List of legendary creatures (G)

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Baroque Medusa (A gorgon) combined beauty and horror: Medusa, after 1590, by Caravaggio. Medusa by Caravaggio 2.jpg
Baroque Medusa (A gorgon) combined beauty and horror: Medusa, after 1590, by Caravaggio.
  1. Gaasyendietha (Seneca) – Dragon
  2. Gagana (Russian) – Iron-beaked bird with copper talons
  3. Gaki (Japanese) – Ghosts of especially greedy people
  4. Gaokerena (Zoroastrianism) - Mythic plant
  5. Gallu (Mesopotamian) – Underworld demons
  6. Galtzagorriak (Basque) – Small demonic servants
  7. Gamayun (Russian) – Prophetic human-headed bird
  8. Gana (Hindu) – Attendants of Shiva
  9. Gancanagh (Irish) – Male fairy that seduces human women
  10. Gandabherunda (Hindu) – Double-headed bird
  11. Gandharva (Hindu) – Male nature spirits, often depicted as part human, part animal
  12. Gargouille (French) – Water dragon
  13. Garkain (Australian Aboriginal) – Flying humanoid who envelops his victims
  14. Garmr (Norse) – Giant, ravenous hound
  15. Garuda (Hindu) – Human-eagle hybrid
  16. Gashadokuro (Japanese) – Giant malevolent skeletons
  17. Gaueko (Basque) – Wolf capable of walking upright
  18. Geb (Egyptian) – God of the Earth, married to Nut
  19. Ged (Heraldic) – The fish pike
  20. Gegenees (Greek) – Six-armed giant
  21. Genius loci (Roman) – Spirit that protects a specific place
  22. German (Slavic) – Male spirit associated with bringing rain and hail
  23. Geryon (Greek) – Three-headed six-armed giant with three torsos and (in some sources) six legs
  24. Ghillie Dhu (Scottish) – Tree guardian
  25. Ghost – Disembodied spirits of those that have died
  26. Ghoul (Arabian) – Cannibalistic shapeshifting desert genie often classified as undead.
  27. Giant (Worldwide) – Immensely large and strong humanoids
  28. Giant animal (Worldwide) – Unusually large beasts
  29. Gichi-anami'e-bizhiw (Ojibwa) – Bison-snake-bird-cougar hybrid water spirit
  30. Gidim (Sumerian) – Ghost
  31. Gigantes (Greek) – Race of giants that fought the Olympian gods, sometimes depicted with snake-legs
  32. Gigelorum (Scottish) – Smallest animal
  33. Girtablilu (Akkadian) – Human-scorpion hybrid
  34. Gjenganger (Scandinavian) – Corporeal ghost
  35. Glaistig (Scottish) – Human-goat hybrid
  36. Glashtyn (Manx) – Malevolent water horse
  37. Gnome (Alchemy) – Diminutive Earth elemental
  38. Goblin (Medieval) – Grotesque, mischievous little people
  39. Gog (English) – Giant protector of London
  40. Gold-digging ant (Medieval Bestiaries) – Dog-sized ant that digs for gold in sandy areas
  41. Golem (Jewish) – Animated construct
  42. Gorgades (Medieval Bestiary) – Hairy humanoid
  43. Gorgon (Greek) – Fanged, snake-haired humanoids that turn anyone who sees them into stone
  44. Goryō (Japanese) – Vengeful ghosts, usually of martyrs
  45. Grassman (Ohio, USA) – Ape-like cryptid
  46. Gremlin (Folklore) – Creatures that sabotage airplanes
  47. Griffin (Heraldic) – Lion-eagle hybrid
  48. Grigori (Christian, Jewish, and Islamic mythology) – Fallen angels, father of Nephilim
  49. Grim (English and Scandinavian) – Tutelary spirits of churches
  50. Grim Reaper (Worldwide) – Death angel often thought to be God's/Satan's assistant
  51. Grindylow (English) – Malevolent water spirit
  52. Gualichu (Mapuche) – Malevolent spirit
  53. Guardian angel (Christian, Jewish, and Islamic belief) – Subclassification of angels that guard and protect a specific person or living being
  54. Gud-elim (Akkadian) – Human-bull hybrid
  55. Guhin (Japanese) – Anthropomorphic bird
  56. Gui Po (Chinese) – Ghost that manifests as an old woman
  57. Gui Shu (Chinese) – Ghostly tree that confuses travelers by moving
  58. Gulon (Germanic) – Gluttonous dog-cat-fox hybrid
  59. Gumiho (Korean mythology) – Demonic fox with thousands of tails believed to possess an army of spirits and magic in its tails
  60. Gurangatch (Australian Aboriginal) - An enormous reptile-fish whose movements carved out the landscape south of the Blue Mountains
  61. Gurumapa (Nepalese) – Child-eating demon
  62. Gwyllgi (Welsh) – Black dog
  63. Gwyllion (Welsh) – Malevolent spirit
  64. Gyascutus (American folklore) – Four-legged herbivore
  65. Gytrash (Lincolnshire and Yorkshire) – Black dog
  66. Gyūki (Japanese) – Bull-headed monster

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