List of Big Brother Brasil housemates

Last updated

Big Brother Brasil is a Brazilian television show in which contestants (also called housemates) compete against each other to be the last Big Brother house resident and win the grand prize. The series first aired in 2002, and 24 seasons have been filmed as of April 2024.


Big Brother contestants are chosen by the show's producers through an application process that includes a videotape submission, semi-final interviews at select cities, and a final interview in Rio de Janeiro.

A total of 422 participants have competed, and 9 of them have competed in two seasons; in 2010, Joseane Oliveira (13th in season 3) and Marcelo Dourado (7th in season 4) returned to compete in season 10. Joseane placed 17th and Dourado won the game; in 2013, Kleber Bambam (1st in season 1), Dhomini Ferreira (1st in season 3), Fani Pacheco (7th in season 7) Natalia Casassola (3rd in season 8), Elieser Ambrosio and Anamara Barreira (9th and 6th in season 10) returned to compete in season 13. Bambam walked at the end of week 1 and was replaced by Yuri Fernandes (7th in season 12). Dhomini placed 15th, Yuri placed 13th, Elieser placed 10th, Anamara placed 8th, Fani placed 6th and Natalia placed 4th.

The youngest housemates were Elane Silva (season 3) and Juliana Brandão (season 5), who entered the house at age 18. The oldest housemate was Ieda Wobeto from (season 17), who entered the house at age 70.


Juliana Alves, Season 3. Juliana Alves 02.jpg
Juliana Alves, Season 3.
Sabrina Sato, Season 3. Sabrina Sato no Sao Paulo Fashion Week 2.jpg
Sabrina Sato, Season 3.
Solange Maria, Season 4. Solange.jpg
Solange Maria, Season 4.
Jean Wyllys, Season 5. Jean wyllys.jpg
Jean Wyllys, Season 5.
Grazielli Massafera, Season 5. Grazielli Massafera.jpg
Grazielli Massafera, Season 5.
Iris Stefanelli, Season 7. Iris Stefanelli @ Sao Paulo Fashion Week em Junho de 2011.jpg
Íris Stefanelli, Season 7.
Josiane Oliveira, Season 9. Josiane BBB.JPG
Josiane Oliveira, Season 9.
Fabiana Teixeira, Season 12. Fabiana Teixeira.jpg
Fabiana Teixeira, Season 12.
Gleici Damasceno, Season 18. Gleici Damasc Multishow.jpg
Gleici Damasceno, Season 18.
Thelma Assis, Season 20. Telma Assis 2021.jpg
Thelma Assis, Season 20.
Juliette Freire, Season 21. 2022-11-30 Juliette recebe comendas da Defensoria Publica da Uniao 07 (cropped).jpg
Juliette Freire, Season 21.
Naiara Azevedo, Season 22. Naiara Azevedo - TVZ 2023 (1).png
Naiara Azevedo, Season 22.
Amanda Meirelles, Season 23. Amanda Meirelles - BBB 23.png
Amanda Meirelles, Season 23.
Davi Brito, Season 24. Davi Brito - BBB 24 O Reencontro.png
Davi Brito, Season 24.
  Contestant played the game for a second time.
#NameAge 1 OccupationHometownStatusFinish
1 Caetano Zonaro 39Model São Paulo Evicted: Day 0812th
Xaiane Dantas 27Barwoman Rio de Janeiro Evicted: Day 1511th
Bruno Saladini 28Model Rio de Janeiro Evicted: Day 2210th
Cristiana Mota 28Singer Rio de Janeiro Evicted: Day 299th
Helena Louro 25Actress Maringá Evicted: Day 368th
Adriano de Castro 34Artist Salvador Evicted: Day 437th
Estela Padilha 24Videographer São Paulo Evicted: Day 506th
Alessandra Begliomini 28Businesswoman Rio de Janeiro Evicted: Day 575th
Sérgio Tavares 30Hairdresser Angola Evicted: Day 624th
André Gabeh 28Singing teacher Rio de Janeiro Finalist: Day 643rd
Vanessa Pascale 28Model Rio de Janeiro Finalist: Day 64Runner-Up
Kleber Bambam 24Dancer Campinas Finalist: Day 64Winner
2 Rita Sinara 30Fortune-teller Rio de Janeiro Evicted: Day 0812th
Tina Soares 22Football player São Paulo Evicted: Day 1511th
Fernando Fernandes 21Boxer São Paulo Evicted: Day 2210th
Jeferson Santos 28Singer Carapicuíba Evicted: Day 299th
Moisés da Silva 26Salesman Porto de Galinhas Evicted: Day 368th
Thais Ventura 19Student Niterói Evicted: Day 437th
Fabricio Amaral 25Student Novo Hamburgo Evicted: Day 506th
Tarciana Mafra 27Saleswoman Recife Evicted: Day 575th
Thyrso Mattos 26Chef São Paulo Evicted: Day 644th
Cida Moraes 39Flight attendant Rio de Janeiro Evicted: Day 693rd
Manuela Saadeh 23Student Rio de Janeiro Finalist: Day 71Runner-Up
Rodrigo Leonel 32Cowboy Ribeirão Preto Finalist: Day 71Winner
3 Samantha Pereira 28Personal trainer Rio de Janeiro Evicted: Day 0814th–15th
Paulo Carotini 33Photographer São Paulo Evicted: Day 0814th–15th
Dilson Walkarez 30Biker Campo Grande Walked: Day 1213th
Joseane Oliveira 22Model Canoas Evicted: Day 1512th
Marcelo Kretzer 22Disc jockey Blumenau Evicted: Day 2211th
Andréa Guerrero 39Advertiser São Paulo Evicted: Day 2910th
Juliana Alves 21Student Rio de Janeiro Evicted: Day 369th
Alan Cavalcante 26Basketball player Rio de Janeiro Evicted: Day 438th
Emilio Zagaia 30Diver Londrina Evicted: Day 507th
Sabrina Sato 22Student Penápolis Evicted: Day 576th
Harry Grossman 34Guidebook Teresópolis Evicted: Day 645th
Jean Massumi Hara 28Massage therapist São Paulo Evicted: Day 714th
Viviane Oliveira 28Lawyer Votorantim Evicted: Day 763rd
Elane Silva 18Teacher Itanhém Finalist: Day 78Runner-Up
Dhomini Ferreira 31Congressional aide Goiânia Finalist: Day 78Winner
4 Tatiana Giordano 21Student São Paulo Evicted: Day 0814th
Eduardo Coelho 24Advertiser Belo Horizonte Evicted: Day 1513th
Cristiano Carnevale 29Shopkeeper Rio de Janeiro Evicted: Day 2212th
Antonela Avellaneda 21Student Buenos Aires, Argentina Evicted: Day 2911th
Géris Leite 30Nurse Cajazeiras Evicted: Day 3610th
Edilson Buba 32Businessman Curitiba Evicted: Day 439th
Zulu Gomes 23Fighter Niterói Evicted: Day 508th
Marcelo Dourado 31P.E. teacher Porto Alegre Evicted: Day 577th
Rogério Dragone 25Gravedigger São Paulo Evicted: Day 646th
Marcela Queiroz 25Promoter Londrina Evicted: Day 715th
Solange Maria 25Attendant Mogi Guaçu Evicted: Day 784th
Juliana Lopes 23Promoter Brasília Evicted: Day 833rd
Thiago Lira 23Assistant auditor Rio de Janeiro Finalist: Day 85Runner-Up
Cida dos Santos 21Nanny Mangaratiba Finalist: Day 85Winner
5 Juliana Brandão 18Student Prado Evicted: Day 0915th
Marielza Santos 47Housewife Rio de Janeiro Withdrew: Day 1314th
Marcos Maçaneiro 25Baker Palhoça Evicted: Day 1613th
Giulliano Ciarelli 26Football player Campinas Evicted: Day 2312th
Rogerio Padovan 27Doctor Ribeirão Preto Evicted: Day 3011th
Paulo André Costa 28Consultant Guarulhos Evicted: Day 3710th
Natalia Nara 22TV presenter Fortaleza Evicted: Day 449th
Tatiana Machado 27Promoter Rio de Janeiro Evicted: Day 518th
Aline Cristina 18Housewife Rio de Janeiro Evicted: Day 587th
Karla Pereira 21Dancer Recife Evicted: Day 656th
Tatiane Pink Franklin 24Hairdresser Recife Evicted: Day 725th
Alan Santos 25Engineer Belo Horizonte Evicted: Day 774th
Sammy Ueda 26Salesman Indaiatuba Finalist: Day 793rd
Grazielli Massafera 22Model Jacarezinho Finalist: Day 79Runner-Up
Jean Wyllys 30College teacher Alagoinhas Finalist: Day 79Winner
6 Juliana Canabarro 22Promoter Porto Alegre Evicted: Day 0814th
Dan Costa 24Assistant coach São Paulo Evicted: Day 1513th
Daniel Saullo 25Model Belo Horizonte Evicted: Day 2212th
Roberta Brasil 22Dancer Fortaleza Evicted: Day 2911th
Léa Ferreira 23Motogirl São Paulo Evicted: Day 3610th
Thais Macêdo 27Psychologist Belém Evicted: Day 439th
Inês Gomes 21Student Rio de Janeiro Evicted: Day 508th
Carlos Issa 28Lawyer São Paulo Evicted: Day 577th
Iran Gomes 29Composer Rio de Janeiro Evicted: Day 646th
Gustavo Aguiar 28Former monk Belo Horizonte Evicted: Day 715th
Agustinho Mendonça 31Supermarket manager Rio de Janeiro Evicted: Day 764th
Rafael Valente 26Math teacher São José Finalist: Day 783rd
Mariana Felício 21Fisherwoman Botucatu Finalist: Day 78Runner-Up
Mara Viana 33Nurse Porto Seguro Finalist: Day 78Winner
7 Fernando Orozco 27Production engineer São Paulo Ejected: Day 0117th
Juliana Regueiro 27Translator Brasília Evicted: Day 0316th
Daniel Bellangero 27Sports coach Barueri Evicted: Day 0815th
Liane de Souza 27Student Florianópolis Evicted: Day 1514th
Alan Pierre Miranda 23Student Recife Evicted: Day 2213th
Felipe Cobra 30Skateboarder Rio de Janeiro Evicted: Day 2912th
Fernando Luiz Bacalow 23Banking Osasco Evicted: Day 3611th
Bruno Jácome 26Musician Timóteo Evicted: Day 4310th
Íris Stefanelli 27Nursing student Uberlândia Evicted: Day 509th
Flávia Viana 22Promoter São Paulo Evicted: Day 578th
Fani Pacheco 24Law student Nova Iguaçu Evicted: Day 647th
Alberto Pimentel 30Financial analyst Belo Horizonte Evicted: Day 716th
Airton Cabral 25Designer Rio de Janeiro Evicted: Day 03
Evicted: Day 76
Analy Rosa 30Disc jockey Curitiba Evicted: Day 784th
Bruna Tavares 23Student Taió Evicted: Day 833rd
Carollini Honorio 21Student Rio de Janeiro Finalist: Day 85Runner-Up
Diego Gasques 26Webdesigner São Bernardo Finalist: Day 85Winner
8 Jaqueline Khury 23Model São Paulo Evicted: Day 0814th
Rafael Memória 24Medical student Fortaleza Evicted: Day 1513th
Alexandre Scaquette 24Model Limeira Evicted: Day 2212th
Thalita Lippi 29Actress Rio de Janeiro Evicted: Day 2911th
Bianca Jahara 28Fashion producer Rio de Janeiro Evicted: Day 3610th
Fernando Mesquita 25Account manager Rio de Janeiro Evicted: Day 439th
Felipe Basilio 21Student São Paulo Evicted: Day 508th
Juliana Góes 22Journalism student Santos Evicted: Day 577th
Marcelo Arantes 31Doctor Uberlândia Evicted: Day 646th
Thatiana Bione 21English teacher Brasília Evicted: Day 715th
Marcos Parmagnani 26Student Vitória Evicted: Day 754th
Natália Casassola 22Model Passo Fundo Evicted: Day 763rd
Gyselle Soares 24Student Teresina Finalist: Day 78Runner-Up
Rafinha Ribeiro 26Musician Campinas Finalist: Day 78Winner
9 Daniel Gevaerd 26Manager Campo Grande Evicted: Bubble19th–20th
Maíra Britto 25Speech Brasília Evicted: Bubble19th–20th
Michelle Costa 24Law student Recife Evicted: Day 0818th
Norberto Santos 63Radio host São Carlos Evicted: Day 1517th
Leonardo Jancu 25Student São Paulo Walked: Day 2116th
Alexandre da Silva 35Businessman Olinda Evicted: Day 2215th
Newton Siqueira 29Model Porto Alegre Evicted: Day 2914th
Emanuel Milchevski 24Student São Bento do Sul Evicted: Day 3613th
André de Almeida 34Cowboy São Bernardo do Campo Evicted: Day 4312th
Mirla Prado 27Lawyer Belém Evicted: Day 4811th
Ralf Krause 32Manager São Paulo Evicted: Day 5010th
Maíra Cardi 26TV presenter São Caetano do Sul Evicted: Day 579th
Naiá Giannocaro 61Promoter São Paulo Evicted: Day 648th
Milena Fagundes 32Promoter Manaus Evicted: Day 717th
Josiane Oliveira 30Singer Juiz de Fora Evicted: Day 766th
Flávio Steffli 26Promoter Caxias do Sul Evicted: Day 785th
Ana Carolina Madeira 24Law student Florianópolis Evicted: Day 834th
Francine Piaia 25Teacher Rio Grande Finalist: Day 853rd
Priscila Pires 26Journalist Campo Grande Finalist: Day 85Runner-Up
Maximiliano Porto 30Artist Maricá Finalist: Day 85Winner
10 Joseane Oliveira 28Model Canoas Evicted: Day 0817th
Ana Marcela Alves 25Student Recife Evicted: Day 1516th
Tessália Serighelli 22Advertiser Curitiba Evicted: Day 2215th
Alex Vilanova 36Lawyer São Paulo Evicted: Day 2714th
Uilliam Carvalho 24Dancer Firmino Alves Evicted: Day 2913th
Elenita Rodrigues 30Language teacher & PhD in linguistics Brasília Evicted: Day 3612th
Angélica Marques 24Journalist Uberlândia Evicted: Day 4311th
Cláudia Colucci 28Manager Ribeirão Preto Evicted: Day 5010th
Eliéser Ambrosio 25Agronomist Maringá Evicted: Day 579th
Michel Turtchin 30Advertiser São Paulo Evicted: Day 648th
Sérgio Franceschini 20Fashion student São Paulo Evicted: Day 697th
Anamara Barreira 25Police officer Juazeiro Evicted: Day 716th
Dicésar Ferreira 44Make-up artist Londrina Evicted: Day 755th
Lia Kheireddine 28Dancer São Paulo Evicted: Day 764th
Cadu Parga 24Personal trainer Rio de Janeiro Finalist: Day 783rd
Fernanda Cardoso 28Dentist São José Finalist: Day 78Runner-Up
Marcelo Dourado 37P.E. teacher Porto Alegre Finalist: Day 78Winner
11 Ariadna Arantes 26Hair stylist Rio de Janeiro Evicted: Day 0819th
Rodrigo Carvalho 26Administrator Jaboatão dos Guararapes Evicted: Day 2017th–18th
Michelly Freitas 27Promoter São Paulo Evicted: Day 2017th–18th
Igor Pachi 29Barman São Paulo Evicted: Day 2216th
Cristiano Naya 33Engineer São Paulo Evicted: Day 2915th
Lucival França 29Journalist Salvador Evicted: Day 3414th
Natália Castro 27Criminal analyst Coronel Fabriciano Evicted: Day 3613th
Adriana Sant'anna 19Student Campos dos Goytacazes Evicted: Day 4312th
Diogo Pretto 24Dancer Salvador Evicted: Day 5010th–11th
Janaína dos Santos 25Dancer São Paulo Evicted: Day 5010th–11th
Talula Pascoli 29Model São Paulo Evicted: Day 579th
Maurício Joaquim 27Musician Rio de Janeiro Evicted: Day 15
Evicted: Day 62
Jaqueline Faria 27Dancer Rio de Janeiro Evicted: Day 647th
Paula Leite 23Student Boa Vista Evicted: Day 696th
Rodrigão Gomes 22Model Curitiba Evicted: Day 715th
Diana Balsini 29Producer Rio de Janeiro Evicted: Day 764th
Daniel Rolim 40Administrator Recife Finalist: Day 783rd
Wesley Schunk 24Doctor Vila Velha Finalist: Day 78Runner-Up
Maria Melilo 27Actress São Paulo Finalist: Day 78Winner
12 Daniel Echaniz 30Model São Paulo Ejected: Day 0716th
Analice de Souza 26Bar owner Belo Horizonte Evicted: Day 0815th
Jakeline Leal 22Husbandry student Feira de Santana Evicted: Day 1514th
Mayara Medeiros 23Art educator Jales Evicted: Day 2213th
Ronaldo Peres 31Salesman Jacareí Evicted: Day 2912th
João Mauricio Leite 34Cattle breeder Goiânia Evicted: Day 3611th
Laisa Portela 23Medical student Porto Alegre Evicted: Day 4310th
Rafa Oliveira 35Lighting designer Rio de Janeiro Evicted: Day 509th
Renata Dávila 21Psychology student Belo Horizonte Evicted: Day 578th
Yuri Fernandes 26Muay thay trainer Goiânia Evicted: Day 647th
Monique Amin 23Student Florianópolis Evicted: Day 696th
João Carvalho 46Trade representative Divinópolis Evicted: Day 715th
Kelly Medeiros 25Sales assistant Belo Horizonte Evicted: Day 764th
Jonas Sulzbach 25Model Lajeado Evicted: Day 783rd
Fabiana Teixeira 35Poster Girl Ribeirão Preto Finalist: Day 80Runner-Up
Fael Cordeiro 25Veterinarian Aral Moreira Finalist: Day 80Winner
13 Samara Pessato 30Saleswoman São Paulo Evicted: Bubble18th–21st
Kelly Baron 26Secretaire Curitiba Evicted: Bubble18th–21st
Bernardo Lima 29Businessman Florianópolis Evicted: Bubble18th–21st
André Coelho 25Lawyer Brasília Evicted: Bubble18th–21st
Kleber Bambam 35Disc jockey Campinas Walked: Day 0517th
Aline Mattos 31Hostess Rio de Janeiro Evicted: Day 0816th
Dhomini Ferreira 40Businessman Goiânia Evicted: Day 1515th
Aslan Cabral 31Artist Recife Evicted: Day 2214th
Yuri Fernandes 27Muay thai trainer Goiânia Evicted: Day 2913th
Marien Carretero 25Flamenco dancer Belo Horizonte Evicted: Day 3612th
Ivan Marcondes 26English teacher Rio Claro Evicted: Day 4311th
Eliéser Ambrosio 28Model Goioerê Evicted: Day 5010th
Marcello Soares 31Personal trainer Rio de Janeiro Evicted: Day 559th
Anamara Barreira 28Former police officer Juazeiro Evicted: Day 578th
Kamilla Salgado 25Model Belém Evicted: Day 647th
Fani Pacheco 30TV presenter Nova Iguaçu Evicted: Day 696th
André Martinelli 24Businessman Vitória Evicted: Day 715th
Natália Casassola 27Model Passo Fundo Evicted: Day 764th
Andressa Ganacin 23Beautician Cianorte Finalist: Day 783rd
Nasser Rodrigues 24Salesman Porto Alegre Finalist: Day 78Runner-Up
Fernanda Keulla 26Lawyer Belo Horizonte Finalist: Day 78Winner
14 João Almeida 31Fortune-teller Rio de Janeiro Evicted: Day 0320th
Alisson Gomes 27Teacher Contagem Evicted: Day 0619th
Rodrigo Lima 28Chef Recife Evicted: Day 0818th
Princy Cavalcante 32Real estate agent Goiânia Evicted: Day 1017th
Bella Maia 27Ballet dancer Recife Evicted: Day 1316th
Vagner Lara 37Businessman São Paulo Evicted: Day 1515th
Amanda Gontijo 23Engineering student Divinópolis Evicted: Day 2214th
Junior Gianetti 27Sales supervisor São Paulo Evicted: Day 2913th
Letícia Santiago 27Bachelor of law Belo Horizonte Evicted: Day 3612th
Roni Mazon 27Model Iacri Evicted: Day 4311th
Franciele Almeida 24Event producer Santa Rosa Evicted: Day 5010th
Aline Dahlen 33Actress Porto Alegre Evicted: Day 579th
Diego Grossi 31Advertiser Rio de Janeiro Evicted: Day 648th
Cássio Lanes 22Advertising student Alvorada Evicted: Day 697th
Tatiele Polyana 22Miss & model Cianorte Evicted: Day 716th
Valter Araújo 35Rapper São Paulo Evicted: Day 735th
Marcelo Zagonel 26Administrator Curitiba Evicted: Day 764th
Clara Aguilar 25Businesswoman São Paulo Finalist: Day 783rd
Angela Munhoz 26Lawyer São Roque Finalist: Day 78Runner-Up
Vanessa Mesquita 27Model São Paulo Finalist: Day 78Winner
15 Julia Nunes 23Fashion designer Brasília Evicted: Day 0615th
Francieli Medeiros 36Criminal conciliator Porto Alegre Evicted: Day 0814th
Douglas Ferreira 29Delivery man São Paulo Evicted: Day 1513th
Marco Marcon 35Theologian Curitiba Evicted: Day 2212th
Aline Gotschalg 24Fashion student Belo Horizonte Evicted: Day 2911th
Angélica Ramos 33Nursing assistant Embu das Artes Evicted: Day 3610th
Talita Araújo 22Flight attendant Goiânia Evicted: Day 439th
Tamires Peloso 24Dentist São Paulo Walked: Day 488th
Luan Patricio 23Manager Rio de Janeiro Evicted: Day 507th
Rafael Licks 21Management student Canela Evicted: Day 576th
Mariza Moreira 51Art teacher Recife Evicted: Day 645th
Adrilles Jorge 40Writer Belo Horizonte Evicted: Day 714th
Fernando Medeiros 32Cultural producer Rio de Janeiro Evicted: Day 763rd
Amanda Djehdian 28Businesswoman São Paulo Finalist: Day 78Runner-Up
Cézar Lima 30Law student Guarapuava Finalist: Day 78Winner
16 William Oliveira 35Safety São Paulo Evicted: Day 0615th–16th
Fernanda Liberato 28Writer & model Belo Horizonte Evicted: Day 0615th–16th
Harumi Ishihara 64Journalist São Paulo Evicted: Day 0814th
Laércio de Moura 53Tattoo designer Curitiba Evicted: Day 1513th
Alan Marinho 34Doctor of Philosophy Natal Walked: Day 1812th
Daniel Manzieri 38Manager Rio de Janeiro Evicted: Day 2911th
Juliana Dias 31Dancer São Paulo Evicted: Day 3610th
Tamiel Khan 41Ecology teacher Goiânia Evicted: Day 439th
Ana Paula Renault 34Journalist Belo Horizonte Ejected: Day 478th
Adélia Soares 36Lawyer Suzano Evicted: Day 507th
Renan Oliveira 29Model Amparo Evicted: Day 576th
Matheus Lisboa 25Electrical engineer Barra Longa Evicted: Day 645th
Geralda Diniz 63Retired teacher Curvelo Evicted: Day 744th
Ronan Veiga 27Philosophy student Curitiba Evicted: Day 763rd
Maria Claudia Macedo 19Youtuber Santa Cruz Finalist: Day 78Runner-Up
Munik Nunes 19Student Goiânia Finalist: Day 78Winner
17 Antônio Rafaski 23Entertainment promoter Vitória Evicted: Day 0716th–17th
Mayla Araújo 20Student Eldorado do Sul Evicted: Day 0716th–17th
Gabriela Flor Bitencourt 27Dancer Salvador Evicted: Day 0915th
Mayara Motti 26Bachelor of law Belo Horizonte Evicted: Day 1614th
Luiz Felipe Ribeiro 28Merchant Maceió Evicted: Day 2313th
Manoel Rafaski 23Entertainment promoter Vitória Evicted: Day 3012th
Elis Gonçalves 40Merchant Taguatinga Evicted: Day 3711th
Pedro Falcão 29Journalist São Paulo Evicted: Day 4410th
Roberta Freitas 21Student São Paulo Evicted: Day 519th
Rômulo Neves 39Diplomat Brasília Evicted: Day 588th
Daniel Pontes 41Traffic guard Ferraz de Vasconcelos Evicted: Day 647th
Ilmar Fonseca 38Cook & lawyer Campo Grande Evicted: Day 726th
Marinalva de Almeida 39Paralympic athlete Santa Isabel do Ivaí Evicted: Day 775th
Marcos Härter 37Plastic surgeon Porto Alegre Ejected: Day 784th
Ieda Wobeto 70Retired Canoas Finalist: Day 813rd
Vivian Amorim 23Lawyer Manaus Finalist: Day 81Runner-Up
Emilly Araújo 20Student Eldorado do Sul Finalist: Day 81Winner
18 Eva Lima 51Sales director Belém Evicted: Day 0718th–19th
Jorge Lima 28Production engineer Rio de Janeiro Evicted: Day 0718th–19th
Mara Telles 53Political scientist Governador Valadares Evicted: Day 0917th
Jaqueline Grohalski 23Biomedical Rolim de Moura Evicted: Day 1616th
Ana Paula Costa 23Journalism student São José Evicted: Day 2315th
Nayara de Deus 33Journalist Santo André Evicted: Day 3014th
Lucas Fernandes 27Businessman Fortaleza Evicted: Day 3713th
Mahmoud Baydoun 27Sexologist Manaus Evicted: Day 4412th
Patrícia Leitte 32Civil servant Icó Evicted: Day 5111th
Diego Sabádo 31Writer Belém Evicted: Day 5810th
Caruso Junior 34Advertising professional São Paulo Evicted: Day 659th
Wagner Santiago 35Visual artist Curitiba Evicted: Day 728th
Viegas de Carvalho 33Musician São Paulo Evicted: Day 777th
Jéssica Mueller 26Personal trainer Florianópolis Evicted: Day 796th
Breno Simões 29Architect Goiânia Evicted: Day 855th
Paula Amorim 29Businesswoman Belo Horizonte Evicted: Day 864th
Ana Clara Lima
Ayrton Lima
Journalism student
Systems analyst
Rio de Janeiro Finalists: Day 883rd
Kaysar Dadour 28Waiter Aleppo, Syria Finalist: Day 88Runner-Up
Gleici Damasceno 23Psychology student Rio Branco Finalist: Day 88Winner
19 Vinicius Póvoa 40Plastic artist & advertising Belo Horizonte Evicted: Day 0817th
Vanderson Brito 35Biologist & indigenous social educator Rio Branco Ejected: Day 0916th
Gustavo Soares 37Ophthalmologist São Paulo Evicted: Day 1515th
Hana Khalil 22Bachelor in Cinema & Youtuber Rio de Janeiro Evicted: Day 2214th
Diego Wantowsky 30Businessman & horse breeder Rio Negrinho Evicted: Day 2913th
Maycon Santos 27Barman & cheese seller Piumhi Evicted: Day 3612th
Isabella Cecchi 24Medical student Natal Evicted: Day 4311th
Tereza Souza 52Psychoanalyst & licensed practical nurse Arcoverde Evicted: Day 5710th
Danrley Ferreira 19Biology student & popsicle seller Rio de Janeiro Evicted: Day 649th
Elana Valenária 25Agronomic engineer Bom Jesus Evicted: Day 718th
Rodrigo França 40Human rights social scientist & dramaturgist Rio de Janeiro Evicted: Day 787th
Gabriela Hebling 32Graphic designer & percussionist Ribeirão Preto Evicted: Day 836th
Rízia Cerqueira 24Journalist São Miguel dos Campos Evicted: Day 855th
Hariany Almeida 21Fashion design student Senador Canedo Ejected: Day 874th
Carolina Peixinho 33Businesswoman & advertising Salvador Evicted: Day 873rd
Alan Possamai 26Administrator & entrepreneur Criciúma Finalist: Day 88Runner-Up
Paula von Sperling 28Bachelor in Law Lagoa Santa Finalist: Day 88Winner
20 Renata Dornelles 32Physical education teacher Campo Grande Evicted: Bubble21st–22nd
Daniel Caon 26Songwriter Linhares Evicted: Bubble21st–22nd
Lucas Chumbo 24Professional surfer Saquarema Evicted: Day 0820th
Petrix Barbosa 27Gymnast São Paulo Evicted: Day 1519th
Hadson Nery 38Former football player Belém Evicted: Day 2218th
Lucas Gallina 26Physiotherapist Florianópolis Evicted: Day 2917th
Bianca Andrade 25Digital influencer & businesswoman Rio de Janeiro Evicted: Day 3616th
Guilherme Napolitano 28Model Presidente Prudente Evicted: Day 4315th
Victor Hugo Teixeira 25Public health scientist & psychologist Imperatriz Evicted: Day 5014th
Pyong Lee 27Hypnologist São Paulo Evicted: Day 5713th
Daniel Lenhardt 22Actor Selbach Evicted: Day 6412th
Felipe Prior 27Architect São Paulo Evicted: Day 7111th
Gabi Martins 23Singer Belo Horizonte Evicted: Day 7610th
Marcela Mc Gowan 31Gynecologist & obstetrician Rancharia Evicted: Day 789th
Flayslane Raiane 25Singer Nova Floresta Evicted: Day 838th
Gizelly Bicalho 28Lawyer Iúna Evicted: Day 857th
Ivy Moraes 27Model Belo Horizonte Evicted: Day 906th
Mari Gonzalez 25Digital influencer Salvador Evicted: Day 925th
Babu Santana 40Actor Rio de Janeiro Evicted: Day 964th
Manu Gavassi 27Actress & singer São Paulo Finalist: Day 983rd
Rafa Kalimann 26Digital influencer Campina Verde Finalist: Day 98Runner-Up
Thelma Assis 35Anesthesiologist São Paulo Finalist: Day 98Winner
21 Kerline Cardoso 28Model & digital influencer Fortaleza Evicted: Day 0920th
Lucas Penteado 24Actor São Paulo Walked: Day 1419th
Arcrebiano Araújo 29Model Vila Velha Evicted: Day 1618th
Nego Di 26Comedian Porto Alegre Evicted: Day 2317th
Karol Conká 35Singer & TV presenter Curitiba Evicted: Day 3016th
Lumena Aleluia 29Psychologist & DJ Salvador Evicted: Day 3715th
Projota 34Singer & rapper São Paulo Evicted: Day 5114th
Carla Diaz 30Actress São Paulo Evicted: Day 5813th
Sarah Andrade 29Digital marketing consultant Brasília Evicted: Day 6512th
Rodolffo Matthaus 32Singer Uruaçu Evicted: Day 7211th
Thaís Braz 27Dentist surgeon Luziânia Evicted: Day 7910th
Caio Afiune 32Farmer Anápolis Evicted: Day 869th
João Luiz Pedrosa 25Geography teacher Santos Dumont Evicted: Day 888th
Viih Tube 20Actress & YouTuber Sorocaba Evicted: Day 917th
Arthur Picoli 26Crossfit instructor Conduru Evicted: Day 936th
Pocah 26Singer Queimados Evicted: Day 955th
Gilberto Nogueira 29Doctorate in Economy Paulista Evicted: Day 984th
Fiuk 30Actor & singer São Paulo Finalist: Day 1003rd
Camilla de Lucas 26Digital influencer Nova Iguaçu Finalist: Day 100Runner-Up
Juliette Freire 31Lawyer & makeup artist Campina Grande Finalist: Day 100Winner
22 Luciano Estevan 28Actor & dancer Florianópolis Evicted: Day 0922nd
Rodrigo Mussi 36Commercial manager São José dos Campos Evicted: Day 1621st
Naiara Azevedo 32Singer Farol Evicted: Day 2320th
Maria Andrade 21Actress & singer Rio de Janeiro Ejected: Day 3019th
Bárbara Heck 29Public relations & model Novo Hamburgo Evicted: Day 3018th
Brunna Gonçalves 30Dancer & digital influencer Nilópolis Evicted: Day 3717th
Tiago Abravanel 34Actor & TV presenter São Paulo Walked: Day 4216th
Larissa Tomásia 25Digital influencer & marketing coordinator Limoeiro Evicted: Day 4415th
Jade Picon 20Digital influencer & businesswoman São Paulo Evicted: Day 5114th
Vinicius de Sousa 23Bachelor of law Crato Evicted: Day 5813th
Laís Caldas 30Doctor Crixás Evicted: Day 6512th
Lucas Bissoli 31Engineer & medicine student Vila Velha Evicted: Day 7211th
Eslovênia Marques 25Model & marketing student João Pessoa Evicted: Day 7710th
Linn da Quebrada 31Actress & singer São Paulo Evicted: Day 849th
Natália Deodato 22Nail designer & model Belo Horizonte Evicted: Day 868th
Jessilane Alves 26Biologist & biology teacher Bom Jesus da Lapa Evicted: Day 917th
Gustavo Marsengo 31Bachelor of law Curitiba Evicted: Day 936th
Pedro Scooby 33Surfer Rio de Janeiro Evicted: Day 955th
Eliezer do Carmo 31Designer & businessman Volta Redonda Evicted: Day 984th
Douglas Silva 33Actor Rio de Janeiro Finalist: Day 1003rd
Paulo André Camilo 23Sprinter Santo André Finalist: Day 100Runner-Up
Arthur Aguiar 32Actor & singer Rio de Janeiro Finalist: Day 100Winner
23 Manoel Vicente 32Psychiatrist Cuiabá Evicted: Bubble23rd–24th
Giovanna Leão 25Businesswoman Campinas Evicted: Bubble23rd–24th
Marília Miranda 32Make up artist & digital influencer Natal Evicted: Day 1122nd
Gabriel Tavares 24Administrator & model Ribeirão Preto Evicted: Day 1621st
Tina Calamba 29Marketing analyst & model Huambo, Angola Evicted: Day 2320th
Paula Freitas 28Biomedical Jacundá Evicted: Day 3019th
Bruno Nogueira 32Pharmacy attendant São José da Laje Walked: Day 3318th
Cristian Vanelli 32Businessman Caxias do Sul Evicted: Day 3717th
Gustavo Benedetti 27Farmer & businessman Sinop Evicted: Day 4116th
Key Alves 23Volleyball player Bauru Evicted: Day 5115th
MC Guimê 30Singer-songwriter Osasco Ejected: Day 6013th–14th
Antônio Cara de Sapato 32MMA fighter João Pessoa Ejected: Day 6013th–14th
Fred Carneiro 33Journalist & digital influencer São Paulo Evicted: Day 6512th
Gabriel Santana 23Actor Rio de Janeiro Evicted: Day 7211th
Kassia Marvvila 23Singer Rio de Janeiro Evicted: Day 7910th
Fred Nicácio 35Doctor & physiotherapist Campos dos Goytacazes Evicted: Day 44
Evicted: Day 86
Cezar Black 34Nurse Salvador Evicted: Day 888th
Sarah Aline Rodrigues 25Psychologist & diversity analyst Osasco Evicted: Day 917th
Domitila Barros 38Model & social activist Recife Evicted: Day 936th
Ricardo Camargo 30Biomedical Aracaju Evicted: Day 955th
Larissa Santos 24Physical education teacher Sombrio Evicted: Day 58
Evicted: Day 98
Bruna Griphao 23Actress Rio de Janeiro Finalist: Day 1003rd
Aline Wirley 41Singer Cachoeira Paulista Finalist: Day 100Runner-Up
Amanda Meirelles 31Doctor Astorga Finalist: Day 100Winner
24 Carolina Ferreira 27Stylist & model Rio de Janeiro Evicted: Annex27th–31st
Juliana Xavier 27Make up artist Florianópolis Evicted: Annex27th–31st
Jorge Mateus Viana 31Dentist Recife Evicted: Annex27th–31st
Caio Andrade 29Nutritionist Salvador Evicted: Annex27th–31st
Plínio Simões 30Jewelry designer Salvador Evicted: Annex27th–31st
Maycon Cosmer 35School cook Tijucas Evicted: Day 0426th
Thalyta Alves 26Lawyer Belo Horizonte Evicted: Day 0725th
Lucas Pizane 22Musician Itaparica Evicted: Day 0924th
Vanessa Lopes 22Digital influencer Brasília Walked: Day 1223rd
Nizam Hayek 32International account executive São Paulo Evicted: Day 1422nd
Vinícius Rodrigues 29Paralympic athlete Rosana Evicted: Day 1621st
Lucas Luigi 28Salesman Rio de Janeiro Evicted: Day 2320th
Juninho Silva 41Motorcycle taxi driver Rio de Janeiro Evicted: Day 3019th
Marcus Vinicius Ferreira 30Flight atendant Belém Evicted: Day 3718th
Deniziane Ferreira 29Physiotherapist Esmeraldas Evicted: Day 4417th
Rodriguinho 45Singer Bauru Evicted: Day 5116th
Wanessa Camargo 41Singer Goiânia Ejected: Day 5515th
Michel Nogueira 30Geography teacher Belo Horizonte Evicted: Day 5814th
Yasmin Brunet 35Model & businesswoman Rio de Janeiro Evicted: Day 6513th
Raquele Cardozo 22Confectioner & student Conceição da Barra Evicted: Day 7212th
Leidy Elin Alvarenga 26Hairdresser & cashier São Gonçalo Evicted: Day 7911th
Fernanda Bande 32Baker & model Niterói Evicted: Day 8410th
Giovanna Pitel 24Social worker Maceió Evicted: Day 869th
MC Bin Laden 30Singer São Paulo Evicted: Day 888th
Giovanna Lima 27Nutritionist Belo Horizonte Evicted: Day 917th
Lucas Henrique Ferreira 29Physical education teacher Rio de Janeiro Evicted: Day 936th
Beatriz Reis 23Clothing seller Guarulhos Evicted: Day 955th
Alane Dias 24Ballet dancer & model Belém Evicted: Day 984th
Isabelle Nogueira 31Dancer & digital influencer Manaus Finalist: Day 1003rd
Matteus Amaral 27Agricultural engineering student Alegrete Finalist: Day 100Runner-Up
Davi Brito 21App driver Salvador Finalist: Day 100Winner
25 Cléber Alves 24Geography teacher Jequié
Joseane Ribeiro 41Nursing technician Jequié
Guilherme Vilar 27Geriatric physiotherapist Olinda
Joselma Silva 54Housewife Olinda
Nicole Oliveira 28Law student São José dos Campos
Paula Oliveira 48Parliamentary advisor São José dos Campos
Aline Patriarca 32Military police officer Salvador
Arleane Marques 34Digital influencer Manaus
Camilla Maia 34Hair braider Rio de Janeiro
Daniele Hypólito 40Former artistic gymnast Santo André
Diego Hypólito 38Former artistic gymnast Santo André
Diogo Almeida 40Actor & psychologist Rio de Janeiro
Edilberto Simões 42Circus owner & clown Elói Mendes
Eva Pacheco 31Dancer & physiotherapist Fortaleza
Gabriel Yoshimoto 30Model & event promoter São Paulo
Giovanna Jacobina 26Veterinarian Campo Grande
Gracyanne Barbosa 42Fitness model Campo Grande
João Gabriel Siqueira 21Rodeo lifeguard Goiatuba
João Pedro Siqueira 21Rodeo lifeguard Goiatuba
Maike Cruz 30Sales representative São Paulo
Marcelo Prata 38Public servant Manaus
Mateus Pires 28Architect São José dos Campos
Raissa Simões 19Circus artist Ubá
Renata Saldanha 32Dancer Fortaleza
Thamiris Maia 33Nutritionist Rio de Janeiro
Vilma Nascimento 68Nutrition student Aracaju
Vinícius Nascimento 28Event promoter Nazaré
Vitória Strada 28Actress Porto Alegre


^1 Contestant's age at the time the season was filmed.

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