Homelessness in France

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Homelessness in France is a significant social issue that is estimated to affect around 300,000 people - a figure that has doubled since 2012 (141,500) and tripled since 2001 (93,000). Around 185,000 people are currently staying in shelters, some 100,000 are in temporary housing for people seeking asylum and 16,000 live in slums. [1] [2] [3]


One study of homeless in Paris found that homeless people have a high degree of social proximity to other people living in conditions of poverty. [4] And terms in the media used to describe homelessness are formed around poverty and vagrancy. [5]

Some researchers maintain that a Housing First policy would not solve the homelessness issue in France. [6] [7]

Some researchers maintain that industrial restructuring in France led to the loss of some jobs among blue-collar workers whose skills did not transfer readily to other job sectors, which in turn led to a rise in homelessness. [8]

Homeless children in France is not a new phenomenon; the writer Emile Zola wrote about homeless children in late nineteenth century France. [9]

The homeless emergency number in France is 115. [10] The line is operated by SAMU Social.[ citation needed ]



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  7. Pleace, Nicholas. "Exploring the potential of the ‘Housing First’model." Review for the French Government. Accessed 26 (2011).
  8. Shinn, Marybeth. "International Homelessness: Policy, Socio‐Cultural, and Individual Perspectives." Journal of Social Issues 63, no. 3 (2007): 657-677.
  9. Shane, Paul G. "Changing patterns among homeless and runaway youth." American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 59, no. 2 (1989): 208.
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  14. 1 2 3 4 5 6 "The homeless in France". Ined - Institut national d’études démographiques. Retrieved 2021-10-30.
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