Girona (Senate constituency)

Last updated
Senate of Spain
Electoral constituency
Location of Girona within Spain
Province Girona
Autonomous community Catalonia
Population Green Arrow Up Darker.svg 771,044 (2019) [1]
Electorate Green Arrow Up Darker.svg 524,978 (Nov 2019)
Major settlements Girona
Current constituency
Created 1977
  •   ERC (1)
  •   PSC (3)

Girona is one of the 59 constituencies (Spanish: circunscripciones) represented in the Senate of Spain, the upper chamber of the Spanish parliament, the Cortes Generales. The constituency elects four senators. Its boundaries correspond to those of the Spanish province of Girona. The electoral system uses an open list partial block voting, with electors voting for individual candidates instead of parties. Electors can vote for up to three candidates.



Senators for Girona 1977–
Key to parties
Constituent 1977
1st 1979
2nd 1982
3rd 1986
4th 1989
5th 1993
6th 1996
7th 2000
8th 2004
9th 2008
10th 2011
11th 2015
12th 2016
13th 2019 (Apr)
14th 2019 (Nov)
15th 2023



2023 general election

Summary of the 23 July 2023 Senate of Spain election results
CandidatesParties and coalitionsPopular vote
Votes %
Yes check.svg Consol Canteny Arbolí PSC 81,73826.64
Yes check.svg Martí Sans Pairuto PSC 74,85724.40
Yes check.svg Lluïsa Blanch Fulcarà PSC 73,01323.80
Yes check.svg Joan Bagué Roura Junts 71,61723.34
Jordi Martí Deulofeu ERC 65,56821.37
Albert Piñeira Brosel Junts 63,97820.85
Montserrat Mindan Cortada Junts 63,08020.56
Josep María Terricabras i Nogueras ERC 61,61420.08
Susanna Pagés Jutglar ERC 54,56517.78
Jordi Lloveras Avellí Sumar 32,32310.53
Alfonso Sánchez Fisac PP 30,1699.83
Vanesa Mányik Jiménez PP 28,6889.35
Anna Portillo Cuberes Sumar 28,4709.28
Juan Ramón Iturriagagoitia Bassas PP 27,4418.94
Rubén Paz Martín Sumar 22,4217.30
Ana María Catalán Martínez Vox 17,7465.78
Jordi Vivo Fernández Vox 16,4255.35
Cristina Ruz Navarro Vox 15,6115.08
Elena Costa Farré PACMA 9,4063.06
Alicia Fuentes Company PDeCAT 5,3841.75
Ramon Torredemer Turu PACMA 5,3491.74
Camila Fernanda Parra Alvarado PACMA 4,9921.62
Tomás Ferreira Crubellati PCTC 2,4990.81
Sandra Barba Olaiz Recortes Cero 1,1070.36
Blank ballots6,2802.04
Valid votes306,75197.03
Invalid votes9,3782.96
Votes cast / turnout316,12961.28
Registered voters515861
Sources [2]

November 2019 general election

Summary of the 10 November 2019 Senate of Spain election results in Girona
CandidatesParties and coalitionsPopular vote
Votes %
Yes check.svg Jordi Martí Deulofeu ERC–Sobiranistes 116,66433.61
Yes check.svg Josep Maria "Jami" Matamala Alsina JxCat–Junts 110,35131.79
Yes check.svg Elisenda Pérez Esteve ERC–Sobiranistes 104,52930.12
Yes check.svg Josep Maria Cervera Pinart JxCat–Junts 94,23627.15
• Josep Quintana Caralt ERC–Sobiranistes 90,28226.01
• Laura Karina Corsunsky Zeitune JxCat–Junts 87,66425.26
• Ferran Camas Roda PSC–PSOE 50,03814.42
• María Josefa "Pepa" Celaya Armisen PSC–PSOE 47,93713.81
• Xavier Rangel Martínez PSC–PSOE 46,23613.32
• Gemma Triedo Salvador ECP–Guanyem el Canvi 35,30810.17
• Marta Domènech Gràcia ECP–Guanyem el Canvi 28,8738.32
• Wilder Alfonso Palacio Pineda ECP–Guanyem el Canvi 24,2146.98
• Maria Àngels Olmedo Delestal PP 21,9386.32
• Daniel Ruíz Pérez PP 19,7315.68
• Sebastián Mateo Herrero PP 17,6335.08
• Miriam Pujola Romero Cs 15,8434.56
• Francisco Javier Domínguez García Vox 14,9114.30
• María Paz García Moreno Cs 13,6453.93
• Vito Vicente García Galán Cs 12,2713.54
• Albert Benítez Hugas PACMA 8,5432.46
• María Rosa Blasco Prim PACMA 6,5321.88
• Esteve Huguet Pardo PCPC 1,8290.53
• Francesc Sergio Ibáñez Laffort Recortes CeroGV 1,3220.38
• Àlex Martínez Ramos PCTC 1,3010.37
• Elisabet Requena López PUM+J 1,1830.34
• Jesús Osorio HernándezIZQP5790.17
Blank ballots4,7731.38
Valid votes347,09198.23
Invalid votes6,2491.77
Votes cast / turnout353,34067.31
Registered voters524,978
Sources [3]

April 2019 general election

2016 general election

2015 general election

2011 general election

2008 general election

2004 general election

2000 general election

1996 general election

1993 general election

1989 general election

1986 general election

1982 general election

1979 general election

1977 general election

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  1. "Cifras oficiales de población resultantes de la revisión del Padrón municipal a 1 de enero. Población por provincias y por sexo". (in Spanish). National Institute of Statistics . Retrieved 8 February 2020.
  2. "Electoral Results Consultation. Senate. 2023". Ministry of the Interior (in Spanish). Retrieved 29 August 2023.
  3. "Electoral Results Consultation. Senate. November 2019. Girona". Ministry of the Interior (in Spanish). Retrieved 11 August 2020.

42°10′N2°40′W / 42.167°N 2.667°W / 42.167; -2.667