List of New Testament minuscules (2401–2500)

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List of the kephalaia and the first page of Gospel of John with the decorated headpiece in Minuscule 2444 Minuscule 2444 (GA) 140.jpg
List of the κεφαλαια and the first page of Gospel of John with the decorated headpiece in Minuscule 2444

A New Testament minuscule is a copy of a portion of the New Testament written in a small, cursive Greek script (developed from Uncial). [1]



Grey represents continuous text manuscripts containing only New Testament portions
Beige represents manuscripts with New Testament portions and a catena (quotations from church fathers)
Light cyan represents manuscripts of single-author commentaries who included the full Scripture text.
Light red represents manuscripts of single-author commentaries who included both the full Scripture text and a catena.
Light purple represents manuscripts of commentaries where the Scripture text was abridged.
White represents manuscript numbers no longer in use.
Gold color indicates high resolution color images available online.
Tan color indicates high resolution color images available locally, not online.
Light tan color indicates only a small fraction of manuscript pages with color images available online.
Light gray color indicates black/white or microfilm images available online.
Light blue color indicates manuscript not imaged, and is currently lost or ownership unknown.
Light pink color indicates manuscript destroyed, presumed destroyed, or deemed too fragile to digitize.
Violet color indicates high resolution ultraviolet images available online.

† Indicates the manuscript has damaged or missing pages.
P Indicates only a portion of the books were included.
K Indicates manuscript also includes a commentary.
S Indicates lost portions of manuscript replaced via supplement of a later hand.
abs (abschrift) Indicates manuscript is copy.
[ ] Brackets around Gregory-Aland number indicate the manuscript belongs to an already numbered manuscript, was found to not be a continuous text manuscript, was found to be written in modern Greek versus Koine Greek, was proved a forgery, or has been destroyed.

Minuscules 2401–2500

#DateContentsPagesInstitution and refs.City, StateCountryImages [2]
240112th Acts†, Pauline Epistles†, General Epistles2McGill University Montreal Canada INTF
152 The University of Chicago Library, Ms. 142 (Goodspeed) Chicago, IL USA TUOCL, [3] INTF
240216thMaximus Peloponnesius and Andreas of Caesarea Commentary on Revelation 194The University of Chicago Library, Ms. 931 (Goodspeed)Chicago, ILUSA TUOCL [4]
240316thOecumenius Commentary on Revelation† 1:1-2:1; 15:1-22:2129 National Library, 4592, fol. 111-139 Madrid Spain INTF
240413th Gospels, Acts, Pauline Epistles, General Epistles 376 The University of Chicago Library, Ms. 126 (Goodspeed)Chicago, ILUSA TUOCL [5]
240513th Gospels 209The University of Chicago Library, Ms. 130 (Goodspeed)Chicago, ILUSA TUOCL [6]
240614th Gospels245The University of Chicago Library, Ms. 134 (Goodspeed)Chicago, ILUSA TUOCL [7]
24071332 Gospels328The University of Chicago Library, Ms. 136 (Goodspeed)Chicago, ILUSA TUOCL, [8] INTF
240814thCommentary on Revelation† 5:1-51 Bodleian Library, MS. Barocci 48, fol. 18 Oxford United Kingdom DB [9]
240913th Matthew†, Mark55 The University of Chicago Library, Ms. 141 (Goodspeed)Chicago, ILUSA TUOCL [10]
241112th Gospels379 The University of Chicago Library, Ms. 828 (Goodspeed)Chicago, ILUSA TUOCL [11]
241212th Acts†, Pauline Epistles†, General Epistles151The University of Chicago Library, Ms. 922 (Goodspeed)Chicago, ILUSA TUOCL [12]
241410th Gospels 218Public Historical Library of Zagora, 1 Zagora Greece CSNTM
241511th-12th Gospels1Diocesan Theological College, Ms. A Montreal Canada INTF
210 McGill University, Ms. 2 Montreal Canada INTF
[2416]12thminiatures5Smithsonian Institution, Freer Gallery of Art, 09. 1685-9 Washington, DC USAFG [13]
[2417]= 2460
241815th Gospels178Public Historical Library of Zagora, 2 Zagora Greece CSNTM
241913th-14th Revelation† 3:1-4:84 National Library, Supplement Grec 159, fol. 8-11 Paris France BnF, [14] INTF
24201296 Gospels 297Princeton University The Art Museum, 35-70 Princeton, NJ USA PUAM [15]
242113th John2The New York Public Library, Rare Books and Manuscripts Division, Ms. 125 New York, NY USA CSNTM
242216th Gospels 265Public Historical Library of Zagora, 2 Zagora Greece CSNTM, INTF
2423 13th Acts†, General Epistles†, Pauline Epistles227 Duke University Gk MS 3 Durham, NC USA INTF
242410th Hebrews4Skete of Kavsokalyvia, 2 Mount Athos Greece INTF
242513th 2 Timothy†, Titus2 The University of Chicago Library, Ms. 943 (Goodspeed) Chicago, IL USA TUOCL [16]
242612th Gospels 326 Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, Gruber 114 Maywood, IL USA CSNTM, INTF
[2427] 19th/20thForgery of Byzantine era Gospel of Mark 44 The University of Chicago Library, Ms. 972 (Goodspeed) Chicago, IL USA TUOCL [17]
242815thAndreas of Caesarea Commentary on Revelation† 1:1-17:1269 National Library, Grec 746, fol. 239-307 Paris France BnF, [18] INTF
242914thAndreas of Caesarea Commentary on Revelation† 1:1-21:1249National Library, Grec 1002, fol. 179-227ParisFrance BnF, [19] INTF
243012th Gospels183Vatican Library, PIB (Banco A. 1. 6)Vatican CityVatican City INTF
24311332 Acts, Pauline Epistles, General Epistles, and Revelation (with marginal scholia)239Skete of Kavsokalyvia, 4 Mount Athos Greece INTF
243214thAndreas of Caesarea Commentary on Revelation 124 Vatican Library, Ross.766 Vatican City Vatican City DVL, [20] INTF
24331736Andreas of Caesarea Commentary on Revelation 136Public Historical Library of Zagora, 7 Zagora Greece CSNTM
243413th Revelation 36Public Historical Library of Zagora, 12ZagoraGreece CSNTM
243516thAndreas of Caesarea Commentary on Revelation52University Library, 2. 749 Salamanca Spain
24361418Revelation28 Vatopedi Monastery, 637, fol. 53-80 Mount Athos Greece INTF
2437 11th/12th Gospels220 National Library of Brazil, I. 2 Rio de Janeiro Brazil NLB, [21] CSNTM
243813th Matthew 4:25-5:22 1Owner Unknown
243914th Gospels 286Archäologisches Museum, 548 Ankara Turkey INTF
244010th Luke2 Byzantine and Christian Museum, BXM Frag 8; BXM 19926 Athens Greece CSNTM
244114th Acts†, Pauline Epistles58 Gothenburg University Library, Gr. 3 Gothenburg Sweden GUL [22]
244211th Gospels170 Academy of Athens, Siderides 1AthensGreece INTF
2444 13th Gospels309Bible Museum, Ms. 4 Münster Germany CSNTM, INTF
2445 12th Mark†, Luke†, John116Bible Museum, Ms. 5MünsterGermany CSNTM, INTF
2446 12th Gospels 320Bible Museum, Ms. 6MünsterGermany CSNTM, INTF
[2447]= 798
244812th Acts†, Pauline Epistles†, General Epistles243Owner unknown, formerly Athens, Mus. Loverdu, Nr. 125
[2449]17th Revelation in modern Greek29 National Historical Museum, Hist. Eth. Ges. 71 Athens Greece CSNTM, INTF
[2450]18th Gospels in modern Greek47National Historical Museum, Hist. Eth. Ges. 112AthensGreece CSNTM, INTF
245111th Gospels145National Historical Museum, 255AthensGreece CSNTM, INTF
245215thTheophylact Commentary on the Gospels383 Skete of Saint Anne, 51 Mount Athos Greece INTF
245311thGospels†264 Vatopedi Monastery, 662Mount AthosGreece INTF
245414thGospels239Vatopedi Monastery, 894Mount AthosGreece INTF
245515thGospels†182Vatopedi Monastery, 895Mount AthosGreece INTF
245617thGospels†143 Dionysiou Monastery, 668Mount AthosGreece INTF
245713thGospels†64Dionysiou Monastery, 590Mount AthosGreece INTF
245811thGospels285Dionysiou Monastery, 588Mount AthosGreece INTF
245912thTheophylact Commentary on the Gospels†223 Archaeological Museum of Almyros, 2 Almyros Greece INTF
2460 =[2417] 12thGospels†8Bible Museum, Ms. 19 Münster Germany INTF
2 Columbia University, Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Plimpton Ms. 12 New York USA CSNTM
195 Zosimaia School, 2 Ioannina Greece INTF
246214th-15th Mark†, Luke†, John123Ecclesiastical Historical and Archival Institute of the Patriarchate of Bulgaria, 19 (475) Sofia Bulgaria INTF
246314th Gospels210Ecclesiastical Historical and Archival Institute of the Patriarchate of Bulgaria, 20 (421)SofiaBulgaria INTF
2464 9th Acts† 19:35-28:31; James-2 John; 3 John 1-4†; Romans 1:1-11:28, 16:11-16:27; 1 Corinthians - 2 Thessalonians, Hebrews 1:1-10:19†212 Monastery of Saint John the Theologian, Ms. 742 Patmos Greece CSNTM
246513th Gospels 180Monastery of Saint John the Theologian, Ms. 745PatmosGreece INTF
24661339 Gospels, Acts, General Epistles, Pauline Epistles 293Monastery of Saint John the Theologian, Ms. 759PatmosGreece INTF
24671421Gospels†300Monastery of Saint John the Theologian, Ms. 775PatmosGreece INTF
246811th Mark†, Luke24Monastery of Saint John the Theologian, Ms. 777PatmosGreece INTF
24691569 Gospels 308Library of the Archbishop of Cyprus, 11 Nicosia Cyprus
247012thTheophylact Commentary on the Gospels626Ecumenical Patriarchate, Kamariotissis 23 Istanbul Turkey CSNTM
247113thGospels249Library of the Serail, 119IstanbulTurkey INTF
247212thGospels†289Museum of Religious Art, 1/12608 Bucharest Romania INTF
24731634 Acts, General Epistles 314 National Library, Taphu 545 Athens Greece INTF
247411th Gospels265 The University of Chicago Library, Ms. 1054 (Goodspeed) Chicago, IL USA TUOCL [23]
247511th Gospels, Acts, General Epistles, Pauline Epistles 314 Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Skevophylakion Jerusalem INTF
247614thGospels257 Romanian Academy, Ms. Gr. 932 Bucharest Romania INTF
247717thGospels†230Romanian Academy, Ms. Gr. 933BucharestRomania INTF
247812th-13thGospels224The Princes Czartoryski Library, 1870 Kraków Poland Palona [24]
247913thGospels†198Municipal Library, 2 Qq C 233 Palermo Italy INTF
248016th John92 Vatican Library, CityVatican City INTF
248116th Mark84Vatican Library, CityVatican City INTF
248214thTheophylact Commentary on the Gospels, Pauline Epistles 293Municipal Library dell'Archiginnasio, A. 3 Bologna Italy INTF
2483=[2866]13th Gospels, Acts, Pauline Epistles, General Epistles 8Owner Unknown INTF
340 The Schøyen Collection, MS 2932OsloNorway SC [25]
24841312 Acts†, Pauline Epistles†, General Epistles269 British Library, Add MS 38538 London United Kingdom BL [26]
248511th-12th Gospel of Luke2British Library, Add MS 41180, fol. 92-93LondonUnited Kingdom BL [27]
248615th-16th Mark 1:1-1:45 †2 Bodleian Library, MS. Auct. F. 6. 1, fol. 279-280 [28] Oxford United Kingdom INTF
248711th Gospels219 Bodleian Library, MS. Lyell 91 [29] OxfordUnited Kingdom INTF
248816th Matthew†, Mark†, Luke†, Acts181 Cambridge University Library, Add. Mss. 4173 Cambridge United Kingdom INTF
248911th Gospels>1 Cambridge University Library, Add. Ms. 4541CambridgeUnited Kingdom CSNTM
249012th-13thTheophylact Commentary on Matthew†, John†,304 Berlin State Library, Graec. qu. 77 Berlin Germany INTF
2491 =[2850], [2617]13th Matthew 19-23†, Mark 1:14-5:33; 9:14-end†, Luke 1:1-11:46†36Berlin State Library, Graec. qu. 90BerlinGermany INTF
24 Burgerbibliothek of Bern, Cod. 784 Bern Switzerland INTF
1 Duke University Library, Gk MS 22 Durham, NC North Carolina DU [30]
1Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Med/Ren Frag. 49 New York, NY USA CSNTM
1Rick Imlay Billings, MT USA INTF
8 Princeton University Library, Ms. 63 Princeton, NJ USA INTF
249214th Gospels, Acts, Pauline Epistles, General Epistles 178 Saint Catherine's Monastery, Gr. 1342, fol. 1-178 Sinai Egypt LOC, [31] INTF, CSNTM
249314th Revelation15Saint Catherine's Monastery, Gr. 1692, fol. 122-136SinaiEgypt LOC, [32] INTF, CSNTM
24941316 New Testament 315Saint Catherine's Monastery, Gr. 1991SinaiEgypt LOC, [33] INTF, CSNTM
249515th New Testament (Matthew† 10:21-28:20)222Saint Catherine's Monastery, Gr. 1992SinaiEgypt LOC, [34] INTF, CSNTM
249616th Gospels 336Saint Catherine's Monastery, Gr. 1993SinaiEgypt LOC, [35] CSNTM
249717thGospels196Saint Catherine's Monastery, Gr. 1994SinaiEgypt LOC, [36] INTF, CSNTM
24981622Gospels ?Saint Catherine's Monastery, Gr. 1995SinaiEgypt
249913th-14thGospels204Saint Catherine's Monastery, Gr. 2038SinaiEgypt LOC, [37] INTF, CSNTM
2500891Gospels†206 Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences, K'pel 74 Saint Petersburg Russia INTF

See also


  1. Eberhard Nestle, Erwin Nestle, Barbara Aland and Kurt Aland (eds), Novum Testamentum Graece , 27th edition, (Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, 2001).
  2. The two primary collections of manuscript images include the CSNTM ( "Manuscript Search". Center for the Student of New Testament Manuscripts. 7 July 2010. Retrieved 2016-08-26.) and the INTF ( "Manuscript Workspace". Institut für Neutestamentliche Textforschung. Retrieved 2016-08-26.) Other hosted images are referenced separately.
  3. "Ms. 142, The Goodspeed Manuscript Collection". The University of Chicago Library. Retrieved 2016-08-04.
  4. "Ms. 931, The Goodspeed Manuscript Collection". The University of Chicago Library. Retrieved 2016-08-04.
  5. "Ms. 126, The Goodspeed Manuscript Collection". The University of Chicago Library. Retrieved 2016-08-04.
  6. "Ms. 130, The Goodspeed Manuscript Collection". The University of Chicago Library. Retrieved 2016-08-04.
  7. "Ms. 134, The Goodspeed Manuscript Collection". The University of Chicago Library. Retrieved 2016-08-04.
  8. "Ms. 136, The Goodspeed Manuscript Collection". The University of Chicago Library. Retrieved 2016-08-04.
  9. "Nicephorus Gregoras, Solutiones quaestionum philosophicarum. Gregory Nazianzen, works. Matthaeus Camariota, works. John of Damascus, works. Rhetorical and theological texts". Digital Bodleian. Retrieved 2017-06-22.
  10. "Ms. 141, The Goodspeed Manuscript Collection". The University of Chicago Library. Retrieved 2016-08-04.
  11. "Ms. 828, The Goodspeed Manuscript Collection". The University of Chicago Library. Retrieved 2016-08-04.
  12. "Ms. 922, The Goodspeed Manuscript Collection". The University of Chicago Library. Retrieved 2016-08-04.
  13. "Folio I from a Ms. of the Gospels: Recto: a portrait of St. Mark". Freer Gallary of Art. Retrieved 2019-05-07.
  14. "Supplement Grec 159". Bibliothèque nationale. Retrieved 2017-05-11.
  15. "Four Gospels, 1296". Princeton University Art Museum. Retrieved 2016-08-04.
  16. "Ms. 943, The Goodspeed Manuscript Collection". The University of Chicago Library. Retrieved 2016-08-04.
  17. "Ms. 972, The Goodspeed Manuscript Collection". The University of Chicago Library. Retrieved 2016-08-04.
  18. "Grec 746". Bibliothèque nationale. Retrieved 2017-05-11.
  19. "Grec 1002". Bibliothèque nationale. Retrieved 2017-05-11.
  20. "Manuscript - Ross.766". Digital Vatican Library. Retrieved 2017-05-11.
  21. "Evangelho Greco". National Library of Brazil. Retrieved 2018-09-04.
  22. "Lectionary of Acts and Epistles". Gothenburg University Library. Retrieved 2017-09-14.
  23. "Ms. 1054, The Goodspeed Manuscript Collection". The University of Chicago Library. Retrieved 2016-08-04.
  24. "tetraevangelion". Palona. Retrieved 2021-07-13.
  25. "LAVRA MONASTERY NEW TESTAMENT". The Schøyen Collection. Retrieved 2017-08-15.
  26. "Add MS 38538". British Library. Retrieved 2017-06-22.[ permanent dead link ]
  27. "Add MS 41180". British Library. Retrieved 2017-06-22.[ permanent dead link ]
  28. "MS. Auct. F. 6. 1". Bodleian Library. Retrieved 2018-05-07.
  29. "MS. Lyell 91". Bodleian Library. Retrieved 2018-05-07.
  30. "Gospel of Matthew XXII, 31-XXIII, 10". Duke University Libraries Digital Collections. Retrieved 2018-11-09.
  31. "Greek Greek Manuscripts 1342. New Testament and III and IV Maccabees". Library of Congress. Retrieved 2017-05-11.
  32. "Greek Manuscripts 1692. Patristica". Library of Congress. Retrieved 2017-09-15.
  33. "Greek Manuscripts 1991. New Testament". Library of Congress. Retrieved 2017-05-11.
  34. "Greek Manuscripts 1992. New Testament". Library of Congress. Retrieved 2017-05-11.
  35. "Greek Manuscripts 1993. Four Gospels". Library of Congress. Retrieved 2017-05-11.
  36. "Greek Manuscripts 1994. Unidentified Menologion". Library of Congress. Retrieved 2017-05-11.
  37. "Greek Manuscripts 2038. Four Gospels". Library of Congress. Retrieved 2017-05-11.
