List of Canadian flying aces

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This is a list of Canadian flying aces .

World War I (1914–1918)

William Avery "Billy" Bishop, the highest scoring Canadian ace of all time. BillyBishop.jpg
William Avery "Billy" Bishop, the highest scoring Canadian ace of all time.

The following is a list of Canadians that achieved 5 or more victories during World War I. They achieved this while flying for the Royal Flying Corps, the Royal Naval Air Service, or the Royal Air Force.


William Avery Bishop 72Royal Flying Corps
Royal Air Force
Raymond Collishaw 60Royal Naval Air Service
Royal Air Force
Donald Roderick MacLaren 54Royal Flying Corps
Royal Air Force
William George Barker 50Royal Flying Corps
Royal Air Force
Alfred Clayburn Atkey 38Royal Flying Corps
William Gordon Claxton 37Royal Air Force
Joseph Stewart Temple Fall 36Royal Naval Air Service
Frederick Robert Gordon McCall 35Royal Flying Corps
Royal Air Force
Frank Granger Quigley 33Royal Flying Corps
Andrew Edward McKeever 31Royal Flying Corps
Albert Desbrisay Carter 29Royal Flying Corps
Royal Air Force
Reginald Theodore Carlos Hoidge 28Royal Flying Corps
Royal Air Force
Clifford Mackay McEwen 27Royal Flying Corps
Royal Air Force
Frank Ormond Soden 27Royal Flying Corps
Royal Air Force
Arthur Treloar Whealy 27Royal Naval Air Service
Royal Air Force
William McKenzie Thomson 26Royal Air Force
Stanley Wallace Rosevear 25Royal Naval Air Service
Royal Air Force
William Ernest Shields 24Royal Air Force
William Melville Alexander 23Royal Air Force
Royal Naval Air Service
Joseph Leonard Maries White 22Royal Air Force
Harold Leslie Edwards 21Royal Flying Corps
Charles Robert Reeves Hickey 21Royal Naval Air Service
Royal Air Force
Kenneth Burns Conn 20Royal Air Force
Camille Henry Raoul Lagesse 20Royal Flying Corps
Royal Air Force
Arthur Bradfield Fairclough 19Royal Flying Corps
Royal Air Force
Ellis Vair Reid 19Royal Naval Air Service
George Chisholm MacKay 18Royal Naval Air Service
Royal Air Force
Alfred Williams Carter 17Royal Naval Air Service
Royal Air Force
Stearne Tighe Edwards 17Royal Naval Air Service
Royal Air Force
Carl Frederick Falkenberg 17Royal Air Force
Reginald Makepeace 17Royal Flying Corps
Royal Air Force
Gerald Gordon Bell 16Royal Flying Corps
Royal Air Force
Henry John Burden 16Royal Flying Corps
Royal Air Force
James Alpheus Glen 15Royal Naval Air Service
Royal Flying Corps
John Edmund Greene 15Royal Naval Air Service
Royal Air Force
Carleton Main Clement 14Royal Flying Corps
Albert Earl Godfrey 14Royal Flying Corps
John Victor Sorsoleil 14Royal Flying Corps
Royal Air Force
George Thomson 14Royal Air Force
Hazel LeRoy Wallace 14Royal Naval Air Service
Royal Air Force
Thomas Frederic Williams 14Royal Flying Corps
Royal Air Force
Frederick Carr Armstrong 13Royal Naval Air Service
Wilfred Austin Curtis 13Royal Naval Air Service
George Robert Howsam 13Royal Flying Corps
Royal Air Force
Ernest Charles Hoy 13Royal Air Force
Harold Byron Hudson 13Royal Flying Corps
Royal Air Force
Ronald McNeil Keirstead 13Royal Naval Air Service
John Gerald Manuel 13Royal Naval Air Service
Royal Air Force
Wilfrid Reid May 13Royal Air Force
Stanley Stanger 13Royal Flying Corps
Royal Air Force
Gerald Alfred Birks 12Royal Flying Corps
Royal Air Force
Edwin C. Bromley 12Royal Air Force
William Leeming Harrison 12Royal Flying Corps
Royal Air Force
William Henry Hubbard 12Royal Flying Corps
Royal Air Force
Gordon Budd Irving 12Royal Flying Corps
Royal Air Force
William Stanley Jenkins 12Royal Air Force
Roy Manzer 12Royal Air Force
Douglas McGregor 12Royal Flying Corps
Henry Coyle Rath 12Royal Air Force
Alexander MacDonald Shook 12Royal Naval Air Service
William Samuel Stephenson 12Royal Flying Corps
Royal Air Force
Melville Wells Waddington 12Royal Flying Corps
James Butler White 12Royal Naval Air Service
Royal Air Force
Fred Everest Banbury 11Royal Naval Air Service
Arnold Jacques Chadwick 11Royal Naval Air Service
Hiram Frank Davison 11Royal Flying Corps
William James Arthur Duncan 11Royal Flying Corps
Royal Air Force
Charles Duncan Bremner Green 11Royal Air Force
William Roy Irwin 11Royal Air Force
Mansell Richard James 11Royal Air Force
George Owen Johnson 11Royal Flying Corps
Royal Air Force
Emile John Lussier 11Royal Air Force
Harold Anthony Oaks 11Royal Air Force
Hilliard Brooke Bell 10Royal Flying Corps
Royal Air Force
Lloyd Samuel Breadner 10Royal Naval Air Service
Arthur Roy Brown 10Royal Naval Air Service
Royal Air Force
Frederick Elliott Brown 10Royal Flying Corps
Robert Dodds 10Royal Flying Corps
Alfred Michael Koch 10Royal Flying Corps
John Joseph Malone 10Royal Naval Air Service
Alfred Edwin McKay 10Royal Flying Corps
Guy Borthwick Moore 10Royal Flying Corps
Frank Harold Taylor 10Royal Flying Corps
Royal Air Force
William Henry Brown 9Royal Flying Corps
Royal Air Force
George William Bulmer 9Royal Flying Corps
Royal Air Force
Leonard Arthur Christian 9Royal Air Force
Richard Jeffries Dawes 9Royal Flying Corps
Royal Air Force
Roger Amedee Del'Haye 9Royal Air Force
George Clapham Dixon9Royal Flying Corps
Royal Air Force
James Henry Forman 9Royal Flying Corps
Royal Air Force
Acheson Goulding 9Royal Flying Corps
Royal Air Force
Harold Spencer Kerby 9Royal Naval Air Service
Royal Air Force
David MacKay McGoun 9Royal Flying Corps
Royal Air Force
William Wendell Rogers 9Royal Flying Corps
Ernest James Salter 9Royal Air Force
Anthony Spence9Royal Naval Air Service
Royal Air Force
Louis Mark Thompson9Royal Flying Corps
Royal Air Force
Kenneth Bowman Watson 9Royal Air Force
Bernard Beanlands 8Royal Flying Corps
Royal Air Force
William Benson Craig 8Royal Air Force
John Dartnell De Pencier8Royal Flying Corps
Royal Air Force
William Durrand 8Royal Flying Corps
Austin Lloyd Fleming 8Royal Flying Corps
D'Arcy Fowlis Hilton 8Royal Flying Corps
Ernest Graham Joy 8Royal Flying Corps
Royal Air Force
Kenneth William Junor 8Royal Flying Corps
Royal Air Force
William Myron MacDonald 8Royal Air Force
Reginald George Malcolm 8Royal Flying Corps
George Ivan Douglas Marks8Royal Flying Corps
Roderick McDonald8Royal Naval Air Service
Royal Air Force
William Jackson Rutherford8Royal Flying Corps
John Edward Sharman 8Royal Naval Air Service
John Henry Smith8Royal Air Force
Langley Frank Willard Smith 8Royal Naval Air Service
Alexander Gordon Tyrrell 8Royal Flying Corps
Royal Air Force
Claude Melnot Wilson 8Royal Air Force
Alan Duncan Bell-Irving 7Royal Flying Corps
David Luther Burgess 7Royal Flying Corps
Lynn Campbell7Royal Air Force
Arthur Claydon 7Royal Flying Corps
Royal Air Force
Ernest Francis Hartley Davis7Royal Flying Corps
Royal Air Force
Henry Eric Dolan 7Royal Flying Corps
Royal Air Force
Conway Farrell 7Royal Flying Corps
George Buchanan Foster 7Royal Air Force
Eric Charlton Gilroy7Royal Flying Corps
Royal Air Force
William Carrall Hilborn 7Royal Air Force
Jeffrey Batters Home-Hay 7Royal Flying Corps
Royal Air Force
Arthur Eyguem De Montainge Jarvis 7Royal Air Force
Archibald Nathaniel Jenks7Royal Flying Corps
Harold Waddell Joslyn7Royal Flying Corps
Alfred Alexander Leitch 7Royal Flying Corps
Royal Air Force
Malcolm Plaw MacLeod 7Royal Air Force
Roy Kirkwood McConnell 7Royal Flying Corps
Royal Air Force
Ernest Morrow 7Royal Flying Corps
Royal Air Force
John Albert Page7Royal Naval Air Service
Stanley Asa Puffer7Royal Flying Corps
Royal Air Force
Lewis Hector Ray7Royal Air Force
Emerson Arthur Lincoln Fisher Smith 7Royal Flying Corps
Merrill Samuel Taylor 7Royal Naval Air Service
Royal Air Force
Percival Ewart Appleby 6Royal Air Force
Henry Gordon Clappison 6Royal Flying Corps
Irving Benfield Corey 6Royal Air Force
Earl Frederick Crabb 6Royal Air Force
Jack Elmer Drummond6Royal Flying Corps
Royal Air Force
Herbert Howard Snowden Fowler6Royal Naval Air Service
Royal Air Force
Daniel Murray Bayne Galbraith 6Royal Naval Air Service
Richard Alexander Hewat6Royal Flying Corps
Royal Air Force
Ernest Tilton Sumpter Kelly6Royal Air Force
Earl Stanley Meek6Royal Flying Corps
Norman Craig Millman 6Royal Flying Corps
Gerald Ewart Nash6Royal Naval Air Service
Medley Kingdon Perlee6Royal Flying Corps
William Keith Swayze6Royal Flying Corps
Royal Air Force
Harry Lutz Symons6Royal Flying Corps
George Leonary Trapp6Royal Naval Air Service
Harry Ellis Watson6Royal Flying Corps
Royal Air Force
Harry Alison Wood 6Royal Flying Corps
George Benson Anderson5Royal Naval Air Service
Louis Drummond Bawlf5Royal Naval Air Service
Royal Air Force
George Water Blaicklock5Royal Naval Air Service
William Otway Boger 5Royal Naval Air Service
Royal Air Force
Edward Borgfeld Booth5Royal Flying Corps
William Eric Bottrill5Royal Air Force
Harry Neville Compton 5Royal Flying Corps
John Bonnicher Crompton5Royal Flying Corps
Lumsden Cummings5Royal Flying Corps
Chester Stairs Duffus 5Royal Flying Corps
Edward Carter Eaton5Royal Flying Corps
Royal Air Force
William Boyd Elliott 5Royal Air Force
Sydney Emerson Ellis5Royal Naval Air Service
George William Gladstone Gauld 5Royal Air Force
John Gillanders 5Royal Air Force
William Gillespie 5Royal Flying Corps
Royal Air Force
Edward Rochford Grange 5Royal Naval Air Service
Hugh Bradford Griffith5Royal Flying Corps
John Playton Hales5Royal Naval Air Service
Royal Air Force
Joseph E. Hallonquist 5Royal Air Force
Earl McNabb Hand 5Royal Flying Corps
Royal Air Force
Conrad Tolendal Lally 5Royal Flying Corps
Robert Hanzel Little5Royal Flying Corps
Royal Air Force
Ross Morrison MacDonald5Royal Air Force
John Finlay Noel MacRae5Royal Flying Corps
Patrick Scarsfield Manley5Royal Air Force
William Drummond Matheson 5Royal Flying Corps
Royal Air Force
John Harry McNeaney 5Royal Air Force
Russel Fern McRae5Royal Flying Corps
Royal Air Force
Harold Arthur Sydney Molyneaux 5Royal Air Force
Harold Edgar Mott5Royal Naval Air Service
Redford Henry Mulock 5Royal Naval Air Service
John Edward Pugh 5Royal Flying Corps
Royal Air Force
James Robert Smith 5Royal Flying Corps
George Arthur Welsh 5Royal Air Force
Robert Kenneth Whitney 5Royal Air Force

World War II (1939–1945)

George "Buzz" Beurling, the highest scoring Canadian ace of World War II. George Beurling Vancouver 1943.jpg
George "Buzz" Beurling, the highest scoring Canadian ace of World War II.

The following is a list of Canadians that achieved 5 or more victories during World War II.

George Frederick Beurling 31.33Royal Air Force
Royal Canadian Air Force
Henry Wallace McLeod 21Royal Air Force
Royal Canadian Air Force
Vernon Crompton Woodward 19.83Royal Air Force
George Wittman17
William Lidstone McKnight 16.5Royal Air Force
Robert Wendell McNair 16.5Royal Air Force
Royal Canadian Air Force
Edward Francis John Charles 15.5Royal Air Force
James Francis Edwards 15Royal Canadian Air Force
William Klersy 15Royal Canadian Air Force
Donald Currie Laubman 15Royal Canadian Air Force
Robert Alexander Barton 14.5Royal Air Force
Arthur Benoit Leduc≈14.5Royal Canadian Air Force
John Frederick McElroy14.5 [1] Royal Air Force
Royal Canadian Air Force
Robert Carl Fumerton 14Royal Air Force
Royal Canadian Air Force
Percival Stanley Turner 14Royal Air Force
George Urquhart Hill13.53Royal Air Force
Royal Canadian Air Force
Roderick Illingworth Alpine Smith13.25Royal Air Force
Royal Canadian Air Force
George Clinton Keefer13Royal Canadian Air Force
John Alexander Kent 13Royal Air Force
John Howard Turnbull12.5Royal Air Force
Irving Farmer Kennedy 12.08Royal Air Force
Royal Canadian Air Force
Albert Ulrich Houle11.5Royal Air Force
Royal Canadian Air Force
John MacKay11.2 [2] Royal Canadian Air Force
Donald Campbell Gordon11Royal Air Force
Royal Canadian Air Force
Eric Norman Woods10.66Royal Air Force
Richard Joseph Audet 10.5Royal Canadian Air Force
Robert Allan Kipp 10.5Royal Canadian Air Force
John Mitchner 10.5Royal Canadian Air Force
Dallas Wilbur Schmidt 10.5Royal Air Force
James Elmslie Walker10.5Royal Canadian Air Force
Hamilton Upton 10.33Royal Air Force
Frederick Alan Aikman 9.5Royal Air Force
Leslie Cyril Gosling9.5Royal Air Force
Wilfred John Banks9Royal Canadian Air Force
Russell Bannock 9Royal Canadian Air Force
George William Johnson9Royal Canadian Air Force
John Urwin-Mann 9Royal Air Force
John Wiliam Williams9Royal Air Force
George Noel Keith 8.5Royal Air Force
James Douglas Lindsay8.5Royal Air Force
Geoffrey Wilson Northcott8.5Royal Air Force
Royal Canadian Air Force
Hugh Charles Trainor8.5Royal Canadian Air Force
Andrew Robert MacKenzie8.25Royal Canadian Air Force
William Lawrence Chisholm8Royal Air Force
Garth Edwards Horricks8Royal Air Force
Royal Australian Air Force
David Robert Charles Jamieson8Royal Canadian Air Force
Donald Mathew Pieri8Royal Canadian Air Force
J.A. Ray8Royal Air Force
Joseph Guillaume Laurent Robillard8Royal Air Force
Royal Canadian Air Force
Rayne Dennis Schultz8Royal Canadian Air Force
James Hamilton Ballantyne7.75Royal Air Force
Royal Canadian Air Force
Robert Davidson Grassick7.5Royal Air Force
Bruce Johnstone Ingalls7.5Royal Air Force
Royal Canadian Air Force
Harry Deane MacDonald7.5Royal Canadian Air Force
Robert Rutherford Smith7.5Royal Air Force
John Blandford Latta 7.33Royal Air Force
James Duncan Smith7.33Royal Air Force
George Patterson Christie7Royal Air Force
Homer Powel Cochrane7Royal Air Force
Hugh Constant Godefroy7Royal Air Force
Royal Canadian Air Force
Douglas Irving Hall7Royal Canadian Air Force
James D. Lindsey7 [3]
Donald Aikens MacFayden7Royal Air Force
Ian Roy MacLennan 7Royal Air Force
John Felton Mackie7Royal Air Force
Thomas Lawrence Patterson7Royal Air Force
Gordon Learmont Raphael7Royal Air Force
James Dean Somerville7Royal Canadian Air Force
Noel Karl Stansfield7Royal Air Force
James Arthur Walker7Royal Air Force
Henry Paul Michael Zary7Royal Canadian Air Force
Lloyd Vernon Chadburn 6.58Royal Air Force
Royal Canadian Air Force
Robert Andrew Buckham6.5Royal Canadian Air Force
Walter Allan Grenfell Conrad6.5Royal Air Force
Robert Tremayne Pillsbury Davidson6.5Royal Air Force
Harry Thorpe Mitchell6.5Royal Air Force
Joseph Jean Paul Sabourin6.5Royal Air Force
Harry James Dowding6.33Royal Canadian Air Force
Alfred Keith Ogilvie6.33Royal Air Force
Gordon William Troke6.25Royal Air Force
Royal Canadian Air Force
Howard Peter Blatchford 6Royal Air Force
Matthew S. Jr. Byrnes6United States Navy
Lorne Maxwell Cameron6Royal Canadian Air Force
William Watson Downer6Royal Air Force
Charles Emanuel Edinger6Royal Canadian Air Force
Leslie Sydney Ford6Royal Canadian Air Force
C.M. Jasper6Royal Canadian Air Force
Donald Harold Kimball6Royal Canadian Air Force
Joseph Emil Paul Laricheliere 6Royal Air Force
L.A. Moore6Royal Air Force
William Henry Nelson6Royal Air Force
George Pepper6Royal Air Force
Lloyd Gilbert Schwab6Royal Air Force
James Henry Whalen 6Royal Air Force
Frederick Albert William Johnson Wilson6Royal Canadian Air Force
Wilbert George Dodd5.58Royal Air Force
J.F. Barrick5.5Royal Canadian Air Force
John Joseph Boyle5.5Royal Canadian Air Force
Howard Douglas Cleveland5.5Royal Canadian Air Force
Harry Elmore Fenwick5.5Royal Air Force
Lionel Manley Gaunce5.5Royal Air Force
Robert Kitchener Hayward5.5Royal Canadian Air Force
Ernest A. McNab5.5Royal Canadian Air Force
Guy Elwood Mott5.5Royal Canadian Air Force
David Edward Ness5.5Royal Air Force
Rodney Thirsk Phipps5.5Royal Air Force
Blair D. Russel5.5Royal Canadian Air Force
Hugh Norman Tamblyn5.5Royal Air Force
David John Williams5.5Royal Canadian Air Force
W.J.E. Harten5.41Royal Canadian Air Force
H.D. Edwards5.33Royal Air Force
Douglas Franklin Husband5.33Royal Air Force
Royal Canadian Air Force
Ronald Robert Morrison5.33Royal Canadian Air Force
Donald George Reid5.33Royal Air Force
Daniel Edward Noonan5.25Royal Canadian Air Force
Gregory Donald Angus Tunnicliffe Cameron5.2Royal Canadian Air Force
R.M. Davenport5.2Royal Canadian Air Force
Hedley Joseph Everard5.2Royal Air Force
Royal Canadian Air Force
Allen Benjamin Angus5Royal Air Force
Michael Wilmont Hamilton Askey5Royal Air Force
Foss Henry Boulton5Royal Canadian Air Force
Russell Reginald Bouskill5Royal Canadian Air Force
William Ranson Breithaupt5Royal Canadian Air Force
Ralph Isaac Edward5Royal Air Force
Royal Canadian Air Force
P.R. Burton-Gyles5Royal Canadian Air Force
John Todd Caine5Royal Canadian Air Force
Philip Marcel Charron5Royal Air Force
Royal Canadian Air Force
H.A. Crawford5Royal Air Force
Robert William Rouviere Day5Royal Air Force
Cleo Gauthier6Royal Air Force
Malcolm Grant Graham5Royal Canadian Air Force
Paul Gilbert Johnson5Royal Air Force
Milton Eardley Jowsey5Royal Air Force
Royal Canadian Air Force
Walter Gordon Kirkwood5Royal Air Force
Esli Gordon Lapp5Royal Canadian Air Force
Arthur George Lawrence5Royal Canadian Air Force
Charles McLaughlin Magwood5Royal Canadian Air Force
Frederick Thomas Murray5Royal Canadian Air Force
John William Neil5Royal Air Force
Royal Canadian Air Force
M. Reeves5Royal Canadian Air Force
A.H. Sager5Royal Canadian Air Force
Donald John Sheppard5FAA
Jackson Eddis Sheppard5Royal Canadian Air Force
Albert Ivan Smith5Royal Air Force
F.M. Smith5Royal Air Force
Gordon Wonnacott5Royal Canadian Air Force

Multiple wars

Clifford "Denny" Wilson, served in both World War II and the 1948 Arab-Israeli War Cliffordwilson.jpg
Clifford "Denny" Wilson, served in both World War II and the 1948 Arab–Israeli War

The following is a list of Canadians that achieved 5 or more victories throughout multiple wars.

NameTotal VictoriesNotes
John Joseph Doyle54 victories in the 1948 Arab–Israeli War and 1 in World War II
Joseph Auguste Omer Lévesque54 victories in World War II and 1 in the Korean War
Clifford Denzel Woodrow Wilson53 victories in 1948 Arab–Israeli War and 2 in World War II


  1. Also had 3 victories in the 1948 Arab–Israeli War
  2. Also had 1 victory in the Korean War
  3. Also had 2 victories in the Korean War


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LeutnantKarl Allmenröder was a German World War I flying ace credited with 30 aerial victories. The medical student son of a preacher father was seasoned in the trenches as an 18-year-old artilleryman in the early days of the First World War, earning promotion via battlefield commission to Leutnant on 30 March 1915. After transferring to aviation and serving some time as an artillery spotter in two-seater reconnaissance airplanes, he transferred to flying fighter aircraft with Jagdstaffel 11 in November 1916. As Manfred von Richthofen's protege, Karl Allmenröder scored the first of his 30 confirmed victories on 16 February 1917. Flying a scarlet Albatros D.III trimmed out with white nose and elevators, Allmenröder would score a constant string of aerial victories until 26 June 1917, the day before his death. On 27 June 1917, Karl Allmenröder fell to his death near Zillebeke, Belgium. His posthumous legacy of patriotic courage would later be abused as propaganda by the Nazis.

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Lieutenant Kenneth Bowman Watson was a Canadian World War I flying ace. He was credited with nine aerial victories. On 9 October 1918, he achieved the extraordinary feat of capturing two enemy airplanes during a dogfight.