Ficus drupacea

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Ficus drupacea
Ficus drupacea 10.JPG
Scientific classification Red Pencil Icon.png
Domain: Eukaryota
Kingdom: Plantae
Clade: Tracheophytes
Clade: Angiosperms
Clade: Eudicots
Clade: Rosids
Order: Rosales
Family: Moraceae
Genus: Ficus
Subgenus: F. subg. Urostigma
F. drupacea
Binomial name
Ficus drupacea

Ficus drupacea, also known as the brown-woolly fig [1] [2] or Mysore fig, is a tropical tree native to Southeast Asia and Northeast Australia (it has been introduced into the New World tropics, including Puerto Rico). [1] [3] It is a strangler fig; [4] [5] [6] it begins its life cycle as an epiphyte on a larger tree, which it eventually engulfs. Its distinctive features include dense, woolly pubescence, bright yellow to red fleshy fruit, and grayish white bark. [3] [7] It can reach heights of 10–30 meters (33–98 ft). [3] [5] [7] Its fruit are eaten by pigeons, and it is pollinated by Eupristina belgaumensis. [5] It occurs in environments ranging from sea-level beachfront environments to montane forests, up to 1000 m (3281 ft). [3] [5] [7]

Infraspecific taxa

Varieties of F. drupacea include: [8]

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  1. 1 2 "Plants Profile for Ficus drupacea (brown-woolly fig)". Retrieved 2018-07-20.
  2. "ITIS Standard Report Page: Ficus drupacea". Retrieved 2018-07-20.
  3. 1 2 3 4 "Ficus drupacea in Flora of China @". Retrieved 2018-07-20.
  4. "National Parks Board, Singapore: Ficus drupacea". NParks Flora & Fauna Web. 2013. Retrieved July 19, 2018.
  5. 1 2 3 4 "Ficus drupacea - FigWeb". Retrieved 2018-07-20.
  6. "Factsheet - Ficus drupacea". Retrieved 2018-07-20.
  7. 1 2 3 "Ficus drupacea - MORACEAE". Retrieved 2018-07-20.
  8. "Tropicos | Name - Ficus drupacea Thunb". Retrieved 2018-07-20.