List of fellows of IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society

Last updated

In the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, a small number of members are designated as fellows for having made significant accomplishments to the field. The IEEE Fellows are grouped by the institute according to their membership in the member societies of the institute. This list is of IEEE Fellows from the IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society (IEEE-SSCS). [1] [2]

1972 Robert W. Newcomb for contributions to network synthesis, time-varying systems, and engineering education
1973Gabor Temesfor contributions to filter theory and computer-aided circuit design
1974Marvin Whitefor contributions to the theory and development of solid-state electronic devices, especially memory transistors and charge-coupled imaging arrays
1975Lewis Termanfor contributions to the design and development of semiconductor computer memory and logic circuitry
1975Ralph Wyndrumfor contributions to hybrid integrated circuits development and application
1978Frederick H. Dillfor contributions to semiconductor device and process research
1978George Moschytzfor contributions to the theory and the development of hybrid-integrated linear communication networks
1978 Kenneth C. Smith for contributions to digital circuit design
1978 James Solomon for contributions in research, design, and application of analog integrated circuits
1979Alan Grebenefor contributions to the development of monolithic linear integrated circuits and leadership in engineering administration and management
1982 Robert W. Brodersen for contributions to the development of integrated circuits for signal processing
1982 Marcian E. Hoff for the conception and development of the microprocessor
1982Paul Jespersfor leadership in microelectronics research, development, and education
1982Bruce Wooleyfor contributions to the design of integrated circuits for communications systems
1983Kenneth Lakerfor contributions to filter design and microcircuit implementation
1984 Adel S. Sedra for contributions to the theory and design of active-RC and switched-capacitor filters, and to engineering education
1985Rajinder Khoslafor contributions to solid-state imaging, and for leadership in microelectronics
1985 James Plummer for contributions to understanding silicon fabrication processes, device physics, and high-voltage integrated circuits
1986Hugo De Manfor contributions to simulation, analysis and optimization of devices, MOS circuits, and sampled data systems
1986Richard Jaegerfor contributions to devices technology for high-performance analog and digital computer systems
1986 Yannis Tsividis for contributions to the development of MOS analog integrated circuits
1986Kensall Wisefor leadership in the field of integrated solid-state sensors and engineering education
1987C. Andre T. Salamafor contributions to the development of power semiconductor devices and the design of integrated circuits
1988Earl Swartzlanderfor contributions to VLSI design of specialized signal processors
1989Eric A. Vittozfor contributions to the development of micropower integrated circuits
1990Randy Geigerfor contributions to discrete and integrated analog circuit design
1990 Sung-Mo Kang for technical contributions to and leadership in the development of computer-aided design of very-large-scale integrated (VLSI) circuits and systems
1990Hans-Jorg Pfleidererfor contributions to CCD circuit and filter design
1991Gerald Borsukfor technical leadership in solid-state and vacuum electronic devices and for contributions to the development of microelectronic photo detectors for optical signal processing
1991 Adrian Paul Brokaw for innovations in analog circuit design
1991Eliot D. Cohenfor leadership in the advancement of microwave and millimeter-wave monolithic integrated circuits
1991David Kernsfor contributions to engineering education and research in microelectronics
1991Nicky Lufor contributions to semiconductor memory design and technology
1991Kenneth W. Martinfor contribution to the mathematical theory of linear and nonlinear systems
1991Allen Podellfor contributions to hybrid and gallium arsenide monolithic microwave integrated circuits
1992Bryan Acklandfor contributions to the design of custom integrated circuits for signal processing systems
1992Phillip Allenfor contributions to electrical engineering education and microelectronics textbooks
1992 David J. Allstot for contributions to the analysis and design of switched-capacitor and analog integrated circuits
1993Josef Nossekfor contributions to the design of discrete-time networks and technical leadership in the development of radio communication systems
1994Ching-Te Chuangfor contributions to high-performance bipolar devices, circuits, and technology
1994 Giovanni De Micheli for contribution to synthesis algorithms for the design of electronic circuits and systems
1994Ronald Gutmannfor contributions in microwave semiconductor technology
1994Richard Hesterfor contributions to programmable single-chip data acquisition systems
1994Martin Peckerarfor contributions to and leadership in X-ray and microlithography
1994Tsutomu Sasaofor contributions to the design theory and techniques of combinational logic circuits
1994Robert Swartzfor contributions to the design of high-speed integrated circuits for optical communication systems
1995Bella Bosefor contributions to the theory and design of unidirectional codes
1995Jose Huertasfor contributions to the synthesis and design of non-linear networks, especially in the case of chaotic, neural, and fuzzy networks
1995 Subramanian Iyer for contributions to SiGe heterojunction devices and self-aligned silicides
1995Chih-Yuan Lufor contributions to semiconductor technology, and for leadership in the growth of the Taiwan integrated circuit industry
1995 Jan M. Rabaey for contributions in design synthesis and concurrent architectures for signal processing applications
1995 Willy M. Sansen for contributions to the systematic design of analog integrated circuits
1995Charles Sodinifor contributions to the development of oversampled A/D converters, DRAM devices and circuits, and integrated circuits process technology
1996 Asad Abidi for contributions to the design of high-frequency MOS analog integrated circuits
1996 Mau Chung Chang for pioneering work in processing technology for manufacturing heterojunction bipolar integrated circuits
1996Franco Malobertifor contributions to design methodologies for analog integrated circuits and outstanding leadership in microelectronics education and research
1996Vojin Oklobdzijafor contributions to computer architecture
1996A Rodriguez-Vazquezfor contributions to the design and applications of analog/digital nonlinear ICs
1996Bing Sheufor contributions to signal processing and neural network systems using VLSI processors
1996 Mona Zaghloul for leadership in education and research in integrated circuit design and their application to neural networks
1997H. Clark Bellfor advancements in synthesis techniques and development of new prototype networks for microwave filters
1997Larry Carleyfor contributions to the design o analog integrated circuits and to computer-aided analog design
1997José Epifânio da Francafor contributions to analog MultiMate signal processing and engineering education
1997Johan Huijsingfor contributions to the design and analysis of analog integrated circuits
1997Mohammed Ismailfor contributions to analog VLSI circuits and signal processing
1997Howard Kalterfor contributions to the development of DRAM
1997Michitaka Kameyamafor contributions to the development of multiple-valued intelligent integrated systems
1997Mitsumasa Koyanagifor the invention of the stacked capacitor DRAM cell
1997Hisham Massoudfor contributions the understanding of silicon oxidation kinetics, ultrathin gate dielectrics, and the Si-SiO2 interface
1997Maciej Ogorzalekfor contributions to the theory, analysis, and control of nonlinear dynamic systems and chaotic phenomena
1997 Gabriel Rebeiz for the development of novel microwave and millimeter-wave antennas, receivers and circuits using micromachining techniques
1997Gerhard Sollnerfor pioneering the development of resonant-tunneling structures and contributions to the understanding of high-speed semiconductor devices
1998Young-Kai Chenfor contributions to ultra-short pulse generation using semiconductor lasers, integrated laser-modulators, and high frequency InPHBATs
1998Tadayoshi Enomotofor contributions to the development of integrated circuits multimedia
1998 Eric Fossum for contributions to image sensors and on-chip image processing
1998 Barry Gilbert for development of improved electronic packaging for high performance gallium arsenide integrated circuits
1998Michael Kennedyfor contributions to the theory of neural networks and nonlinear dynamics, and for leadership in nonlinear circuits research and education
1999Fazau Alifor contributions to the design and development of monolithic microwave integrated circuits (MMICs) and providing leadership in commercial applications of the same
1999Giorgio Baccaranifor contributions to the scaled silicon device theory
1999Magdy Bayoumifor contributions to application specific digital signal processing architectures and computer arithmetic
1999Rinaldo Castellofor contributions to the design of integrated filters
1999Heiner Rysselfor introduction of ion implantation technology into the German Semiconductor Industry
1999Bang-Sup Songfor contributions to integrated filters and analog-digital converters
1999 Ian Young for contributions to microprocessor circuit implementation and technology development
2000 Peter Asbeck for development of heterostructure bipolar transistors and applications
2000 Abbas El Gamal for pioneering application of probability and statistics to develop new methods for the analysis and design of integrated circuits
2000Manfred Glesnerfor contributions to the development of microelectronic system design and education in microelectronics
2000Ronald W. Knepperfor contributions to semiconductor device design, modeling, and circuits
2000Khalil Najafifor contributions to biomedical microelectromechanical systems technology
2000 Ronald Schrimpf for contributions to the understanding and the modeling of physical mechanisms governing the response of semiconductor devices to radiation exposure
2000Mani Somafor contributions to mixed analog-digital system design-for-test
2000Yuan-Chen Sunfor contributions to advanced CMOS technology
2001John Corcoranfor contributions to high-performance analog-to-digital converters
2001 John Cressler for contributions to the understanding and optimization of silicon and silicon-germanium bipolar transistors
2001Geert De Veirmanfor contributions to the design of continuous-time filters and hard-disk drive read channel ICs
2001Sang Hoo Dhongfor contribution to high speed processor and memory chip design
2001 Yoshiaki Hagiwara for pioneering work on, and development of, solid-state imagers
2001Wei Hwangfor contributions to high density cell technology and high speed Dynamic Random Access Memory design
2001David Johnsfor contributions to the theory and design of analog adaptive integrated circuits used in digital communications
2001 Massoud Pedram for contributions to the theory and practice of low-power design and CAD
2001John Przybyszfor contributions in the development and application of Josephson digital circuits to electronic systems, especially radars, communication satellites and data switching networks
2001Muhammad Rashidfor leadership in power electronics education and contributions to the analysis and design methodologies of solid-state power converters
2001Ritu Shrivastavafor contributions to high performance CMOS memory technology and product development
2002Mihai Banufor contributions to the art of fully integrated continuous-time analog-filter design
2002Joachim Burghartzfor contributions to integrated high-speed and radio-frequency silicon devices and components
2002Georges Ge Gielenfor contributions to computer-aided design and design automation of analog and mixed-signal integrated circuits and systems
2002James W. Haslettfor contributions to high temperature instrumentation and noise in solid-state electronics
2002 Rajiv Joshi for contributions to chip metallurgy materials and processes, and high performance processor and circuit design
2002Debajyoti Palfor contributions to the theory and practice of the use of excess bandwidth and diversity in adaptive equalization for data transmission
2002 Lawrence Pileggi for contributions to simulation and modeling of integrated circuits
2002Carl Sechenfor contributions to automated placement and routing in integrated circuits
2002Albert Theuwissenfor contributions to the development of CCD image sensors for still photography and HDTV applications
2002Jan Van der Spiegelfor contributions in biologically motivated sensors and information processing systems
2003Kinam Kimfor contributions the development of high-density dynamic random access memory
2003 Behzad Razavi for contributions to high-speed communication circuits
2003Mark Rodwellfor contributions to high speed electron devices and integrated circuits
2003Alan Seabaughfor contributions to high speed and nanoelectronic device and circuit technology
2004Gary Bronnerfor contributions to dynamic random access memory technology
2004 Anantha P. Chandrakasan for contributions to the design of energy efficient integrated circuits and systems
2004Hou Chaohuanfor technical leadership in advancing VLSI system technology
2004Robert Eklundfor leadership in the development and manufacturing of sub-micron CMOS technologies
2004Erik Heijnefor contributions to semiconductor detector systems and radiation tolerant detector readout electronics
2004Robert Jacksonfor contributions to the electromagnetic modeling of microwave integrated circuits and packaging
2004Jean-Luc Lerayfor contributions to the implementation of radiation hardened silicon-on-sapphire and silicon-on-insulator technologies
2004Colin McAndrewfor contributions to compact and statistical modeling of semiconductor devices
2004Mikael Ostlingfor contributions to semiconductor device technology and education
2004Gordon W. Robertsfor contributions to the design and test of analog and mixed-signal integrated circuits, and education
2004 Mohamad Sawan for contributions to implantable medical devices
2004David Scottfor contributions to CMOS and BICMOS technology and circuits
2004Christer Svenssonfor contributions to single phase clocking and high speed CMOS circuits
2004Osamu Tomisawafor contributions to low power, high speed integrated circuits
2005Pemmaraju V. Ananda Mohanfor contributions to telecommunications technologies
2005 David Comer for leadership in engineering education and publication of electronic circuit design textbooks
2005Domine M.W. Leenaertsfor contributions to nonlinear circuit theory and design
2005Lloyd Massengillfor contributions to radiation effects in microelectronics
2005Kartikeya Mayaramfor contributions to coupled device and circuit simulation
2005Laurence Nagelfor contributions to the field of integrated circuit simulation
2005 Donald Wunsch for contributions to hardware implementations of reinforcement and unsupervised learning
2005Kazuo Yanofor contributions to nanostructured-silicon devices and circuits and advanced CMOS logic
2006Bhupendra Ahujafor contributions to design of mixed signal complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) integrated circuits for telecommunications and computer communications systems
2006Andreas Andreoufor contributions to energy efficient sensory microsystems
2006James Bartonfor contributions to the design of digital signal processing integrated circuits
2006Hector De Los Santosfor contributions to radio frequency (RF) and microwave micro electromechanical systems (MEMS) devices and applications
2006Paul Franzonfor contributions to chip-package codesign
2006Tohru Furuyamafor contributions to high speed dynamic random access memory (DRAM) design and technologies
2006Ramesh Harjanifor contributions to the design and computer aided design (CAD) of analog and radio frequency circuits
2006William Krenikfor contributions to integrated circuits and technology for wireless products
2006Tadahiro Kurodafor contributions to low-power and high-speed very large scale integrated (VLSI) design
2006Bin-Da Liufor contributions to very large scaled integrated (VLSI) processors for neural networks and video signal processing
2006 Sitthichai Pokai-udom for contributions to circuits and systems and engineering education
2006Frederick Raabfor contributions to modeling and design of high-efficiency power amplifiers and radio transmitters
2006Resve Salehfor contributions to mixed-signal integrated circuit simulation and design verification
2006Gianluca Settifor contributions to application of nonlinear dynamics to communications, signal processing, and information technology
2006Naresh Shanbhagfor development of a communication-centric design paradigm for low power systems on a chip
2006Huei Wangfor contributions to broadband and millimeter-wave monolithic millimeter-wave integrated circuits (MMICs) and radio frequency integrated circuits (RFICs)
2006Katsuyoshi Washiofor contributions to high-speed silicon and silicon germanium bipolar/Bi complementary metal oxide semiconductors (CMOS) device and circuit technologies
2006Andreas Weisshaarfor contributions to modeling of on-chip interconnects and integrated passive microwave components
2007Kerry Bernsteinfor contributions to high performance common metal oxide semiconductor circuit design
2007Yuhua Chengfor contributions to metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor modeling and its industry applications in integrated circuit design
2007Wanda Gassfor contributions to digital signal processors and circuits
2007Stefan Heinenfor contributions to radio frequency integrated circuits and wireless systems
2007Takayuki Kawaharafor contributions to low-voltage low-power random access memory circuits
2007Bumman Kimfor contributions to linear power amplifiers, gallium arsenide microwave and millimeter-wave power devices and monolithic microwave integrated circuits
2007Isik Kizilyallifor contributions to integrated circuit technology
2007Clark Tu-Cuong Nguyenfor contributions to the physics and technology of microelectromechanical systems
2007Jayasimha Prasadfor contributions to compound semiconductor heterojunction bipolar transistors
2007David Skellernfor contributions to high speed devices and systems for wireless and wireline communications networks
2008Akintunde Akinwandefor contributions to the development of digital self-aligned gate technology and vacuum microelectronic devices
2008Carlos Diazfor contributions to deep sub-micron foundry CMOS technology
2008Ming-Dou Kerfor contributions to electrostatic protection in integrated circuits, and performance optimization of VLSI micro-systems
2008Rakesh Kumarfor entrepreneurial leadership in the field of integrated circuits
2008Bram Nautafor contributions to integrated analog circuit design
2008Jyuo-Min Shyufor leadership in the microelectronics industry
2008Rui SilvaMartinsfor leadership in engineering education
2008Stewart Taylorfor contributions to analog, radio frequency and mixed-signal integrated circuit design
2008Chorng-K Wangfor contributions to communications circuit design and for leadership in promoting the profession
2008Hoi-Jun Yoofor contributions to low-power and high-speed VLSI design
2008Bin Zhaofor contributions to interconnect technology for integrated circuits
2009Yves Baeyensfor contributions to the broadband and millimeter-wave circuits for optical and wireless communications
2009Shekhar Borkarfor contributions to low power digital circuits in deep submicron technology
2009Cor Claeysfor contributions to semiconductor device physics, defect engineering, and low frequency noise characterization
2009Fa Daifor contributions to high-speed frequency synthesis and radio frequency integrated circuits
2009Gerhard Fettweisfor contributions to signal processing algorithms and chip implementation architectures for communications
2009Tahir Ghanifor contributions to deep submicron metal oxide semiconductor transistor development for microprocessors
2009Joseph Jensenfor contributions to high-speed analog-digital converter and high-speed digital integrated circuit design
2009Shoji Kawahitofor contributions to sensor interfacing, sensor signal processing and multiple-level signaling
2009Timothy Maloneyfor contributions to electrostatic discharge protection of semiconductor components
2009Un-Ku Moonfor contributions to low voltage complementary metal-oxide semiconductor mixed-signal technology
2009Robert Staszewskifor contributions to development of digital radio frequency integrated systems
2009Gregory Taylorfor contributions to mixed signal circuit technology for microprocessors
2009Enrico Zanonifor contributions to reliability of compound semiconductor devices
2010Kazutami Arimotofor development of high-density dynamic random access memory and embedded memory
2010Baher Harounfor development of submicron digital complementary metal-oxide semiconductor for wireless systems-on-chip
2010Masashi Horiguchifor contributions to circuit technologies for high-density low-power memories
2010Bedrich Hostickafor contributions to analog integrated circuits and sensor systems
2010Takamaro Kikkawafor contributions to interconnect technologies for integrated circuits
2010Yusuf Leblebicifor contributions to reliability and design techniques for integrated circuits and systems
2010Shen-Iuan Liufor contributions to high-speed phase-locked and delay-locked loop circuit design
2010Seth Sandersfor contributions to integrated passive component technology and digital control of power electronic systems
2010Jose Silvafor contributions to Complimentary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor transconductance amplifiers and continuous-time filters
2010Shumpei Yamazakifor contributions to, and leadership in the industrialization of non-volatile memory and thin film transistor technologies
2010Howard Yangfor leadership in mixed-signal integrated circuit design and manufacturing
2010Zoran Zvonarfor leadership in the development of digital signal processing software and hardware for wireless cellular communication
2011Arya Behzadfor contributions to analog and radio frequency integrated-circuits
2011Gert Cauwenberghsfor contributions to integrated biomedical instrumentation
2011Paul Davisfor development of bipolar integrated circuits
2011Vivek Defor contributions to low power microprocessor design
2011Ian Galtonfor contributions to high-performance mixed-signal integrated circuits using digital calibration techniques
2011Peter Kingetfor contributions to analog and radio frequency integrated circuits
2011Ram Krishnamurthyfor contributions to high performance and low power digital circuits for microprocessors
2011Kofi Makinwafor the development of precision analog circuits and integrated sensor systems
2011Kenneth Ofor contributions to ultra-high frequency complementary metal-oxide semiconductor circuits
2011Myung Hoon Sunwoofor contributions to multimedia and communications
2011Dennis Sylvesterfor contributions to energy-efficient integrated circuits
2011Kunio Uchiyamafor contributions to power-efficient microprocessors
2011Chih-Kong Yangfor leadership in enhancement of input-output efficiency in integrated circuits
2011Kevin Zhangfor contributions to service-oriented technologies and applications
2011Herbert Zirathfor contributions to microwave and millimeter wave integrated circuits and device technology
2012Robert Adamsfor contributions to analog and digital signal processing
2012Ahmad Bahaifor contributions to multi-carrier wireless and wire-line communication systems
2012Douglas Garrityfor contributions to analog-to-digital converters for embedded applications
2012Francis Kubfor leadership in the development of wide bandgap semiconductor power electronics
2012Mike-Peng Lifor contributions to the design of jitter test technologies
2012John Poultonfor contributions to high-speed low-power signaling and to graphics architecture
2012Ken Poultonfor contributions to high-speed analog-to-digital conversion
2012Manoj Sachdevfor contributions to test methodology for very large scale integrated circuits
2013Ramachandra Acharfor contributions to interconnect and signal integrity analysis in high-speed designs
2013Russel Bakerfor contributions to the design of memory integrated circuits
2013John Barthfor contributions to design and development of embedded dynamic random access memory
2013Tzi-Dar Chiuehfor contributions to baseband processing integrated circuits for communications systems
2013 Marco Corsi for development of high-speed amplifiers and analog to-digital convertors
2013Kenneth Hansenfor technical leadership in wireless communications
2013Kevin Kobayashifor contributions to monolithic microwave integrated circuits (MMIC)
2013Kadaba Lakshmikumarfor contributions to design of mixed signal CMOS integrated circuits for telecommunications
2013Yan-Fei Liufor contributions to digital control techniques of power electronics converters
2013Cian Mathunafor leadership in the development of power supply using micromagnetics on silicon
2013Subhasish Mitrafor contributions to design and test of robust integrated circuits
2013Arthur Morrisfor development and commercialization of CMOS radio frequency micro electro mechanical systems
2013 Ingrid Verbauwhede for contributions to design of secure integrated circuits and systems
2014 Krste Asanovic for contributions to computer architecture
2014 Poras Balsara for contributions to the design of all-digital frequency synthesis
2014 Andrea Baschirotto for contributions to analog filters
2014Richard Brownfor contributions to microsystem design
2014 Klaas Bult for contributions to the design of high frequency analog and mixed signal circuits
2014 Jan Craninckx for contributions to the design of CMOS RF transceivers
2014 Hooman Darabi for contributions to radio frequency integrated circuits and systems
2014 Tobias Delbruck for contributions to neuromorphic visual sensors and processing
2014 Ichiro Fujimori for contributions to oversampled data converters and gigabit wireline transceivers
2014 Kazunari Ishimaru for contributions to static random access memory and complementary metal-oxide semiconductor devices
2014 Xicheng Jiang for development of communication systems-on-chip products
2014 Tanay Karnik for contributions to error-tolerant circuits and near-load voltage regulators
2014 Howard Luong for contributions to CMOS radio-frequency transceiver design
2014 Philip Mok for contributions to the design of analog power-management integrated circuits
2014 Sam Naffziger for leadership in the development of power management and low power processor technologies
2014Zhigang Panfor contributions to design for manufacturability in integrated circuits
2014Daniel Radackfor leadership in microwave and millimeter-wave integrated circuit technologies and packaging techniques
2014William Redman-Whitefor contributions to chip design aspects of telecommunications systems and RFIC design
2014Toru Shimizufor development of integrated multi-core microprocessors with large memories
2014Mircea Stanfor contributions to power- and temperature-aware design of VLSI circuits and systems
2014Jacobus Swartfor contributions to microelectronics education in Brazil
2015Joseph Cavallarofor contributions to VLSI architectures and algorithms for signal processing and wireless communications
2015Michael Flynnfor contributions to integrated analog-digital interfaces
2015Giuseppe Iannacconefor contributions to modeling transport and noise processes in nanoelectronic devices
2015Thomas Leefor contributions to the design of CMOS radio-frequency integrated circuits
2015 Boris Murmann for contributions to the design of digitally-assisted analog integrated circuits
2015 Richard Schreier for contributions to delta-sigma data converters
2015An-Yeu (Andy) Wufor contributions to DSP algorithms and VLSI designs for communication IC/SoC
2015Yuan Xiefor contributions to design automation and architecture of three-dimensional integrated circuits
2015Chik Patrick Yuefor contributions to the advancement of CMOS radio-frequency integrated circuits and devices modeling
2016Massimo Aliotofor contributions to energy-efficient VLSI circuits
2016 Eugenio Cantatore for contributions to the design of circuits with organic thin film transistors
2016Degang Chenfor contributions to testing of analog and mixed-signal integrated circuits
2016Gyu-Hyeong Chofor contributions to power management circuit design
2016Terry Ciscofor leadership in the development of airborne active array transmit and receive module technologies
2016Patrick Fayfor contributions to compound semiconductor tunneling and high-speed device technologies
2016Tzyy-Sheng Horngfor contributions to system-in-package modeling and design
2016Lawrence Kushnerfor leadership in RF/microwave circuits for military and commercial applications
2016Gabriele Manganarofor leadership in the design of high-speed converters
2016Kenichi Osadafor contributions to reliable and low-power nanoscale SRAM
2016Mehmet Soyuerfor contributions to the design of high-frequency integrated circuits for clocking and communications
2016Toru Tanzawafor contributions to integrated high-voltage circuits
2016Seng-Pan Ufor leadership in the analog circuit design
2017Hugh Barnabyfor research of radiation effects in bipolar junction transistors
2017Yu Caofor development of predictive technology models for reliable circuit and system integration
2017Edoardo Charbonfor contributions to solid-state single photon avalanche detectors and their applications in imaging
2017Payam Heydarifor contributions to silicon-based millimeter-wave integrated circuits and systems
2017Hideto Hidakafor leadership in high-density memory technologies for automotive applications
2017Ru Huangfor contributions to multi-gate silicon nanowire transistor technology
2017Kenji Itohfor contributions to microwave harmonic mixers and applications to mobile terminal devices
2017Deog-Kyoon Jeongfor development of Digital Video Interface and High Definition Multimedia Interface standards
2017Donald Liefor contributions to high linearity and high efficiency silicon RF power amplifiers for broadband wireless applications
2017Cyril Luxeyfor the development of small antennas, multi-antenna system integration, and high performance mm-wave systems
2017Junichi Nakamurafor leadership in CMOS image sensors
2017Borivoje Nikolicfor contributions to energy-efficient design of digital and mixed-signal circuits
2017Carlo Samorifor contributions to design of integrated Voltage Controlled Oscillators and Phase-Locked Loops
2017Andrei Vladimirescufor contributions to the development and commercial adoption of SPICE circuit simulation
2017Sorin P. Voinigescufor contributions to silicon and silicon-germanium microwave and millimeter-wave devices and integrated circuits
2017Zhihua Wangfor contributions to circuits and microsystems for medical applications
2018Pamela Ann Abshirefor contributions to CMOS biosensors
2018Kun-Yung Changfor contributions to transceivers for high-performance networking and high-density memories
2018Tsung-Yung Changfor application of SRAM technology to low-power and high-performance computing
2018Andreas Demosthenousfor contributions to integrated circuits for active medical devices
2018Isaac Lagnadofor leadership in the development of silicon-on-sapphire technology
2018Chee Wee Liufor contributions to high-mobility Ge and SiGe MOSFETs
2018Sanu Mathewfor leadership in computer arithmetic datapath and security circuits
2018Saibal Mukhopadhyayfor contributions to energy-efficient and robust computing systems design
2018Hidetoshi Onoderafor contributions to variation-aware design and analysis of integrated circuits
2018Shanthi Pavanfor contributions to delta sigma modulators, and analog filters
2019Meng-Fan Changfor contributions to static and nonvolatile memories for embedded systems
2019Christian Enzfor contributions to low-power analog circuit design
2019Maysam Ghovanloofor contributions to implantable wireless integrated circuits and systems
2019Ali Khakifiroozfor contributions to fully depleted silicon-on-insulator complementary-metal-oxide-semiconductor technology
2019Lee-Sup Kimfor contributions to energy-efficient multimedia processor architectures
2019Pui-In Makfor contributions to radio-frequency and analog circuits
2019Katsu Nakamurafor contributions to integrated circuits for digital imaging
2019Samar Sahafor contributions to compact modeling of silicon field-effect transistors
2019Munehiro Tadafor contributions to copper interconnects for very-large-scale integration
2019ShaoJun Weifor leadership in integrated circuits engineering of smart cards and reconfigurable devices
2019Jared Zerbefor contributions to the development of high performance serial interfaces
2019Lin Zhongfor contributions to the development of energy-efficient driver circuits for organic light-emitting diodes
2020William Bidermannfor leadership in commercially successful image sensors and microprocessors
2020Ramon Carvajalfor contributions to low-voltage and low-power CMOS analog circuit design
2020Pavan Kumar Hanumolufor contributions to the design of mixed-signal integrated circuits
2020Yiannos Manolifor contributions to the design of integrated analog-to-digital interface circuits and energy harvesting systems
2020Bich-Yen Nguyenfor contributions to silicon on insulator technology
2020Jae-Sung Riehfor contributions to silicon-germanium integrated circuits for wireless communications
2020Manfred Schindlerfor development in microwave switch technology for radar and wireless communication systems
2020Ravi Todifor contributions to innovative design and commercialization of high performance eDRAM
2020Masoud Zargarifor contributions to the development of CMOS radio-frequency integrated circuits
2021Ahmed Alifor leadership in high-speed analog-to-digital converter design and calibration
2021Benton Calhounfor contributions to sub-threshold integrated circuits and self-powered systems
2021Yogesh Chauhanfor contributions to compact modeling of Si and GaN transistors
2021Robert Hendersonfor contributions to solid-state single photon imaging
2021Inyup Kangfor leadership in development of chip-set technologies for cellular communications
2021Ali Keshavarzifor contributions to low-power circuits and devices in scaled CMOS technologies
2021Dejan Markovicfor contributions to low-power VLSI signal processing and neurotechnology
2021Jun Ohtafor contributions to CMOS image sensors and devices for biomedical applications
2022James Buckwalterfor contributions to high-efficiency millimeter-wave power amplifiers and optical transceivers in SOI technologies
2022Baoxing Chenfor contributions to integrated signal-power isolation and integrated magnetics
2022Thomas Byunghak Chofor leadership and contributions in CMOS RFIC design and commercialization of wireless mobile systems
2022Daniel Friedmanfor contributions to RFID and phase-lock-loop systems
2022Ioannis Kymissisfor contributions to thin-film electronics for displays and sensors
2022Shih-Chii Liufor contributions to neuromorphic engineering
2022Hiroyuki Mizunofor contributions to leakage current reduction in integrated circuits
2022Masato Motomurafor contributions to memory-logic integration of reconfigurable chip architecture
2022Carl Zetterlingfor contributions to silicon carbide devices
2022Anding Zhufor contributions to behavioral modeling and digital predistortion of RF power amplifiers
2023Walid Ali-Ahmadfor leadership in development of low-cost direct-conversion cellular RF systems
2023Keith Bowmanfor contributions to variation-tolerant adaptive processor designs
2023Donhee Hamfor contributions to semiconductor electronic interfaces with biological systems
2023Muhammad Khellahfor contributions to co-optimization of on-die dense memory and fine-grain power-management circuits
2023Thomas Mikolajickfor contributions to nonvolatile memory
2023Kenichi Okadafor contributions to millimeter-wave communication circuits design
2023Omer Oralkanfor contributions to micromachined ultrasonic transducers and integrated microsystems development, for imaging, therapy, and sensing
2023Woogeun Rheefor contributions to phase-locked circuits and systems
2023Hua Wangfor contributions to high-efficiency microwave and millimeter-wave power amplifiers
2023Qiangfei Xiafor contributions to resistive memory arrays and devices for in-memory computing
2024Joseph Bardinfor contributions to cryogenic microwave circuits
2024Ke-Horng Chenfor contributions to power management integrated circuits and system design
2024Shuo-Wei Chenfor contributions to data converter architectures and clock generation techniques
2024SeongHwan Chofor contributions to time-domain circuits and applications
2024Sergiu Gomafor contributions to hardware implementation of image processing for color cameras in mobile phones
2024Deukhyoun Heofor contributions to CMOS power amplifiers in multi-layer packages and reconfigurable reactive components
2024Kaixue Mafor contributions to low-loss substrate integrated suspended line technology and reconfigurable millimeter-wave front-end integrated circuits
2024Osama Shana'afor leadership in developing low-cost high-performance RF transreceivers

See also


  1. "IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society Fellows Directory".
  2. "SSCS Fellows Database". Archived from the original on October 25, 2021.