List of Apache modules

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In computing, the Apache HTTP Server , an open-source HTTP server, comprises a small core for HTTP request/response processing and for Multi-Processing Modules (MPM) which dispatches data processing to threads or processes. Many additional modules (or "mods" [1] ) are available to extend the core functionality for special purposes.

The following is a list of all the first- and third-party modules available for the most recent stable release of Apache web server:

mod_access_compatVersions 2.3 and laterIncluded by Default Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0Provides compatibility with access control available in Apache httpd v2.2 and earlier. [2]
mod_actionsVersions 1.1 and laterIncluded by Default Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0Provides CGI ability based on request method and media type [3]
mod_aliasVersions 1.1 and laterIncluded by Default Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0Allows for client requests to be mapped to different parts of a server's file system and for the requests to be redirected entirely [4]
mod_allowmethodsVersions 2.3 and laterIncluded by Default Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0Easily restrict what HTTP methods can be used on the server. [5]
mod_asisVersions 1.3 and laterIncluded by Default Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0Allows for the use of files that contain their own HTTP headers [6]
mod_auth_basicVersions 2.1 and newerIncluded by Default Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0Authenticates users via HTTP Basic Authentication, the backend mechanism for verifying user authentication is left to configurable providers, usually other Apache modules. This module replaces the authentication frontend of several older modules. [7]
mod_auth_digestVersions 1.3.8 and newerStable Extension Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0Authenticates users via HTTP Digest Authentication utilizing MD5 encryption. This is more secure than HTTP Basic Authentication provided by other modules. As of Apache 2.1, this module acts as a front-end to authentication providers who verify the actual login. [8] [9]
mod_auth_formVersions 2.3 and newerIncluded by Default Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0Authenticates users via a login form on a webpage, the backend mechanism for verifying user authentication is left to configurable providers, usually other Apache modules. This module was created to provide functionality similar to that provided by Apache Tomcat. [10]
mod_authn_anonVersion 2.1 and newerStable Extension Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0Acts as an authentication provider to other modules, like mod_auth_basic and mod_auth_digest, users are authenticated by using a special user id of "anonymous" and providing their email as the password. [11] [12]
mod_authn_coreVersions 2.3 and newerIncluded by Default Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0This module provides core authentication capabilities to allow or deny access to portions of the web site. [13]
mod_authn_dbdVersion 2.1 and newerStable Extension Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0This module provides authentication front-ends such as mod_auth_digest, mod_auth_basic, and mod_auth_form to authenticate users by looking up users in SQL tables. Similar functionality is provided by, for example, mod_authn_file. [14]
mod_authn_dbmVersion 2.1 and newerStable Extension Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0This module provides authentication front-ends such as mod_auth_digest, mod_auth_basic, and mod_auth_form to authenticate users by looking up users in dbm password files. Similar functionality is provided by mod_authn_file. [15]
mod_authn_fileVersion 2.1 and newerIncluded by Default Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0Acts as an authentication provider to other modules, like mod_auth_basic, mod_auth_digest, and mod_auth_form, by checking users against plaintext password files. [16] [17]
mod_authn_otpVersion 2.4 and newerThird party moduleArchie Cobbs Apache License, Version 2.0Acts as an authentication provider to other modules, like mod_auth_basic, mod_auth_digest, and mod_auth_form, by checking passwords that contain a variable portion based on the HOTP/OATH one-time password algorithm defined in RFC 4226. [18]
mod_authn_socacheVersions 2.3 and newerIncluded by Default Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0Maintains a cache of authentication credentials, so that a new backend lookup is not required for every authenticated request. [19]
mod_authnz_externalVersions 1.3 and newerThird-party moduleNathan Neulinger, Tyler Allison, Jan Wolter, Dave Woolaway, Sven Koch Apache License, Version 1.0Acts as an authentication provider to other modules, like mod_auth_basic, mod_auth_digest, and mod_auth_form, by checking users against an external command. [20]
mod_authnz_fcgiVersions 2.4 and newerIncluded by Default Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0This module allows FastCGI authorizer applications to authenticate users and authorize access to resources. [21]
mod_authnz_ldapVersion 2.1 and newerStable Extension Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0Acts as an authentication provider to other modules and checks authentication against an LDAP directory. [22]
mod_authz_coreVersions 2.3 and newerIncluded by Default Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0This module provides core authorization capabilities to allow or deny access to portions of the web site. [23]
mod_authz_dbdVersion 2.4 and newerStable Extension Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0This module provides authorization capabilities by looking up users in SQL tables. Similar functionality is provided by, for example, mod_authz_groupfile. [24]
mod_authz_dbmVersion 2.1 and newerStable Extension Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0This module provides authorization capabilities by looking up users in dbm password files. Similar functionality is provided by mod_authz_groupfile. [25]
mod_authz_groupfileVersion 2.1 and newerIncluded by Default Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0This module provides authorization capabilities by looking up users in a plaintext group file. [26]
mod_authz_hostVersion 2.1 and newerIncluded by Default Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0Group authorizations based on host (name or IP address). [27]
mod_authz_ownerVersion 2.1 and newerIncluded by Default Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0Authorization based on file ownership. [28]
mod_authz_userVersion 2.1 and newerIncluded by Default Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0Authorization of explicit users. [29]
mod_authz_svnVersion 2.1 and newerThird-party module Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0Apache configuration directives for configuring path-based authorization for Subversion repositories served through the Apache HTTP Server. [30]
mod_autoindexVersion 1.3 and newerIncluded by Default Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0Generates automatic directory listing for display by the server [31] [32]
mod_brotliVersion 2.4 and newerIncluded by Default Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0Compress content via Brotli before it is delivered to the client. [33]
mod_bufferVersion 2.4 and newerIncluded by Default Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0Buffer the input and output filter stacks. [34]
mod_cacheVersion 2.0 and newerStable Extension Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0HTTP caching filter. [35]
mod_cache_diskVersion 2.0 and newerStable Extension Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0Disk based storage manager for the HTTP caching filter. [36]
mod_cache_socacheVersion 2.4 and newerStable Extension Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0Shared object cache (socache) based storage manager for the HTTP caching filter. [37]
mod_cern_metaVersion 1.1 and newerStable Extension Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0CERN httpd metafile semantics. [38]
mod_cgiVersion 1.1 and newerIncluded by Default Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0Execution of CGI scripts. [39]
mod_cgidVersion 2.0 and newer, "Unix threaded MPMs only" [40] Included by Default Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0Execution of CGI scripts using an external CGI daemon. [41]
mod_charset_liteVersion 2.0 and newerStable Extension Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0Specify character set translation or recoding. [42]
mod_dataVersion 2.3 and newerIncluded by Default Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0Convert response body into an RFC2397 data URL. [43]
mod_davVersion 2.0 and newerStable Extension Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0Provides WebDAV (Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning) functionality in Apache. [44]
mod_dav_fsVersion 2.0 and newerStable Extension Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0Acts as a support module for mod_dav and provides access to resources located in the server's file system. [45]
mod_dav_lockVersion 2.0 and newerStable Extension Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0Generic locking module for mod_dav. [46]
mod_dav_svnVersion 2.1 and newerThird-party module Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0Apache configuration directives for serving Apache Subversion repositories through the Apache HTTP Server. [47]
mod_dbdVersion 2.1 and newerStable Extension Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0Manages SQL database connections. [48]
mod_deflate Version 2.0 and newerStable Extension Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0Compress content before it is delivered to the client. [49]
mod_dialupVersion 1.3 and newerIncluded by Default Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0Send static content at a bandwidth rate limit, defined by the various old modem standards. [50]
mod_dirVersion 1.3 and newerIncluded by Default Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0Provides for "trailing slash" redirects and serving directory index files. [51]
mod_dumpioVersion 2.0 and newerStable Extension Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0Allows for the logging of all input received by Apache or all output sent by Apache to be logged (dumped) to the error.log file. [52]
mod_echoVersion 2.0 and newerStable Extension Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0This module provides an example protocol module to illustrate the concept. It provides a simple echo server. Telnet to it and type stuff, and it will echo it. [53]
mod_envVersion 1.1 and newerIncluded by Default Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0This module allows for control of internal environment variables that are used by various Apache HTTP Server modules. These variables are also provided to CGI scripts as native system environment variables, and available for use in SSI pages. Environment variables may be passed from the shell which invoked the httpd process. Alternatively, environment variables may be set or unset within the configuration process. [54]
mod_evasiveVersion 1.3 and newerThird-party moduleJonathan Zdziarski GNU GPLv2 Evasive maneuvers module for Apache to provide evasive action in the event of an HTTP DoS or DDoS attack or brute force attack. Also designed to be a detection and network management tool. [55]
mod_example_hooksVersion 1.2 and newerExperimental Extension Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0Illustrates the Apache module API. [56]
mod_expiresVersion 1.2 and newerIncluded by Default Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0Generation of Expires and Cache-Control HTTP headers according to user-specified criteria. [57]
mod_ext_filterVersion 1.3 and newerStable Extension Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0Pass the response body through an external program before delivery to the client. [58]
mod_file_cacheVersion 2.0 and newerStable Extension Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0Caches a static list of files in memory. [59]
mod_filterVersion 2.1 and newerIncluded by Default Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0Context-sensitive smart filter configuration module. [60]
mod_gnutlsVersion 2.0 and newerThird-party modulePaul Querna, Nikos Mavrogiannopoulos, Dash Shendy, Fiona Klute Apache License, Version 2.0SSL/TLS engine based on GnuTLS. Similar to mod_ssl in purpose, but it supports some features and protocols that mod_ssl does not, and it does not use OpenSSL. [61]
mod_gospVersion 2.4 and newerThird-party moduleScott PakinBSD 3-Clause Clear LicenseEmbed server-side Go code on web pages à la PHP. [62]
mod_headersVersion 1.2 and newerStable Extension Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0Customization of HTTP request and response headers. [63]
mod_heartbeatVersion 2.3 and newerIncluded by Default Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0Sends messages with server status to frontend proxy. [64]
mod_heartmonitorVersion 2.3 and newerIncluded by Default Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0Centralized monitor for mod_heartbeat origin servers. [65]
mod_honeypotVersion 2.4 and newerThird-party extensionBruce Mitchell, Ueli Heuer GNU General Public License, Version 2 Blocks requests from IP addresses blacklisted by Project Honey Pot. [66]
mod_http2Version 2.4 and newerIncluded by Default Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0Support for the HTTP/2 transport layer. [67]
mod_identVersion 2.1 and newerIncluded by Default Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0Identify users based on the Ident Protocol. [68]
mod_imagemapVersion 2.2 and newerIncluded by Default Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0Server side processing for Image map. [69]
mod_includeVersion 1.3 and newerIncluded by Default Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0Provides an interpreter and support for Server Side Includes. [70]
mod_infoVersion 1.1 and newerStable Extension Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0Provides a web accessible overview of the server configuration. [71]
mod_isapiVersion 1.3 and newer, Win32 onlyIncluded by Default Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0Server side processing of Internet Server Application Programming Interface (ISAPI) extensions available for Microsoft Windows. [72]
mod_ipblockApache 2.2 and higherThird-party extensionMarian Marinov GNU General Public License, Version 2 CIDR-based IPv4 address blocking for aggressive clients. [73]
mod_jk Version 1.3 and newerThird-party module Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0Gateway from HTTP to the Apache JServ Protocol (AJP). [74] The mod_proxy_ajp module performs a similar function to this module, while being integrated into the mod_proxy framework.
mod_lbmethod_bybusynessVersion 2.3 and newerStable Extension Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0Pending Request Counting load balancer scheduler algorithm for mod_proxy_balancer. [75]
mod_lbmethod_byrequestsVersion 2.3 and newerStable Extension Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0Request Counting load balancer scheduler algorithm for mod_proxy_balancer. [76]
mod_lbmethod_bytrafficVersion 2.3 and newerStable Extension Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0Weighted Traffic Counting load balancer scheduler algorithm for mod_proxy_balancer. [77]
mod_lbmethod_heartbeatVersion 2.3 and newerStable Extension Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0Heartbeat Traffic Counting load balancer scheduler algorithm for mod_proxy_balancer. [78]
mod_ldapVersion 2.0 and newerStable Extension Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0LDAP connection pooling and result caching services for use by other LDAP modules. [79]
mod_lisp Version 1.3 and newerThird-party moduleMarc Battyani Apache License, Version 2.0Enables Apache to interface with application servers written in Common Lisp. [80]
mod_log_configVersion 1.2 and newerIncluded by Default Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0Provides flexible logging of client requests in a customizable format. [81]
mod_log_debugVersion 2.3 and newerIncluded by Default Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0Additional configurable debug logging. [82]
mod_log_forensicVersion 1.3 and newerStable Extension Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0Forensic Logging of requests made to the server. [83]
mod_logioVersion 2.0 and newerStable Extension Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0Provides the logging of input and output number of bytes received/sent per request. [84]
mod_luaVersion 2.3 and newerIncluded by Default Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0Provides Lua hooks into various portions of the httpd request processing. [85]
mod_wasmVersion 2.4 and newerThird-party module VMware's Wasm Labs Apache License, Version 2.0Enables the usage of WebAssembly (Wasm) modules in Apache Server. This module will allow to execute certain tasks in the backend in a very efficient and secure way. [86]

The following is a list of historical first- and third-party modules available for prior versions of the Apache web server:

mod_accessVersions older than 2.1Included by Default Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0Provides access control based on the client and the client's request [87]
mod_aspdotnet Apache License, Version 2.0No longer under the Apache Software Foundation umbrella. Development has been resumed by the original authors at its new home, the mod-aspdotnet SourceForge project.
mod_authVersions older than 2.1Included by Default Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0Authenticates users via Basic access authentication by checking against plaintext password and group files. In Apache 2.1 and later, this plaintext authentication is enabled by mod_authn_file instead. [88]
mod_auth_anonVersions 1.1-2.1Stable Extension Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0Allows authentication with a special user id of "anonymous" and an email address as the password. As an authentication mechanism, this was replaced by mod_authn_anon. [89]
mod_auth_dbVersions 1.1-1.3Stable Extension Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0Provides user authentication using Berkeley DB files.
mod_auth_dbmVersions older than 2.1Stable Extension Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0This module provides for HTTP Basic Authentication, where the usernames and passwords are stored in DBM type database files. It is an alternative to the plain text password files provided by mod_auth.
mod_auth_kerbBoth 1.x and 2.x series of Apache are supportedMasarykova universita MIT License Using the Basic Auth mechanism, it retrieves a username/password pair from the browser and checks them against a Kerberos server
mod_auth_ldapVersions 2.0.41-2.1Experimental Extension Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0Allows HTTP Basic Authentication by checking against an LDAP directory. The authentication mechanism of checking against an LDAP directory is provided via mod_authnz_ldap in Apache versions 2.1 and later.
mod_auth_oidVersion 2.2Third-party modulePascal Buchbinder Apache License, Version 2.0Allows an Apache server to act as an OpenID "Relying Party" [90]
mod_authn_aliasVersion 2.1 and 2.2Stable Extension Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0This module allows extended authentication providers to be created within the configuration file and assigned an alias name. The alias providers can then be referenced through the directives AuthBasicProvider or AuthDigestProvider in the same way as a base authentication provider. [91] This functionality was moved to mod_authn_core in v2.4. [92]
mod_authn_defaultVersion 2.1 and 2.2Included by Default Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0This module is designed to be the fallback module, if you don't have an authentication module like mod_auth_basic configured. It simply rejects any credentials supplied by the user. This functionality was removed in v2.4. [93]
mod_authnz_mysqlVersion 2.2This module provides both authentication and authorization for the Apache 2.2 webserver like mod-authnz-ldap . It uses a MySQL database to retrieve user and group informations.
mod_backhandVersion 1.3Third-party moduleYair Amir, Theo SchlossnagleSeamless redirection of HTTP requests from one web server to another. Can be used to target machines with under-utilized resources. [94]
mod_bandwidthVersion 1.2 to 2.1Third-party moduleYann Stettler and CohProg SàRL Apache License, Version 1.1Server-wide or per connection bandwidth limits, based on the directory, size of files and remote IP/domain. [95]
mod_bwThe httpd web server doesn't really have a way to control how much resources a given virtual host can have/ a user can request. This module should be able to limit access to certain areas of the website and to limit malicious users.
mod_bwlimitedmod_bwlimited is a CPanel module that allows limiting and monitoring of bandwidth and connection speed etc. It allows CPanel to give very accurate reports of bandwidth usage on HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, SMTP and a few other services as well as limiting bandwidth usage and connection speed. The module is only available on servers running CPanel and isn't available anywhere else
mod_cThird-party moduleCache DLL/SO executables to create very high speed dynamic web pages. mod_c is supported by EHTML (executable HTML)
mod_celerityVersion 1.3 and newerStable ExtensionMP Solutions, LLC. MIT License Provides communications to Modern Pascal's Celerity Engine
mod_cidrblockVersion 2.2 and newerThird-party extensionYoyodyne GNU General Public License, Version 2 Blocks requests from a user-specified list of CIDR blocks
mod_csrfVersion 2.0 (and newer ?)Third Party chrishypernetch, ia97lies, pbuchbinder GNU, Version 2.1Provides a token based validation layer in order to mitigate CRSF/XSRF request.
mod_defineVersion 1.3 and newerThird Party Apache License, Version 2.0Definition of variables for arbitrary directives.
mod_disk_cacheVersion 2.0 to 2.3Stable Extension Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0Renamed to mod_cache_disk in Apache httpd v2.3.
mod_exampleVersion 1.2 and newerExperimental Extension Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0The example module is an actual working module. If you link it into your server, enable the "example-handler" handler for a location, and then browse to that location, you will see a display of some of the tracing the example module did as the various callbacks were made.
mod_fcgidVersion 2.0, 2.2 and 2.4Stable Extension Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0mod_fcgid is a high performance alternative to mod_cgi or mod_cgid, which starts a sufficient number instances of the CGI program to handle concurrent requests, and these programs remain running to handle further incoming requests. It is favored by the PHP developers, for example, as a preferred alternative to running mod_php in-process, delivering very similar performance.
mod_fastcgiThis 3rd party module provides support for the FastCGI protocol. FastCGI is a language independent, scalable, open extension to CGI that provides high performance and persistence without the limitations of server specific APIs.
mod_flvxStream Flash video
mod_frontpageStarts a service for Microsoft FrontPage.
mod_frontpage Mirfak Apache License, Version 2.0Mirfak is an open-source mod_frontpage reimplementation that is more secure, and can be used with a binary installation of Apache (possibly including mod_ssl, php, etc.). The module is licensed under the Apache license.
mod_geoipVersion 2.0 and aboveThird-party module MaxMind Apache License, Version 1.1Looks up the IP address of the client end user. Can be used to perform redirection based on country. Deprecated and replaced with mod_maxminddb. [96]
mod_gzip Version 1.3 to 2.0Third-party moduleKevin Kiley, Konstantin Balashov Apache License, Version 2.0Perform on-the-fly DEFLATE compression. [97] Replaced by mod_deflate.
mod_h264_streamingVersion 2.2 and newerThird-party moduleCodeShopDual (cc BY-NC-SA or commercial)H264 Streaming Module. [98]
mod_ibm_sslVersion 2.2 and upThird-party moduleSSL/TLS support for the IBM HTTP Server, a derivative of the Apache HTTP Server. [99]
mod_imapVersion 1.2-2.0Included by Default Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0Server side processing for Image map. This module was renamed to mod_imagemap from v2.2 onwards. [100]
mod_macroVersion 1.3 and newerThird party Apache License postcard variantAllows to define and use macros within Apache runtime configuration files.
mod_maxminddbVersion 2.2 and aboveThird-party module MaxMind Apache License, Version 2.0Looks up the IP address of the client end user. Can be used to perform redirection based on country. Replaces mod_geoip. [101]
mod_mem_cacheVersion 2.0 to 2.3Stable Extension Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0Replaced by mod_cache_socache. Removed in Apache httpd v2.3.
mod_mimeVersion 1.3 and newerIncluded by Default Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0
mod_mime_magicVersion 1.3 and newerStable Extension Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0Determines the MIME type of files in the same way the Unix file(1) command works: it looks at the first few bytes of the file. Intended as a "second line of defense" for cases that mod_mime can't resolve.
mod_mono Version 2.0 and newerThird-party extension Xamarin (Microsoft) Apache License, Version 2.0Supports running ASP.NET applications and sites on top of the Mono (software) framework.
mod_negotiationVersion 1.3 and newerIncluded by Default Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0
mod_nsfVersion 2.2 and newerThird-party extensionYoyodyne GNU General Public License, Version 2 Timed blacklisting for IPs requesting nonexistent URLs
mod_nssSSL provider derived from the mod_ssl module for the Apache web server that uses the Network Security Services.
mod_nw_sslVersion 2.0 and newer, Netware onlyIncluded by Default Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0
mod_pagespeed Version 2.2 and newerThird Party ModuleGoogle Apache License, Version 2.0Rewrites web pages to reduce latency and bandwidth. See
mod_perl Version 1.3 and newerStable Extension Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0Allows usage of Perl within Apache
mod_php / libphp5Version 1.3 and newer [102] Third-party moduleThe PHP Group PHP License Enables usage of PHP within Apache
mod_psgiVersion 2.2 and newer Apache License, Version 2.0Implements the PSGI specification within Apache
mod_python Version 2.0 and newerThird-party moduleGregory Trubetskoy et al. Apache License, Version 2.0Allows usage of Python within Apache [103]
mod_proxy Version 1.1 and newerStable Extension Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0
mod_proxy_connectVersion 2.0 and newerStable Extension Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0
mod_proxy_fcgiVersion 2.4 and newerStable extension Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0Allows to proxy request through FastCGI
mod_proxy_ftpVersion 2.0 and newerStable Extension Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0
mod_proxy_htmlVersion 2.4 and newer, available as a third-party module for earlier 2.x versionsStable Extension Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0Rewrite HTML links in to ensure they are addressable from Clients' networks in a proxy context.
mod_proxy_httpVersion 2.0 and newerStable Extension Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0
mod_qos Version 2.2Third-party modulePascal Buchbinder GNU General Public License, Version 2 Controls access to the web server to avoid resource oversubscription.
mod r Version 1.2.8Third-Party ExtensionJeffrey Horner Apache License, Version 2.0Embeds R interpreter in Apache
mod_rewriteVersion 1.2 and newerStable Extension Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0 URL redirection rewriting often for URL shortening or to accomplish semantic URLs; see URL rewriting
mod_rivetVersion 2.0 and newerThird-Party Extension Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0Embeds a Tcl interpreter in Apache
mod_ruby Version 1.3 and newerThird-Party ExtensionShugo Maeda Apache License, Version 2.0Embeds a Ruby interpreter in Apache
mod_securityThird-party module Trustwave SpiderLabs Apache License, Version 2.0Native implementation of the web application firewall, working as an Apache module. Both major Apache branches are supported.
mod_setenvifVersion 1.3 and newerIncluded by Default Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0
mod_setenvifplusVersion 2.2 and newerThird-party modulePascal Buchbinder Apache License, Version 2.0Allows Apache to set environment variables based on different parts of a request parsed by regular expressions and encode/decode Base64. [104]
mod_soVersion 1.3 and newerStable Extension Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0On selected operating systems this module can be used to load modules into Apache HTTP Server at runtime via the Dynamic Shared Object (DSO) mechanism, rather than requiring a recompilation. [105]
mod_spambotVersion 1.3 and newerThird-Party ExtensionNigel Horne GNU General Public License, Version 2 Blocks bots and harvesters
mod_spamhausVersion 2.2 and newerThird-party extensionLuca Ercoli GNU General Public License, Version 2 Blocks requests from IPs on Spamhaus block list. [106]
mod_spelingVersion 1.3 and newerStable Extension Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0Attempts to correct mistaken URLs that users might have entered by ignoring capitalization and by allowing up to one misspelling
mod_ssl Version 2.0 and newerStable Extension Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0
mod_sslcrlVersion 2.2Third-party modulePascal Buchbinder Apache License, Version 2.0Verifies the validity of client certificates against Certificate Revocation Lists (CRL) [107]
mod_statusVersion 1.1 and newerIncluded by Default Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0Provides information on server activity and performance
mod_substituteVersion 2.2.7 and newerIncluded by Default Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0Perform search and replace operations on response bodies
mod_suexec Version 2.0 and newerStable Extension Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0Allows users to run CGI and SSI applications as a different user
mod_tidyVersion 2.0/2.2Third-party moduleSierk Bornemann, Günter Knauf Apache License, Version 2.0 HTML Tidy resp. Libtidy based module that parses, cleans up and pretty-prints the web server (X)HTML output. [108]
mod_tile OpenStreetMap
mod_torcheckVersion 2.2 and newerThird-party extensionYoyodyne GNU General Public License, Version 2 Blocks requests from Tor exit nodes
mod_unique_idVersion 1.3 and newerStable Extension Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0
mod_userdirVersion 1.3 and newerIncluded by Default Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0Allows user-specific directories to be accessed using the syntax.
mod_usertrackVersion 1.2 and newerStable Extension Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0
mod_versionVersion 2.0.56 and newerStable Extension Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0Allows version dependent configuration with the container <IfVersion>
mod_vhost_aliasVersion 1.37 and newerStable Extension Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0Creates dynamically configured virtual hosts, by allowing the IP address or the host: header of the HTTP request to be used as part of the pathname to determine what files to serve.
mod_virgule GNU GPLv2
mod_whitelistVersion 2.4Third-party module MIT License IP whitelisting based on a MySQL table see github repository
mod_wlDepends on module versionThird-party moduleOracleOracle proprietary (only pre-compiled binaries are provided, no sources)Enables working as a proxy for BEA/Oracle WebLogic [109]
mod_wl_20Version 2.0Third-party moduleOracleOracle proprietary (only pre-compiled binaries are provided, no sources)Enables working as a proxy for BEA/Oracle WebLogic
mod_wl_22Version 2.2Third-party moduleOracleOracle proprietary (only pre-compiled binaries are provided, no sources)Enables working as a proxy for BEA/Oracle WebLogic
mod_wl_24Version 2.4Third-party moduleOracleOracle proprietary (only pre-compiled binaries are provided, no sources)Enables working as a proxy for BEA/Oracle WebLogic
mod_wsgi Apache License, Version 2.0
mod_xsendfile Apache License, Version 2.0
mod_xml2enc Apache Software Foundation Apache License, Version 2.0Transcoding module that can be used to extend the internationalisation support of libxml2-based filter modules by converting encoding before or after the filter has run. Thus an unsupported input charset can be converted to UTF-8, and output can also be converted to another charset if required.

[110] [111] [112]

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Apache HTTP Server</span> Open-source web server software

The Apache HTTP Server is a free and open-source cross-platform web server software, released under the terms of Apache License 2.0. It is developed and maintained by a community of developers under the auspices of the Apache Software Foundation.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Apache Subversion</span> Free and open-source software versioning and revision control system

Apache Subversion is a software versioning and revision control system distributed as open source under the Apache License. Software developers use Subversion to maintain current and historical versions of files such as source code, web pages, and documentation. Its goal is to be a mostly compatible successor to the widely used Concurrent Versions System (CVS).

Server Side Includes (SSI) is a simple interpreted server-side scripting language used almost exclusively for the World Wide Web. It is most useful for including the contents of one or more files into a web page on a web server, using its #include directive. This could commonly be a common piece of code throughout a site, such as a page header, a page footer and a navigation menu. SSI also contains control directives for conditional features and directives for calling external programs. It is supported by Apache, LiteSpeed, nginx, IIS as well as W3C's Jigsaw. It has its roots in NCSA HTTPd.

mod_python is an Apache HTTP Server module that integrates the Python programming language with the server. It is intended to provide a Python language binding for the Apache HTTP Server.

The Web Server Gateway Interface is a simple calling convention for web servers to forward requests to web applications or frameworks written in the Python programming language. The current version of WSGI, version 1.0.1, is specified in Python Enhancement Proposal (PEP) 3333.

The following comparison of accounting software documents the various features and differences between different professional accounting software, personal and small enterprise software, medium-sized and large-sized enterprise software, and other accounting packages. The comparison only focus considering financial and external accounting functions. No comparison is made for internal/management accounting, cost accounting, budgeting, or integrated MAS accounting.

Web server software allows computers to act as web servers. The first web servers supported only static files, such as HTML, but now they commonly allow embedding of server side applications.

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The Apache JServ Protocol (AJP) is a binary protocol that can proxy inbound requests from a web server through to an application server that sits behind the web server. AJP is a highly trusted protocol and should never be exposed to untrusted clients, which could use it to gain access to sensitive information or execute code on the application server.

mod_wsgi is an Apache HTTP Server module by Graham Dumpleton that provides a WSGI compliant interface for hosting Python based web applications under Apache. As of version 4.5.3, mod_wsgi supports Python 2 and 3.

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mod_ssl is an optional module for the Apache HTTP Server. It provides strong cryptography for the Apache v1.3 and v2 webserver via the Secure Sockets Layer and Transport Layer Security cryptographic protocols by the help of the Open Source SSL/TLS toolkit OpenSSL.

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FastCGI is a binary protocol for interfacing interactive programs with a web server. It is a variation on the earlier Common Gateway Interface (CGI). FastCGI's main aim is to reduce the overhead related to interfacing between web server and CGI programs, allowing a server to handle more web page requests per unit of time.

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  1. Caffrey, Melanie; Morse, Solomon; Rosenzweig, Benjamin (2003). Boardman, Susan (ed.). Oracle Web Application Programming for PL/SQL Developers. Prentice Hall Professional Oracle Series. Prentice Hall Professional. p. 18. ISBN   9780130477316 . Retrieved 2014-07-28. In addition to the compiled Apache mods provided with Oracle HTTP server, Oracle has enhanced several of the standard mods and has added Oracle-specific mods such as mod_plsql.
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