List of World War II aces from Canada

Last updated

This is a list of fighter aces in World War II from Canada. For other countries see List of World War II aces by country



Aikman, Frederick Alan 10DFC*Wingman of Paddy Finucane
Angus, Allen Benjamin 5DFCKIA 16 May 1940
Archer, Philip Leslie I 6DFCKIA 17 June 1943
Armstrong, H A 5
Arthur, Charles Ian Rose "Duke" 6
Askey, Michael William Hamilton 5KIA 28 October 1943
Atkinson, William Henry Isaac 5DSCFAA
Audet, Richard Joseph "Dick" 11DFC*KIA 3 March 1945


Ballantyne, James Hamilton 6DFM
Banks, Wilfred John 9DFC*
Bannock, Russell "Russ" 28DSO, DFC*
Barton, Robert Alexander "Butch" 17DFC* Battle of Britain, Surviving Aircrew
Beurling, George "Buzz/Screwball" 32DSO, DFC, DFM*KIFA 20 May 1948
Blatchford, Howard Peter "Cowboy" 8DFC Battle of Britain, KIA 3 May 1943 [1]
Bodien, Henri Erskine ("Joe") [2] 5 [a] DFC Night fighter ace. Flew a Boulton Paul Defiant in No. 151 (Night Fighter) Squadron RAF so the first three of his victories are also credited to his air gunner, for first two this was Sgt. D.E.C. Jonas (KIA 10 Apr 1941).
Bodien retired 6 July 1966 as a wing commander. Died 1999
Boulton, Henry "Foss" 5DFC
Bouskill, Russell Reginald 5DFCKIA 2 October 1944
Bowker, Harlow W "Bud" 7DFCKIA 2 JULY 1944
Boyle, John Greer "Beryl" 7 Battle of Britain, KIA 28 September 1940
Boyle, John Joseph 6DFC
Brannagan, Thomas A "Tommy" 7DFC
Breithaupt, William Ranson 5DFCKIA 12 September 1944
Britten, Ralph Isaac Edward 5DFC
Brown, Mark Henry "Hilly" 19DFC*, MC (Czech) Battle of Britain, KIA November 1941 (Sicily) [3]
Buckham, Robert Andrew 7DFC*, DFC (US)


Caine, John Todd 6DFC** [4]
Cameron, Gregory Donald Angus Tunnicliffe 5DFC
Cameron, Lorne Maxwell 6
Chadburn, Lloyd Vernon "Chad" 8DSO*, DFC, LdH, CdGKIA 13 June 1944 (Collision) [5]
Charles, Edward Francis John "Jack" 16DSO, DFC* Battle of Britain [6] [7]
Charron, Philip Marcel 7KIA 19 November 1944 [8]
Chisholm, William Lawrence "Red" 8DFC*
Christie, George Paterson 7DFC*KIA 6 July 1942 [9]
Cleveland, Howard Douglas 5DFC [10]
Cochran, Homer Powell 9DFC
Cochrane, Arthur Charles "Cocky" 6DFC Battle of Britain, MIA 31 March 1943 [11] [12]
Connel, William Charles "Bud"5DFC
Conrad, Walter Allan Grenfell 8DFC* [13]
Cotterill, Stanley Herbert Ross8DFCKIFA 18 October 1944 [14]
Crawford, Harvey Alexander 5DFC [15]


Dack, David Blake 3+2 on ground
Davidson, Robert Tremagne Pillsbury 6DFC
Day, Robert William Rouviere 6
Dodd, Wilbert George 8DFC
Dover, Dean Hugh5DFC*
Dowding, Harry James 8DFC*
Downer, William Watson 5DFCKIA 16 April 1944 [16]
Draper, John William Petterson5DFC
Durno, Leslie Duncan5MiD*FAA, KIA 29 January 1945 [17]


Edinger, Charles Emanuel 6+1 DamagedDFC
Edwards, Harry Davies 5 Battle of Britain, KIA 11 September 1940 [18]
Edwards, James Francis "Stocky" 18DFC*, DFMCM,CD
Engbrecht, Peter 6CGMGunner [19]
Evans, Colin John 9
Everard, Hedley Joseph "Snooks" 6DFC


Fenwick, Harry Elmore 6DFCKIA 21 June 1944
Ford, Leslie Sydney 6DFC*KIA 4 June 1943
Forsyth, David Esplin8
Fowlow, Norman Ralph5Newfoundland
Fumerton, Robert Carl "Moose" 14DFC*, AFC Battle of Britain [20]


Gaunce, Lionel Manley "Elmer" 6DFC Battle of Britain, MIA 19 November 1941 [21]
Gauthier, Cleo 5
Godefroy, Hugh Constant ("Huey")7 + 3 probableDSO, DFC, CdG Dutch national. [22] [23] [24]
Gordon, Donald Campbell "Chunky" 11DFC*
Gordon, Malcom James "Mac" 8DFC
Gosling, Leslie Cyril "Goose" 10DFCKIA 19 July 1943
Graham, Malcolm Grant "Mac" 5DFC*
Grassick, Robert Davidson 8


Hall, Douglas Irving "Sammy" 7DFC*
Harling, David William Armstrong5
Harten John Wilbert Edmund5KIA 19 April 1945
Hayward Robert Kitchener 6DSO, DFC
Hill, George Urquhart 18DFC**
Hoare, Thomas Harvey "Tom"5DFC
Horricks, Garth Edwards 9DFMKIFA 1 July 1951
Houle, Albert Ulrich "Bert" 13DFC*, CD
Hughes, John Charles5
Husband, Douglas Franklin 6DFC


Ingalls, Bruce Johnstone 8DFCKIA 16 June 1944


Jamieson, David Robert Charles 8
Jasper, Clarence Murl4+3 V-1sDFC
George William Johnson8DFC*, CD
Johnson, James Robert Feir 5
Johnson, P G5+2 dam+1 probDFC
Jones, Frank Everett 4+2 sh+3 damDFC
Jowsey, Milton Eardley 5+1 prob+3 damDFC


Keefer, George Clinton 12DSO*, DFC, CdG, NFC
Keith, George Noel 9DFCKIA 4 August 1943
Kennedy, Irving Farmer "Hap" 15DFC*
Kent, John Alexander "Johnnie" 12DFC*, AFC, VM Battle of Britain [25]
Kerr, James Bernard 5MIA 17 July 1944
Kimball, Donald Harold 6DFC
Kipp, Robert Allan 11DSO, DFCKIFA 25 July 1949
Kirkwood, Walter Gordon 5DFC
Klersy, William Thomas "Bill" 15DSO, DFC*+2 on ground. KIFA 22 May 1945 [26]


Lake, Ronald George5
Lapp, Esli Gordon 6DFC
Larichelière, Joseph Emil Paul 6 Battle of Britain, MIA 16 August 1940
Latta, John Blandford 8DFC Battle of Britain, KIA 12 January 1941 [27]
Laubman, Donald Currie "Don" 16AOE, DFC*, CDPOW 1945
Lawrence, Arthur George 5
Leggat, P S1 + 9 V-1sDFC, DFC (US)
Lindsay, James Douglas "Doug" 7DFC, DFC (US), CD
Linton, Karl Raymond "Lucky"5DFC


MacDonald, Harry Deane 9DFC*KIA 30 November 1943
McElroy, John Frederick 13
MacFayden, Donald Aikins 12DSO, DFC*
McGregor, Gordon Roy 5DFC CdG Battle of Britain
MacKay, John Mahachak 12
MacKenzie, Andrew Robert 9POW
Mackie, John Felton 7KIA 15 April 1941
McKnight, William Lidstone "Willie" 19DFC* Battle of Britain, MIA 12 January 1941 [28]
MacLennan, Ian Roy 7
McLeod, Henry Wallace "Wally" 21KIA 27 September 1944
McNab, Ernest Archibald 5OBE, DFC, CD Battle of Britain [29]
McNair, Robert Wendell "Buck" 16DSO, DFC**, LoH, CdG
McPhie, R A8
Magwood, Charles McLaughlin 6
Main, Basil William "Rocky"5KIA 4 February 1942
Martyn, William Haig5FAA
May, N S5
Mitchell, Harry Thorpe 7DFC Battle of Britain [30]
Mitchner, John Davidson 11DFC*
Moffett, H Bruce8
Morrison. Donald Robert 7POW 1942
Mott, Guy Elwood 6
Murray, Frederick Thomas 5POW 1945


Neil, John William 5DFCPOW 23 Aug 1944
Nelson, William Henry 5DFC Battle of Britain, MIA 1 November 1940 [31]
Ness, David Edward 11DFC
Noonan, Daniel Edward7DFC
Northcott, Geoffrey Wilson "Jeff" 9DSO, DFC*


Ockenden, Gordon 5
Ogilvie, Alfred Keith "Skeets" 6DFC Battle of Britain, Later bailed out and taken POW 9 January 1941


Patterson, Thomas Lawrence 8KIA 25 April 1941
Pepper, George6DFC*KIFA 17 November 1942
Phipps, Rodney Thirsk 6DFC


Raphael, Gordon Learmouth "Raffy" 9DSO, DFC*KIA 10 April 1945 [32]
Rathwell, Donald Westley5
Reeves, McKenzie5KIA 28 March 1945 [33]
Reid, Donald George "Shorty" 6DFMKIA 22 July 1942 [34] [35]
Reid, Wilmer Harry5DFC
Robertson, Graham David5DFC
Robillard, Joseph Guillaume Laurent "Larry" 7DFM [36]
Russel, Blair Dalzell "Dal" 7DSO, DFC*, CdG Battle of Britain [37] [38] [39]


Sabourin, Joseph Jean Paul 7DFCKIA 16 September 1942 (El Alamein) [40]
Sager, Arthur Hazelton 6
Sager, Henry (Hank) 2
Saphir, John5
Schmidt, Dallas Wilbur 9DFC*
Schultz, Rayne Dennis "Joe" 8
Schwab, Lloyd Gilbert 6KIA 15 February 1960
Sewell, William Richard Percival "Percy"5KIFA 20 October 1943 (Italy) [41]
Sheppard, Donald John 6FAA
Sheppard, Jackson Eddis 5
Smith, Albert Ivan 5
Smith, Forgrave Marshall "Hiram" 5DFC Battle of Britain
Smith, James Duncan "Smudger" 8 Battle of Britain, KIA 14 April 1941 (Libya) [42]
Smith, Roderick Illingworth Alpine 14DFC*
Smith, Robert Rutherford 8DFCPOW 10 Mar 1943 Battle of Britain
Somerville, James Dean "Red" 7DSO, DFC
Stansfeld, Noel Karl 7DFC*, Czech Medal for Bravery Battle of Britain [43]
Stowe, William North5


Tamblyn, Hugh Norman 6DFC Battle of Britain, KIA 3 April 1941 [44]
Trainor, Hugh Charles 9DSO, DFC*POW 19 Sep 1944
Troke, Gordon William 8DFCPOW 1944
Turnbull, John Howard 13DFC*
Turner, Percival Stanley "Stan" 14DSO, DFC* Battle of Britain


Upton, Hamilton Charles "Derck" 11DFC Battle of Britain [45]
Urwin-Mann, John Ronald "Jack" 10DSO, DFC* Battle of Britain [46]


Walker, James Arthur "Johnnie" 7DFC Battle of Britain, KIA 8 February 1944 (Singapore) [47]
Walker, James Elmslie "Jimmy" 10DFC**KIFA 25 April 1944 [48]
Whalen, James Henry "Jimmy" 6DFCKIA 18 April 1944
Williams, Alvin Thomas 6KIA 8 June 1940
Williams, David John "Blackie" 6DSO, DFC
Williams, John William "Willie" 9DFCKIFA 30 October 1943
Wilson, Frederick Albert William Johnson 9
Wonnacott, Gordon 6DFC*
Woods, Eric Norman "Timber" 13DFC*KIA 16 December 1943
Woodward, Vernon Crompton "Woody" 22DFC*



Zary, Henry Paul Michael "Hank" 5 + 2 damaged on groundDFC


  1. Victories: 1 Dornier Do 17z (4/5 Feb 1941; Defiant, gunner D.E.C. Jonas); 1 Heinkel He 111 (9/10 Apr 1941; Defiant, gunner D.E.C. Jonas. Believing Bodien was dead Jonas bailed out and died); 1 He 111 (3/4 May 1941; Defiant); 1 Do 17 damaged (8/9 Sep 1942; Mosquito); 1 Do 17 (17/18 Sep 1942; Mosquito); 1 Junkers Ju 88 (19 June 1943; Mosquito)



AE Air Efficiency Award Awarded for ten years' efficient service in the Royal Auxiliary Air Force
AFC Air Force Cross Awarded for "an act or acts of valour, courage or devotion to duty whilst flying, though not in active operations against the enemy".
CDeG Croix de Guerre A military decoration of both France and Belgium, also commonly bestowed to foreign military forces allied to France and Belgium.
DFC Distinguished Flying Cross Awarded to Royal Air Force commissioned officers and Warrant Officers for "an act or acts of valour, courage or devotion to duty whilst flying in active operations against the enemy".
DFC* Distinguished Flying Cross and Bar A bar is added to the ribbon for holders of the DFC who received a second award.
DFC** Distinguished Flying Cross and Bar A second bar is added to the ribbon for holders of the DFC and Bar who received a third award.
DFM Distinguished Flying Medal Awarded to military below commissioned rank, for "an act or acts of valour, courage or devotion to duty whilst flying in active operations against the enemy".
DSO Distinguished Service Order Awarded for meritorious or distinguished service by officers of the armed forces during wartime, typically in actual combat.
DSO* Distinguished Service Order and Bar A bar is added to the ribbon for holders of the DSO who received a second award.
MC Military Cross Awarded for "an act or acts of exemplary gallantry during active operations against the enemy on land to all members, of any rank".
MiD Mentioned in Despatches Awarded for gallantry or otherwise commendable service.
VC Victoria Cross Highest British military decoration, awarded for valour in the face of the enemy.
VM Virtuti Militari Highest Polish military award for courage in the face of the enemy


  1. "The Airmen's Stories - F/Lt. H P Blatchford". Battle of Britain London Monument. Retrieved March 7, 2025.
  2. Aces of WW2 - H.E. Bodien
  3. "The Airmen's Stories - F/Lt. M H Brown". Battle of Britain Monument. Retrieved March 7, 2025.
  4. "CABLE, FS Arthur Bruce (R171696) - Distinguished Flying Medal - No". Archived from the original on October 6, 2011. Retrieved September 5, 2009.
  5. "CEMBROWSKI, F/O Johan (J85843) - Distinguished Flying Cross - No". Archived from the original on October 6, 2011. Retrieved September 5, 2009.
  6. E. F. "Jack" Charles
  7. "The Airmen's Stories - F/O E F J Charles". Battle of Britain London Monument. Retrieved March 7, 2025.
  8. "Casualty Details | CWGC".
  9. "Casualty Details | CWGC".
  10. "CINQ MARS, LAC Jean Jacques Rene Armand (R179185) - Mention in Despatches - East Moor - Award effective 14 June 1945 as per Lo". Archived from the original on October 6, 2011. Retrieved September 5, 2009.
  11. "The Airmen's Stories - P/O A C Cochrane". Battle of Britain London Monument. Retrieved March 7, 2025.
  12. "Casualty Details | CWGC".
  13. "COAT, FS William George (Can 10212) - Mention in Despatches - No". Archived from the original on October 6, 2011. Retrieved September 5, 2009.
  14. "Casualty Details | CWGC".
  15. "CRABE, FS William Eugene (R205588) - Conspicuous Gallantry Medal (Flying) - No". Archived from the original on October 6, 2011. Retrieved September 5, 2009.
  16. "Casualty Details | CWGC".
  17. "Casualty Details | CWGC".
  18. "Casualty Details | CWGC".
  19. "Ex-Air Gunners: Short Bursts". Commonwealth Air Training Plan Museum. May 2004. Retrieved May 24, 2010.
  20. "The Airmen's Stories - P/O R C Fumerton". Battle of Britain London Monument. Retrieved March 7, 2025.
  21. "The Airmen's Stories – F/Lt. L M Gaunce". Battle of Britain London Monument. Retrieved March 7, 2025.
  22. Canada Veterans Hall of Valour, Hugh Constant Godefroy, Visited February 19, 2017
  23., Godefroy, Hugh Constant (Servicenr: J.3701, RCAF), Visited February 19, 2017
  24. Hugh Godefroy, Lucky thirteen (memoirs, 1983) ISBN   0709911319
  25. "The Airmen's Stories - S/Ldr. J A Kent". Battle of Britain London Monument. Retrieved March 7, 2025.
  26. Shores & Williams 1994, p. 379.
  27. Shores & Williams 1994, p. 389.
  28. "The Airmen's Stories - P/O W L McKnight". Battle of Britain London Monument. Retrieved March 7, 2025.
  29. "The Airmen's Stories - S/Ldr. E A McNab". Battle of Britain London Monument. Retrieved March 7, 2025.
  30. "The Airmen's Stories - P/O H T Mitchell". Battle of Britain London Monument. Retrieved March 7, 2025.
  31. "The Airmen's Stories - F/O W H Nelson". Battle of Britain London Monument. Retrieved March 7, 2025.
  32. "Casualty Details | CWGC".
  33. "Casualty Details | CWGC".
  34. "Casualty Details | CWGC".
  35. "READ, FS John Herman (Can 9878) - Mention in Despatches - No". Archived from the original on October 6, 2011. Retrieved May 30, 2010.
  36. "ROACH, P/O Fred (J90063) - Belgian Croix de Guerre 1940 with Palm (Deceased) - Awarded 17 July 1948 as per Canada Gazette of T". Archived from the original on October 6, 2011. Retrieved September 5, 2009.
  37. "RUBIN, F/O Harold (J27115) - Distinguished Flying Cross - No". Archived from the original on November 30, 2010. Retrieved May 8, 2010.
  38. "Battle of Britain London Monument - Pilot's Stories - F/O B D Russel". Archived from the original on July 16, 2011. Retrieved May 8, 2010.
  39. "Wing Commander 'Dal' Russel". The Daily Telegraph. London. December 18, 2007. Archived from the original on April 21, 2013.
  40. "Casualty Details | CWGC".
  41. "Casualty Details | CWGC".
  42. "Casualty Details | CWGC".
  43. "The Airmen's Stories - P/O N K Stansfeld". Battle of Britain London Monument. Retrieved March 7, 2025.
  44. "The Airmen's Stories - F/Lt. H N Tamblyn". Battle of Britain London Monument. Retrieved March 7, 2025.
  45. "The Airmen's Stories - P/O H C Upton". Battle of Britain Lndon Monument. Retrieved March 7, 2025.
  46. "The Airmen's Stories - P/O J R Urwin-Mann". Battle of Britain London Monument. Retrieved March 7, 2025.
  47. "The Airmen's Stories - F/O J A Walker". Battle of Britain London Monument. Retrieved March 7, 2025.
  48. Shores & Williams 1994, pp. 613–614.
