Financial Modeling World Cup

Last updated
Financial Modeling World Cup
Financial Modeling World Cup logo.jpg
Genre Esports
Years activeSeptember 2020 (2020-09)
InauguratedSeptember 2020 (2020-09)
FounderAndrew Grigolyunovich

The Financial Modeling World Cup (FMWC) is an organization that hosts various Microsoft Excel based competitions.


The FMWC held its first competition in September 2020 and currently hosts three competitions:

Financial Modeling World Cup (FMWC)

Description, Competition Format, and Scoring

FMWC is an annual Excel modeling competition.

During the course of a season (January through November), competitors complete eight stages, and are allotted two hours over a 48-hour window to complete each stage.

Each stage contains three case studies, one to five pages long, with multiple choice or fill-in questions at the end. Contrary to what the name suggests, not all case studies are financial modeling based; Many are business modeling or data modeling based.

Stage points are available for:

Each stage winner's score is normalized to 1,000 points, and the score of all other competitors are normalized accordingly.

FMWC rankings and final standings are based on points scored across each competitor's top 6 stages (bottom 2 stages are dropped).

Format Changes

Competition Statistics

YearRegistrations [a] Participants [b] Completed Max Number of Stages [c] Prize Pool (USD)
2020 [1] 12511736$10,000
2021 [2] 33330772$20,000
2022 [3] 443402136$25,000
2023 [4] 401363136$25,000


Score dropped from final rankings per FMWC rules
RankNameNationAge Group1234TotalPrize
Gold medal icon.svgJoseph LauFlag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia Masters7851,2857952,6705,535$3,000
Silver medal icon.svgDiarmuid EarlyFlag of the United States.svg  United States Open8251,2601,0351,6504,770$2,000
Bronze medal icon.svgAndrew NgaiFlag of the United Kingdom.svg  Great Britain Open1,1608802,6704,710$1,000
4John LimFlag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia Open6058907352,2904,520
5Christian HueberFlag of Austria.svg  Austria Open4701,1058052,1054,485
6Anup AgarwalFlag of India.svg  India Open1,00095525254,480
7Samir AsadovFlag of Ireland.svg  Ireland Open5201,02555520504,150
8Joseph Michael PalisocFlag of the United States.svg  United States Open6558858051,7504,095
9Dan MayohFlag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia Open6208757201,8504,065
10Willem GerritsenFlag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands Masters6558458251,4753,800
RankNameNationAge Group123456789101112TotalPrize
Gold medal icon.svgDiarmuid EarlyFlag of the United States.svg  United States Open1,1701,0151,1601,1658651,5101,2609708151,1451,4401,09011,925$5,000
Silver medal icon.svgAnup AgarwalFlag of India.svg  India Open1,1057901,4601,0658651,2658351,1755351,0051,55085011,175$2,000
Bronze medal icon.svgAndrew NgaiFlag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia Open1,2007358207651,3151,2651,0301,1408201,3251,30063510,980$1,000
4Jeff Heng Siang TanFlag of Malaysia.svg  Malaysia Open4954851,2905301,1451,2306501,2505301,4601,1901,35010,625$500
5Willem GerritsenFlag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands Open1,2756057207508851,2001,2101,0707201,0601,35085010,370$500
6Michael JarmanFlag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada Open8258201,3007658951,1708951,0408671,4201,09010,322$500
7Christian HueberFlag of Austria.svg  Austria Open7251,1309258658306701,0356159701,3058509,305$500
8Janis Reinis BeikmanisFlag of Latvia.svg  Latvia U-256457608401,17879583008206257651,2851,3719,289$350
9Joseph Michael PalisocFlag of the United States.svg  United States Open7255606756101,0158406808406051,1301,4008758,790$350
10Sameer JagetiaFlag of the United States.svg  United States Open7056508216851,0409456709205709501,3305638,716$350
RankNameNationAge Group12345678TotalPrize
Gold medal icon.svgLaurence LauFlag of the United States.svg  United States Open1,0009571,0009591,0001,0007699785,937$7,000
Silver medal icon.svgDiarmuid EarlyFlag of Ireland.svg  Ireland Open8211,0008301,0008859561,0001,0005,841$4,000
Bronze medal icon.svgAndrew NgaiFlag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia Open8478998158389718039748835,412$2,000
4Michael JarmanFlag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada Open8986705967758999569687805,276$1,000
5Willem GerritsenFlag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands Open7407902376227956467888344,593$800
6Joseph Michael PalisocFlag of the United States.svg  United States Open8095767377796765078407134,554$750
7Anup AgarwalFlag of India.svg  India Open6946345267128496978407494,541$700
8Tim RobertsFlag of the United Kingdom.svg  Great Britain Open7627785936988357004,366$650
9Matthew FriedFlag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia Open8216116946468786864,336$600
10Paul DentFlag of the United Kingdom.svg  Great Britain Open5878336197347055006447944,329$550
RankNameNationAge Group12345678TotalPrize
Gold medal icon.svgLaurence LauFlag of the United States.svg  United States Open6541,0001,0001,0001,0001,0001,0001,0006,000$7,000
Silver medal icon.svgDiarmuid EarlyFlag of Ireland.svg  Ireland Open9178858579935887175979725,341$4,000
Bronze medal icon.svgMichael JarmanFlag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada Open1,0006855736267136831,0008184,899$2,000
4Andrew NgaiFlag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia Open8579438356855556756538054,800$1,000
5Willem GerritsenFlag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands Open8957625706645816635866104,180$800
6Joseph Michael PalisocFlag of the United States.svg  United States Open6246856383926516506348504,108$750
7Paul DentFlag of the United Kingdom.svg  Great Britain Open6996977104835926545866494,001$700
8Michael ClarkeFlag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand Open6697826315566146836173,996$650
9Matthew FriedFlag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia Open7636985303925447634746173,915$600
10Harry GrossFlag of the United Kingdom.svg  Great Britain U-2558610005273185854465006243,822$550

Microsoft Excel World Championship (MEWC)


The MEWC began in 2021 as the FMWC Open, an Excel Esports tournament. The competition was a standalone event that did not impact the Financial Modeling World Cup Rankings in regular seasons. [1]

The tournament consisted of a Qualification Round, with the top 128 qualifiers advancing to a single elimination tournament. [5]

Qualification rounds began on November 13, and continued into December. [5] The last three rounds of the FMWC Open competition were held on December 11, 2021, and were broadcast on FMWC YouTube channel and ESPN3. [6] [7] Andrew Ngai (now representing Australia), Anup Agarwal (India), and Michael Jarman (Canada) returned as quarterfinals qualifiers, and Harry Gross from the UK, Jason Moore from the US, Joseph Palisoc from the US, Sameer Jagetia from the US, and Tim Roberts from the UK also qualified. [8] The final round, entitled "Knights and Warriors", had contestants, each representing a fictional nation, send fictional warriors to conquer each other. Ngai defeated Jarman 734–280, with a maximum of 1,000 points per side. [5]


The FMWC Open was rebranded as the Microsoft Excel World Championship (MEWC). Like its predecessor, it also consisted of a Qualification Round, with the top 128 qualifiers advancing to a single elimination tournament.

Qualification results (Top 50)

In total, 377 people took part and 128 qualified for the final round. The best ranked participants of the FMWC ranking, were prequalified.

RankNameTotal PointsTime
1 Flag of the Netherlands.svg Willem Gerritsen5,00000:36:50
2 Flag of New Zealand.svg Michael Clarke5,00000:46:59
3 Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg Michael Holmes5,00000:51:01
4 Flag of the United States.svg Brian Hanley5,00000:51:28
5 Flag of Spain.svg Alfons Oliver Altes5,00000:52:23
6 Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg Justin Merson5,00000:54:51
7 Flag of the United States.svg Brittany Deaton5,00000:54:57
8 Flag of South Africa.svg Jason Webber5,00000:55:02
9 Flag of Spain.svg Eduardo Gonazales Arias5,00000:55:32
10 Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Peter Rebecchi5,00000:55:57
11 Flag of the United States.svg David Brown5,00000:56:49
12 Flag of India.svg Stefanus Ng5,00000:59:28
13 Flag of the United States.svg Diarmuid Early4,80000:25:14
14 Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Paul Dent4,60000:50:55
15 Flag of France.svg Nicolas Micot4,60000:52:31
16 Flag of the United States.svg Nick McCartney4,60000:54:55
17 Flag of the United States.svg Lianna Gerrish4,60000:57:34
18 Flag of Belgium (civil).svg Bram Van Eeckhout4,60000:58:14
19 Flag of Australia (converted).svg Matthew Fried4,55000:50:17
20 Flag of Spain.svg Isaac Mendez Cortinas4,40000:56:55
21 Flag of the United States.svg Emad Oughourli4,30000:59:18
22 Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Tom Vincent4,30001:00:00
23 Flag of the United States.svg Michael Thanasides4,30001:00:00
24 Flag of India.svg Dhara Shah4,20000:59:28
25 Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg Ben Gutscher4,10000:43:06
26 Flag of Australia (converted).svg Toby Funston4,05000:59:59
27 Flag of the United Kingdom.svg David Rosel4,00000:45:38
28 Flag of the United States.svg Dan Seiders4,00000:56:40
29 Flag of the Netherlands.svg Albert Blom4,00000:57:31
30 Flag of the United States.svg Harry Seiders4,00000:57:31
31 Flag of the United States.svg Taylor Robinson4,00000:58:23
32 Flag of the United States.svg Mary Brown4,00000:58:23
33 Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg Patrick Chatain4,00000:58:43
34 Flag of Latvia.svg Aleksandrs Goba4,00000:59:00
35 Flag of Mexico.svg Ricardo Domínguez4,00000:59:09
36 Flag of Russia.svg Grigoriy Korkishko4,00000:59:28
37 Flag of Hungary.svg Zsolt Mogyorósi4,00000:59:49
38 Flag of the United States.svg Joseph Michael Palisoc4,00000:59:52
39 Flag of the United States.svg Luke Moraga4,00001:00:00
40 Flag of the United States.svg Nick Lowman3,97500:59:01
41 Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Jaq Kennedy3,87500:59:48
42 Flag of Egypt.svg Khaled Habib3,80000:59:36
43 Flag of the United States.svg Ben deLeon3,80000:59:39
44 Flag of Poland.svg Jakub Pomykalski3,80000:59:50
45 Flag of France.svg Pierre Sertin3,67500:59:50
46 Flag of South Africa.svg Steyn Wolmarans3,60000:49:04
47 Flag of the United States.svg Bob Schriver3,60000:52:22
48 Flag of Austria.svg Christian Hueber3,60000:54:19
49 Flag of Japan.svg Jason Naniong3,60000:57:51
50 Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Ryan Bains3,60000:58:01


Round of 128 Round of 64 Round of 32 Round of 16 Quarter-finals Semi-finals Final
Flag of Australia (converted).svg Andrew Ngai676
Flag of Hong Kong.svg Alvin Siu Hin Lui188
Flag of Australia (converted).svg Andrew Ngai676
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg Ben Gutscher484
Flag of the Philippines.svg Princess Camille Ong72
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg Ben Gutscher664
Flag of Australia (converted).svg Andrew Ngai780
Flag of Australia (converted).svg Peter Li189
Flag of New Zealand.svg Cheong Ng232
Flag of Australia (converted).svg Peter Li664
Flag of Australia (converted).svg Peter Li676
Flag of Australia (converted).svg Steve Schulz272
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Harry Gross84
Flag of Australia (converted).svg Steve Schulz664
Flag of Australia (converted).svg Andrew Ngai346
Flag of Australia (converted).svg Min Chen104
Flag of France.svg Nicolas Micot640
Flag of India.svg Vineet Sharma0
Flag of France.svg Nicolas Micot220
Flag of Austria.svg Christian Hueber319
Flag of Australia (converted).svg Toby Funston137
Flag of Austria.svg Christian Hueber284
Flag of Austria.svg Christian Hueber251
Flag of Australia (converted).svg Min Chen620
Flag of Spain.svg Isaac Méndez Cortiias676
Flag of Australia (converted).svg John Lim317
Flag of Spain.svg Isaac Méndez Cortifas272
Flag of Australia (converted).svg Min Chen489
Flag of Australia (converted).svg Min Chen664
Flag of Madagascar.svg Kiraén Andriamandimbisoa284
Flag of Australia (converted).svg Andrew Ngai1,250
Flag of the United States.svg Kenneth Wang760
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg Justin Merson664
Flag of Poland.svg Gabriela Stroj (W)980
Flag of Poland.svg Gabriela Stroj (W)453
Flag of the United States.svg Ben Rotblatt253
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Ben Pridmore124
Flag of the United States.svg Ben Rotblatt302
Flag of Poland.svg Gabriela Stroj (W)224
Flag of the United States.svg David Scully174
Flag of Argentina.svg Joaquin Courreges680
Flag of the United States.svg David Scully716
Flag of the United States.svg David Scully474
Flag of Germany.svg Joris Greiwe220
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg Stephen Xiao22
Flag of Germany.svg Joris Greiwe295
Flag of Poland.svg Gabriela Stroj (W)178
Flag of the United States.svg Kenneth Wang420
Flag of the United States.svg Harry Seiders692
Flag of the United States.svg Sameer Jagetia781
Flag of the United States.svg Sameer Jagetia504
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Jaq Kennedy552
Flag of Spain.svg Sergio Travieso260
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Jaq Kennedy716
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Jaq Kennedy360
Flag of the United States.svg Kenneth Wang530
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Julie Bowden (SE)680
Flag of Brazil.svg / Flag of South Africa.svg T.Silva/R. Wessels652
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Julie Bowden (SE)219
Flag of the United States.svg Kenneth Wang811
Flag of the United States.svg Kenneth Wang1105
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Paul Dent1105
Flag of Australia (converted).svg Andrew Ngai615
Flag of the United States.svg Brittany Deaton610
Flag of the United States.svg Joseph Michael Palisoc1105
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg Mackenzie Dixon159
Flag of the United States.svg Joseph Michael Palisoc680
Flag of the United States.svg Katelyn Stienen640
Flag of the United States.svg Stephanie Annerose431
Flag of the United States.svg Katelyn Stienen460
Flag of the United States.svg Joseph Michael Palisoc676
Flag of Spain.svg Eduardo Gonzalez Arias224
Flag of Ukraine.svg Samir Asadov704
Flag of the United States.svg Brian Hanley757
Flag of the United States.svg Brian Hanley367
Flag of Spain.svg Eduardo Gonzalez Arias652
Flag of Poland.svg Jakub Pomykalski568
Flag of Spain.svg Eduardo Gonzalez Arias769
Flag of the United States.svg Joseph Michael Palisoc510
Flag of the United States.svg Jason Hutcheson242
Flag of the United States.svg Dan Seiders640
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Neil Foot482
Flag of the United States.svg Dan Seiders284
Flag of the United States.svg Jason Hutcheson471
Flag of the United States.svg Jason Hutcheson757
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Steve Hales640
Flag of the United States.svg Jason Hutcheson506
Flag of the United States.svg David Brown295
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg Graydon Moore290
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg William Freestone680
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg William Freestone179
Flag of the United States.svg David Brown295
Flag of the United States.svg Nick McCartney420
Flag of the United States.svg David Brown1105
Flag of the United States.svg Joseph Michael Palisoc1,000
Flag of the United States.svg Brittany Deaton1,250
Flag of Germany.svg Fanny Caillot664
Flag of the United States.svg Morgan Carr471
Flag of Germany.svg Fanny Caillot262
Flag of the United States.svg Brittany Deaton735
Flag of the United States.svg Brittany Deaton1000
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg Thomas Keane220
Flag of the United States.svg Brittany Deaton770
Flag of the United States.svg JP Delavin0
Flag of the United States.svg JP Delavin692
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg David Rosel680
Flag of the United States.svg JP Delavin640
Flag of Latvia.svg Aleksandrs Goba250
Flag of the United States.svg Nathan Cunningham484
Flag of Latvia.svg Aleksandrs Goba745
Flag of the United States.svg Brittany Deaton405
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Andrew Biglowe328
Flag of Argentina.svg Juan Pablo Brea525
Flag of the United States.svg Michael Thanasides432
Flag of Argentina.svg Juan Pablo Brea286
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg Patrick Chatain250
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg Patrick Chatain568
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg Tyler Hargrave0
Flag of Argentina.svg Juan Pablo Brea424
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Andrew Biglowe556
Flag of the United States.svg Nick Tone260
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Andrew Biglowe692
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Andrew Biglowe775
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Tim Roberts (4)610
Flag of France.svg Pierre Sertin680
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Tim Roberts1040
Flag of Australia (converted).svg Andrew Ngai1,250
Flag of Australia (converted).svg Matthew Fried420
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg Michael Jarman 1105
Flag of the Netherlands.svg Lyanne van Dijk492
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg Michael Jarman674
Flag of Hungary.svg Adam Reichenbach82
Flag of the United States.svg Nick Lowman534
Flag of Hungary.svg Adam Reichenbach745
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg Michael Jarman744
Flag of the United States.svg Jesi Lipp0
Flag of the United States.svg Bob Schriver326
Flag of the United States.svg Jesi Lipp640
Flag of the United States.svg Jesi Lipp640
Flag of the United States.svg Bryan Ferrier444
Flag of the United States.svg Martin Rydder220
Flag of the United States.svg Bryan Ferrier500
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg Michael Jarman670
Flag of the United States.svg Ben deLeon243
Flag of the United States.svg Jack Graham420
Flag of the Netherlands.svg Martijn Adriaanse640
Flag of the Netherlands.svg Martijn Adriaanse470
Flag of the United States.svg Andrew Luchenbach250
Flag of Egypt.svg Khaled Habib240
Flag of the United States.svg Andrew Luchenbach692
Flag of the Netherlands.svg Martijn Adriaanse530
Flag of the United States.svg Ben deLeon784
Flag of the United States.svg Ben deLeon757
Flag of the United States.svg Lianna Gerrish664
Flag of the United States.svg Ben deLeon775
Flag of the United States.svg Jack Franken640
Flag of the Netherlands.svg Peter van Veen344
Flag of the United States.svg Jack Franken781
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg Michael Jarman1,200
Flag of New Zealand.svg Michael Clarke770
Flag of New Zealand.svg Michael Clarke640
Flag of South Africa.svg Jason Webber189
Flag of New Zealand.svg Michael Clarke478
Flag of Australia (converted).svg Nataly Falero232
Flag of Belgium (civil).svg Bram Van Eeckhout220
Flag of Australia (converted).svg Nataly Falero420
Flag of New Zealand.svg Michael Clarke653
Flag of South Africa.svg Steyn Wolmarans395
Flag placeholder.svg Grigoriy Korkishko94
Flag of South Africa.svg Steyn Wolmarans107
Flag of South Africa.svg Steyn Wolmarans309
Flag of India.svg Dhara Shah250
Flag of South Africa.svg Gareth Watson42
Flag of India.svg Dhara Shah284
Flag of New Zealand.svg Michael Clarke379
Flag of the Netherlands.svg Willem Gerritsen242
Flag of Spain.svg Alfons Oliver Altes263
Flag of Hungary.svg Zsolt Mogyorösi84
Flag of Spain.svg Alfons Oliver Altes319
Flag of Thailand.svg Pichaya Pan-anukooln273
Flag of Japan.svg Jason Naniong208
Flag of Thailand.svg Pichaya Pan-anukooln243
Flag of Spain.svg Alfons Oliver Altes653
Flag of the Netherlands.svg Willem Gerritsen830
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Peter Rebecchi114
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg Chris Wilson119
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg Chris Wilson455
Flag of the Netherlands.svg Willem Gerritsen676
Flag of the Netherlands.svg Jan Mooijer84
Flag of the Netherlands.svg Willem Gerritsen676
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg Michael Jarman415
Flag of Australia (converted).svg Matthew Fried914
Flag of India.svg Anup Agarwal610
Flag of the Netherlands.svg Albert Blom84
Flag of India.svg Anup Agarwal813
Flag of Denmark.svg Niels Christian Lundtoft470
Flag of Denmark.svg Niels Christian Lundtoft420
Flag of Poland.svg Jakub Hluzow220
Flag of India.svg Anup Agarwal360
Flag of Australia (converted).svg Matthew Fried830
Flag of South Africa.svg Christopher Ashworth319
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Tom Vincent84
Flag of South Africa.svg Christopher Ashworth319
Flag of Australia (converted).svg Matthew Fried410
Flag of Australia (converted).svg Matthew Fried640
Flag of New Zealand.svg Nick Boberg96
Flag of Australia (converted).svg Matthew Fried407
Flag of Australia (converted).svg Liam Bastick (W)240
Flag of Italy.svg Lorenzo Foti94
Flag of Indonesia.svg Stefanus Ng420
Flag of Indonesia.svg Stefanus Ng240
Flag of Australia (converted).svg Liam Bastick (W)478
Flag of Australia (converted).svg Liam Bastick (W)261
Flag of Belgium (civil).svg Kjell De Troye84
Flag of Australia (converted).svg Liam Bastick (W)457
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Ryan Bains389
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Ryan Bains232
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Stephen Dunn220
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Ryan Bains442
Flag of Thailand.svg Bo Rydobon250
Flag of Kazakhstan.svg Gani Toleugazyyev220
Flag of Thailand.svg BO Rydobon540
Flag of Australia (converted).svg Matthew Fried986
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg Michael Holmes976
Flag of the United States.svg Mary Brown640
Flag of the United States.svg Daric Harrington260
Flag of the United States.svg Mary Brown428
Flag of the United States.svg Shaun McCarthy397
Flag of the United States.svg Luke Moraga522
Flag of the United States.svg Shaun McCarthy676
Flag of the United States.svg Mary Brown316
Flag of Australia (converted).svg Dan Mayoh310
Flag of the United States.svg Greg Hingsbergen724
Flag of Australia (converted).svg Dan Mayoh973
Flag of Australia (converted).svg Dan Mayoh640
Flag of France.svg Loic Coquer18
Flag of France.svg Loic Coquer444
Flag of the United States.svg Norm Sheppard300
Flag of the United States.svg Mary Brown232
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg Michael Holmes405
Flag of Costa Rica.svg Jelle Hettinga460
Flag of Austria.svg Adam Steiner466
Flag of Austria.svg Adam Steiner220
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg Michael Holmes420
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg Michael Holmes1099
Flag of Mexico.svg Ricardo Domínguez280
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg Michael Holmes988
Flag of the United States.svg Diarmuid Early834

Flag of the United States.svg Emad Oughourli680
Flag of the United States.svg Taylor Robinson704
Flag of the United States.svg Taylor Robinson716
Flag of the United States.svg Diarmuid Early1200

Flag of the United States.svg Robert Valentine250
Flag of the United States.svg Diarmuid Early1105


The MEWC continued in 2023 with a modified format, the Qualification round was split into nine events, called "Road to Las Vegas" and one Qualification Round. However the 128 final-participants will still be competing in a 1v1 grid. The final of the top 8 will be hosted in Las Vegas.

Qualification results (Top 50)

In total, 377 people took part and 128 qualified for the final round. The best ranked participants of the FMWC ranking, were prequalified.

RankNameTotal PointsTime
1 Flag of the United States.svg Brittany Deaton1000000:46:24
2 Flag of France.svg Nicolas Micot991500:46:45
3 Flag of Italy.svg Lorenzo Foti971500:53:52
4 Flag of the United States.svg Peter Scharl911500:53:41
5 Flag of the United States.svg Jason Hutcheson883000:58:19
6 Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg Adam Carter850000:57:59
7 Flag of the United States.svg Katelyn Stienen931501:00:00
8 Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Elliott Paterson820000:58:07
9 Flag of the United States.svg Jacob Andrews820001:00:00
10 Flag of the United States.svg Kyle Sutton800000:57:13
11 Flag of the United States.svg Johnny Valeriote800000:57:57
12 Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg Michael Holmes800000:58:32
13 Flag of France.svg Christophe Belin791500:56:28
14 Flag of the United States.svg Kenneth Wang791500:59:53
15 Flag of the United States.svg Jeremy Freelove785001:00:00
16 Flag of Spain.svg Alfons Oliver Altes770000:55:16
17 Flag of the United States.svg Jesi Lipp765000:56:05
18 Flag of the Philippines.svg Princess Camille Ong760000:59:00
19 Flag of the United States.svg Harry Seiders760000:59:04
20 Flag of Thailand.svg Pakkapong Sricharoen760000:59:22
21 Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Ben Pridmore756500:51:35
22 Flag of the United States.svg Ben deLeon751500:55:25
23 Flag of the United States.svg Sharon Parker748001:00:00
24 Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Harry Watson741501:00:00
25 Flag of the Netherlands.svg Lyanne van Dijk741000:57:52
26 Flag of South Africa.svg Alwyn Birkholtz733500:49:28
27 Flag of the United States.svg Shaun McCarthy731500:59:45
28 Flag of the United States.svg Matt Ficarra724500:59:50
29 Flag of the United States.svg James Galbraith722000:56:17
30 Flag of the United States.svg Will Demere721500:59:40
31 Flag of the United States.svg Riley Flischel715000:57:55
32 Flag of Australia (converted).svg Steve Schulz715001:00:00
33 Flag of the Netherlands.svg Judith Droogsma678500:52:50
34 Flag of France.svg Charles Poulain671501:00:00
35 Flag of New Zealand.svg Nick Boberg670000:59:01
36 Flag of the United Kingdom.svg James Blackham663500:58:49
37 Flag of the Netherlands.svg Martijn Adriaanse648500:59:34
38 Flag of the United States.svg Matt Melsen643500:58:54
39 Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Oliver Lambert641500:59:34
40 Flag of Italy.svg Sergio Trifiletti641500:59:49
41 Flag of Mexico.svg Ricardo Dominguez640500:59:57
42 Flag of the United States.svg Kristain Lindemann640000:59:40
43 Flag of the United States.svg Brandon Moyer640001:00:00
44 Flag of Germany.svg Grigoriy Korkishko634500:59:18
45 Flag of India.svg Prithviraj Mavani630001:00:00
46 Flag of the United States.svg Andrew Heybruch625001:00:00
47 Flag of Hungary.svg Zsolt Mogyorósi621500:59:39
48 Flag of Poland.svg Jakub Pomykalski620000:58:45
49 Flag of South Africa.svg Jason Webber620000:59:40
50 Flag of Chile.svg Juan Cifuentes620000:59:55


The 2023 edition had a different format for the last three rounds. The knockout format was used for the first four rounds. The eight participants that won their Round of 16 match qualified for the in-person Finals in Las Vegas, where 8 more players would join them in a last-chance qualification round.

Section 1

Round of 128 Round of 64 Round of 32 Round of 16
Flag of Australia (converted).svg Andrew Ngai1250
Flag of France.svg Pierre Sertin420
Flag of Australia (converted).svg Andrew Ngai902
Flag of Australia (converted).svg Dario Mavec770
Flag of Australia (converted).svg Dario Mavec390
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Jaq Kennedy270
Flag of Australia (converted).svg Andrew Ngai595
Flag of Italy.svg Serge Trifletti395
Flag of Latvia.svg Janis ReinS Beikmanis442
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg Emlie Williams470
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg Emlie Williams316
Flag of Italy.svg Serge Trifletti640
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg James Blackham102
Flag of Italy.svg Serge Trifletti420
Flag of Australia (converted).svg Andrew Ngai1215
Flag of New Zealand.svg Timothy Shue418
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Chris Wison243
Flag of Thailand.svg Bo Rydobon443
Flag of Thailand.svg Bo Rydobon314
Flag of New Zealand.svg Timothy Shue802
Flag of Australia (converted).svg WII Nord420
Flag of New Zealand.svg Timothy Shue591
Flag of New Zealand.svg Timothy Shue474
Flag of Spain.svg Alfons Oliver Altes240
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Neil Foot442
Flag of Australia (converted).svg Dan Mayoh481
Flag of Australia (converted).svg Dan Mayoh220
Flag of Spain.svg Alfons Oliver Altes712
Flag of Spain.svg Alfons Oliver Altes470
Flag of the Netherlands.svg Lyanne van Dijk194

Section 2

Round of 128 Round of 64 Round of 32 Round of 16
Flag of Thailand.svg Pichaya Pan-anukooh432
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Elliott Paterson916
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Elliott Paterson720
Flag of Thailand.svg Pakkapong Sricharoen720
Flag of France.svg Julien Lacaze254
Flag of Thailand.svg Pakkapong Sricharoen652
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Elliott Paterson465
Flag of Poland.svg Jakub Pomykalski465
Flag of South Africa.svg Pieter Pienaar481
Flag of Poland.svg Jakub Pomykalski497
Flag of Poland.svg Jakub Pomykalski896
Flag of Italy.svg Lorenzo Foti323
Flag of France.svg Charles Poulain0
Flag of Italy.svg Lorenzo Foti668
Flag of Poland.svg Jakub Pomykalski513
Flag of the Philippines.svg Stevenson Yu393
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Harry Watson420
Flag of New Zealand.svg Nick Boberg503
Flag of New Zealand.svg Nick Boberg362
Flag of the Philippines.svg Stevenson Yu380
Flag of the Philippines.svg Princess Camille Ong0
Flag of the Philippines.svg Stevenson Yu492
Flag of the Philippines.svg Stevenson Yu520
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Harry Gross320
Flag of South Africa.svg Alwyn Birkhottz270
Flag of the Netherlands.svg Henriette Hamer110
Flag of South Africa.svg Alwyn Birkhottz403
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Harry Gross494
Flag of India.svg Anup Agarwal664
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Harry Gross676

Section 3

Round of 128 Round of 64 Round of 32 Round of 16
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Matthew Fried0
Flag of Sweden.svg Belin Christophe209
Flag of Sweden.svg Belin Christophe416
Flag of the United States.svg Emad Oughourli235
Flag of Spain.svg Jesi Lipp410
Flag of the United States.svg Emad Oughourli550
Flag of Sweden.svg Belin Christophe488
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg Graydon Moore102
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg Graydon Moore250
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg Chris Pipka244
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg Graydon Moore178
Flag of the United States.svg Kyle Sutton155
Flag of the United States.svg Kyle Sutton392
Flag of the United States.svg Kevin Taylor167
Flag of Sweden.svg Belin Christophe342
Flag of the United States.svg Brandon Moyer573
Flag of the United States.svg Jim Pappalardo297
Flag of the United States.svg Brandon Moyer610
Flag of the United States.svg Brandon Moyer270
Flag of the United States.svg Matt Ficarra202
Flag of the United States.svg Matt Ficarra341
Flag of South Africa.svg Reinier Wessels166
Flag of the United States.svg Brandon Moyer583
Flag of the United States.svg Will Demere492
Flag of the United States.svg Will Demere227
Flag of the United States.svg J. Parker Garrison36
Flag of the United States.svg Will Demere194
Flag of the United States.svg Nicholas Fox141
Flag of the United States.svg Barbara Mauric110
Flag of the United States.svg Nicholas Fox690

Section 4

Round of 128 Round of 64 Round of 32 Round of 16
Flag of the United States.svg Tim Roberts262
Flag of Denmark.svg Anders Richter Lindén353
Flag of Denmark.svg Anders Richter Lindén358
Flag of the United States.svg Johnny Valeriote175
Flag of the United States.svg Josep Amela Milian238
Flag of the United States.svg Johnny Valeriote432
Flag of Denmark.svg Anders Richter Lindén327
Flag of the United States.svg Dan Seiders238
Flag of the United States.svg Robert Guiher84
Flag of the United States.svg Dan Seiders306
Flag of the United States.svg Dan Seiders358
Flag of the United States.svg Harry Seiders242
Flag of the United States.svg Harry Seiders376
Flag of Austria.svg Adam Steiner176
Flag of Denmark.svg Anders Richter Lindén517
Flag of the Netherlands.svg Willem Gerritsen532
Flag of the United States.svg Sameer Jagetia714
Flag of the United States.svg Andrew Heybruch192
Flag of the United States.svg Sameer Jagetia240
Flag of the United States.svg Joseph Michael Palisoc245
Flag of the United States.svg Joseph Michael Palisoc332
Flag of the United States.svg Stephanie Annerose232
Flag of the United States.svg Joseph Michael Palisoc480
Flag of the Netherlands.svg Willem Gerritsen676
Flag of the United States.svg Logan Witt206
Flag of Spain.svg Eduardo Gonzalez Arias241
Flag of Spain.svg Eduardo Gonzalez Arias164
Flag of the Netherlands.svg Willem Gerritsen327
Flag of the United States.svg Lianna Gerrish290
Flag of the Netherlands.svg Willem Gerritsen746

Section 5

Round of 128 Round of 64 Round of 32 Round of 16
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg Michael Jarman882
Flag of the United States.svg Kenneth Wang1120
Flag of the United States.svg Kenneth Wang335
Flag of Brazil.svg Klinsmann Langhanz105
Flag of the United States.svg Matt O'Brien60
Flag of Brazil.svg Klinsmann Langhanz306
Flag of the United States.svg Kenneth Wang700
Flag of the United States.svg Peter Scharl804
Flag of the United States.svg Peter Scharl376
Flag of Mexico.svg Ricardo Domínguez139
Flag of the United States.svg Peter Scharl294
Flag of the United States.svg Kristain Lindemann114
Flag of the United States.svg Jason Hutcheson300
Flag of the United States.svg Kristain Lindemann303
Flag of the United States.svg Peter Scharl598
Flag of the United States.svg Katelyn Stienen342
Flag of the United States.svg Katelyn Stienen190
Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg Milos Pantic70
Flag of the United States.svg Katelyn Stienen288
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg Hayden Waller105
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg Michael Holmes404
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg Hayden Waller664
Flag of the United States.svg Katelyn Stienen404
Flag of Italy.svg Yiwei Cao357
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Chris Clarke770
Flag of the United States.svg Matt Melsen238
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Chris Clarke134
Flag of Italy.svg Yiwei Cao389
Flag of the United States.svg Yun-Fei-Yang Liu0
Flag of Italy.svg Yiwei Cao398

Section 6

Round of 128 Round of 64 Round of 32 Round of 16
Flag of Hungary.svg Adam Reichenbach431
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Alexey Sviridov431
Flag of Hungary.svg Adam Reichenbach412
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg Ben Gutscher232
Flag of Singapore.svg Danny Whittaker470
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg Ben Gutscher482
Flag of Hungary.svg Adam Reichenbach423
Flag of Australia (converted).svg Edwin Hartono Limbri470
Flag of Hungary.svg Zsolt Mogyorósi470
Flag of India.svg Prithviraj Mavani482
Flag of India.svg Prithviraj Mavani383
Flag of Australia (converted).svg Edwin Hartono Limbri414
Flag of Australia (converted).svg Edwin Hartono Limbri481
Flag of the Netherlands.svg Judith Droogsma420
Flag of Australia (converted).svg Edwin Hartono Limbri366
Flag of New Zealand.svg Michael Clarke561
Flag of Australia (converted).svg Steve Schulz571
Flag of Australia (converted).svg Catherine Xu493
Flag of Australia (converted).svg Steve Schulz370
Flag of Australia (converted).svg Min Chen500
Flag of New Zealand.svg Cheong Ng371
Flag of Australia (converted).svg Min Chen916
Flag of Australia (converted).svg Min Chen306
Flag of New Zealand.svg Michael Clarke503
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Oliver Lambert414
Flag of Australia (converted).svg John Lim420
Flag of Australia (converted).svg John Lim208
Flag of New Zealand.svg Michael Clarke890
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Ben Pridmore420
Flag of New Zealand.svg Michael Clarke704

Section 7

Round of 128 Round of 64 Round of 32 Round of 16
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Paul Dent640
Flag of the United States.svg David Brown472
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Paul Dent105
Flag of the United States.svg Ben deLeon368
Flag of the United States.svg Ben deLeon560
Flag of Russia.svg Grigoriy Korkishko158
Flag of the United States.svg Ben deLeon108
Flag of the United States.svg Taylor Robinson594
Flag of Greece.svg Thanasis Dogramatzidis260
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg Matthew Jeanos130
Flag of Greece.svg Thanasis Dogramatzidis105
Flag of the United States.svg Taylor Robinson182
Flag of the United States.svg Hack Franken0
Flag of the United States.svg Taylor Robinson310
Flag of the United States.svg Taylor Robinson450
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg Adam Carter624
Flag of the United States.svg Erick Meszaros-Jones619
Flag of the United States.svg Greg Hingsbergen250
Flag of the United States.svg Erick Meszaros-Jones185
Flag of the United States.svg Sharon Parker105
Flag of the United States.svg Sharon Parker640
Flag of the United States.svg Shaun McCarthy190
Flag of the United States.svg Erick Meszaros-Jones116
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg Adam Carter326
Flag of South Africa.svg Jason Webber386
Flag of Hungary.svg Nikolay Georgiev120
Flag of South Africa.svg Jason Webber256
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg Adam Carter279
Flag of the Netherlands.svg Martkin Adriaanse374
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg Adam Carter481

Section 8

Round of 128 Round of 64 Round of 32 Round of 16
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg Patrick Chatain556
Flag of the United States.svg Curtis Landry231
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg Patrick Chatain199
Flag of the United States.svg Jacob Andrews128
Flag of the United States.svg Mike Kern94
Flag of the United States.svg Jacob Andrews220
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg Patrick Chatain334
Flag of France.svg Nicolas Micot410
Flag of Chile.svg Juan Cifuentes300
Flag of Germany.svg Karsten Hartlieb164
Flag of Chile.svg Juan Cifuentes0
Flag of France.svg Nicolas Micot105
Flag of France.svg Nicolas Micot794
Flag of the United States.svg James Galbraith256
Flag of France.svg Nicolas Micot92
Flag of Ireland.svg Diarmuid Early840
Flag of the United States.svg Jacob de la Cruz102
Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg Tianyu William Xiao128
Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg Tianyu William Xiao221
Flag of the United States.svg Brittany Deaton198
Flag of the United States.svg Brittany Deaton662
Flag of the United States.svg Timothy Bralick307
Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg Tianyu William Xiao273
Flag of Ireland.svg Diarmuid Early780
Flag of Ukraine.svg Samir Asadov198
Flag of the United States.svg Riley Flischel470
Flag of the United States.svg Riley Flischel105
Flag of Ireland.svg Diarmuid Early810
Flag of the United States.svg Jeremy Freelove515
Flag of Ireland.svg Diarmuid Early1050


In front of 400 spectators, Michael Jarman unseated three-time champion Andrew Ngai ("the Annihilator") in December 2024 in Las Vegas. Ngai was described as the Kobe Bryant of Excel, in comparison to Diarmuid Early, who was compared to LeBron James. [9] One spectator described the competition as the "Super Bowl for Excel nerds" and declared that "you'd never get this level of passion" with Google Sheets. [9]

Microsoft Excel Collegiate Challenge (MECC)

Other Events

FMWC also holds other events (typically Excel Esports battles). Some events have granted automatic qualification to the MEWC playoff rounds. Some events are livestreamed and can be viewed by the public. These events include (but are not limited to):

DateEvent NameWinnerNationCase Name
8 June 2021888 Battle [10] [11] [12] Michael JarmanFlag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada Cake To Bake
9 September 2021Battle of 16 [13] Diarmuid EarlyFlag of the United States.svg  United States N/A (Multiple)
17 February 2022Global Excel Summit 2022 [14] Jason WebberFlag of South Africa.svg  South Africa Ludo
18 February 2022Global Excel Summit 2022 [15] David BrownFlag of the United States.svg  United States Square of Fortune
31 March 2022Continent Battle: Asia / Pacific [16] Nick BobergFlag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand Minesweeper
24 May 2022All-Star Battle [17] Andrew NgaiFlag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia N/A (Multiple)
30 June 2022Women's Battle [18] Stephanie AnneroseFlag of the United States.svg  United States Lottery
28 July 2022Continent Battle: Africa [19] Gareth WatsonFlag of South Africa.svg  South Africa Tug of War
25 August 2022Continent Battle: Europe [20] Willem GerritsenFlag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands It's a Sequence
23 February 2023Global Excel Summit 2023 [21] Jason WebberFlag of South Africa.svg  South Africa A Story About the Reels


  1. Competitors that have registered for at least one stage, not necessarily for the entire competition
  2. Competitors that have attempted at least one stage. A stage score of 0 indicates participation, while a blank stage score does not
  3. Competitors that attempted the maximum number of stages contributing to the final season point total (i.e., The 2021 season had 12 stages, but only the top 10 results determined a competitors season point total. In 2021, 307 competitors participated in at least 10 FMWC stages.)


  1. 1 2 "FMWC 2020 Rankings".
  2. "FMWC 2021 Rankings".
  3. "FMWC 2022 Rankings".
  4. "FMWC 2023 Rankings".
  5. 1 2 3 Hachman, Mark (December 10, 2021). "Top Excel experts will battle it out in an esports-like competition this weekend". PCWorld . Retrieved December 11, 2021.
  6. Roth, Emma (December 11, 2021). "Watch these Excel pros duke it out in a financial modeling competition". The Verge . Retrieved December 11, 2021.
  7. Bolding, Jonathan (December 11, 2021). "Watch the world's greatest spreadsheet sorcerers throw down in the World Cup of Microsoft Excel". PC Gamer . Retrieved December 11, 2021.
  8. Financial Modeling World Cup [@FMWC_] (December 10, 2021). "📢 Tomorrow, December 11, is the day for the FMWC Open finals!" (Tweet) via Twitter.
  9. 1 2 Zhuang, Yan; Whitmore, Mikayla; Paik, Shawn (2025-01-20). "Is Microsoft Excel the Next Big E-Sport?". The New York Times. Retrieved 2025-01-26.
  10. Matyszczyk, Chris (June 10, 2021). "I just watched Microsoft (try to) make Excel exciting. Recovery won't be easy". ZDNet . Archived from the original on June 23, 2021. Retrieved December 11, 2021.
  11. Sacco, Dom (June 6, 2021). "Microsoft Excel… esports? UK to take part in 'Financial Modeling World Cup'". Esports News UK. Archived from the original on June 6, 2021. Retrieved December 11, 2021.
  12. "Acht experts strijden tegen elkaar in internationale Microsoft Excel-competitie" [Eight experts compete in international Microsoft Excel competition]. Algemeen Dagblad (in Dutch). June 5, 2021. Archived from the original on July 4, 2021. Retrieved December 11, 2021.
  13. "Battle of 16 – FMWC" . Retrieved 2022-01-17.
  14. "Global Excel Summit 2022 - Ludo". YouTube . 17 February 2022. Retrieved 2023-04-30.
  15. "Global Excel Summit 2023 - Square of Fortune". YouTube . 18 February 2022. Retrieved 2023-04-30.
  16. "Continent Battle: Asia / Pacific". YouTube . 31 March 2022. Retrieved 2023-04-30.
  17. "All-Star Battle". YouTube . 24 May 2022. Retrieved 2023-04-30.
  18. "Women's Battle". YouTube . 30 June 2022. Retrieved 2023-04-30.
  19. "Continent Battle: Africa". YouTube . 28 July 2022. Retrieved 2023-04-30.
  20. "Continent Battle: Europe". YouTube . 25 August 2022. Retrieved 2023-04-30.
  21. "Global Excel Summit 2023". YouTube . 23 February 2023. Retrieved 2023-04-30.