List of British gallantry awards for the War in Afghanistan (2001–2021)

Last updated

A list of British awards for gallantry in the War in Afghanistan from 2001 to 2021. Apart from appointments to purely military orders, only gallantry awards have been included and only those that allow post-nominal letters (this excludes appointments to the Order of the British Empire for distinguished service and fourth-level awards such as Mentions-in-Despatches and Queen's Commendations).


The list includes the rank and decorations the recipient held at the time, together with their regiment, corps or service, and the date of publication of the award in the London Gazette. The first honours list was published in October 2002, covering the period from October 2001 to March 2002, and subsequent lists have each covered six-month periods of operations, ending in March or September. The latest list was published in July 2015 and covered the period ending 31 December 2014.

Victoria Cross

The Victoria Cross (VC) is the highest award for gallantry in the presence of the enemy, and is also the highest honour in the British Honours System. A miniature of the award is worn on the undress uniform to indicate the unique nature of the award.

During July and August, A Company of 3 Para were deployed into Sangin, where their position was constantly under attack. On 27 July, during a patrol, a member of Corporal Budd's section was shot and seriously injured in open ground. Budd led an assault against a building, causing the enemy to retreat, allowing the evacuation and treatment of the wounded soldier. On 20 August, on another patrol, Budd's section again came under heavy fire, with two soldiers being wounded. He assaulted the enemy single-handedly, continuing even when himself wounded. This inspired the remainder of the platoon to renew their attack, and force the withdrawal of the enemy. Budd subsequently died of his wounds. His "single-handed action... and his determination, though wounded, to push on against a superior enemy force stands out as a premeditated act of inspirational leadership and the greatest valour". [1]

On 13 June 2012, in the Nahr-e-Saraj District of Helmand Province, Lance Corporal Ashworth led his fire-team into the heart of an insurgent-dominated village. The initial attack resulted in the deaths of two insurgents and the recovery of two sniper rifles; however, the follow-up attack by Afghan local police stalled when a policeman was shot and killed. Ashworth moved to the front of his fire-team and pursued the attack, breaking into an enemy compound under machine-gun fire and driving the insurgents into an out-building. He then relentlessly crawled forward under fierce enemy fire to neutralise an enemy sniper with his final grenade. Placing himself in full view of the enemy to accurately throw his grenade, Ashworth was hit by enemy fire and killed before he could neutralise the sniper; however, his actions galvanised his platoon, which completed the clearance of the compound. His "total disregard for his own safety...was the gallant last action of a soldier who had willingly placed himself in the line of fire on numerous occasions earlier in the attack. This supremely courageous and inspiring action deserves the highest recognition." [2]

The actions for which Leakey was awarded the Victoria Cross occurred on 22 August 2013 in Helmand Province, Afghanistan. [3] A routine joint patrol composed of British paratroopers, US Marines and Afghan soldiers had targeted a village to search for illegal weapons. [4] Having been flown into the area in Chinook helicopters, the patrol was attacked by machine gun fire and rocket-propelled grenades soon after dismounting. [5] Leakey's helicopter had landed on a hill near the village and he, with three other paratroopers and an Afghan soldier, were to provide fire support for the main segment of the patrol. [4] From their vantage point, his section could see the attack and heard over their radio that someone had been injured. [6] Leakey ran up the hill to assess the seriousness of the attack and came to the conclusion that urgent action was needed. [5] Though he was only a lance corporal, he took control of the situation and led his section down to the group under attack. [4]

Having reached the group under attack, he gave first aid to the wounded US Marine Corps captain and began to evacuate him from the battlefield. [6] While under fire, he returned to the machine guns that his section had left at the top of the hill. He moved one to a better position to fire at the attacking Taliban even though he was under constant, accurate fire (bullets were ricocheting off the weapon he was carrying). [5] His actions inspired other soldiers to join in the fight back. [4]

While he was manning the machine gun, he was also shouting updates of the situation into his radio. [4] Having realised that more than one machine gun would be needed to effectively fight back the insurgents, he allowed his gun to be taken over by another soldier. He then ran once more through heavy fire to retrieve a second machine gun, position it in a suitable site, and then manned it to fire at the Taliban. [5]

The skirmish lasted approximately 45 minutes during which 11 insurgents were killed and four wounded. It was only when air support arrived that fighting ceased. When it did, he handed the second machine gun over to another soldier. He then returned to the injured American officer and oversaw his medical evacuation. [4]

The Ministry of Defence summarised the reasons for awarding Leakey the Victoria Cross as follows: [7]

Under fire yet undeterred by the very clear and present danger, Lance Corporal Leakey ran across the exposed slope of the hill three times to initiate casualty evacuation, re-site machine guns and return fire. His actions proved the turning point, inspiring his comrades to fight back with renewed ferocity. Displaying gritty leadership well above that expected of his rank, Lance Corporal Leakey's actions singlehandedly regained the initiative and prevented considerable loss of life.

George Cross

The George Cross (GC) is the highest civilian award for bravery, and ranks equal to the Victoria Cross. It may be awarded to members of the armed forces for acts of heroism not in the presence of the enemy. A miniature of this award is also worn in undress.

Order of the Bath

Senior officers may be appointed to the Order of the Bath for distinguished service. There are three Divisions: Knight Grand Cross (GCB), Knight Commander (KCB) and Companion (CB).


Distinguished Service Order

The Distinguished Service Order (DSO) is awarded for leadership during operations. It may be awarded to any rank, but the majority of awards are to officers of at least the rank of lieutenant colonel (or equivalent) commanding recognised formations. Although an Order, and with only one Class - Companion - bars may be awarded for further periods of service meriting an appointment to the Order.

Bar to DSO:


Conspicuous Gallantry Cross

The Conspicuous Gallantry Cross (CGC) is the next level of award down from the Victoria Cross for gallantry in the face of the enemy.

Royal Red Cross

The Royal Red Cross is awarded for distinguished nursing service. There are two classes: Members (RRC) and Associates (ARRC). Officers of the rank of lieutenant colonel and above will normally be admitted as Members; Membership is also awarded to those Associates providing a second period of service worthy of recognition.



Military Cross

The Military Cross (MC) is the third-level medal awarded for gallantry in the face of the enemy on land.

Bar to MC:

Royal Navy


Cavalry / Artillery

  • Major Robert Michael Armstrong, Royal Regiment of Artillery, March 2009. [31] This award was withdrawn on 10 October 2014. [94] [95]
  • Corporal Oliver David Bainbridge, The Royal Dragoon Guards, 4 October 2013 [32]
  • Captain Paul Nathaniel Brenig Britton, Royal Regiment of Artillery, July 2008 [85]
  • Bombardier Mark David Carpenter, Royal Regiment of Artillery, March 2012 [18]
  • Corporal of Horse Michael John Flynn CGC, The Blues and Royals, December 2006; [70] CGC for actions in Iraq [24]
  • Lance Bombardier Michael Ronald Frew, Royal Regiment of Artillery, March 2008 [68]
  • Staff Corporal Shaun Keith Fry, The Life Guards, December 2006 [70]
  • Bombardier Paul Mitchell Greenwood, Royal Regiment of Artillery, March 2008 [68]
  • Lieutenant Tresham Dames Rowley Gregg, The Light Dragoons, March 2010 [21]
  • Gunner Grant Michael Guy, Royal Regiment of Artillery, September 2009 [23]
  • Captain William Andrew Hall, Royal Regiment of Artillery, February 2015 [76]
  • Lance Bombardier Richard David Jennings, Royal Regiment of Artillery, July 2007 [52]
  • Corporal Keith Mitchell, Royal Scots Dragoon Guards, March 2012 [18]
  • Captain Alexander Ryland Pickthall, The Life Guards, March 2014 [74]
  • Acting Corporal Matthew James Stenton, Royal Dragoon Guards, March 2011 (killed in action) [36]
  • Major Angus Myles Arthur Tilney, The King’s Royal Hussars, February 2015 [76]
  • Captain Patrick James Williams, The Blues and Royals, December 2006 [70]
  • Corporal Christopher Balmforth, Queen's Royal Hussars (Queen's Own & Royal Irish), March 2005, for actions in Iraq. [96]


  • Lieutenant James Philip Adamson, The Royal Regiment of Scotland, September 2009; [23] Mentioned in Despatches for previous actions in Afghanistan [97]
  • Corporal Craig Adkin, The Mercian Regiment, March 2010 [21]
  • Lance Corporal Levi David Ashby, The Royal Anglian Regiment, March 2008 [68]
  • Major Michael Patrick Aston, The Royal Anglian Regiment, March 2008 [68]
  • Sergeant Paul Edward Baines, Coldstream Guards, September 2010 [67]
  • Second Lieutenant Alexander Brampton Charles Barclay, Royal Regiment of Scotland, March 2009 [31]
  • Captain Douglas Ricardo Beattie, The Royal Irish Regiment, December 2006; [70] previously awarded QCB for actions in Iraq [98]
  • Colour Sergeant Michael Bell, The Parachute Regiment, October 2002 (not gazetted until September 2003) [83]
  • Major Dominic Stead James Biddick MBE, The Royal Anglian Regiment, March 2008; [68] MBE for service in Northern Ireland [99]
  • Staff Sergeant Paul Jonathon Bilingham, The Parachute Regiment, February 2015 [76]
  • Lieutenant William Jordan Campbell Boreham, The Duke of Lancaster’s Regiment, 4 October 2013 [32]
  • Corporal Robert Boswell, The Parachute Regiment, March 2013 [26]
  • Acting Sergeant Craig Anthony Brelsford, The Mercian Regiment, March 2008 (killed in action) [68]
  • Major Geoffrey Richard Brocklehurst, The Royal Regiment of Scotland, March 2014 [74]
  • Captain Edward Robert Brown, The Mercian Regiment, March 2010 [21]
  • Major Jo Butterfill, The Royal Regiment of Fusiliers, March 2010 [21]
  • Staff Sergeant Russell Craig Byrne, The Parachute Regiment, 4 October 2013 [32]
  • Major Nicholas George Calder, The Royal Regiment of Scotland, March 2009; [31] previously awarded QCVS for service in Northern Ireland [100]
  • Corporal Steven Graham Childs, The Rifles, March 2010 [21]
  • Corporal Richard Clark, The Royal Regiment of Scotland, March 2010 [21]
  • Colour Sergeant Simon Peter Clark, The Parachute Regiment, July 2015 [46]
  • Acting Sergeant John Mathew Cockburn, The Yorkshire Regiment, July 2008 [85]
  • Private Luke Cole, The Mercian Regiment, Territorial Army, March 2008 [68]
  • Sergeant Luke Alexander Cole, The Parachute Regiment, September 2011 [49]
  • Private Paul James Coleman, The Parachute Regiment, March 2009 [31]
  • Corporal James Stephen Cooke, Irish Guards, March 2009 [31]
  • Captain Iain Robin Curren, The Royal Regiment of Scotland, September 2011 [49]
  • Second Lieutenant Oliver Dale, The Parachute Regiment, December 2006 [70]
  • Lieutenant Douglas Anthony Keith Dalzell, Coldstream Guards, September 2010 (killed in action) [67]
  • Major Martin Paul David, Grenadier Guards, March 2008 [68]
  • Colour Sergeant Scott Rae McKenzie Davidson, The Parachute Regiment, October 2002 (not gazetted until September 2003) [83]
  • Acting Serjeant James Andrew Davies, The Rifles, September 2012 [47]
  • Major Adam Guy Dawson, The Parachute Regiment, March 2009 [31]
  • Private Scott Robert Docherty, The Parachute Regiment, July 2008 [85]
  • Captain Michael Olaf Chetwynd Dobbin, Grenadier Guards, March 2013 [26]
  • Corporal Johannes Jacobus Fourie, The Parachute Regiment, September 2011 [49]
  • Private Scott Lachlan Fraser, The Parachute Regiment, March 2009 [31]
  • Corporal Ricky Paul Furgusson, The Rifles, September 2010 [67]
  • Sergeant Glen William John Gardiner, The Parachute Regiment, September 2011 [49]
  • Corporal Stuart James Giles, The Parachute Regiment, December 2006 [70]
  • Major Neil Darren Grant, The Mercian Regiment, March 2010 [21]
  • Captain Xavier Luke Griffin, The Rifles, Territorial Army, September 2009 [23]
  • Rifleman Bhimbahadur Gurung, The Royal Gurkha Rifles, July 2008 [85]
  • Rifleman Tuljung Gurung, The Royal Gurkha Rifles, 4 October 2013 [32]
  • Corporal Alexander William Guy, The Royal Anglian Regiment, (killed in action), March 2013 [26]
  • Major Karl Christian Hickman, The Rifles, March 2010; [21] previously Mentioned in Despatches for actions in Iraq [38]
  • Captain David Charles Hicks, The Royal Anglian Regiment, March 2008 (killed in action) [68]
  • Fusilier Damion Mark Hields, The Royal Welsh, March 2008 [68]
  • Lieutenant Luke Arthur James Higginson, The Parachute Regiment, September 2011 [49]
  • Lieutenant William James Archie Hignett, The Rifles, March 2010 [21]
  • Sergeant Ashley Robert Hill, Royal Anglian Regiment, September 2010 [67]
  • Private Aaron Stuart Holmes, The Mercian Regiment, March 2008 [68]
  • Lance Corporal Stuart James Howell, The Rifles, March 2012 [18]
  • Warrant Officer Class 1 Patrick Hyde, The Rifles, March 2014 [74]
  • Lance Corporal Karl Wayne Jackson, The Parachute Regiment, December 2006 [70]
  • Private Bryan Johnson, The Royal Regiment of Scotland, September 2011 [49]
  • Corporal Sean Lee Jones, The Princess of Wales's Royal Regiment, September 2012 [47]
  • Lance Corporal Lawrence Mark Craig Kayser, The Royal Anglian Regiment, March 2013 [26]
  • Lance Corporal Sean Michael Keenan, The Rifles, September 2009 [23]
  • Warrant Officer Class 2 Benjamin Llewellyn Kelly, The Princess of Wales's Royal Regiment, September 2009; [23] previously Mentioned in Despatches for actions in Iraq [101]
  • Private Alexander Robert Kennedy, The Mercian Regiment, March 2010 [21]
  • Sergeant Peter Keogh, The Royal Irish Regiment, September 2011 [49]
  • Warrant Officer Class 2 Gavin Charles Kimberlin, The Mercian Regiment, March 2008 [68]
  • Rifleman Harry Lanceley, The Rifles, September 2010 [67]
  • Major Russell David Lewis, The Parachute Regiment, March 2009 [31]
  • Sergeant Kajiman Limbu, The Royal Gurkha Rifles, September 2004 [102]
  • Rifleman Sunil Limbu, Royal Gurkha Rifles, March 2011 [36]
  • Major Jason Alexis Little, The Yorkshire Regiment, July 2008 [85]
  • Corporal Michael Lockett, The Mercian Regiment, March 2008 [68] later killed in action in Afghanistan
  • Lieutenant Colin William Lunn, Yorkshire Regiment, September 2010 [67]
  • Major Angus Donald MacGillivray, Royal Regiment of Scotland, September 2010 [67]
  • Major James Rowland Martin, Princess of Wales's Royal Regiment, March 2011 [36]
  • Sergeant Stephen McConnell, The Royal Irish Regiment, March 2009 [31]
  • Major John Stuart McDonald, The Parachute Regiment, March 2009; [31] previously awarded US Bronze Star Medal for actions in Iraq [103]
  • Second Lieutenant Paul David McFarland, The Royal Irish Regiment, September 2011 [49]
  • Private Peter McKinley, The Parachute Regiment, December 2006 [70]
  • Lance Corporal Liam Kane McNulty, The Rifles, September 2012 [47]
  • Corporal William Joseph Mills, The Rifles, March 2014 [74]
  • Acting Corporal Darragh Rory Miskella, The Parachute Regiment, September 2011 [49]
  • Lance Corporal Stephen Daniel Monkhouse, Scots Guards, March 2011 (killed in action) [36]
  • Corporal Robert William Moore, The Royal Anglian Regiment, March 2008 [68]
  • Corporal Nicholas James Alexander Noakes, The Parachute Regiment, Territorial Army, March 2009 [31]
  • Captain Richard Alexander Oakes, The Mercian Regiment, (Territorial Army), March 2013 [26]
  • Staff Sergeant Rory Patrick George O’Connor, The Parachute Regiment, March 2013 [26]
  • Ranger Alan William Owens, The Royal Irish Regiment, March 2009 [31]
  • Lance Corporal Alexander Luke Perry, The Parachute Regiment, March 2012 [18]
  • Lieutenant Alexander John Phillips, The Royal Regiment of Scotland, March 2010 [21]
  • Major Paul Ralph Gareth Pitchfork, The Royal Gurkha Rifles, July 2008 [85]
  • Private Alfred Owen James Pope, The Parachute Regiment, September 2011 [49]
  • Acting Serjeant Mark John Powis, The Rifles, September 2009 [23]
  • Lance Corporal Ratu Apenisa Qalitakivuna, The Royal Irish Regiment, September 2011 [49]
  • Warrant Officer Class 2 Terry Rafferty, The Rifles, September 2012 [47]
  • Lance Corporal Gajendra Rai, The Royal Gurkha Rifles, September 2009 [23]
  • Captain Graham David Bradley Rainey, The Royal Irish Regiment, March 2009 [31]
  • Lance Corporal Marc Anthony Reader, Coldstream Guards, September 2010 [67]
  • Lance Corporal Alan Redford, Mercian Regiment, March 2011 [36]
  • Major Daniel Reeve, The Rifles, September 2011 [49]
  • Corporal Christopher Sean Reynolds, The Royal Regiment of Scotland, March 2010 [21]
  • Major Colin Nicholas Risso, Royal Gibraltar Regiment, September 2005 [104]
  • Lance Corporal Oliver Scott Ruecker, The Royal Anglian Regiment, March 2008 [68]
  • Corporal George Finau Sale, The Royal Welsh, September 2010 [67]
  • Lieutenant John Philip Henri Scarlett, Coldstream Guards, March 2013 [26]
  • Corporal Craig Richard Sharp, The Royal Regiment of Scotland, March 2010 [105]
  • Lieutenant Craig Angus Shephard, Grenadier Guards, September 2010 [67]
  • Lance Corporal Alexander James Smith, Parachute Regiment, March 2010 [105]
  • Sergeant Torben Erik George Sorensen, The Princess of Wales's Royal Regiment, September 2009 [23]
  • Lance Corporal Colin James Spooner, The Princess of Wales's Royal Regiment, September 2009 [23]
  • Staff Sergeant Jason Alexander Stiff, The Parachute Regiment [18]
  • Lance Sergeant Markus Strydom, Grenadier Guards, March 2013 [26]
  • Lance Sergeant Adam Charles Swift, Coldstream Guards, September 2010 [67]
  • Lance Corporal Mohansingh Tangnami, The Royal Gurkha Rifles, July 2008 [85]
  • Corporal Carl Taylor, The Mercian Regiment, March 2012 [18]
  • Lance Corporal Agnish Thapa, The Royal Gurkha Rifles, July 2008 [85]
  • Warrant Officer Class 2 Simon Nicholas Thompson, The Rifles, March 2010 [105]
  • Major Edward Eaton Calthrop Thorne, The Royal Anglian Regiment, October 2002 (not gazetted until September 2003) [83]
  • Major Giles Matthew Timms, The Parachute Regiment, December 2006; [70] previously awarded QCVS for service in Northern Ireland [106]
  • Lance Sergeant Matthew Philip Turrall, Irish Guards, March 2010 [105]
  • Corporal James Richard Lawrence Walker, The Parachute Regiment, March 2014 [74]
  • Corporal Mark Ward, The Mercian Regiment, March 2011 [36]
  • Acting Corporal Andrew Wardle, The Yorkshire Regiment, September 2010 [67]
  • Lance Corporal James Gerard White, The Parachute Regiment, March 2011 [36]
  • Corporal Shaun Whitehead, The Royal Regiment of Scotland, March 2009 [31]
  • Corporal David Thomas Williams, The Royal Welsh, September 2010 [67]
  • Major Richard James Elton Williams MBE, The Parachute Regiment, October 2002 (not gazetted until September 2003); [83] MBE for service in former Yugoslavia; [107] previously awarded QCVS "for service in the field" [53]
  • Private Mark James Wilson, The Parachute Regiment, December 2006 [70]
  • Rifleman Matthew James Wilson, The Rifles, September 2012 [47]
  • Corporal Martin James Windmill, The Parachute Regiment, September 2011 [49]

Support Corps

  • Acting Captain Russell Archer, Corps of Royal Engineers, March 2009 [31]
  • Staff Sergeant Keith John Armatage, Army Air Corps, July 2007 [52]
  • Acting Corporal James Andrew Bedford, Corps of Royal Engineers, March 2011 [36]
  • Lance Corporal Sarah Louise Bushbye, Royal Army Medical Corps, September 2010 [67]
  • Lance Corporal Daniel John Fletcher, Royal Army Medical Corps, September 2010 [67]
  • Private Wesley Robert Masters, Royal Army Medical Corps, March 2014 [74]
  • Corporal Paul Edward Mather, Army Air Corps, March 2010 [21]
  • Warrant Officer Class 2 James Louis Palmer, The Royal Logistic Corps, September 2011 [49]
  • Major Douglas Fraser Reid, Royal Army Medical Corps, July 2008 [85]
  • Captain David Charles Rigg, Corps of Royal Engineers, July 2007 [52]
  • Warrant Officer Class 1 Ed Macy, Army Air Corps, July 2007 [52]
  • Major Ian David Scattergood, The Royal Logistic Corps, July 2008 [85]
  • Captain Sean Alan Scott, The Royal Logistic Corps, March 2011 [36]
  • Lance Corporal Stephen Andrew Shaw, Royal Army Medical Corps, March 2013 [26]
  • Corporal Richard Steven Street, Corps of Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers, July 2008 [85]
  • Lance Corporal Kylie Elizabeth Watson, Royal Army Medical Corps, March 2011 [36]
  • Staff Sergeant Gareth David Wood, The Royal Logistic Corps, September 2010 [67]

Royal Air Force

Distinguished Flying Cross

The Distinguished Flying Cross (DFC) is the third-level medal awarded for gallantry in the face of the enemy in the air.

Second Bar to DFC:


Air Force Cross

The Air Force Cross (AFC) is also a third-level award for gallantry in the air, awarded for actions whilst not in active operations against the enemy.

George Medal

The George Medal (GM) is the next level below the George Cross for bravery not in the face of the enemy.

Bar to GM:


Queen's Gallantry Medal

The Queen's Gallantry Medal (QGM) is the third-level medal awarded for bravery not in the face of the enemy.

See also


  1. "No. 58182". The London Gazette (Supplement). 15 December 2006. pp. 17351–17352.
  2. "No. 60455". The London Gazette (Supplement). 22 March 2013. pp. 5735–5736.
  3. "No. 61154". The London Gazette (Supplement). 26 February 2015. p. 3466.
  4. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Haynes, Deborah (26 February 2015). "Hero braved Taliban fire again and again to rescue comrade". The Times. Retrieved 26 February 2015.
  5. 1 2 3 4 Farmer, Ben (26 February 2015). "How heroic Para won his Victoria Cross". The Daily Telegraph. Retrieved 26 February 2015.
  6. 1 2 MacAskill, Ewen (26 February 2015). "Victoria Cross awarded to lance corporal for Afghanistan rescue". The Guardian. Retrieved 26 February 2015.
  7. "Military courage recognised in Operational Honours List". News. Ministry of Defence. 26 February 2015. Retrieved 26 February 2015.
  8. "No. 58774". The London Gazette (Supplement). 24 July 2008. pp. 11163–11164.
  9. "No. 61311". The London Gazette. 31 July 2015. Notice ID: 2378202 Notice code: 1105.
  10. "No. 59365". The London Gazette (Supplement). 19 March 2010. pp. 4831–4832.
  11. "No. 59365". The London Gazette (Supplement). 19 March 2010. p. 4832.
  12. "No. 58182". The London Gazette (Supplement). 15 December 2006. pp. 17352–17353.
  13. 1 2 "No. 58396". The London Gazette (Supplement). 19 July 2007. p. 10410.
  14. "No. 56017". The London Gazette (Supplement). 3 November 2000. p. 12363.
  15. "No. 56168". The London Gazette (Supplement). 6 April 2001. p. 4245.
  16. "No. 53453". The London Gazette (Supplement). 11 October 1993. pp. 16388–16389.
  17. "No. 59647". The London Gazette (Supplement). 31 December 2010. p. 2.
  18. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 "No. 60095". The London Gazette (Supplement). 23 March 2012. p. 5848.
  19. "No. 59366". The London Gazette (Supplement). 19 March 2010. p. 4837.
  20. 1 2 "No. 56920". The London Gazette (Supplement). 29 April 2003. p. 5273.
  21. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 "No. 59366". The London Gazette (Supplement). 19 March 2010. p. 4834.
  22. 1 2 "No. 58183". The London Gazette (Supplement). 15 December 2006. p. 17359.
  23. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 "No. 59182". The London Gazette (Supplement). 11 September 2009. p. 15640.
  24. 1 2 "No. 57100". The London Gazette (Supplement). 31 October 2003. p. 4.
  25. "No. 56373". The London Gazette (Supplement). 30 October 2001. p. 12747.
  26. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 "No. 60456". The London Gazette (Supplement). 22 March 2013. p. 5738.
  27. "No. 58776". The London Gazette (Supplement). 25 July 2008. p. 11241.
  28. "No. 52833". The London Gazette (Supplement). 13 February 1992. p. 2579.
  29. 1 2 3 4 "No. 58183". The London Gazette (Supplement). 15 December 2006. p. 17356.
  30. 1 2 "No. 58385". The London Gazette . 6 July 2007. p. 9753.
  31. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 "No. 58999". The London Gazette (Supplement). 6 March 2009. p. 4082.
  32. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 "No. 60647". The London Gazette (Supplement). 4 October 2013. p. 19570.
  33. 1 2 "No. 57588". The London Gazette (Supplement). 18 March 2005. p. 3377.
  34. "No. 52705". The London Gazette (Supplement). 4 November 1991. p. 16848.
  35. "No. 55120". The London Gazette (Supplement). 7 May 1998. p. 5195.
  36. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 "No. 59737". The London Gazette (Supplement). 25 March 2011. p. 5640.
  37. "No. 55477". The London Gazette (Supplement). 6 May 1999. p. 5083.
  38. 1 2 "No. 57402". The London Gazette (Supplement). 7 September 2004. pp. 11250–11251.
  39. "No. 56017". The London Gazette (Supplement). 3 November 2000. p. 12362.
  40. 1 2 3 "No. 58633". The London Gazette (Supplement). 7 March 2008. p. 3612.
  41. "No. 53653". The London Gazette (Supplement). 25 April 1994. p. 6166.
  42. 1 2 3 4 "No. 59554". The London Gazette (Supplement). 24 September 2010. p. 18535.
  43. "No. 57588". The London Gazette (Supplement). 18 March 2005. p. 3373.
  44. "No. 58396". The London Gazette (Supplement). 19 July 2007. p. 10414.
  45. "No. 52918". The London Gazette (Supplement). 11 May 1992. p. 8168.
  46. 1 2 3 4 5 "No. 61284". The London Gazette (Supplement). 3 July 2015. p. 12288.
  47. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 "No. 60283". The London Gazette (Supplement). 28 September 2012. p. 18624.
  48. "No. 57751". The London Gazette (Supplement). 9 September 2005. p. 11645.
  49. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 "No. 59924". The London Gazette (Supplement). 30 September 2011. p. 18714.
  50. "No. 56168". The London Gazette (Supplement). 6 April 2001. p. 4246.
  51. "No. 58183". The London Gazette (Supplement). 15 December 2006. p. 17360.
  52. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 "No. 58396". The London Gazette (Supplement). 19 July 2007. p. 10411.
  53. 1 2 "No. 54763". The London Gazette (Supplement). 13 May 1997. p. 5628.
  54. 1 2 3 "No. 61155". The London Gazette (Supplement). 26 February 2015. p. 3470.
  55. "No. 56735". The London Gazette (Supplement). 29 October 2002. p. 7.
  56. "No. 54763". The London Gazette (Supplement). 13 May 1997. pp. 5626–5627.
  57. "No. 54028". The London Gazette (Supplement). 5 May 1995. p. 6612.
  58. "No. 53653". The London Gazette (Supplement). 25 April 1994. p. 6165.
  59. 1 2 "No. 57936". The London Gazette (Supplement). 24 March 2006. p. 4197.
  60. "No. 58557". The London Gazette (Supplement). 29 December 2007. p. 2.
  61. "No. 58776". The London Gazette (Supplement). 25 July 2008. pp. 11241–11242.
  62. "No. 59924". The London Gazette (Supplement). 30 September 2011. p. 18713.
  63. "No. 53653". The London Gazette (Supplement). 25 April 1994. pp. 6165–6166.
  64. "No. 58092". The London Gazette (Supplement). 8 September 2006. p. 12270.
  65. "No. 58776". The London Gazette (Supplement). 25 July 2008. pp. 11242–11243.
  66. "No. 59133". The London Gazette (Supplement). 21 July 2009. pp. 12503–12504.
  67. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 "No. 59554". The London Gazette (Supplement). 24 September 2010. p. 18536.
  68. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 "No. 58633". The London Gazette (Supplement). 7 March 2008. p. 3613.
  69. 1 2 3 4 5 "No. 57588". The London Gazette (Supplement). 18 March 2005. p. 3378.
  70. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 "No. 58183". The London Gazette (Supplement). 15 December 2006. pp. 17356–17357.
  71. "No. 59554". The London Gazette (Supplement). 24 September 2010. p. 18537.
  72. "No. 59211". The London Gazette . 13 October 2009. p. 17559.
  73. "No. 52530". The London Gazette (Supplement). 13 May 1991. p. 7428.
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As part of the British honours system, Special Honours are issued at the Monarch's pleasure at any given time. The Special Honours refer to the awards made within royal prerogative, operational honours and other honours awarded outside the New Years Honours and Birthday Honours.

As part of the British honours system, Special Honours are issued at the Monarch's pleasure at any given time. The Special Honours refer to the awards made within royal prerogative, operational honours and other honours awarded outside the New Years Honours and Birthday Honours.

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