Global Biodata Coalition

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The Global Biodata Coalition is an organization promoting biocuration and fostering support of research funders for the sustainability of biological data resources. [1] [2] [3]


Global Core Biodata Resources (GCBRs)

The organization maintains a list of resources, representing "critical components for ensuring the reproducibility and integrity of life sciences research." [4]

As of 2023, the list includes the following organizations: [5]

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Biocuration is the field of life sciences dedicated to organizing biomedical data, information and knowledge into structured formats, such as spreadsheets, tables and knowledge graphs. The biocuration of biomedical knowledge is made possible by the cooperative work of biocurators, software developers and bioinformaticians and is at the base of the work of biological databases.


  1. Cook, Chuck; Cochrane, Guy (2023-09-08). "The Global Biodata Coalition: Towards a sustainable biodata infrastructure". Biodiversity Information Science and Standards. 7. doi: 10.3897/biss.7.112303 . ISSN   2535-0897. Archived from the original on 2023-12-11. Retrieved 2023-12-11.
  2. "Global Biodata Coalition: White Paper on Open Data Strategies". RDA. 2023-11-27. Archived from the original on 2023-12-11. Retrieved 2023-12-11.
  3. "Global Biodata Coalition coordinates worldwide funding of data resources". Archived from the original on 2023-12-11. Retrieved 2023-12-11.
  4. "GBIF named a Global Core Biodata Resource". Archived from the original on 2023-12-11. Retrieved 2023-12-11.
  5. "List of Current Global Core Biodata Resources". Global Biodata Coalition. Archived from the original on 2023-12-11. Retrieved 2023-12-11.