List of indoor arenas in Switzerland

Last updated

The following is a list of indoor arenas in Switzerland with a capacity of at least 1,000 spectators, most of the arenas in this list are for multi use proposes and are used for popular sports such as individual sports like karate, judo, boxing as well as team sports like Ice Hockey, Curling, volleyball. Parts of the arenas also host many concerts and world tours.


Currently in use

LocationArenaDate builtCapacityTenantsImage
Baar Waldmannhalle 19961,200
Basel St. Jakobshalle 197612,400
St. Jakob Arena 20026,700 EHC Basel St. Jakob-Arena Aussenansicht.jpg
Bellinzona Centro Sportivo 19972,180 GDT Bellinzona Snakes
Bern PostFinance Arena [1] 196717,000 SC Bern Engo ice arena Bern.jpg
Bienne Tissot Arena 20156,521 EHC Biel
Bienne Eisstadion 19737,000
Chur Hallenstadion 6,545 EHC Chur
Davos Eisstadion Davos 19797,080 HC Davos Innenaufnahme Vaillant Arena Davos.JPG
Fribourg BCF Arena 19838,934 Fribourg-Gottéron
Geneva Patinoire des Vernets 19587,135 Genève-Servette HC CingriaMauriceVernetsGeneve02.jpg
Geneva Arena 19959,500
Kreuzlingen Bodensee Arena 20004,000
Küsnacht Eishalle Küsnacht 19932,200 GCK Lions
La Chaux-de-Fonds Patinoire des Mélèzes 19535,800 HC La Chaux-de-Fonds
Langnau IE Emmental Versicherung Arena 19756,000 SCL Tigers 2013-10-05-SFERO-Langnau (Foto Dietrich Michael Weidmann) 041.JPG
Lausanne Vaudoise Aréna [2] 201910,000 Lausanne HC 2020 Winter Youth Olympics opening ceremony 7.jpg
Lugano Pista La Resega 19577,800 HC Lugano
Olten Kleinholz Stadion 19616,500 EHC Olten Kleinholz Aussenansicht.jpg
Martigny Forum d'Octodure 19554,500 HCV Martigny
Quinto Nuova Valascia 20217,000 HC Ambrì-Piotta
Rapperswil-Jona St. Galler Kantonalbank Arena 19876,100 SC Rapperswil-Jona Lakers Rapperswil - Sudquartier IMG 7284 ShiftN.jpg
Sierre Patinoire de Graben 19584,500 HC Sierre
Visp Lonza Arena 20195,500 EHC Visp
Weinfelden Güttingersreuti 19813,100 Hockey Thurgau
Winterthur Zielbau Arena 20023,000 EHC Winterthur
Zug Bossard Arena 20107,200 EV Zug
Zürich Swiss Arena 19527,624 Kolping Arena, 10th January 2009.JPG
Swiss Life Arena 202212,000 ZSC Lions Swiss Life Arena 2022.jpeg
Hallenstadion [3] 193913,000 Hallenstadion - Wallisellenstrasse 2011-03-15 15-21-06 ShiftN.jpg

Under construction

Under proposition

See also


  1. Bern Arena official Retrieved 04 March 2021
  2. Vaudoise Arena Retrieved 04 March 2021
  3. Hallenstadion official Retrieved 04 March 2021