Jeotgalicoccus coquinae

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Jeotgalicoccus coquinae
Scientific classification
J. coquinae
Binomial name
Jeotgalicoccus coquinae
Martin et al. 2011

Jeotgalicoccus coquinae is a species of bacteria in the family Staphylococcaceae. A strain of this species was found during a microbiological examination of poultry houses. It was originally isolated from coquina, which is used as a food supplement for female ducks. Jeotgalicoccus coquinae is closely related to Jeotgalicoccus psychrophilus . [1]

The shape of the cells is coccoid with 1.5–2.0 μm in diameter. Jeotgalicoccus coquinae is part of the Gram-positive bacteria. The Oxidase test as well as the Catalase test is positive, revealing an aerobic respiratory metabolism. [1]

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  1. 1 2 Martin, E.; Klug, K.; Frischmann, A.; Busse, H.- J.; Kaempfer, P.; Jaeckel, U. (February 2011). "Jeotgalicoccus coquinae sp. nov. and Jeotgalicoccus aerolatus sp. nov., isolated from poultry houses". International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 61 (2): 237–241. doi: 10.1099/ijs.0.021675-0 . PMID   20207804.