List of M.A.S.K. toys & characters

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The following is a list of characters and vehicles from the M.A.S.K. media franchise, including the toyline and its television adaptation. The toyline lasted longer than the cartoon series. [1]




There were five different lines of toys released. Some packaging was altered for the European market to make the line seem less violent, such as revising box art so that vehicles' weapons were not shown firing, or, in several cases, changing vehicle names entirely. Additionally, Europe received 4 adventure packs that were not released in North America, as well as several extra action figure two-packs with redecoed figures.

Series One1985The original toyline featuring many of the central characters from the animated television series.
Series Two1986A second line that expanded on the first by adding more characters from the series.
Adventure Packs1986A series of blister packs containing single figures and accessories, some of which were only available in Europe.
Series Three1987The third series of toys that were based on the second season of the animated series, whose plots centered around race driving.
Series Four1987–1988The fourth series was subtitled Split Seconds, consisting of a vehicle that split in two along with a pair of action figures, one of which was a transparent version of the main figure intended as a hologram of the featured character. This toyline was released a year after the animated series had ended.

The Loyal Subjects

In September 2024, The Loyal Subjects inked a deal with Hasbro to relaunch a host of legacy brands, including M.A.S.K. [2] [3]

The first wave of products will be released in July 2025. [4]

M.A.S.K. members and their vehicles

M.A.S.K. (short for Mobile Armored Strike Kommand) is the titular protagonists who fight the forces of V.E.N.O.M.

Among its known members are:

CharacterDescriptionVoice Performer
Matt "Hunter" TrakkerThe leader of M.A.S.K. and the main protagonist of the franchise, Trakker is a multi-millionaire and philanthropist. He was one of the creators of the original M.A.S.K. team, along with his teenage brother Andy and Miles Mayhem. Mayhem double-crosses Matt and causes Andy's death when he steals some of the masks for his newly established organization V.E.N.O.M. In the animated series, Andy is instead Matt's father who had saved the life of a tribesman who had attempted to come to Andy's aid after his plane crashed in New Guinea. For his bravery and kindness, Andy was given a stone that was used to power the masks. In the 2008 "Specialist Trakker" action figure released in 2008 for the G.I. Joe toyline, he is a technology and stealth expert for the Joe team while V.E.N.O.M. is a branch of Cobra. [5] Doug Stone
ThunderhawkSpectrumA red Chevrolet Camaro, which can transform into a gull-winged fighter jet. First show appearance: episode 1. His Spectrum mask contains multiple capabilities such as firing deafening soundwaves, allowing limited free-fall flight, firing a laser, and allowing Trakker to see in different visual spectrums.
RhinoUltra-FlashA crimson Kenworth W900 semi-tractor truck that converts into a mobile defense platform and command center. First show appearance: episode 1. His Ultra-Flash mask fires a blinding blast of energy. First show appearance of Trakker in his Rhino uniform with Ultra-Flash mask: episode 3.
VolcanoLava ShotAn ultramarine blue Ford Transit monster truck van that converts into an attack station. First show appearance: episode 47. His mask, Lava Shot, fires blobs of molten metal.
Jungle ChallengeArrowAn assault jet pack which he uses with the Arrow mask which shoots thunderbolts.
Coast PatrolDolphinAn armed rescue raft which he uses with the Dolphin mask which emits sonic signals.
Goliath IShroudA yellow and ultramarine blue F1 race car that launches from Goliath II and becomes a fighter jet. First show appearance: episode 67. He uses the Shroud mask that creates a cloud of inky darkness.
SkyboltNew SpectrumAn F-4 Phantom jet fighter plane that splits into an assault rocket car and aerial attack craft. His accompanying mask is New Spectrum which also creates a holographic double.
Scott TrakkerThe son of Matt Trakker; Matt raised him alone. Scott has great mechanical skills and built his robot companion T-Bob.Brennan Thicke
T-BobThe cowardly robot sidekick of Scott Trakker that converts into a single-wheel scooter. T-Bob cracks bad jokes and is easily frightened. According to the UK-produced comic series by Fleetway, T-Bob was short for "Thingamabob."Graeme McKenna
Bruce "Magic" SatoA Japanese-American mechanical engineer and design specialist who serves as Matt Trakker's de facto second-in-command. Bruce tends to speak in Confucian riddles that often confuse his teammates except Trakker. Occupation: toymaker.Doug Stone
RhinoLifterHe operates the ATV portion of Rhino, though in the animated series he frequently drives the main vehicle itself while Trakker drives Thunderhawk. His mask, Lifter, creates an anti-gravity field.
Rescue MissionGrasshopperA helipack and the Grasshopper mask allowing him to jump incredible distances.
DynamoNew LifterA Volkswagen dune buggy that splits into a helicopter and assault car. His mask, New Lifter, also creates a holographic double.
Alex "Megabyte" SectorComputer and communications expert and zoologist who hails from Britain. Occupation: veterinarian and exotic pet store owner. His action figure was included with the Boulder Hill playset.Brendan McKane
RhinoJackrabbitHe serves as systems commander in this battle truck. His Jackrabbit mask allows him to fly.
The CollectorDisruptorA tollbooth that transforms into an attack installation and where he uses the Disruptor mask to disrupt radio transmissions. First show appearance: episode 67.
Dusty "Powderkeg" Hayes Stunt performer, all-terrain specialist, and tracking and demolitions expert. Occupation: pizza cook and deliveryman.Doug Stone
GatorBacklashAn orange Jeep CJ7 containing a releasable hydroplane. First show appearance: episode 1. His Backlash mask fires a kinetic blast.
Billboard BlastVacuumA billboard that opens up to reveal a gun emplacement. He uses the Vacuum mask that creates pockets of vacuum energy.
AfterburnerNew BacklashA dragster that splits into a small jet plane and an elevated turret. His New Backlash also produces a holographic clone.
Gloria BakerA champion race car driver and black belt in Kung Fu. Occupation: sensei.Sharon Noble
SharkAuraA white Porsche 928 that transforms into a submarine. First show appearance: episode 2 (in defense mode: episode 33). Her Aura mask produces energy-absorbing force shields. Shark appeared only on the show and was never released in the toyline.
StilettoNew ColliderA Lamborghini Countach that splits into a helicopter and assault plane. Her mask is New Collider which also produces her holographic clone.
Brad "Chopper" TurnerExpert hill climber, motorcycle driver, and helicopter pilot. Occupation: rock musician.Graeme McKenna
CondorHocus PocusA green Yamaha motorcycle that converts into an open-top attack helicopter. First show appearance: episode 1. His Hocus Pocus mask projects realistic holograms.
RazorbackEclipseA red and white Ford Thunderbird stock car that turns into an elevated armed-rescue tank. First show appearance: episode 70. His mask, Eclipse, creates a field of inky darkness.
Hondo "Striker" MacLeanWeapons specialist and tactical strategist. Occupation: high school history teacher.Doug Stone
FirecrackerBlasterAn orange Ford F-350 pickup truck that elevates into a mobile weapon platform. First show appearance: episode 1. He uses the Blaster mask that fires a destructive heat-based beam.
HurricaneBlaster IIAn aqua 1957 Chevrolet that turns into a six-wheeled attack tank. He uses the improved Blaster II mask. Hondo is assigned the Hurricane vehicle after Firecracker is destroyed by V.E.N.O.M.'s gravity-increasing force field in episode 29. However, Firecracker reappears starting in episode 54, solely driven by Buddie from this point. In some episodes, Hurricane is referred to as Nightstalker.
Sea AttackBlaster IIA small attack boat (Europe-only release).
Ramp-UpNew BlasterA repair ramp that turns into a tank. This toy was intended as part of the 1987-88 Split Seconds series but never released.
Buddie "Clutch" Hawks [note 1] A master of disguise and intelligence expert. Occupation: mechanic. As an action figure, Hawks originally came with the Boulder Hill playset.Mark Halloran
FirecrackerPenetratorHawks often serves as co-pilot of Firecracker with Hondo MacLean. His Penetrator mask allows him to pass through solid objects.
HurricanePenetratorIn some episodes, Hawks serves as pilot of Hurricane. He also uses the Penetrator mask with it.
WildcatDitcherA red Ford F-350 tow truck that turns into a tall tank. First show appearance: episode 66. He uses the Ditcher mask which gouges into the earth and rock digging wide trenches.
Calhoun "Cowboy" BurnsA construction and demolition specialist who raises horses in his spare time. Occupation: architect.Graeme McKenna
RavenGulliverA black Chevrolet Corvette that turns into a seaplane. First show appearance: episode 49. He uses the Gulliver mask [note 2] that temporarily enlarges or shrinks objects.
Arctic AssaultGulliverAn armed jetpack released only in Europe. He also uses the Gulliver mask with it.
Jacques "Trailblazer" LaFleurA natural disaster specialist and martial artist. Occupation: lumberjack. Hometown: Québec, Canada.Brendan McKane
VolcanoMarajHe is the co-pilot (he operates the rotating turret when the vehicle is in defense mode) and his mask is Maraj [note 3] which creates an invisibility screen. .
Glider StrikeMarajAn armed mini-glider in which he also uses the Maraj mask.
DetonatorNew MarajA Volkswagen Beetle that separates into an attack boat and an assault quad bike. The New Maraj mask also creates a holographic clone of himself.
Julio "Doc" LopezExpert in cryptography and foreign languages. Occupation: physician.Graeme McKenna
FireflyStreamerAn orange racing dune buggy that turns into a jet. First show appearance: episode 49. His mask is called Streamer which fires sticky bands of glue, a fire-suppresent foam, or an oil-like substance. In one episode, Firefly was referred to as Dragonfly.
FireforceNew StreamerA 1987 Pontiac Fiero that splits into a jet plane and attack motorcycle. He uses the New Streamer mask which can also create a holographic clone of himself.
Ace "Falcon" RikerFormer NASA test pilot. Occupation: hardware store owner.Mark Halloran
SlingshotRicochetA white Fleetwood recreational van that splits in half to reveal a jet fighter launch ramp. First show appearance: episode 48. His mask is Ricochet (Boomerang in the tv series), which fires an energy boomerang.
MeteorCruise ControlA white F-14 Tomcat jet stunt plane that splits into a smaller aerial fighter and a missile launching tank. First show appearance: episode 71. His Cruise Control mask takes control of vehicles.
Boris "The Czar" BushkinA big, bald Russian who debuted in the racing-themed second season of the animated series as a double agent that was posing as a V.E.N.O.M. agent during a demolition derby. When he converted his vehicle, Bulldog, to its defense mode, it immediately revealed that he was on M.A.S.K.'s side. Occupation: truck driver.Doug Stone
BulldogComradeA white Kenworth K100 semi-tractor truck that turns into a half-track tank. As a toy, it is bluish gray. First show appearance: episode 66. His mask, Comrade, fires red energy stars to disorientate opponents. Bulldog was renamed Bulldoze for the European market.
"Chief" Nevada RushmoreA Native American and Matt Trakker's childhood friend, he debuted in the second season of the animated series. Occupation: mechanic.Brendan McKane
Goliath IITotemAn ultramarine blue International S1900 flatbed truck that turns into a command station and missile launcher, and serves as a launch platform for Trakker's Goliath I racing vehicle. First show appearance: episode 67. His mask, Totem, fires small totem-shaped projectiles.
Ali "Lightning" BombayAn immigrant from Kandukar, India, he debuted in the second season of the animated series. He is a peacemaker. Occupation: motorcycle racer. Brian George
BulletVortexA blue and white Suzuki racing motorcycle that turns into a hovercraft. First show appearance: episode 68. His mask is called Vortex that creates controlled whirlwinds. Bullet was renamed Bandit for its European release.

V.E.N.O.M. members and their vehicles

V.E.N.O.M. (short for Vicious Evil Network Of Mayhem) is a criminal organization against which M.A.S.K. fights. V.E.N.O.M.'s primary goal was obtaining money through either robbery, extortion, counterfeiting, and kidnapping, or attempting to steal historical artifacts. Unlike the M.A.S.K. agents, V.E.N.O.M. personnel were not depicted in the animated series as holding any type of regular employment between assignments since most of them are criminals.

Among its known members are:

CharacterDescriptionVoice Performer
Miles "Wolf" MayhemThe leader of V.E.N.O.M. and the main villain of the M.A.S.K. franchise. In the comics, he betrayed the original M.A.S.K. team by killing Matt's brother Andy and stole half of the masks for his evil purposes, establishing V.E.N.O.M. in the process. Though V.E.N.O.M.'s origins are ambiguous in the animated series, Mayhem's backstory is the same as in the comics in that he is a co-founder of the M.A.S.K. organization up to him and Matt having a falling out. Mayhem is described on the filecard of a 2008 crossover "Specialist Trakker" action figure for the G.I. Joe toyline as an operative for Cobra with V.E.N.O.M. serving as a technology and weapons research branch and mercenary army.Brendan McKane
SwitchbladeViperAn indigo helicopter that transforms into a jet plane. First show appearance: episode 1. His mask, Viper, spits a corrosive poison.
OutlawPythonAn ultramarine blue Kenworth K100 tanker truck (as a toy, it is black) that transforms into an assault installation and mobile command center. First show appearance: episode 47. His mask Python fires a gripping wire.
Venom's RevengeRipperAn assault jet pack. His Ripper mask fires a beam of metal-shredding energy.
BuzzardFlexorA purple Formula One car that splits into a drone-controlled jet and two smaller assault motorcycles that are controlled by Miles and his brother Maximus. First show appearance: episode 67. His Flexor mask fires a flexible energy shield.
WolfbeastNew ViperA blue Corvette Stingray which splits into a tank and jet plane. His mask is New Viper which also projects his holographic clone.
Sly "Wrecker" RaxA con man, espionage artist, and weapons expert, Rax is often depicted in the animated series as lazy and falling asleep on the job. In the 1987 nine-issue comic series by DC Comics, he has ambitions of replacing Miles Mayhem as V.E.N.O.M.'s leader or at least seeking a larger role in his schemes.Mark Halloran
PiranhaStilettoA purple motorcycle with a releasable sidecar that doubles as a single-occupant submarine. First show appearance: episode 1. His Stiletto mask fires short armor-piercing harpoons from its chestplate.
Pitstop CatapultSawbladeAn armored gasoline stand. He uses the Sawblade mask that fires slashing blades.
Cliff "Blaster" DaggerAn eyepatch-wearing and slow-witted strongman who is a demolitions expert, convicted arsonist, and bare-knuckle brawler.Mark Halloran
JackhammerTorchA black Ford Bronco that turns into an assault vehicle equipped with heavy firepower. First show appearance: episode 1. His Torch mask acts as a flamethrower.
ThunderballNew TorchAn anti-aircraft gun disguised as a holding tank tower. This toy was intended as part of the 1987-88 Split Seconds series but was never released.
Vanessa WarfieldVanessa Warfield is V.E.N.O.M.'s espionage and intelligence agent. She becomes the unofficial team leader by the start of the second season of the animated series. In the 44th episode of the first season "Riddle of the Raven Master", she is shown to display affection to her trained ravens. Warfield falls for M.A.S.K. agent Brad Turner in the series finale "Cliff Hanger".Sharon Noble
MantaWhipA purple Nissan 300ZX Z31 that converts into an assault jet. First show appearance: episode 1 (intro). Her Whip mask emits long, powerful strands of electronic energy.
Bruno "Mad Dog" SheppardA brutal hand-to-hand combat specialist and convicted kidnapper who sports an orange Mohawk hairstyle and multiple tattoos. He is considered the toughest and most dangerous V.E.N.O.M. agent. Doug Stone
StingerMagna-BeamAn orange Pontiac GTO that transforms into a tank. First show appearance: episode 43. His Magna-Beam mask can attract, repel or rip apart magnetic objects. Stinger was referred to as "Scorpion" in several episodes.
Racing ArenaMagna-BeamAn assault pack that works in combination with the Magna-Beam mask.
BarracudaNew Magna-BeamA yellow motorcycle that turns into a rocket glider and armed cycle. The New Magna-Beam mask produces his holographic double. The European release of Barracuda was named "Jackal".
Nash "Goon" GoreyA meek, bespectacled hacker and spy, he is a simpering henchman overly eager to please Miles Mayhem. Gorey is depicted in the 1985 DC Comics series as a new recruit for M.A.S.K. who is ultimately revealed to be a mole working for V.E.N.O.M. First show appearance: episode 47.Doug Stone
Gorey serves as its co-pilot with Mayhem. His Powerhouse mask (called Samson in several episodes of the animated series) allows him to multiply his strength.
Lester "The Lizard" SludgeA smarmy henchman with a flattop hairstyle and annoying signature cackle. He nearly succeeds in killing Matt Trakker in the second episode of the second season titled "When Eagles Dare."Brian George
IguanaMudslingerA black all-terrain vehicle that turns into a mobile buzzsaw platform. First show appearance: episode 66. His Mudslinger mask shoots mud at his enemies.
Floyd "Birdman" MalloyThe former leader of a biker gang who is an expert street fighter and convicted forgery artist.Brendan McKane
VampireBuckshotA red touring cycle that transforms into a single-pilot jet. First show appearance: episode 45. Buckshot is his open-top mask that launches bearing balls.
VandalNew BuckshotA purple and yellow Case skid-steer loader which separates into an aircraft and a tank. Here, he uses the New Buckshot mask to make his holographic double.
Maximus "Maxie" MayhemMaximus Mayhem is the weak-willed twin brother of Miles Mayhem who calls him "Maxie" as a term of endearment. He is mainly featured in the racing-themed episodes of the second season. He wears a monocle on his left eye, and is 2 minutes younger than Miles.Doug Stone
BuzzardDeep FreezeHe operates one of two assault motorcycles that detach from the main vehicle. He uses the mask Deep Freeze that fires a cold energy ray.

Other toys

Boulder HillThe M.A.S.K. team's headquarters is an unassuming gas station in the fictional location of Boulder Hill, Nevada, with agent Buddie Hawks serving as its lone attendant. It can transform into an armed fortress to defend itself, while containing a secret cargo plane used to transport M.A.S.K. vehicles to other locations. The Boulder Hill playset came with Alex Sector and Buddie Hawks action figures.
Laser CommandA playset which, like the Split Seconds toys, never appeared in the show, although it was given a spotlight in a UK comic strip story. [6] The set consisted of two toys:
HornetLasertronA M.A.S.K. packing crate that opened to reveal an aerial attack vehicle. The toy came with a Matt Trakker figure and the Lasertron mask (a redress of the Ultraflash mask from Rhino).
RatfangRaynetA V.E.N.O.M. truck with limited transforming capabilities, its exhausts swung out to form side cannons. Its doors, wheels and hood burst apart when triggered by infrared beams fired from Hornet. The toy was a blue redeco of Firecracker fitted with a camper shell, and came with a Miles Mayhem action figure.


  1. This spelling of the character's name appears on official toy packaging, but has alternated in other series media as "Buddy Hawks" or "Buddie Hawkes".
  2. Named such after Gulliver's Travels .
  3. An alternate spelling of "mirage" created specifically for the series.


  1. "MASK.: The Complete Series : DVD Talk Review of the DVD Video". Retrieved 19 August 2013.
  2. Zahn, James (9 September 2024). "LA Fall Toy Previews: Radical Retro: M.A.S.K. Toplines The Loyal Subjects' Totally Outrageous Hasbro Legacy Line in 2025". The Toy Book. Retrieved 5 February 2025.
  3. Zahn, James (9 October 2024). "The Loyal Subjects, Hasbro Serve Up More Details on 'Retro Reimagined' Brand Partnership Plans". The Toy Book. Retrieved 5 February 2025.
  4. Aguilar, Matthew (28 February 2025). "The Loyal Subjects and Hasbro Reveal Toy Fair First Look at M.A.S.K. Toy Line (Exclusive)". ComicBook. Retrieved 4 March 2025.
  5. "OAFE - GI Joe: Specialist Matt Trakker review". Retrieved 19 August 2013.
  6. "Laser Command!", issues #69−70 (6−13 August 1988)