List of Theodore Tugboat characters

Last updated

This is a list of characters of the Canadian children's television series Theodore Tugboat . The show has one human character, The Harbourmaster, and six central tugboat characters, led by the show's namesake, Theodore Tugboat. Other ships, of all sizes, provide a large number or regular and occasional characters along with a few living structures.


Characters from Theodore Tugboat depicted by the studio models used to film the series, now preserved at the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic in Halifax. Characters visible are, from back to front, Kingston, Pearl, The Dispatcher, Hank, Guysborough and Theodore. T TugboatSet2 2006.jpg
Characters from Theodore Tugboat depicted by the studio models used to film the series, now preserved at the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic in Halifax. Characters visible are, from back to front, Kingston, Pearl, The Dispatcher, Hank, Guysborough and Theodore.


The Harbourmaster

Along with all the duties of a real-life harbourmaster, The Harbourmaster is the host and narrator of the series, [1] and provides voices for the entire cast of characters. [1] [2] [3] He is the only human on the show, [1] [4] and is portrayed in the Canadian and US versions by the late Denny Doherty, [5] [6] [7] formerly of The Mamas & the Papas, [1] [6] [8] and by other performers internationally. The Harbourmaster introduces the theme at the beginning of every episode by addressing an issue that he has in common with the tugs. [4] He also loves to play the tuba and is good friends with a man named "Rodney" (who never appeared in the series).


The Dispatcher






Characters outside the Big Harbour

Visitors to the harbour

Oil tankers

  • Olympia is an oil tanker brought in when huge packs of sea ice were in the harbour. She almost ran into Willy's Island when Theodore's towrope snapped.
  • Linda is an oil tanker that arrives the same time each week. She is towed in by Theodore and Hank, and led into the harbour by Foduck and Pearl.
  • Canso Colossus: Apparently the "King of Supertankers". He talks with a squeaky voice and his pet peeve is "yucky stuff". He almost left the harbour when he saw garbage floating in the water. He once hit rock near the Pictou Peaks and had to be saved by Nautilus. In the episode "Sigrid and the Bumpers, he was mistaken for a female container ship.
  • Igloo is an oil tanker who helped the tugs when Clair began to leak oil.

Container ships

  • Caroline is a container ship that Foduck and Emily had trouble with, while trying to get her to her dock, until George came to help them.
  • Caraquet is a container ship that Theodore had trouble keeping steady when George was doing tough tugging. Caraquet had many speaking roles, including a time when she, Theodore, and Hank had a good laugh when George made a funny noise.
  • Catherine is a big container ship who carried a double load, and gave Theodore and George a difficult time trying to move her.
  • Chester is a blue and red container ship who wanted to have flags during the time the ships and boats of the harbour were having their flag day.
  • Cocomagh is a container ship who was afraid to come into the harbour until Foduck convinced her that the Big Harbour was the friendliest harbour in the whole world.
  • Colchester is a green container ship that Theodore and Emily were helping bring into the harbour when Hank was suffering with the hiccups.
  • Clementine is a big container ship who came when Theodore first met Clayton, and wished that he could lift things like he could. Clementine becomes paranoid whenever anything happens to one of her containers.
  • Cumberland is a big container ship with special engines that allows him to dock himself. He thought he did not need tugs until he met Theodore.
  • Elo Echo is a blue container ship that Theodore saved when she was about to hit sharp and dangerous rocks, by flashing his light and blowing his horn.
  • Gloria Cornwallis is a ship that Emily and Theodore were towing during a time when Theodore was having nightmares of a sea monster coming at him in the night. She was also brought in during the time that Foduck was bumping Theodore, as well as a time when George and Emily wouldn't talk to each other.
  • Isabel is a grey container ship who was seen in several episodes. Isabel was never introduced properly.
  • Jennifer is a ship that Emily rescued before Theodore got an assignment to rescue Digby, who was stuck on a sandspit.
  • Margaree Pride is a container ship that George and Theodore helped out of the harbour, the day after Theodore first arrived.

Cargo ships

  • Annapolis is a cargo ship brought into the harbour when the tugs first met Sigrid the Supply Ship. Her name has no relation to Emily's middle name.
  • Cabot is a bad-mannered cargo ship who illegally came into the harbour by himself, dropping cargo, and caused chaos in the harbour. He gave Theodore a hard time until he ran aground on the sandy beach.
  • Clair is a cargo ship that is loaded with special cargo such as bicycles.
  • Emma Sophia is a small red and grey ship loaded with kumquats, who Theodore was to bring into the harbour. She made many cameos in the fifth season.
  • Freda is a small red cargo ship that got stuck on some rocks outside the harbour, but Theodore and George teamed up to pull her to safety. She was the first ship Theodore brought in by himself, when he was the "Tug in Charge".
  • Inverness is a cargo ship that Hank accidentally offended by calling him "Needlenose".
  • Julia is the first cargo ship that Theodore and Hank brought into the harbour together. She was loaded with vegetables. After the episode "Theodore the Vegetable", she made cameos in the first season.
  • Katherine is a red cargo ship from Serbia who, like Emily, had never met a ship from Russia until Gregor was in the harbour. She also once said that Theodore's whistle was cute.
  • Kingston is a cargo ship who has visited the harbour on one or more occasions. He was once frightened of Hank.
  • Kirby is a nervous grey cargo ship loaded with telephone poles from England who got nervous when Theodore approached him too quickly.
  • Louise is a cargo ship that Theodore and George brought in, the first time they heard that Petra the new pilot boat was coming to live in the harbour.
  • S.S. Malarkey is a cargo ship who tells stories that, true to his namesake, are nothing but malarkey.
  • Margaret is a large green cargo ship that visits the Big Harbour occasionally. She was seen with Theodore and Hank when they were lost in a thick fog, as well as being pulled by George and Emily most of the time.
  • Scally is a ship who brought a cargo of treasures into the harbour. When he gave the tugs some of his treasures, it didn't take long for them to cause confusion. So they decided to return their treasures back to Scally.
  • Seabright is a cargo ship that was afraid of things that he has never done before. He feared that he would get stuck under Benjamin Bridge until Theodore explained there was nothing to be afraid of. After Seabright overcame his fear of Benjamin, he soon became frightened of Clayton, since he had never been loaded or unloaded by a crane before.

Other visitors

  • After Cabot had let some of the cargo fall off his deck, Theodore felt bad, until the cargo spoke to him, Various pieces included a cylinder-like container, a crate, an open shipping container, and a red pipe. Some cargo stayed on his deck that also had faces. There was also a blue container, and what appears to be a water heater.
  • Dartmouth is a giant cable ship who won the attention of all the tugboats when he first arrived in the Big Harbour. Digby showed him good places to lay cables. When it was time for him to leave, Theodore felt very sad until he realized that he's not losing a companion, but gaining a friend in a whole new place.
  • Gregor is a fishing trawler from Russia whom Emily wanted to meet. His model was later used for Truro.
  • Kulu is a storytelling canoe who Theodore and Foduck rescued after a storm blew him up on a beach. Kulu is a great, mysterious storyteller and knows many stories like the story of The Northern Lights. He always tells his stories at hidden cove. He used to be unliked by Foduck, because he did not think his stories were real. However, ever since Foduck saw The Northern Lights for real, Kulu has become another one of his many good friends.
  • Oliver the Vast is a tug from a different harbour who mistreated everyone, especially Theodore. Later, the Dispatcher sends him back home for bullying. After his appearance in the episode "Theodore and the Bully", his model was used for Sigrid in the next season.
  • The Mysterious Grain Ship is a ship that made cameos in the first season. In the episode "Theodore the Vegetable", he cuts off Julia. He is also seen in the episode "Theodore and the Queen", when all the boats are whistling. He does not speak.
  • Pugwash is a yellow mini-sub who scared Northumberland by bumping him, but later decided to stop. She is good friends with Theodore, Hank, and Northumberland. She doesn't like foghorns, and once hid from Lunenburg in the Ecum Secum Circle where she met the Rock Brothers. Owan says that she's as cute as a "catfish's kittens".
  • Queen Stephanie is the greatest, grandest, and nicest ocean liner in the world. Occasionally visits the harbour after getting stuck beneath Benjamin by accident, the first time she appeared in the series. In another, she even had R. Boat in her swimming pool after he wished he could be big. Apparently, Her Majesty has about 1,001 windows on each of her sides. Queen Stephanie holds a special place in her heart for Theodore.
  • Shamus is an Irish fishing trawler that was once covered in ice, and later, when the ice melted, struck up a friendship with George.
  • Snorri is a Viking ship that arrived in the Big Harbour. The tugs were afraid of him because he snorted at them, until they realized that Snorri is different from the other boats who live in the Big Harbour.
  • Stewiacke is the ship that carries Pugwash out in the ocean. He likes to explore the ocean with Pugwash as his underwater aid.
  • Tex is an oil rig that was really rude until a storm nearly made him crash into Benjamin Bridge, after which he learned humility.
  • Walter is possibly a pilot whale or false killer whale. He was separated from his pod by a strong current. Theodore had been babysitting him until George found his family. Walter was returned to his pod before he grew to a tremendous size. He is featured in the book "Theodore and the Whale".

Buildings and structures

Characters not seen

Other boats

See also


  1. 1 2 3 4 5 McDonald, William (2000-01-30). "A Rock Music 'Papa' Finds Calmer Waters As a Children's Host". The New York Times . Retrieved 2009-04-09.
  2. "New York Daily News - Papa's Brand-new Bag - Kids' TV (Oct. 24, 1997)". 1997-10-24. Archived from the original on 2009-04-16. Retrieved 2009-04-09.
  3. "'Dream A Little Dream', The Musical - CBS News". April 24, 2003. Archived from the original on April 25, 2003. Retrieved 2009-04-09.
  4. 1 2 3 4 " - Boats - Barges & Tugboats - Theodore Tugboat". Archived from the original on 2013-01-05. Retrieved 2009-04-10.
  5. "Theodore Tugboat - TV series (19932000)". Retrieved 2009-04-05.
  6. 1 2 " - Denny Doherty jacket fetches $250 at auction - (Feb. 4, 2007)". Retrieved 2009-04-05.
  7. " - Singer Doherty's voice, humour remembered - (Jan. 27, 2007)". Retrieved 2009-04-05.
  8. Sisario, Ben (2007-01-20). "Denny Doherty, 66, Mamas and Papas Singer, Dies". The New York Times. Retrieved 2009-04-05.
  9. " - History of Nova Scotia, 2000 March 1-19 - Theodore Tugboat". Archived from the original on 2008-05-09. Retrieved 2009-04-10.