A great number of words of French origin have entered the Persian language since the early modern period. The following is a partial list of these loanwords:
French | Persian (Persian alphabet) | Persian (Perso-Latin alphabet) | Meaning and usage |
abat-jour | آباژور | âbâžor | floor lamp, lampshade |
abcès | آبسه | âbse | abscess |
abonnement | آبونمان | âbonmân | subscription |
abstrait | آبستره | âbstre | abstract |
acétone | استن | aseton | acetone |
acide | اسید | asid | acid |
accolade | آکولاد | âkolâd | brace, curly brackets |
acteur | آکتور | aktor | actor |
adjudant | آجودان | âjudân | warrant officer |
agence | آژانس | âžâns | agency |
agent | آژان | âžân | agent |
album | آلبوم | âlbom | album |
Allemagne | آلمان | Âlmân | Germany |
allergie | آلرژی | âlerži | allergy |
alliage | آلیاژ | âliâž | alloy |
ambulance | آمبولانس | âmbulâns | ambulance |
ampère | آمپر | âmper | unit of electric current |
amphithéâtre | آمفیتئاتر | âmfi teâtr | amphitheatre |
ampoule | آمپول | âmpul | sealed glass vial containing injection solution |
ananas | آناناس | ânânâs | pineapple |
antenne | آنتن | ânten | antenna |
août | اوت | Ut | August |
aphte | آفت | âft | mouth ulcer |
appliqué | اپلیکه | aplike | applique |
archive | آرشیو | âršiv | archive |
artiste | آرتیست | ârtist | artist |
ascenseur | آسانسور | âsânsor | elevator |
asphalte | آسفالت | âsfâlt | asphalt |
atelier | آتلیه | âtelie | atelier |
atout | آتو | âtu | trump card |
autobus | اتوبوس | otobus | bus |
automobile | اتومبیل | otomobil | car |
autorité | اتوریته | otorite | authority |
Autriche | اتریش | Otriš | Austria |
avance | آوانس | âvâns | advantage |
avantage | آوانتاژ | âvântâž | advantage |
avril | آوریل | Âvril | April |
azalée | آزاله | âzâlé | azalea |
bactérie | باکترى | bâkteri | bacteria |
baguette | باگت | bâget | baguette |
bal masqué | بالماسکه | bâl mâske | masquerade ball |
balcon | بالکن | bâlkon | balcony |
ballet | باله | bâle | ballet |
bandage | بانداژ | bândâž | bandage |
banque | بانک | bânk | bank |
base | باز | bâz | base (chemistry) |
bassin | باسن | bâsan | pelvis, buttocks |
bâton | باتوم | bâtum | stick |
batterie | باتری | bâtri | battery |
Belgique | بلژیک | Belžik | Belgium |
bémol | بمل | bemol | flat (music) |
béton armé | بتون آرمه | beton ârme | reinforced concrete |
bifteck | بیفتک | biftek | steak |
bigoudi | بیگودی | bigudi | hair curler |
billet | بلیط | belit | ticket |
biscuit | بیسکویت | biskuit | biscuit |
blouse | بلوز | boluz | shirt |
bombe | بمب | bomb | bomb |
bon | بن , کوپن | bon | coupon |
boulevard | بلوار | bolvâr | boulevard |
bourse | بورس | burs | grant |
bottine | پوتین | putin | boot |
boxeur | بوکسور | boksor | boxer |
brancard | برانکارد | brânkârd | stretcher |
brochure | بروشور | brošur | brochure, leaflet |
bronzé | برنزه | bronze | tanned |
brosse | برس | bros | brush |
budget | بودجه | budje | budget |
buffet | بوفه | bufe | buffet |
bulletin | بولتن | bultan | news bulletin |
bureaucratie | بوروکراسی | burokrâsi | bureaucracy |
câble | کابل | kâbl | cable |
cabaret | کاباره | kâbâre | cabaret |
cabinet | کابینه | kâbine | cabinet (politics) |
cacao | کاکائو | kâkâu | cocoa |
cadeau | کادو | kâdo | gift |
cadre | کادر | kâdr | staff |
café | کافه | kâfe | coffeeshop |
camion | کامیون | kâmion | truck |
canal | کانال | kânâl | canal, channel |
canapé | کاناپه | kânâpe | sofa |
candidat | کاندیدا | kândidâ | candidate |
caoutchouc | کائوچو | kâ'ucu | rubber |
capot / capote | کاپوت | kâput | car hood/bonnet (also refers to condom in both languages) |
capsule | کپسول | kapsul | capsule |
carbonate | کربنات | karbonât | carbonate |
carte | کارت | kârt | card |
carte postale | کارت پستال | kârt postâl | post card |
carton | کارتن | kârton | carton |
casino | کازینو | kâzino | casino |
casque | کاسکت | kâsket | helmet |
casquette | کاسکت | kâsket | cap |
catalogue | کاتالوگ | kâtâlog | catalogue |
cellule | سلول | sellul | cell |
champagne | شامپاین | šâmpâyn | champagne |
chantage | شانتاژ | šântâž | blackmail |
chapeau | شاپو | šâpo | hat |
charlatan | شارلاتان | šârlâtân | charlatan |
châssis | شاسی | šâssi | chassis |
chauffage | شوفاژ | šofâž | heater |
chauffeur | شوفر | šufer | driver |
cheminée | شومینه | šomine | fireplace |
chemise | شومیز | šomiz | shirt (women) |
chevalier | شوالیه | šovâlie | knight |
chic | شیک | šik | chic |
chiffon | شیفن | šifon | chiffon |
chignon | شینیون | šinion | bun |
chimie | شیمی | šimi | chemistry |
chocolat | شکلات | šokolât | chocolate |
cigare | سیگار | sigâr | cigarette |
ciment | سیمان | simân | cement |
cinéma | سینما | sinamâ | cinema |
cirque | سیرک | sirk | circus |
classe | کلاس | klâs / kelâs | class |
classeur | کلاسور | klâsor / kelâsor | ring binder |
classique | کلاسیک | klâsik / kelâsik | classical |
cliché | کلیشه | kliše / keliše | cliché |
clinique | کلینیک | klinik / kelinik | clinic |
club | کلوپ | klup / kolup | club |
cognac | کنیاک | konyâk | cognac (a type of French brandy) |
colis | کلی | koli | parcel |
collection | کلکسیون | koleksyon | collection |
comédie | کمدی | komedi | comedy |
comité | کمیته | komite | committee |
commando | کماندو | komândo | commando |
commissaire | کمیسر | komiser | superintendent |
commission | کمیسیون | komisyon | commission |
commode | کمد | komod | closet |
compagnie | کمپانی | kompâni | company |
compote | کمپوت | komput | stewed fruit |
compresse | کمپرس | kompres / komperes | compress |
compteur | کنتر | kontor | (electric) meter |
concours | کنکور | konkur | entrance examination |
conférence | کنفرانس | konfrâns / konferâns | conference |
congrès | کنگره | kongre / kongere | congress |
conserve | کنسرو | konserv | canned food |
consul | کنسول | konsul | consul |
contrat | کنترات | kontrât | contract |
contrôle | کنترل | kontrol | control |
corset | کرست | korset | corset |
cosmétique | ماتیک | mâtik | a contraction of the French word cosmétique, used to refer to lipstick in Persian. |
côtelette | کتلت | kotlet | cutlet |
coupé | کوپه | kupe | coupé |
coup d'état | کودتا | kudeta | coup, putsch, golpe |
coupon | کوپن | kupon | coupon |
courant d'air | کوران | kurân | air draft |
course | کورس | kurs | race |
cravate | کراوات | kerâvât | tie |
crème | کرم | krem | cream |
Crêpe de Chine | کرپ دوشین | krep došin | crepe de chine |
crochet | کروشه | kroše | bracket |
cuir verni | ورنی | verni | patent leather |
curetage | کورتاژ | kurtâž | curettage (refers to abortion in Persian) |
cylindre | سیلندر | silandr | cylinder |
décembre | دسامبر | desâmbr | December |
déclamer | دکلمه | deklame | to recite |
décolleté | دکلته | dekolte | low-cut |
décor | دکور | dekor | decor |
décoration | دکوراسیون | dekorâsyon | decoration |
démodé | دمده | demode | out of style |
dentelle | دانتل | dântel | lace |
dépôt | دپو | depo | deposit |
dessert | دسر | deser | dessert |
diapason | دیاپازن | diâpâzon | tuning fork |
dictateur | دیکتاتور | diktâtor | dictator |
dictée | دیکته | dikte | dictation |
diligence | دلیجان | delijān | stage coach |
diplome | دیپلم | diplom | diploma |
discipline | دیسیپلین | disiplin | discipline |
disque | دیسک | disk | disk |
disquette | دیسکت | disket | diskette |
docteur | دکتر | doktor | doctor |
dose | دز | doz | dose (concentration) |
douche | دوش | duš | shower |
doublé | دوبله | duble | dubbed |
douzaine | دوجین | dojin | dozen |
drame | درام | derâm | drama |
dynamo | دینام | dinâm | dynamo |
eau de Cologne | ادکلن | odkolon | cologne |
échantillon | اشانتیون | ešântion | sample, complimentary item |
écharpe | اشارپ | ešârp | scarf |
échelle | اشل | ešel | scale |
économie | اکونومی | ekonomi | economy |
écran | اکران | ekrân | premiere (film) |
encadrer | آنکادر کردن | ânkâdr kardan | to circle |
entracte | آنتراکت | ântrâkt / ânterâkt | intermission |
épaule | اپل | epol | shoulder |
épidémie | اپیدمی | epidemi | epidemic |
équipe | اکیپ | ekip | team, group |
(les) États-Unis | اتازونى | Etâzuni | United States of America |
étiquette | اتیکت | etiket | price sticker |
eucalyptus | اکالیپتوس | okâliptus | eucalyptus |
fabrique | فابریک | fâbrik | authentic |
facture | فاکتور | fâktor | invoice |
famille | فامیل | fâmil | family |
fantaisie | فانتزی | fântezi | fantasy |
fauteuil | فوتوی | fotoy | armchair |
faux col | فکل | fokol | detachable collar |
fer (à friser) | فر | fer | curling iron |
feutre | فوتر | fotr | felt |
février | فوریه | Fevrie | February |
fiche | فیش | fiš | slip, form |
film | فیلم | film | film |
flasque | فلاسک | flâsk / felâsk | thermos |
flûte | فلوت | flut / folut | flute |
forme | فرم | form | form |
formalité | فرمالیته | formâlite | formality |
four | فر | fer | oven |
gabardine | گاباردین | gâbârdin | gabardine |
gaffe | گاف | gâf | blunder |
galerie | گالرى | gâleri | gallery |
gamme | گام | gâm | musical scale |
garage | گاراژ | gârâž | garage |
garantie | گارانتى | gârânti | warranty |
garçon | گارسون | gârson | waiter |
garde | گارد | gârd | guard |
gaz | گاز | gâz | gas |
gaze | گاز | gâz | gauze |
gelée | ژله | žele | jelly |
gendarme | ژاندارم | žândârm | police |
gendarmerie | ژاندارمرى | žândârmeri | gendarmerie |
gène | ژن | žen | gene |
genre | ژانر | žânr | genre |
georgette | ژرژت | žoržet | georgette fabric |
geste | ژست | žest | gesture |
gigot | ژیگو | žigo | leg of lamb |
gilet | ژیله | žile | vest |
goitre | گواتر | guâtr | goitre |
gravure | گراور | grâvor | engraving |
grippe | گریپ | grip | influenza |
guichet | گیشه | giše | ticket window |
guillemet | گیومه | giume | guillemet |
haltère | هالتر | hâlter | dumbbell |
idéal | ایدهآل / ایدئال | ideâl | ideal |
idée | ایده | ide | opinion, idea |
impérialisme | امپریالیسم | amperiâlism | imperialism |
impérialiste | امپریالیست | amperiâlist | imperialist |
infarctus | آنفاکتوس | ânfâktus | infarction |
jambon | ژامبون | žâmbon | ham |
janvier | ژانویه | Žânvie | January |
Japon | ژاپن | Žâpon | Japan |
jaquette | ژاکت | žâket / žâkat | jacket |
jeton | ژتن | žeton | chip, token |
joker | ژوکر | žoker | joker |
journal | ژورنال | žornâl | newspaper |
juin | ژوئن | Žu'an | June |
juillet | ژوئیه | Žoiye | July |
jupe | ژوپ | žup | skirt |
jupon | ژوپن | župon | half slip |
lancer | لانسه | lânse | launch (as a new product) |
laïque | لائیک | lâik | laic, secular |
laque | لاک | lâk | nail polish |
licence | لیسانس | lisâns | bachelor's degree |
licencié | لیسانسیه | lisânse | graduate |
limonade | لیموناد | limunâd | lemonade |
liqueur | لیکور | likor | liqueur |
liste | لیست | list | list |
lisse | لیز | liz | smooth, slippery |
loge | لژ | lož | box seats |
lotion | لوسیون | losyon | lotion |
luge | لوژ | luž | luge |
lustre | لوستر | lustr | chandelier |
luxe | لوکس | luks | luxurious |
machine | ماشین | mâšin | machine (also exclusively "car" in Persian) |
mademoiselle | مادمازل | mâdmâzel | miss |
mai | مه \ می | Me / Mey | May |
maillot | مایو | mâyo | bathing suit |
la Manche | مانش | mânš | The English Channel |
mannequin | مانکن | mânkan | model |
manœuvre | مانور | mânovr | maneuver |
manteau | مانتو | mânto | coat worn by a woman |
mars | مارس | Mârs | March |
médaille | مدال | medâl | medal |
Méditerranée | مدیترانه | Mediterâne | Mediterranean Sea |
médiateur | مدیاتور | medyâtor | mediator |
merci | مرسی | mersi | thank you |
meuble | مبل | mobl | furniture ("armchair" or "recliner") |
milliard | میلیارد | milyârd | billion |
mine | مین | min | mine (weapon) |
miniateur | مینیاتور | minyâtor | miniature |
minijupe | مینی ژوپ | mini žup | mini-skirt |
mise en plis | میزانپلی | mizânpli | hair styling |
mise en scène | میزانسن | mizânsen | mise en scène |
mode | مد | mod | fashion |
moquette | موکت | moket | floor carpeting |
montage | مونتاژ | montâž | assembly |
mosaïque | موزاییک | mozâik | mosaic |
moteur | موتور | motor | motor |
musée | موزه | muze | museum |
musique | موزیک | muzik | music |
musical(e) | موزیکال | muzikâl | musical |
Noël | نوئل | Noel | Christmas |
Norvège | نروژ | Norvež | Norway |
novembre | نوامبر | Novâmbr | November |
nombre | نمره | nomre | number, grade in an exam |
objet | ابژه | obže | object |
octobre | اکتبر | Oktobr | October |
olympique | المپیک | olampik | olympic |
omelette | املت | omlet | omelette |
opposition | اپوزیسیون | opozisyon | opposition |
orchestre | ارکستر | orkestr | orchestra |
ordre | ارد | ord | order |
oreillons | اریون | oriyon | mumps |
organe | ارگان | orgân | organ |
orgue | ارگ | org | organ (musical instrument) |
ouvert | اورت | overt | "open" (door, window, book, etc.), or "a big spender". |
paletot | پالتو | pâlto | overcoat |
pansement | پانسمان | pânsmân / pânsemân | dressing, bandage |
(nœud) papillon | پاپیون | pâpion | bow tie |
parasites | پارازیت | pârâzit | noise, static |
paravent | پاراوان | pârâvân | screen |
parc | پارک | pârk | park |
parenthèse | پرانتز | parântez | parenthesis |
parlement | پارلمان | pârlemân | parliament |
passage | پاساژ | pâsâž | arcade |
pastille | پاستیل | pâstil | gum candies, colored pens |
pasteurisé | پاستوریزه | pâstorize | pasteurized |
patinage | پاتیناژ | pâtinâž | figure skating |
patio | پاسیو | pâsio | patio |
pavillon | پاویون | pâvyon | pavilion |
pédale | پدال | pedâl | pedal |
pendule | پاندول | pândul | pendulum |
pension | پانسیون | pânsyon | boarding house |
père Noël | بابا نوئل / پاپا نوئل | pâpâ noel / bâbâ noel | Santa Claus |
permanganate | پرمنگنات | permangenât | permanganate |
phase | فاز | fâz | phase |
physique | فیزیک | fizik | physics |
pince | پنس | pans | pincers |
pipe | پیپ | pip | smoking pipe |
piste | پیست | pist | track (race) |
piston | پیستون | piston | piston |
placard | پلاکارد | plâkârd / pelâkârd | placard |
plage | پلاژ | plâž / pelâž | seaside resort |
plaque | پلاک | plâk / pelâk | plaque |
plastique | پلاستیک | plâstik / pelâstik | plastic |
pochette | پوشت | pošet | breast pocket handkerchief |
point | پوئن | poan | score, point |
pommade | پماد | pomâd | ointment |
portefeuille | پورتفوی | portefoy | portfolio |
portion | پرس | pors | plate of food (used as a unit) |
portrait | پرتره | portre | portrait |
pose | پز | poz | pose |
poste | پست | post | postal service |
poudre | پودر | pudr | powder |
pressé | پرس | pres | press |
prise | پریز | priz | socket (electrical) |
processus | پروسه | prose | process |
projet | پروژه | prože | project |
purée | پوره | pure | puree |
punaise | پونز | punez | thumb tack |
quarantaine | قرنطینه | qarantine | quarantine |
radar | رادار | râdâr | radar |
radiateur | رادیاتور | râdiâtor | radiator |
référendum | رفراندوم | refrândom | referendum |
refusé | رفوزه | rofuze | failed (on a test) |
régime | رژیم | režim | diet, regime |
rendez-vous | رانده وو | rânde vu | rendezvous, date |
restaurant | رستوران | resturân | restaurant |
rhumatisme | روماتیسم | rumâtism | rheumatic disorder, rheumatism |
rimmel (trademark) | ریمل | rimel | mascara |
robe de chambre | رب دوشامبر | rob do šâmbr | nightgown |
rôle | رل | rol | role |
roman | رمان | român | novel |
rouge (à lèvres) | روژ | rož | lipstick |
ruban | روبان | rubân | ribbon |
sac | ساک | sâk | bag |
saise | ساز | sâz | saiz |
salon | سالن | sâlon | lounge |
saucisse | سوسیس | sosis | sausage |
scandale | اسکاندال | eskândâl | scandal |
scénario | سناریو | senârio | scenario, movie script |
scène | سن | sen | theater stage |
séchoir | سشوار | sešuâr | hair dryer |
sénat | سنا | senâ | senate |
septembre | سپتامبر | Septâmbr | September |
série | سریال / سری | seri / seriâl | series |
seringue | سرنگ | sorang | syringe |
sérum | سرم | serom | serum |
service | سرویس | servis | service, set |
Sibérie | سیبری | Sibri | Siberia |
silice | سیلیس | silis | silica (silicon dioxide) |
silo | سیلو | silu | silo, store-pit |
sionisme | صیونیسم / صهیونیسم | Sionism / Sehyunism | Zionism |
siphon | سیفن | sifon | flush (toilet) |
soupape | سوپاپ | supâp | valve |
soupe | سوپ | sup | soup |
soutien-gorge | سوتین | sutian | bra |
stage | استاژ | estâž | training |
standard | استاندارد | estândârd | standard |
sujet | سوژه | suže | topic |
symbole | سمبل | sambol | symbol |
syncope | سنکوپ | sankop | fainting |
syndicat | سندیکا | sandikâ | syndicate |
synthèse | سنتز | santez | synthesis (chemical) |
système | سیستم | sistem | system |
tableau | تابلو | tâblo | painting |
teinture | طنطور | tantur | tincture |
télésiège | تله سیژ | telesiež | chairlift |
terreur | ترور | teror | terror |
théâtre | تئاتر | teâtr | theater |
thème | تم | tem | theme |
théorie | تئوری | teori | theory |
thèse | تز | tez | thesis |
thon | تن | ton | tuna |
timbre | تمبر | tambr | postage stamp |
tirage | تیراژ | tirâž | newspaper circulation |
tiret | خط) تیره) | (xatt e) tire | hyphen |
titre | تیتر | titr | headline |
toilette | توالت | tuâlet | toilet |
tracteur | تراکتور | trâktor / terâktor | Tractor |
tragédie | تراژدی | trâžedi | tragedy |
transit | ترانزیت | trânzit | transit |
tulle | تور | tur | tulle |
tumeur | تومور | tumor | tumor |
tunnel | تونل | tunel | tunnel |
ultimatum | اولتیماتوم | ultimâtom | ultimatum |
urgence | اورژانس | uržâns | emergency |
vaccin | واکسن | vâksan | vaccine |
vagin | واژن | vâžan | vagina |
vanille | وانیل | vânil | vanilla |
villa | ویلا | vilâ | villa |
virage | ویراژ | virâž | stunt act |
virgule | ویرگول | virgul | comma |
virus | ویروس | virus | virus |
vitamine | ویتامین | vitâmin | vitamin |
vitrine | ویترین | vitrin | display window |
xerox | زیراکس | zirâks | xerox |
Persian, also known by its endonym Farsi, is a Western Iranian language belonging to the Iranian branch of the Indo-Iranian subdivision of the Indo-European languages. Persian is a pluricentric language predominantly spoken and used officially within Iran, Afghanistan, and Tajikistan in three mutually intelligible standard varieties, respectively Iranian Persian, Dari Persian, and Tajiki Persian. It is also spoken natively in the Tajik variety by a significant population within Uzbekistan, as well as within other regions with a Persianate history in the cultural sphere of Greater Iran. It is written officially within Iran and Afghanistan in the Persian alphabet, a derivative of the Arabic script, and within Tajikistan in the Tajik alphabet, a derivative of the Cyrillic script.
A loanword is a word at least partly assimilated from one language into another language, through the process of borrowing. Borrowing is a metaphorical term that is well established in the linguistic field despite its acknowledged descriptive flaws: nothing is taken away from the donor language and there is no expectation of returning anything.
Tajik, or Tajiki Persian, also called Tajiki, is the variety of Persian spoken in Tajikistan and Uzbekistan by Tajiks. It is closely related to neighbouring Dari of Afghanistan with which it forms a continuum of mutually intelligible varieties of the Persian language. Several scholars consider Tajik as a dialectal variety of Persian rather than a language on its own. The popularity of this conception of Tajik as a variety of Persian was such that, during the period in which Tajik intellectuals were trying to establish Tajik as a language separate from Persian, prominent intellectual Sadriddin Ayni counterargued that Tajik was not a "bastardised dialect" of Persian. The issue of whether Tajik and Persian are to be considered two dialects of a single language or two discrete languages has political sides to it.
The Academy of Persian Language and Literature (APLL) is the regulatory body for the Persian language, headquartered in Tehran, Iran. Formerly known as the Academy of Iran, it was founded on May 20, 1935, by the initiative of Reza Shah, the founder of Pahlavi dynasty.
Ottoman Turkish was the standardized register of the Turkish language in the Ottoman Empire. It borrowed extensively, in all aspects, from Arabic and Persian. It was written in the Ottoman Turkish alphabet. Ottoman Turkish was largely unintelligible to the less-educated lower-class and to rural Turks, who continued to use kaba Türkçe, which used far fewer foreign loanwords and is the basis of the modern standard. The Tanzimât era (1839–1876) saw the application of the term "Ottoman" when referring to the language ; Modern Turkish uses the same terms when referring to the language of that era. More generically, the Turkish language was called تركچه Türkçe or تركی Türkî "Turkish".
Luri is a Southwestern Iranian language continuum spoken by the Lurs, an Iranian people native to Western Asia. The Luri dialects are descended from Middle Persian and are Central Luri, Bakhtiari, and Southern Luri. This language is spoken mainly by the Bakhtiari and the Northern and Southern Lurs in Iran.
Э э is a letter found in three Slavic languages: Russian, Belarusian, and West Polesian. It represents the vowels and, as the e in the word "editor". In other Slavic languages that use the Cyrillic script, the sounds are represented by Ye (Е е), which represents in Russian and Belarusian in initial and postvocalic position or and palatalizes the preceding consonant. This letter closely resembles and should not be confused with the older Cyrillic letter Ukrainian Ye, of which Э is a reversed version.
Median was the language of the Medes. It is an extinct ancient Iranian language and classified as a distinct language belonging to the Northwestern Iranian subfamily, which includes many other more recently attested languages such as Kurdish, Old Azeri, Talysh, Gilaki, Mazandarani, Zaza–Gorani and Baluchi.
The Parthian language, also known as Arsacid Pahlavi and Pahlawānīg, is an extinct ancient Northwestern Iranian language once spoken in Parthia, a region situated in present-day northeastern Iran and Turkmenistan. Parthian was the language of state of the Arsacid Parthian Empire, as well as of its eponymous branches of the Arsacid dynasty of Armenia, Arsacid dynasty of Iberia, and the Arsacid dynasty of Caucasian Albania.
Hindustani, also known as Hindi-Urdu, is the vernacular form of two standardized registers used as official languages in India and Pakistan, namely Hindi and Urdu. It comprises several closely related dialects in the northern, central and northwestern parts of the Indian subcontinent but is mainly based on Khariboli of the Delhi region. As an Indo-Aryan language, Hindustani has a core base that traces back to Sanskrit but as a widely-spoken lingua franca, it has a large lexicon of loanwords, acquired through centuries of foreign rule and ethnic diversity.
Khuzestani Arabic is a dialect of South Mesopotamian Arabic spoken by the Iranian Arabs in Khuzestan Province of Iran. While it is a variety of SMA, it has many similarities with Gulf Arabic in neighbouring Kuwait. It has subsequently had a long history of contact with the Persian language, leading to several changes. The main changes are in word order, noun–noun and noun–adjective attribution constructions, definiteness marking, complement clauses, and discourse markers and connectors.
New Persian, also known as Modern Persian is the current stage of the Persian language spoken since the 8th to 9th centuries until now in Greater Iran and surroundings. It is conventionally divided into three stages: Early New Persian, Classical Persian, and Contemporary Persian.
Persian belongs to the Indo-European language family, and many words in modern Persian usage ultimately originate from Proto-Indo-European. The language makes extensive use of word building techniques such as affixation and compounding to derive new words from roots. Persian has also had considerable contact with other languages, resulting in many borrowings.
Arabic has had a great influence on other languages, especially in vocabulary. The influence of Arabic has been most profound in those countries visited by Islam or Islamic power.
Iranians in France include immigrants from Iran to France as well as their descendants of Iranian heritage or background. Iranians in France are referred to by hyphenated terms such as French-Iranians or French-Persians.
Khuda or Khoda is the Persian word for God. Originally, it was used as a noun in reference to Ahura Mazda. Iranian languages, Turkic languages, and many Indo-Aryan languages employ the word. Today, it is a word that is largely used in the non-Arabic Islamic world, with wide usage from its native country Iran, along with Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh and Pakistan. and some Muslim-majority areas of India, as well as Southern and Southwestern Russia.
The Iran Language Institute, abbreviated as ILI is a state-owned, non-profit organization founded in 1979 in Iran with the national mission of developing foreign language learning. It is a subsidiary of Institute for the Intellectual Development. The headquarters of this institute is located in the country's capital, Tehran. The ILI, currently having around 200 centers in 73 cities, offers language courses in Persian, English, French, German, Russian, Spanish and Arabic to around 240,000 learners.
The Judeo-Iranian languages are a number of related Jewish variants of Iranian languages spoken throughout the formerly extensive realm of the Persian Empire. Judeo-Iranian dialects are generally conservative in comparison with those of their Muslim neighbours. Judeo-Shirazi, for example, remains close to the language of Hafez.