George Glauberman

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George Glauberman
George Isaac Glauberman

(1941-03-03) March 3, 1941 (age 83)
Academic background
Alma mater
Doctoral advisor R. H. Bruck
Main interests Finite simple groups

George Isaac Glauberman (born 1941) is a mathematician at the University of Chicago who works on finite simple groups. He proved the ZJ theorem and the Z* theorem.


Born in New York City on March 3, 1941, Glauberman did his undergraduate studies at the Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, graduating in 1961, and earned a master's degree from Harvard University in 1962. [1] He obtained his PhD degree from the University of Wisconsin–Madison in 1965, under the supervision of Richard Bruck. [2] He has had 22 PhD students, including Ahmed Chalabi and Peter Landrock. He has co-authored with J. L. Alperin, Simon P. Norton, Zvi Arad, and Justin Lynd.

In 1970 he was an invited speaker at the International Congress of Mathematicians at Nice. In 2012 he became a fellow of the American Mathematical Society. [3]

Selected publications

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Related Research Articles

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In mathematics, George Glauberman's Z* theorem is stated as follows:

Z* theorem: Let G be a finite group, with O(G) being its maximal normal subgroup of odd order. If T is a Sylow 2-subgroup of G containing an involution not conjugate in G to any other element of T, then the involution lies in Z*(G), which is the inverse image in G of the center of G/O(G).

In mathematics, George Glauberman's ZJ theorem states that if a finite group G is p-constrained and p-stable and has a normal p-subgroup for some odd prime p, then Op(G)Z(J(S)) is a normal subgroup of G, for any Sylow p-subgroupS.

In mathematics, especially in the area of algebra known as group theory, the term Z-group refers to a number of distinct types of groups:

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In mathematical group theory, a normal p-complement of a finite group for a prime p is a normal subgroup of order coprime to p and index a power of p. In other words the group is a semidirect product of the normal p-complement and any Sylow p-subgroup. A group is called p-nilpotent if it has a normal p-complement.

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In mathematics, a signalizer functor gives the intersections of a potential subgroup of a finite group with the centralizers of nontrivial elements of an abelian group. The signalizer functor theorem gives conditions under which a signalizer functor comes from a subgroup. The idea is to try to construct a -subgroup of a finite group , which has a good chance of being normal in , by taking as generators certain -subgroups of the centralizers of nonidentity elements in one or several given noncyclic elementary abelian -subgroups of The technique has origins in the Feit–Thompson theorem, and was subsequently developed by many people including Gorenstein (1969) who defined signalizer functors, Glauberman (1976) who proved the Solvable Signalizer Functor Theorem for solvable groups, and McBride who proved it for all groups. This theorem is needed to prove the so-called "dichotomy" stating that a given nonabelian finite simple group either has local characteristic two, or is of component type. It thus plays a major role in the classification of finite simple groups.

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  1. G has cyclic or generalized quaternion Sylow 2-subgroups and H contains the centralizer of an involution
  2. or G/O(G) has a normal subgroup of odd index isomorphic to one of the simple groups PSL2(q), Sz(q) or PSU3(q) where q≥4 is a power of 2 and H is O(G)NG(S) for some Sylow 2-subgroup S.

In mathematics, the Gorenstein–Walter theorem, proved by Gorenstein and Walter (1965a, 1965b, 1965c), states that if a finite group G has a dihedral Sylow 2-subgroup, and O(G) is the maximal normal subgroup of odd order, then G/O(G) is isomorphic to a 2-group, or the alternating group A7, or a subgroup of PΓL2(q) containing PSL2(q) for q an odd prime power. Note that A5 ≈ PSL2(4) ≈ PSL2(5) and A6 ≈ PSL2(9).

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In finite group theory, a p-stable group for an odd prime p is a finite group satisfying a technical condition introduced by Gorenstein and Walter in order to extend Thompson's uniqueness results in the odd order theorem to groups with dihedral Sylow 2-subgroups.

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