. 1 2 Max Kölbel, "Faultless Disagreement", Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, New Series, Vol. 104 (2004), pp. 53-73
  2. 1 2 Sven Rosenkranz, "Frege, Relativism and Faultless Disagreement", doi : 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199234950.003.0010
  3. Engle, John (2013). "Alethic relativism and faultless disagreement: weighing in on the puzzle from a general semantics perspective". ETC: A Review of General Semantics. 70 (4): 372–376. JSTOR   24761805 via JSTOR.