List of Arab members of the Knesset

Last updated

There have been Israeli Arab members of the Knesset ever since the first Knesset elections in 1949. The following is a list of the 100 past and present members. Some Israeli Druze dispute the label "Arab" and consider Druze to be a separate ethnic group. However, because they speak Arabic as their first language they are still included in this list.


Current members (11)

Knesset memberPortraitParty(s)Knesset(s)Notes
Mansour Abbas mnsvr `bAs2.jpg United Arab List 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 Sunni Muslim
Afif Abed Likud 25 Druze
Hamad Amar Hamad Amar, November 2018 (cropped).jpg Yisrael Beiteinu 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25 Druze
Youssef Atauna Youssef Atauna (ISH 9163).jpg Hadash 20, 25
Yasir Hujeirat Yasir Hujeirat (R H 3858).jpg United Arab List 25
Waleed Alhwashla Walid al-Huashla (R H 3683).jpg United Arab List 25
Iman Khatib-Yasin Iman Khatib Yassin.jpg United Arab List 23, 24, 25 Sunni Muslim
Ayman Odeh Ayman Odeh 2021.png Hadash 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 Non-religious (raised Sunni Muslim)
Waleed Taha Walid Taha (SHL 8811).jpg United Arab List 22, 23, 24, 25
Ahmad Tibi Ahmad Tibi.jpg Ta'al 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 Sunni Muslim
Aida Touma-Suleiman `Aydh tvmA slymAn.jpg Hadash 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25

Past members (90)

Knesset memberPortraitParty(s)Knesset(s)Notes
Ahmed A-Dahar Ahmed A-Dahar (00330812).jpg Progress and Development 4, 5
Afu Agbaria Afu Agbaria.jpg Hadash 18, 19
Taleb Abu Arar Talab Abu Arar.jpg United Arab List
Joint List
19, 20 Bedouin
Mahmud A-Nashaf Mahmud Al-Nashaf (00330814).jpg Agriculture and Development 4
Hamad Abu Rabia Flickr - Government Press Office (GPO) - Hammad Abu Rabia.jpg Arab List for Bedouins and Villagers
United Arab List
8, 9
Labib Hussein Abu Rokan Labib Hussein Abu Rokan.jpeg Cooperation and Brotherhood 4
Jabar Asakla Jabar Asatra (ISH 9781).jpg Joint List 22, 23 Druze
Assad Assad Assad Assad (00330516).jpg Likud 13
Shafik Assad Shafik Assad (00330520).jpg Dash
Democratic Movement
Zeidan Atashi Zeidan Atashi (00340102).jpg Shinui 9, 11
Juma Azbarga Juma Azbarga (ISH 8514).jpg Joint List 20 Bedouin
Mohammad Barakeh Mohammad Barakeh (00370442).jpg Hadash 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 Former Deputy Knesset speaker
Zouheir Bahloul Zouheir Bahloul.jpg Zionist Union 20 Sunni Muslim [1]
Rostam Bastuni Rostam Bastuni (00330035).jpg Mapam 2
Azmi Bishara Azmi Bishara (00370528).jpg Balad 14, 15, 16, 17
Ahmed Dabbah Dabah.jpg Kadima 18
Abdulwahab Darawshe Abdulwahab Darawshe (00370282).jpg Alignment
Arab Democratic Party
11, 12, 13, 14
Abdulmalik Dehamshe Abdulmalik Dehamshe (00370673).jpg United Arab List 14, 15, 16 Deputy Knesset speaker
Yussef Diab Yussef Diab (00370190).jpg Cooperation and Brotherhood 4
Seif el-Din el-Zoubi Seif el-Din el-Zubi.jpg Democratic List of Nazareth
Democratic List for Israeli Arabs
Progress and Development
Cooperation and Development
United Arab List
1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9,
Hussein Faris Hussein Faris (00340138).jpg Mapam 12
Issawi Frej Issawi Frej.jpg Meretz 19, 20, 21, 24 Sunni Muslim [2]
Basel Ghattas Ghattas.jpg Balad
Joint List
19, 20 Christian
Mazen Ghanaim Mazen Ghnaim (cropped).JPG Ra'am 24
Masud Ghnaim Mas'oud Ghnaim.jpg United Arab List
Joint List
18, 19, 20 Sunni Muslim
Emile Habibi Emile Habibi.jpg Maki
2, 3, 5, 6, 7
Haneh Hadad Haneh Hadad (00360461).jpg Labor Party 13 Christian
Rafik Haj Yahia Rafik Haj Yahia (IH002208923006).jpg One Nation
Labor Party
Walid Haj Yahia Walid Haj Yahia (cropped).jpg Left Camp of Israel
9, 13, 14
Faras Hamdan Fares Hamdan.jpg Agriculture and Development 2, 3
Yussuf Hamis Yussuf Hamis, May 1955 D710-078.jpeg Mapam 3, 4, 5
Said al-Harumi s`yd AlKHrvmy.jpg Joint List
20, 22, 23, 24 Bedouin
Salah-Hassan Hanifes Salah-Hassan Hanifes, D710-095.jpg Progress and Work 2, 3 Druze
Akram Hasson Akram Hasson (IMG 7179).jpg Kadima
18, 20 Druze
Nadia Hilou Nadia Hilou.jpg Labor Party 17 Christian
Ibrahim Hijazi Ibrahim Hijazi (ibrahim).jpg Joint List 20 Sunni Muslim
Halil-Salim Jabara Halil-Salim Jabara (00370550).jpg Ahdut HaAvoda 5
Hussniya Jabara Hussniya Jabara (husania jabara).jpg Meretz 15 First female Arab MK
Yousef Jabareen Yousef Jabareen.jpg Joint List
Joint List
20, 21, 22, 23 Sunni Muslim
Amin-Salim Jarjora Amin Gargurah portrait.jpg Democratic List of Nazareth 1
Muhamad Kanan Muhamad Kanan (IH001409606031).jpg United Arab List
Arab National Party
Masaad Kassis Masaad Kassis (00310084).jpg Democratic List for Israeli Arabs 2, 3 Melkite
Ayoob Kara Ayoub Kara.JPG Likud 15, 16, 18, 20 Druze, Former Deputy Knesset speaker
Hamad Khalaily Hamad Khalaily (00360534).jpg Alignment 10
Tawfik Khatib Tawfik Khatib (IH002008111026).jpg United Arab List
Arab National Party
14, 15
Raleb Majadele Raleb Majadele. April 2008 (cropped).jpg Labour 16, 17, 18, 19 First Muslim Arab Minister. Minister without Portfolio (2007), Minister of Science, Culture and Sport (2007–2009)
Hashem Mahameed Hashem Mahameed (00320733).jpg Hadash
United Arab List
National Unity – National Progressive Alliance
12, 13, 14, 15
Issam Makhoul Issam Makhoul (mahol as).jpg Hadash 15, 16
Ibtisam Mara'ana Ibtisam Mara'ana (SHL 9181).jpg Labour 24
Mufid Mari Mufid Mari.JPG Blue and White 24 Druze
Abdullah Abu Ma'aruf Abdullah Abu Ma'aruf (AS5V6999).jpg Joint List 20 Druze
Nawaf Massalha Nawaf Massalha (nawef).jpg Alignment
Labor Party
One Israel
12, 13, 14, 15 Deputy Minister, Deputy Knesset speaker
Mohammed Miari mHmd my`ry.jpg Progressive List for Peace 11, 12
Jabr Moade Jabr Muadi 1969.jpg Democratic List for Israeli Arabs
Cooperation and Brotherhood
Cooperation and Development
Druze Party
Progress and Development
United Arab List
2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Deputy Minister, Druze
Gadeer Mreeh rdyr kmAl mryKH Radir Kamal Marih (cropped).jpg Blue and White
Yesh Atid-Telem
21, 22, 23 Druze
Fateen Mulla Fateen mulla.jpg Likud 21, 23, 24 Druze
Hanna Mwais Hanna Mwais (00320706).jpg Hadash 9
Mohamed Naffa Mohamed Nafa (00340276).jpg Hadash 12 Druze
Said Nafa Saidnafa.jpg Balad 17, 18 Druze
Elias Nakhleh Elias Nakhleh, 1969. D711-052.jpg Progress and Development
Cooperation and Development
Jewish-Arab Brotherhood
Cooperation and Brotherhood
4, 5, 6, 7
Amal Nasser el-Din Amal Nasser el-Din (nasraldin amal).jpg Likud 8, 9, 10, 11 Druze
Diyab Obeid Diyab Obeid (ovid diab).jpg Cooperation and Brotherhood 5, 6, 7
Niven Abu Rahmoun Niven Abu Rahmoun2.jpg Joint List 20
Saleh Saad Saleh Saad (ISH 6981).jpg Zionist Union 20 Druze
Osama Saadi Osama Saadi (ISH 7437).jpg Joint List
Joint List
20, 21, 22, 23, 24 Sunni Muslim
Ahmad Sa'd Ahmad Sa'd (00340220).jpg Hadash 14
Ali Salalha
`ly slAlKHh.jpg
Meretz 24 Druze
Taleb el-Sana Taleb al Sana2009.JPG Arab Democratic Party
United Arab List
13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 Bedouin
Sondos Saleh Sondos Saleh (GIDI9037).jpg Joint List 23
Saleh Saleem Saleh Saleem (salach).jpg Hadash 13, 14
Ibrahim Sarsur Ibrahim Sarsur (E32J1223).jpg United Arab List 17, 18, 19 Sunni Muslim
Mtanes Shehadeh Mtanes Shehadeh (ISH 7724).jpg Ra'amBalad
Joint List
21, 22, 23 Christian
Sami Abu Shehadeh Sami Abou Shahadeh (cropped).png Joint List 22, 23, 24
Shachiv Shnaan Shakib shenan.JPG Labour
17, 18 Druze
Saleh Suleiman Saleh Suleiman (00340184).jpg Progress and Work 3
Hana Sweid Hana Sweid (00390026).jpg Hadash 17, 18, 19 Christian
Wasil Taha Wasil Taha (IMG 9751).jpg Balad 16, 17
Salah Tarif Salah Tarif (00390014).jpg Alignment
Labor Party
One Israel
12, 13, 14, 15, 16 First Arab Minister (Minister without Portfolio), also Deputy Knesset speaker, Druze
Tawfik Toubi Tewfik Touby.jpeg Maki
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Second longest serving Knesset member (41 years, 5 months and 9 days) after Shimon Peres
Wael Younis Wael Younis (ISH 5375).jpg Joint List 20
Majalli Wahabi Majalli Wahabi (IMG 9727).jpg Likud
16, 17, 18 Druze, Former Deputy Knesset speaker, briefly acting President
Muhammed Wattad Muhammed Wattad (wated machamed).jpg Alignment
10, 11
Abd al-Hakim Hajj Yahya Abd al-Hakim Hajj Yahya (AS5V7041).jpg Joint List
20, 21 Sunni Muslim
Heba Yazbak Heba Yazbak (ISH 7192).jpg Ra'amBalad
Joint List
21, 22, 23 Sunni Muslim
Jamal Zahalka Jamal Zhalka2009.JPG Balad
Joint List
16, 17, 18, 19, 20
Abbas Zakour Abbas Zakour (00390034).jpg United Arab List 17
Tawfiq Ziad Tawfiq Ziad (00360138).jpg Rakah
8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
Haneen Zoabi Haneen Zoubi cropped.JPG Balad
Joint List
18, 19, 20 Sunni Muslim. [3] First Arab woman elected to the Knesset on an Arab party's list.
Abd el-Aziz el-Zoubi Abd el-Aziz el-Zoubi 1965-11-17.jpg Mapam
6, 7, 8 First Arab Deputy Minister
Ghaida Rinawie Zoabi gyydAA rynAvy zv`by (cropped).jpg Meretz 24

See also

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  1. Israeli Arab sportscaster to get into game from inside Knesset Times of Israel, 5 December 2014
  2. International Holocaust Remembrance Day Marked by 54 Knesset Members at Auschwitz The Algemeiner, 27 January 2014
  3. Jason Koutsoukis (16 May 2009). "Voice of equality". The Age. My parents are Muslims. They pray, they fast, they have been to Mecca, but they raised their children to think and feel as liberal, open-minded people.