List of World War II aces from Germany: G–L

Last updated

This is a list of fighter aces in World War II from Germany with their surname starting from G to L. A flying ace or fighter ace is a military aviator credited with shooting down five or more enemy aircraft during aerial combat. [1] Aces are listed alphabetically by last name.



By surname: A–F   M–P   Q–S   T–Z

  This along with the * (asterisk), indicates that the pilot was either killed in action (KIA), missing in action (MIA), died of wounds (DOW), killed in a flying accident (KIFA), or killed in a car accident (KICA).
  This and the / (slash) indicates information discrepancies listed by Aders, Boiten, Caldwell, Girbig, Held, Obermaier, Spick, Ring, Mathews, Foreman and Zabecki.


Josef GablOberfeldwebel42 [2] /28+ [3] JG 51
Kurt GablerOberleutnant16 [4] JG 300
Otto Gaiser Leutnant74 [5] JG 51 Knight's Cross
"Dolfo" Adolf Galland Generalleutnant104 [6] /101 [3] JG 27, JG 26, JV 44 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves, Swords and Diamonds
Paul Galland*Leutnant17 [7] [3] JG 26
Wilhelm-Ferdinand (Wutz) Galland*Major54 [8] /56 [3] JG 26 Knight's Cross
Bernd Gallowitsch 64 [9] JG 51, JG 7 Knight's Cross
Fritz Gammel*Oberfeldwebel19 [3] JG 53 MIA 4 September 1942
Josef Gärtner6 [8] JG 26
Wilhelm GäthMajor9 [3] JG 26
Werner GaykoOberleutnant14 [3] JG 5
August Geiger*Hauptmann53 [10] /50 [4] NJG 1 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves
KIA 29/30 September 1943
Friedrich Geisshardt*102 [11] /93 [12] LG 2, JG 77, JG 26, JG 27 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves
KIA 6 April 1942
Wolfgang Gendelmeyer*Leutnant8 [12] JG 3 KIA 1 August 1942
Hannes GentzenMajor18 [12] JG 102
Dieter GerhardOberleutnant5 [12] JG 1
Günther GerhardsLeutnant8 [12] JG 52
Werner Gerhardt*Oberfeldwebel13 [13] /12 [12] JG 2, JG 1, JG 26 KIA 19 August 1942
Erich Gerlitz*Major18 [12] JG 51, JG 27, JG 53, JG 5 KIA 16 March 1944
Lorenz GerstmayrOberfeldwebel15 [4] NJG 3 Admitted to Luftwaffe hospital in Amsterdam on 7 July 1944, died 29 May 1945
Werner Gerth*Hauptmann38 [14] /23 [12] JG 3, JG 300, JG 400 Knight's Cross
KIA 2 November 1944
Herbert GieseckeOberfeldwebel6 [4] NJG 3
Vinzenz GiessübelOberfeldwebel6 [4] NJG 1, NJG 2
Paul Gildner*Oberleutnant48 [15] /43 [4] ZG 1, NJG 1, NJG 2 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves
KIFA 24/25 February 1943
Gerhard Gleuwitz11+ [12] JG 52
Rudolf Glöckner33 [12] JG 5, JG 7 German Cross
Adolf Glunz 71 [5] [16] /69 [12] JG 52, JG 26, JG 7 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves
Heinz Golinski*Feldwebel47 [17] [12] JG 53 Knight's Cross
KIA 16 October 1942
Erich Gollasch*Oberleutnant7 [4] NJG 2, NJG 1, NJG 5, NJG 100MIA 25/26 September 1943
Gordon Gollob Oberst150 [18] /146 [12] JG 3, JG 77 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves, Swords and Diamonds
Kurt Goltzsch*Oberleutnant43 [19] JG 2 Knight's Cross
Heinz GomannFeldwebel12 [20] JG 26, JG 7
Heinz GossowOberfeldwebel12 [19] /6 [4] KG 3, JG 300, JG 301, JG 7 Knight's Cross
Heinz GottlobOberleutnant6 [20] JG 26
Franz Götz Major63 [9] JG 53, JG 26 Knight's Cross
Hans Götz*Hauptmann82 [21] JG 54 Knight's Cross
Walter Grabmann Generalmajor13 (incl. 7 in Spain) [19] LG 1, ZG 76 Knight's Cross
Friedrich (Fritz) GraeffOberleutnant6 [4] ZG 26, NJG 1, NJG 4 WIA 8/9 July 1943
Hermann Graf Oberst 212 [22] /206 [23] JG 52, JG 11 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves, Swords and Diamonds
Hartmann Grasser Major103 [6] /96+ [23] JG 51 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves
Berthold Graßmuck*Oberfeldwebel65 [9] JG 52 Knight's Cross
Karl Gratz Leutnant138 [18] [23] JG 52, JG 2 Knight's Cross
Hans Gref*Oberleutnant16 [4] ZG 76, NJG 3, NJG 5, NJG 100, NJGr 10KIA 26 March 1944
Hermann Greiner Hauptmann51 [24] /50 [4] NJG 2, NJG 1, NJSch 1 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves
Karl-Heinz Greisert*Major34 [23] JG 2, JG 3 KIA 22 July 1942
Heinrich GrieseMajor13 [4] NJG 1, NJG 4, NJG 6 WIA 12/13 September 1944
Heinz Grimm*Leutnant27 [25] /26 [4] NJG 1 Knight's Cross
DOW 13 October 1943
Josef GrimmUnteroffizier5 [26] JG 27
Alfred Grislawski Hauptmann 133 [27] /127 [23] JG 52, JG 1 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves
Helmut Grollmus*Leutnant75 [5] JG 54 Knight's Cross
Fritz Gromotka 29 [28] JG 27 Knight's Cross
Alfred Gross52 [20] JG 54, JG 26
Detlev GrossfussOberleutnant18 [4] JG 2
Erich GrothMajor11 [23] ZG 2, ZG 76
Viktor GruberFeldwebel10 [26] [29] JG 27
Hans Grünberg Oberleutnant82 [21] /78 [29] JG 3, JG 52, JG 7 JV 44 Knight's Cross
Walter Grünlinger*Leutnant7 [29] JG 26 KIA 4 September 1943
Gerhard GrzymallaFeldwebel7 [30] /8 [29] JG 26
Hermann GuhlLeutnant15 [31] LG 2, JG 26
Joachim Günther11 [31] JG 26
Wolf GütterLeutnant6 [4] NJG 3 WIA 14/15 July 1944
Gerhard Guttmann*Felwebel7 [29] JG 26 KIA 27 March 1944


Gerhard Haak*Feldwebel10 [29] JG 54 KIA 25 October 1941
Sigurd HaalaOberleutnant42 [29] JG 54, JG 26 German Cross
Friedrich Haas*Leutnant74 [5] [29] JG 52 Knight's Cross
KIA 9 April 1945
Ernst Haase*Oberfeldwebel8+ [29] JG 302 German Cross
KIA 25 February 1945
Horst Haase*Major82 [32] /62 [2] /54 [29] JG 51, JG 3 Knight's Cross
KIA 26 November 1944
Helmut Haberda*Oberleutnant59 [29] JG 52 German Cross
KIA 8 May 1943
Karl Haberland*Oberleutnant9 [4] JG 3, JG 2 KIA 27 January 1944
Wilhelm Hachfeld*Hauptmann11 [33] LG 2, JG 51, ZG 2 Knight's Cross
KIFA 2 December 1942
August HachtelOberleutnant5 JG 400 Knight's Cross
Joachim HackerLeutnant32 [2] /21 [29] JG 51
Anton Hackl Major 192 [34] /180+ [29] JG 77, JG 11, JG 26, JG 300 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords
incl. 34 heavy bombers [35]
Heinrich "Heinz" Hackler*Leutnant56 [36] JG 77 Knight's Cross
KIA 1 January 1945
Heinz-Martin HadeballHauptmann33 [37] /28 [4] NJG 1, NJG 4, NJG 6, NJGr 10 Knight's Cross
Alfred HaeslerMajor5 [4] V.(Z)/LG 1, ZG 26, NJG 1, NJG 4 WIA 10/11 August 1943
Anton "Toni" Hafner*Oberleutnant204 [34] /203 [29] JG 51 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves
KIA 17 October 1944
Ludwig Häfner*Leutnant52 [36] JG 3 Knight's Cross
KIA 10 November 1942
Walter Hagenah15 [29] JG 3, JG 7
Johannes HagerHauptmann48 [38] /41 [4] NJG 1 Knight's Cross
Franz Hahn*17+ [2] /14+ [29] JG 77, JG 51, JG 4 KIA 22 January 1944
Hans "Assi" Hahn Major108 [6] /105 [39] JG 2, JG 54 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves
Hans von Hahn 31 [39] JG 53, JG 1, JG 103 Knight's Cross
Hans Hahn*Leutnant15 [4] /11 [39] NJG 1, NJG 2 Knight's Cross
KIA 11/12 October 1941
Siegfried HahnHauptmann10 [4] ZG 76, NJG 3
Josef Haiböck Hauptmann73 [39] JG 26, JG 52, JG 3 Knight's Cross
Karl Haisch*Oberfeldwebel10 [4] NJG 3 KIFA 20 March 1943
Heinz HalstrickFeldwebel11 [39] JG 5
Joachim HamerLeutnant35 [2] /29 [39] JG 51
Alfred HammerHauptmann26 [39] JG 53
Karl Hammerl*Leutnant67 [40] /63 [9] JG 52 Knight's Cross
MIA 2 March 1943
Gotthard Handrick Oberst10 (+5 in Spain) JG 26, JG 77 Gold medal at the 1936 Summer Olympics
Heinz Hanke9 JG 1
Günther HannakHauptmann47 [41] LG 2, JG 77, JG 27 Knight's Cross
Gottfried HanneckOberleutnant6 [4] NJG 1WIA 1/2 February 1945
Horst Hannig*Oberleutnant98 [11] JG 54, JG 2 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves
KIA 15 May 1943
Joachim Hanss*Leutnant10 [4] NJG 5KIA 7/8 July 1944
Harro HarderHauptmann22 (+11 in Spain) JG 53
Jürgen Harder*Major64 [9] JG 53, JG 11 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves
KIFA 17 February 1945
Hans HartigsOberleutnant6 [31] JG 26
Andreas HartlFeldwebel8 [39] JG 302
Erich Hartmann Major 352 [22] [39] JG 52, JG 53 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves, Swords and Diamonds
Ludwig HartmannOberfeldwebel13 [39] JG 2
Hans-Dieter HartweinOberleutnant16 [39] JG 5
Helmut Haugk Hauptmann18 [41] ZG 76, ZG 26 Knight's Cross
Werner Haugk*Leutnant9 [42] StG 77, ZG 76 Knight's Cross
KIA 18 October 1944
Hans HausschildFeldwebel7 [4] NJG 100, NJG 200
Wilhelm HauswirthFeldwebel50 [39] JG 52
Alfred Heckmann Oberleutnant71 [43] /69 [39] JG 3, JG 26, JV 44 Knight's Cross
Günther HeckmannLeutnant20 [44] /16 [45] JG 51, JG 1, JG 7
Hubert Heckmann5 [45] JG 1, JG 7
Ernst Heesen*Leutnant32 [46] /28 [45] JG 2, NJG 1, JG 3, JG 1 KIA 3 May 1943
Alfred HeidelOberfeldwebel8 [45] JG 27
Bruno Heilig*Oberleutnant7 [4] NJG 2, NJG 3KIFA 6/7 January 1945
Joseph Heim*Gefreiter5 [45] JG 7 KIA 10 April 1945
Friedrich HeimannOberfeldwebel41 [45] JG 51
Kurt HeinFeldwebel8 [43] JG 26
Hans-Joachim HeineckeHauptmann28 [45] JG 27
Engelbert Heiner*Oberleutnant15 [47] [4] KG 27, NJG 6 Knight's Cross
KIA 18/19 March 1945
Gerd HeintzeFeldwebel5 [4] NJG 5, NJG 100
Emil Heinzelmann*Feldwebel5 [4] NJG 1KIFA 7 May 1944
Richard Heller*Leutnant22 [48] ZG 26, ZG 10 Knight's Cross
KIA 5 April 1945
Horst Hennig*Hauptmann7 [48] KG 77, NJG 3 Knight's Cross
KIFA 7/8 October 1944
Eberhard HenriciOberleutnant6 [43] JG 26
Wilhelm HenselerOberleutnant10 [4] NJG 1
Helmut Henz*Hauptmann6 [45] JG 77 KIA 25 May 1941
Wilhelm Herget Major72 [49] [4] ZG 76, NJG 3, NJG 1, NJG 4, JV 44 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves
PoW 2 May 1945
Kurt HermannOberleutnant9 [50] NJG 2
Rolf Hermichen Major64 [9] JG 26, JG 11, JG 104 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves
incl. 26 heavy bombers [35]
Hajo Herrmann Oberst9 [51] /4 [4] KG 4, KG 30, JG Herrmann, JG 300 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords
Kurt HerrmannOberleutnant9 [4] I.(Z)/LG 1, Z./KG 30, NJG 2 PoW 10/11 March 1941
Gerhard Herzog*Stabsfeldwebel11 [4] ZG 76, NJG 1, NJG 6 KIA 20/21 October 1943
Heinrich HeuserFeldwebel5 [52] JG 26
Hans-Joachim Heyer*Leutnant53 [48] JG 54 Knight's Cross
KIA 9 November 1942
Otto-Heinrich Hilleke6 [52] JG 26
Ernst-Erich Hirschfeld*Oberleutnant24 [53] /17 [4] JG 54, JG 300 Knight's Cross
KIA 28 July 1944
Heinz-Horst Hissbach*Hauptmann34 [53] /27 [4] KG 28, KG 40, NJG 2 Knight's Cross
KIA 14/15 April 1945
Walter Höckner*Major68 [54] JG 77, JG 26, JG 1, JG 4 Knight's Cross
KIFA 25 August 1944
Heinrich Höfemeier*Oberleutnant96 [55] [32] JG 51 Knight's Cross
KIA 7 August 1943
Friedrich Hoffmann*Leutnant11 [26] JG 27
Gerhard Hoffmann*125 [56] /130 [50] JG 52 Knight's Cross
KIFA 17 April 1945
Heinrich Hoffmann*Oberfeldwebel63 [9] JG 51 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves
KIA 3 October 1941
Hermann Hoffmann7 [52] JG 26
Reinhold Hoffmann*Oberleutnant66 [57] JG 54 Knight's Cross
KIA 24 May 1944
Reinhold HoffmannFeldwebel8 [50] JG 3
Werner Hoffmann Major52 [10] / 51/50 [4] ZG 52, ZG 2, NJG 3, NJG 5 Knight's Cross
Karl-Wilhelm Hofmann*Oberleutnant44 [58] JG 26 Knight's Cross
KIA 26 March 1945
Erich Hohagen Major56 [59] JG 51, JG 2, JG 27, JG 7, JV 44 Knight's Cross
Werner HohenbergFeldwebel27 [60] JG 52, JG 2
Walter HollFeldwebel7 [60] JG 26
Kurt Holler*Major19 [61] /18 [4] /11+ [60] ZG 26, NJG 1, NJG 4 KIA 21/22 June 1943
Otto Holler*Unteroffizier5 [4] NJG 100 KIA 9/10 March 1944
Helmuth HoltzFeldwebel56 [60] JG 51
Gerhard Homuth*Major63 [9] JG 27, JG 54 Knight's Cross
MIA 2 August 1943
Werner HopfHauptmann21 [4] NJG 5
Helmuth HoppeHauptmann22 [60] JG 26 German Cross
Jürgen Hörschelmann*Leutnant16 [60] JGr Süd, JG 3 KIA 12 May 1944
Walter HortenOberleutnant5 [60] JG 26
Anton Hörwick*Oberfeldwebel27 NJG 2, NJG 7 Knight's Cross
KIA 19 February 1945
Dietrich Hrabak Oberst125 [56] [60] JG 76, JG 54, JG 52 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves
Franz Hrdlicka*Hauptmann96 [32] /60 [62] JG 77, JG 2 Knight's Cross
KIA 25 March 1945
Ferdinand HromadnikLeutnant6 [4] NJG 4
Herbert HubatschFeldwebel5 [4] NJG 1, NJG 2, NJG 5, NJG 6 WIA 6 September 1944
Rudolf HüblOberfelwebel9 [60] JG 1
Eckhard Hübner*Leutnant47 [62] JG 3 Knight's Cross
KIA 28 March 1942
Werner HübnerOberfeldwebel7 [44] JG 51
Wilhelm Hübner*Leutnant62 [9] JG 51 Knight's Cross
KIA 7 April 1945
Rolf HuckHauptmann6 [4] NJG 3
Karl HülshoffOberleutnant11 [61] /10 [4] KG 54, NJG 1, NJG 2, NJG 102
Alfred Humor*16 [63] JG 3 KIA 10 February 1944
Herbert Huppertz*Major68 [54] JG 51, JG 5, JG 2 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves
KIA 8 June 1944
Werner Husemann 34 [64] /33 [4] NJG 1, NJG 3 Knight's Cross
Wolf-Dietrich Huy Hauptmann40 [65] JG 77 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves


Hans IfflandLeutnant11 [63] JG 3
Herbert Ihlefeld Oberst 130 (incl. 7 in Spain) [27] I(J)/LG 2, JG 77, JG 52,
JGr.25, JG 11, JG 1
Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords
Iro Ilk*Major9 [66] /8 [4] LG 1, JG 300 Knight's Cross
KIA 25 September 1944
Eduard Isken Oberfeldwebel56 [66] /44+ [63] JG 77, JGr 200,
I(F)/123, JG 53
Knight's Cross


Egbert JaacksOberfeldwebel44+ [63] JG 76, JG 77, JG 53
Hans-Joachim Jabs Oberstleutnant50 [15] /48 [63] [4] ZG 76, NJG 3, NJG 1 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves
Ernst JäckelFeldwebel8 [67] JG 26
Alfred JakobiLeutnant8 [63] JG 77, JG 5
Wolfgang JankHauptmann11 [4] NJG 3, NJG 200
Erich JauerFeldwebel12 [67] JG 26
Kurt Jenisch*Leutnant8 [68] JG 27
Peter Jenne*Hauptmann17 [69] /12+ [63] JG 300 Knight's Cross
KIA 2 March 1945
Josef Jennewein*Leutnant86 [21] [32] /83 [63] JG 26, JG 51 Knight's Cross
MIA 27 July 1943
Heinrich JessenOberleutnant6 [67] JG 26
Hans JohannsenLeutnant8 [67] JG 26
Horst John*Feldwebel13 [4] JG 52, JG Herrmann, JG 300 KIA 18/19 November 1943
Wilhelm Johnen Hauptmann34 [37] /33 [63] [4] NJG 1, NJG 5, NJG 6 Knight's Cross
Hermann-Friedrich Joppien*70 [54] [40] /59 [70] JG 51 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves
KIA 28 August 1941
Günther Josten Oberleutnant178 [34] [70] JG 51 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves
Erich JungOberleutnant27 [4] NJG 2
Harald JungHauptmann20 [71] JG 51
Heinrich Jung*68 [54] /65 [70] JG 54 Knight's Cross
KIA 30 July 1943


Kurt KadlcickOberleutnant6 [4] NJG 4
Erbo Graf von Kageneck*Hauptmann67 [72] JG 27 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves
DOW 12 January 1942
Adolf KaiserOberleutnant16 [4] NJG 2, NJG 5, NJG 100
Emil Kaiser13 [70] JG 27
Herbert Kaiser Leutnant68 [57] JG 77, JG 1, JV 44 Knight's Cross
Peter Kalden Oberleutnant84 [21] JG 51 Knight's Cross
Rolf Kaldrack*Hauptmann21 (+3 in Spain) [73] ZG 76 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves
KIA 3 February 1942
Ernst KalinowskiOberfeldwebel5 [4] ZG 76, NJG 1, NJG 3
Adolf Kalkum19 [70] JG 53
Herbert Kaminski Major7 [74] ZG 76, JG 53 Knight's Cross
Hans-Karl Kamp*24 [4] ZG 76, NJG 1, NJG 4, JG 300 KIA 31 December 1944
Fritz KarchHauptmann47 [75] JG 2 Knight's Cross
Hans KarlewskiMajor6 [4] KG 53, NJG 101, NJG 1, NJG 2
Eberhard KarossLeutnant11 [70] /10 [4] NJG 5, NJG 100
Kurt KarstenOberfeldwebel6 [4] NJG 4, Luftbeobachterstaffel 7, NJG 6
Erich KayserLeutnant5+ [76] /6 [4] NJG 5, NJG 100 PoW 25 January 1945, east of Labiau (present-day Polessk, Kaliningrad oblast)
Dietrich KehlOberleutnant6 JG 26
Georg KeilLeutnant20+ [76] JG 2
Josef KeilUnteroffizier16 [76] JG 3, JG 301
Günther KelchHauptmann13 [76] JG 26
Johannes KellerUnteroffizier23 [76] JG 51
Lothar Keller Hauptmann23 (incl. 3 in Spain) [75] JG 3 Knight's Cross
Otto KellerLeutnant13 [4] NJG 5
Kurt Kelter60 [77] JG 54
Heinz Kemethmüller Oberleutnant89 [21] [78] JG 3, JG 26 Knight's Cross
Karl-Heinz Kempf*Leutnant65 [9] JG 54, JG 26 Knight's Cross
KIA 3 September 1944
Karl Kennel Major34 [79] ZG 26, ZG 2, SG 1, SG 2 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves
Gerhard KepplerLeutnant7 [76] JG 27
Georg Kiefner12 [78] JG 26, JV 44
Johannes Kiel*Hauptmann25 [80] ZG 26, ZG 76 Knight's Cross
KIA 29 January 1944
Willy Kientsch*Oberleutnant53 [81] JG 27 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves
KIA 29 January 1944
Rüdiger von KirchmayrHauptmann20+ [76] JG 1, JG 11, JV 44
Joachim Kirschner*188 [34] /181 [76] JG 3, JG 27 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves
17 December 1943
Otto Kittel*Oberleutnant267 [22] /265+ [76] JG 54 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords
16 February 1945
Ernst Klager22 [82] JG 53
Alfons Klein39 [83] /38 [82] JG 52, JG 11 Knight's Cross
Johann KleinStabsfeldwebel10 [82] JG 52
Hans Klein*5 [82] JG 2 KIA 14 March 1941
Rudolf Klemm Major42 [83] /43 [82] JG 54, JG 26 Knight's Cross
Heinrich Klöpper*Oberleutnant94 [55] /89 [82] JG 51, JG 1 Knight's Cross
KIA 29 November 1943
Reinhold Knacke*Hauptmann45 [4] /44 [84] ZG 1, NJG 1 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves
KIA 3/4 February 1943
Kurt Knappe*Oberfeldwebel56 [85] JG 51, JG 2 Knight's Cross
KIA 3 September 1943
Hans KnauthHauptmann26 [82] JG 51
Wolfgang Knieling*Oberleutnant8 [4] NJG 1, NJG 3, NJG 5, NJG 6 KIA 6/7 July 1944
Heinz Knoke Hauptmann33 [86] JG 1, JG 11 Knight's Cross
1/2 victory {Not awarded}+12 unconfirmed
Gerhard Koall 38 [87] JG 3, JG 54 Knight's Cross
Günther Köberich*Hauptmann14 [4] NJG 3, NJG 2 KIA 8 April 1944 at Quakenbrück airfield
Hans-Günther KochOberfeldwebel9+ [82] JG 51
Harry KochHauptmann21+ [82] JG 26, JG 2
Herbert KochOberleutnant17 [4] NJG 3
Robert KochFeldwebel5 [4] NJG 1 PoW 6/7 October 1944
Josef Kociok*Leutnant33 [4] [37] ZG 76, SKG 210, 10.(NJ)/ZG 1, NJG 200 Knight's Cross
KIA 26/27 September 1943
Hans-Heinrich Koenig*Hauptmann28 [88] /25 [4] ZG 76, NJG 3, Jagdstaffel Helgoland, JG 11 Knight's Cross
KIA 24 May 1944
Armin KöhlerMajor69 [54] JG 27, JG 77 Knight's Cross
Walter KöhneLeutnant20+ [82] JG 52, JG 1, JG 11, EJG 2
Hans Kolbow Oberleutnant27 [89] JG 20, JG 51 Knight's Cross
Reinhard Kollak Stabsfeldwebel49 [4] [15] ZG 1, NJG 1, NJG 4 Knight's Cross
Helmut Konter*Leutnant15–20 [61] /15 [4] NJG 5, NJG 100 MIA in April 1945
Gerhard Köppen*85 [21] JG 52 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves
MIA May 5, 1942
Hans-Günter von Kornatzki*Oberstleutnant6JG 132, JG 52, JG 4 KIA 12 September 1944
Friedrich Körner Oberleutnant36 [90] JG 27 Knight's Cross
Berthold Korts*Leutnant113 [6] /108 [91] JG 52 Knight's Cross
KIA 29 August 1943
Eduard KoslowskiOberfeldwebel12 [92] JG 53, JG 26
Wolfgang KosseHauptmann18+ [91] JG 26, JG 5, JG 1, JG 3
Alfons Köster 25 [25] /20 [4] NJG 1, NJG 2, NJG 3 Knight's Cross
KIA 6/7 January 1945
Franz Köster Unteroffizier6 [91] JG 7, EJG 2, JV 44
Oskar Köstler*Leutnant6 [4] NJG 1 KIA 9/10 April 1943
Willi Kothmann13 [91] JG 27
Herbert KowalskiOberfeldwebel5 [90] JG 27
Heinrich Krafft*Hauptmann78 [93] JG 51, JG 3 Knight's Cross
KIA 14 December 1942
Josef Kraft 56 [10] /51 [4] NJG 4, NJG 5, NJG 6, NJG 1 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves
Josef Krahforst*11 [4] NJG 4 KIA 27/28 September 1944
Karl-Heinz Krahl 24 [94] JG 2, JG 3 Knight's Cross
Erich KrainikUnteroffizier12 [91] JG 27
Benno KratzOberfeldwebel6 [4] NJG 6 WIA 25/26 March 1945
Hans KrauseHauptmann29 [4] /28 [61] NJG 3, NJG 101, NJG 4 Knight's Cross
Herbert KrenzOberfeldwebel12 [91] JG 27
Hans-Joachim Kroschinski Leutnant76 [93] JG 54 Knight's Cross
Heinz Krug9 [92] JG 26
"the Count" Walter Krupinski Hauptmann 197 [34] [95] JG 52, JG 11, JG 26, JV 44 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves
Fritz Kruse*Oberfeldwebel6 [4] NJG 1 KIFA 17/18 May 1943
Elias KühleinLeutnant20+ [95] JG 51
Wilhelm KükenOberfeldwebel45 [95] JG 51, JGr Ost
Franz KunzOberleutnant12 [92] JG 53, JG 26
Josef KunzLeutnant17 [95] JG 5
Wolfgang Kuthe*Oberleutnant8 [4] NJG 3, NJG 2, NJG 1 KIFA 14 April 1943
Herbert Kutscha Hauptmann47 [96] JG 3, JG 27, JG 11 Knight's Cross
Otto KutznerFeldwebel10 [4] NJG 3 WIA 7/8 March 1945


August Lambert*Oberleutnant116 [56] /103 [95] SG 2, SG 77 Knight's Cross
KIA 17 April 1945
Robert Landau*5 [4] NJG 5 KIA 19/20 July 1943
Günther LandtLeutnant22 [95] JG 53
Emil Lang*Hauptmann173 [34] [97] /103 [95] JG 54, JG 26 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves
18 in one day
Friedrich LangeLeutnant7 [98] JG 26
Heinz Lange Major70 [54] /73 [98] JG 21, JG 54, JG 51 Knight's Cross
Hans-Joachim LangerFeldwebel9+ [98] JG 51, JG 7
Karl-Heinz Langer Major30 [99] JG 3 Knight's Cross
Erwin Laskowski Oberfeldwebel46 [100] JG 51, JG 11 Knight's Cross
Kurt Lasse*Oberleutnant39 [100] JG 77 Knight's Cross
KIA 8 October 1941
Fritz Lau Hauptmann28 [61] /23 [98] /22 [4] NJG 1 Knight's Cross
Karl LaubOberfeldwebel7 [97] JG 26
Richard Launer8 [4] NJG 1, NJG 4, NJG 6
Bernhard Lausch36 [98] JG 51
Heinz Leber*Leutnant54 [101] JG 51 Knight's Cross
KIA 1 June 1943
Alois Lechner*Major45 [102] [4] NJG 2, NJG 5, NJG 100 Knight's Cross
MIA 23 February 1944
Karl-Heinz Leesmann*37 [101] JG 52, JG 1 Knight's Cross
KIA 25 July 1943
Erwin LeiboldOberfeldwebel11 [97] JG 26
Hans-Robert (Hans) Leickhardt*Major13 [4] 14.(Z)/LG 1, NJG 1, NJG 3, NJG 5 KIA 5/6 March 1945
Erich Leie*118 [56] /121 [98] JG 2, JG 51, JG 77 Knight's Cross
KIA 7 March 1945
Hermann LeisteLeutnant30 [98] JG 54
Siegfried Lemke Hauptmann96 [55] JG 2 Knight's Cross
Wilhelm Lemke*131 [27] [98] JG 3 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves
KIA 4 December 1943
Helmut Lennartz Feldwebel8+ [98] JG 11, JG 7, EKdo 262, Kdo Nowotny
Helmut Lent*Oberst110 [49] [4] /112 [98] ZG 76, NJG 1, NJG 2, NJG 3 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves, Swords and Diamonds
DoW 7 October 1944 following crash on 5 October, on approach to Paderborn airfield
Richard Leppla Major68 [57] JG 51, JG 105, JG 6 Knight's Cross
Heinrich LeschOberleutnant7 [98] JG 5
Heinrich Leschert*Oberfeldwebel23 [98] JG 53 KIA 10 August 1942
Hermann Leube*Hauptmann20 [4] NJG 3 KIA 27/28 December 1944
Rolf LeuchsMajor8 [4] NJG 1, NJG 6, NJGr 10
Rudolf Leuschel*Hauptmann9 [97] JG 26 KIA 25 February 1944
Erwin LeykaufOberleutnant33 [103] JG 54
Fritz LiebeltLeutnant15 [103] JG 51
Kurt LiedkeHauptmann11 [4] JG 53, NJG 2, NJG 1, NJG 5
Karl von Lieres und WilkauOberleutnant32 [103] JG 27
Frank Liesendahl*Hauptmann~5 [104] JG 53, JG 2 Knight's Cross
KIA 17 July 1942
Arnold Lignitz*Major25 [105] JG 51, JG 54 Knight's Cross
MIA 30 September 1941
Friedrich LindelaubOberfeldwebel5 [97] JG 26
Anton Lindner Oberleutnant73 [5] JG 51 Knight's Cross
Lothar Linke*28 [25] /27 [4] ZG 76, NJG 1, NJG 2 Knight's Cross
KIFA 13/14 May 1943
Rudi Linz*Leutnant70 [54] JG 5 Knight's Cross
KIA 9 February 1945
Helmut Lipfert Hauptmann203 [34] /200 [103] JG 52, JG 53 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves
Egmont Prinz zur Lippe-Weißenfeld*Major51 [10] /49 [4] ZG 76, NJG 1, NJG 2, NJG 3, NJG 5 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves
KIFA 12 March 1944
Wolfgang Lippert*Hauptmann29 (+4 in Spain) JG 53, JG 27 Knight's Cross
KIA 3 December 1941
Stefan Litjens Oberfeldwebel38 [106] JG 53 Knight's Cross
Gerhard Loos*Oberleutnant92 [55] JG 54 Knight's Cross
KIA 6 March 1944
Kurt Loos*Hauptmann11 [4] ZG 2, NJG 1, NJG 5, JG 300 KIA 24 March 1945
Walter Loos Oberfeldwebel38 [106] JG 301, JG 3 Knight's Cross
Ferdinand LöschenkohlLeutnant11 [103] JG 3, JG 7
Fritz Losigkeit Major68 [57] JG 26, JG 1, JG 51, JG 77 Knight's Cross
August LübkingOberfeldwebel38 [103] JG 5, JG 7
Werner Lucas*Hauptmann106 [6] /105 [107] JG 3 Knight's Cross
KIA 24 October 1943
Max-Hermann Lücke*Oberleutnant81 [93] JG 51 Knight's Cross
KIA 8 November 1943
Fritz Lüddecke*Oberfeldwebel51 [107] JG 51 Knight's Cross
KIA 10 August 1944
Robert LüddekeOberfeldwebel11 [4] 2./KG 2, Nachtjagdkette 1, NJG 1, NJG 2
Franz LüdersFeldwebel5 [107] JG 26
Herbert Ludwig*Leutnant13–14 [4] NJG 1, NJG 2, NJSch 1, NJG 101, NJG 6 KIA 23/24 April 1945
Herbert Lütje Oberstleutnant53 [10] /48 [4] 12.(N)/JG 2, NJG 1, NJG 6 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves
Johannes Lutter Hauptmann12 [107] ZG 1, ZG 76, ZG 2, SKG 210, SKG 10, SG 4 Knight's Cross
Günther Lützow*Oberst108 (incl. 5 in Spain) [6] /105/200 [107] JG 3, JV 44 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords
MIA 24 April 1945
August LuyOberfeldwebel5+ [107] JG 5

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  1. Spick 1996, pp. 3–4.
  2. 1 2 3 4 5 Aders & Held 1993, p. 258.
  3. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Mathews & Foreman 2015c, p. 1491.
  4. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 Boiten 2024, p. [ page needed ].
  5. 1 2 3 4 5 Spick 1996, p. 237.
  6. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Spick 1996, p. 232.
  7. Caldwell 1998, pp. 499–500.
  8. 1 2 Caldwell 1998, p. 500.
  9. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Spick 1996, p. 240.
  10. 1 2 3 4 5 Spick 1996, p. 243.
  11. 1 2 Spick 1996, p. 233.
  12. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Mathews & Foreman 2015c, p. 1492.
  13. Caldwell 1998, p. 501.
  14. Obermaier 1989, p. 118.
  15. 1 2 3 Spick 1996, p. 244.
  16. Caldwell 1998, pp. 501–503.
  17. Obermaier 1989, p. 119.
  18. 1 2 Spick 1996, p. 229.
  19. 1 2 3 Obermaier 1989, p. 120.
  20. 1 2 3 Caldwell 1998, p. 502.
  21. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Spick 1996, p. 235.
  22. 1 2 3 Spick 1996, p. 227.
  23. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Mathews & Foreman 2015c, p. 1493.
  24. Scutts 1998, p. 88.
  25. 1 2 3 Spick 1996, p. 246.
  26. 1 2 3 Ring & Girbig 1994, p. 324.
  27. 1 2 3 Spick 1996, p. 230.
  28. Obermaier 1989, p. 122.
  29. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Mathews & Foreman 2015c, p. 1494.
  30. Caldwell 1998, pp. 502–503.
  31. 1 2 3 Caldwell 1998, p. 503.
  32. 1 2 3 4 Zabecki 2014, p. 1614.
  33. Obermaier 1989, p. 125.
  34. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Spick 1996, p. 228.
  35. 1 2 Forsyth 2011, p. 90.
  36. 1 2 Obermaier 1989, p. 126.
  37. 1 2 3 Spick 1996, p. 245.
  38. Obermaier 1989, p. 127.
  39. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Mathews & Foreman 2015c, p. 1495.
  40. 1 2 Zabecki 2014, p. 1616.
  41. 1 2 Obermaier 1989, p. 129.
  42. Obermaier 1989, p. 130.
  43. 1 2 3 Caldwell 1998, p. 504.
  44. 1 2 Aders & Held 1993, p. 259.
  45. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Mathews & Foreman 2015c, p. 1496.
  46. Prien & Rodeike 1993, p. 300.
  47. Obermaier 1989, p. 131.
  48. 1 2 3 Obermaier 1989, p. 132.
  49. 1 2 Spick 1996, p. 242.
  50. 1 2 3 Mathews & Foreman 2015c, p. 1497.
  51. Obermaier 1989, p. 34.
  52. 1 2 3 Caldwell 1998, p. 505.
  53. 1 2 Obermaier 1989, p. 133.
  54. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Spick 1996, p. 238.
  55. 1 2 3 4 Spick 1996, p. 234.
  56. 1 2 3 4 Spick 1996, p. 231.
  57. 1 2 3 4 Spick 1996, p. 239.
  58. Caldwell 1998, pp. 505–506.
  59. Obermaier 1989, p. 136.
  60. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Mathews & Foreman 2015c, p. 1498.
  61. 1 2 3 4 5 Aders 1978, p. 235.
  62. 1 2 Obermaier 1989, p. 137.
  63. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Mathews & Foreman 2015c, p. 1499.
  64. Obermaier 1989, p. 138.
  65. Obermaier 1989, p. 49.
  66. 1 2 Obermaier 1989, p. 139.
  67. 1 2 3 4 Caldwell 1998, p. 507.
  68. Ring & Girbig 1994, p. 325.
  69. Obermaier 1989, p. 140.
  70. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Mathews & Foreman 2015c, p. 1500.
  71. Aders & Held 1993, p. 260.
  72. Obermaier 1989, p. 47.
  73. Obermaier 1989, p. 48.
  74. Obermaier 1989, p. 142.
  75. 1 2 Obermaier 1989, p. 143.
  76. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Mathews & Foreman 2015c, p. 1501.
  77. Zabecki 2014, p. 1617.
  78. 1 2 Caldwell 1998, p. 508.
  79. Obermaier 1989, p. 70.
  80. Obermaier 1989, p. 144.
  81. Obermaier 1989, p. 67.
  82. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Mathews & Foreman 2015c, p. 1502.
  83. 1 2 Obermaier 1989, p. 145.
  84. Heaton et al. 2011, p. 243.
  85. Heaton et al. 2011, p. 240.
  86. Obermaier 1989, p. 146.
  87. Obermaier 1989, p. 147.
  88. Obermaier 1989, p. 148.
  89. Aders & Held 1993, p. 261.
  90. 1 2 Ring & Girbig 1994, p. 326.
  91. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Mathews & Foreman 2015c, p. 1503.
  92. 1 2 3 Caldwell 1998, p. 509.
  93. 1 2 3 Spick 1996, p. 236.
  94. Obermaier 1989, p. 151.
  95. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Mathews & Foreman 2015c, p. 1504.
  96. Obermaier 1989, p. 152.
  97. 1 2 3 4 5 Caldwell 1998, p. 510.
  98. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Mathews & Foreman 2015c, p. 1505.
  99. Obermaier 1989, p. 153.
  100. 1 2 Obermaier 1989, p. 154.
  101. 1 2 Obermaier 1989, p. 155.
  102. Heaton et al. 2011, p. 242.
  103. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Mathews & Foreman 2015c, p. 1506.
  104. Obermaier 1989, p. 157.
  105. Obermaier 1989, p. 158.
  106. 1 2 Obermaier 1989, p. 160.
  107. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Mathews & Foreman 2015c, p. 1507.


  • Aders, Gebhard (1978). History of the German Night Fighter Force, 1917–1945. London: Janes. ISBN   978-0-354-01247-8.
  • Aders, Gebhard; Held, Werner (1993). Jagdgeschwader 51 'Mölders' Eine Chronik – Berichte – Erlebnisse – Dokumente[Fighter Wing 51 'Mölders' A Chronicle – Reports – Experiences – Documents] (in German). Stuttgart, Germany: Motorbuch Verlag. ISBN   978-3-613-01045-1.
  • Boiten, Theo (2024). Nachtjagd Combat Archive - Biographies (1st ed.). Red Kite. ISBN   978-1-906592-88-2.
  • Caldwell, Donald L. (1998). The JG 26 War Diary: Volume Two 1943–1945. London: Grub Street. ISBN   978-1-898697-86-2.
  • Forsyth, Robert (2011). Luftwaffe Viermot Aces 1942–45. Aircraft of the Aces. Vol. 101. Oxford, UK: Osprey Publishing. ISBN   978-1-84908-438-3.
  • Heaton, Colin D.; Lewis, Anne-Marie; Olds, Robin; Schulze, Kurt (2011). The German Aces Speak: World War II Through the Eyes of Four of the Luftwaffe's Most Important Commanders. Voyageur Press. ISBN   978-1-61059-748-7.
  • Mathews, Andrew Johannes; Foreman, John (2015c). Luftwaffe Aces – Biographies and Victory Claims – Volume 4 S–Z. Walton on Thames: Red Kite. ISBN   978-1-906592-21-9.
  • Obermaier, Ernst (1989). Die Ritterkreuzträger der Luftwaffe Jagdflieger 1939 – 1945[The Knight's Cross Bearers of the Luftwaffe Fighter Force 1939 – 1945] (in German). Mainz, Germany: Verlag Dieter Hoffmann. ISBN   978-3-87341-065-7.
  • Prien, Jochen; Rodeike, Peter (1993). Jagdgeschwader 1 und 11—Einsatz in der Reichsverteidigung von 1939 bis 1945—Teil 1–1939–1943[Jagdgeschwader 1 and 11—Operations in the Defense of the Reich from 1939 to 1945—Volume 1–1939–1943] (in German). Eutin, Germany: Struve-Druck. ISBN   978-3-923457-21-2.
  • Ring, Hans; Girbig, Werner (1994) [1971]. Jagdgeschwader 27 Die Dokumentation über den Einsatz an allen Fronten 1939–1945[Jagdgeschwader 27 The Documentation on the Deployment on all Fronts from 1939 to 1945] (in German) (8th ed.). Stuttgart, Germany: Motorbuch Verlag. ISBN   978-3-87943-215-8.
  • Scutts, Jerry (1998). German Night Fighter Aces of World War 2. Aircraft of the Aces. Vol. 20. Oxford, UK: Osprey Publishing. ISBN   978-1-85532-696-5.
  • Spick, Mike (1996). Luftwaffe Fighter Aces . New York: Ivy Books. ISBN   978-0-8041-1696-1.
  • Zabecki, David T., ed. (2014). Germany at War: 400 Years of Military History. Santa Barbara, California: ABC-Clio. ISBN   978-1-59884-981-3.