Koh-Lanta: Johor

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Koh-Lanta: Johor
Presented by Denis Brogniart
No. of days40
No. of castaways20
WinnerMarc Rambaud
Runner-upChantel Ménard
Location Sibu Island, Johor, Malaysia
Original network TF1
Original release24 April (2015-04-24) 
24 July 2015 (2015-07-24)
Season chronology
La Nouvelle Édition

Koh-Lanta: Johor is the fourteenth season of the French version of Survivor, Koh-Lanta. This season takes place in Sibu Island, Johor, Malaysia where 20 ordinary people will survive in the wilderness for 40 days. [1] In the end, one will win €100,000 and be crowned Sole Survivor. The main twist this season occurred on day 4 where each tribe had to banish two tribe mates to an island where they will stay indefinitely until further notice. The season premiered on 24 April 2015 and concluded on 24 July 2015 when Marc Rambaud won in a 9-2 jury vote against Chantel Ménard to be crowned Sole Survivor. [2]

Finishing order

ContestantOriginal TribeBanished TwistSwapped TribeEpisode 5 TribeMerged TribeFinish
Babeth Delettre
52, Michery
Lankawaï1st Voted Out
Day 3
Marie-Anne Queniart
38, Aix-en-Provence
TinggiTinggi2nd Voted Out
Day 6
Benoît Jorion-Fahy
27, Lyon
TinggiTinggiTinggi3rd Voted Out
Day 9
Manon Allender
24, Lambersart
LankawaïBanishedTinggiLeft Competition
Day 12
Isabelle Haouzi
Returned to Game
LankawaïLankawaïLankawaï4th Voted Out
Day 12
Loïc Crespin
20, Culoz
LankawaïLankawaïTinggiMedically evacuated
Day 13
Isabelle Haouzi
54, Saint-Maur-des-Fossés
LankawaïLankawaïLankawaïTinggi5th Voted Out
Day 15
Christophe Pendon
Returned to Game
LankawaïLankawaïLankawaïLankawaï6th Voted Out
Day 17
Margot Perrot Houwaer
22, Le Havre
TinggiTinggiLankawaïLankawaïMedically evacuated
Day 19
Alban Pellegrin
28, Charbonnières-les-Bains
LankawaïLankawaïTinggiTinggi7th Voted Out
1st jury member
Day 19
Jeff Santiago
Returned to Game
TinggiTinggiTinggiTinggiKoh-Lanta8th Voted Out
Day 20
Corinne Bargoin Samuelian
45, Toulon
TinggiTinggiLankawaïLankawaïMedically evacuated
2nd jury member
Day 21
Cédric Giosserand-Lucas
36, Paris
TinggiBanishedLankawaïLankawaï9th Voted Out
3rd jury member
Day 23
Charlaine Cuny
21, Lunéville
LankawaïLankawaïLankawaïLankawaï10th Voted Out
4th jury member
Day 26
Nessim Kouachi
26, Villejuif
TinggiTinggiLankawaïLankawaï11th Voted Out
5th jury member
Day 26
Jeff Santiago
32, Marseille
TinggiTinggiTinggiTinggi12th Voted Out
6th jury member
Day 29
Christophe Pendon
30, Dunkirk
LankawaïLankawaïLankawaïLankawaï13th Voted Out
7th jury member
Day 32
Jessica Potel
31, Soisy-sur-Seine
TinggiBanishedTinggiTinggi14th Voted Out
8th jury member
Day 34
Sébastien Ballesteros
25, Bayonne
LankawaïBanishedLankawaïLankawaï15th Voted Out
9th jury member
Day 37
Bruno Peisey
52, Le Havre
TinggiTinggiTinggiTinggiLost Challenge
10th jury member
Day 38
Mélissa Bastin
28, Marseille
LankawaïLankawaïTinggiTinggi15th Voted Out
11th jury member
Day 39
Chantel Ménard
45, Vannes
Day 40
Marc Rambaud
43, Angers
LankawaïLankawaïLankawaïLankawaïSole Survivor
Day 40

Future appearances

Alban Pellegrin, Cédric Giosserand-Lucas and Chantal Ménard returned for Koh-Lanta: Le Combat des Héros . Jessica Potel returned for Koh-Lanta: L'Île des héros .

Voting history

Original TribeBanished TwistSwapped TribeEpisode 5 TribeMerged Tribe
► Episode1234567891011121314
► EliminatedBabethMarie-AnneBenoîtManonIsabelleLoïcIsabelleChristopheMargotAlbanJeffCorinneCédricCharlaineNessimJeffChristopheJessicaSébastienBrunoMélissa
► Votes7-2-15-38-1-10 [a] 6-2-20 [b] 5-1-1-1 [c] 5-2-20 [d] 2 [e] 6-5-1-1 [f] 0 [g] 6-6 [h] 8-1-1-10 [i] 4-2-2-16-1-1 [j] 4-33-3 [k] 3-2 [l] 0 [m] 1
▼ ContestantsVotes
Jessica [n] BenoîtIsabelleSébastienCédricCharlaineMarcChristopheChantalChantal
ChristopheBabethIsabelleCharlaine [o] CharlaineJeffMélissaCharlaineMélissaMélissaChantal
JeffCorinneBenoîtIsabelleAlbanSébastien [p] CédricCédricCharlaineChristopheMarc
Cédric [q] IsabelleChristopheAlbanJeffMélissaMélissa
CorinneMarie-AnneIsabelleChristophe [r]
IsabelleMarcCorinne [s] JessicaCharlaineAlban
Jury vote
Episode #14
Day #40


A black vote in the voting chart indicates a vote cast by the contestant eliminated that is used for the subsequent tribal council.

  1. After being checked & cleared by medical professionals for an injury, Manon chose to leave the game.
  2. Loïc was medically evacuated from the game.
  3. Benoît's black vote against Loïc did not count as the latter was medically evacuated from the game.
  4. Margot was medically evacuated from the game.
  5. Two ambassadors (Cédric & Jeff) were chosen by their tribes to have a mutual agreement on who to decide to eliminate. They chose to eliminate Alban. In addition, Christophe returned to the game during the meeting which enabled his safety from elimination.
  6. As Christophe returned to the game, his black vote from his elimination was counted alongside his regular vote. In addition, Isabelle's black vote did not count as Alban was already eliminated.
  7. Corinne was medically evacuated from the game.
  8. Mélissa played a hidden immunity collar for herself. As a result, 6 votes were cancelled.
  9. As Nessim was Charlaine's partner, he was also eliminated from the game.
  10. As Marc won the immunity challenge, the black vote he received from Jeff did not count.
  11. Bruno played a hidden immunity necklace for himself. However he did not receive any votes, therefore no votes were affected.
  12. Jessica's black vote did not continue into the second round of voting.
  13. Bruno came last in the final 4 elimination challenge.
  14. Jessica was banished alongside her tribe mate Cédric, as they were banished, she couldn't cast a vote nor be eliminated at her tribe's tribal council.
  15. Christophe returned to the game after Margot was medically evacuated.
  16. Jeff returned to the game after Corrine was medically evacuated.
  17. Cédric & Jessica were banished alongside Manon & Sébastien since day 4, as a result, they missed their tribes tribal council enabling them to be safe from elimination while also unable to cast a vote.
  18. Corrine was put under medical watch & was moved to the infirmary. As a result, she did not go to tribal council which in turn, meant she couldn't cast a vote.
  19. Isabelle returned to the game after Loïc was medically evacuated.


  1. Decant, Charles (March 31, 2015). ""Koh-Lanta" 2015 : Découvrez les 20 candidats !". www.ozap.com.
  2. "Gagnant de Koh-Lanta 2015 : Marc, sacré grand vainqueur... par un jury écoeuré !". www.purepeople.com. July 25, 2015.