List of members of the 2018–2022 Lebanese Parliament

Last updated

electoral map 2018 Lebanese General election map results.png
electoral map

Following the 2018 Lebanese parliamentary elections, the first held in the country since 2009, 128 candidates were elected to the Lebanese Parliament for a duration of four years. Per the Lebanese Constitution half of these MPs are Christian and half are Muslim with proportional representation among the different confessions within each religion: 34 Maronites, 27 Sunni, 27 Shia, 14 Greek Orthodox, 8 Greek Catholics, 8 Druze, 5 Armenian Orthodox, 2 Alawites, 1 Armenian Catholic, 1 Protestant and 1 member representing the 12 Christian minorities

NameElection AreaParliamentary BlocPolitical AffiliationReligionElectoral ListVotesBloc VotesElection Area Votes
Abdel Rahim Youssef Mrad BEKAA 2Consultative Gathering  Union Party SunniBetter Tomorrow15,11132,57868,227/143,812
Adnan Khodor TraboulsiBEIRUT 2Consultative Gathering  Al-Ahbash SunniBeirut's Unity13,01847,087147,801/353,420
Akram Hussein Sheyab MOUNT LEBANON 4Democratic Gathering  Progressive Socialist Party DruzeReconciliation14,08898,967173,320/329,870
Talal Majid Arslan MOUNT LEBANON 6Strong Lebanon  Lebanese Democratic Party DruzeMount Lebanon's Guaranteed change9,88759,027173,320/329,881
Alain Aoun MOUNT LEBANON 3Strong Lebanon  Free Patriotic Movement MaroniteNational Accord11,20041,66980,052/166,137
Albert Sami MansourBEKAA 3Social Nationalist Bloc  Syrian Social Nationalist Party Greek CatholicHope and Loyalty5881140,747190,268/315,648
Alexander Matossian BEIRUT 1Strong Lebanon  Tashnag Armenian OrthodoxStrong Beirut One2,37621,37344,714/134,736
Ali Adel Ossairan SOUTH 2Development and Liberation  Amal Movement ShiaHope and Loyalty2,203134,068150,264/304,197
Ali Ahmad Bazzi SOUTH 3Development and Liberation  Amal Movement ShiaHope and Loyalty9,290193,224228,563/460,575
Ali Ahmad DarwishNORTH 2 Independent Centre Bloc   Azm Movement AlawiteDetermination2,24642,019151,759/350,151
Ali Fadel AmmarMOUNT LEBANON 3 Loyalty to the Resistance   Hezbollah ShiaNational Accord13,69250,66990,052/166,135
Ali Hassan Khalil SOUTH 3Development and Liberation  Amal Movement ShiaHope and Loyalty16,765193,224228,563/460,573
Ali Mohamad Salman Bachir El MokdadBEKAA 3 Loyalty to the Resistance   Hezbollah ShiaHope and Loyalty17,321140,747190,268/315,649
Ali Rachid FayadSOUTH 3 Loyalty to the Resistance   Hezbollah ShiaHope and Loyalty27,460193,224228,563/460,569
Ali Youssef KhreissSOUTH 2Development and Liberation  Amal Movement ShiaHope and Loyalty15,672134,068150,264/304,193
Amin Mohammad SharriBEIRUT 2 Loyalty to the Resistance   Hezbollah ShiaBeirut's Unity22,96147,087147,801/353,419
Anis Wadih NassarMOUNT LEBANON 4Strong Republic  Lebanese Forces Greek OrthodoxReconciliation7,87298,967198,320/329,876
Antoine Costantine BanoBEIRUT 1Strong Lebanon  Free Patriotic Movement Christian MinoritiesStrong Beirut One53921,37344,714/134,736
Antoine El Badaoui HabchiBEKAA 3Strong Republic  Lebanese Forces MaroniteDignity and Development14,85835,607190,268/315,651
Anwar Hussein JoumaaBEKAA 1 Loyalty to the Resistance   Hezbollah ShiaZahle Choice & Decision15,60123,54694,082/175,616
Anwar Mohamad El Khalil SOUTH 3Development and Liberation  Amal Movement DruzeHope and Loyalty6,347193,224228,563/460,570
Assaad Halim Hardan SOUTH 3Social Nationalist Bloc  Syrian Social Nationalist Party Greek OrthodoxHope and Loyalty3,321193,224228,563/460,574
Assad Ramez DarghamNORTH 1Strong Lebanon  Free Patriotic Movement Greek OrthodoxStrong Akkar16,43534,430146,947/283,795
Assem Fayez ArajiBEKAA 1Lebanon First  Future Movement SunniZahle for Everyone7,22436,39194,082/175,614
Ayoub Fahed HmayidSOUTH 3Development and Liberation  Amal Movement ShiaHope and Loyalty7,875193,224228,563/460,568
Bahia Bahaa El din El Hariri SOUTH 1Lebanon First  Future Movement SunniIntegrity and Dignity13,73916,47067,346/122,528
Baker Mahmoud El HoujairiBEKAA 3Lebanon First  Future Movement SunniDignity and Development5,99435,607190,268/315,652
Bilal Ahmad AbdallahMOUNT LEBANON 4Democratic Gathering  Progressive Socialist Party SunniReconciliation8,49298,967173,320/329,873
Cesar Naim Risk El MaaloufBEKAA 1Strong Republic  Independent Greek OrthodoxZahle Our Cause3,55418,70294,082/175,619
Cezar Raymond Abi KhalilMOUNT LEBANON 4Strong Lebanon  Free Patriotic Movement MaroniteMount Lebanon's Guaranteed change9,12459,027193,320/329,879
Dima Mohamad Rachid El JamaliNORTH 2Lebanon First  Future Movement SunniThe Future is for the North2,06651,937151,759/350,148
Eddy Bokhos DemerjianBEKAA 1  Independent Armenian OrthodoxZahle Choice & Decision7723,54694,082/175,617
Edgard Boulos MaaloufMOUNT LEBANON 2Strong Lebanon  Free Patriotic Movement Greek CatholicStrong Metn8,96159,89799,446/169,922
Edgard Joseph TraboulsiBEIRUT 2Strong Lebanon  Free Patriotic Movement ProtestantBeirut's Unity10,91947,087147,801/353,422
Elias Nicolas Bou Saab MOUNT LEBANON 2Strong Lebanon  Free Patriotic Movement Greek OrthodoxStrong Metn9,99959,89799,446/179,919
Elias Rakif Hankash

Resigned on 8 August 2020 [1]

MOUNT LEBANON 2 Kataeb   Kataeb MaroniteMetn Pulse2,58319,00392,446/179,924
Elie Nagib Ferzli BEKAA 2 Strong Lebanon

Expelled from Strong Lebanon bloc on 21 April 2021 [2]

  Independent Greek OrthodoxBetter Tomorrow6,89932,57868,227/143,814
Estephan Boutros El DoueihyNORTH 3National Coalition  Marada MaroniteTogether for North and Lebanon5,43540,788117,811/249,416
Fadi Fakhri AlamehMOUNT LEBANON 3Development and Liberation  Amal Movement ShiaNational Accord6,34840,66980,052/166,138
Fadi Youssef SaadNORTH 3Strong Republic  Lebanese Forces MaroniteStrong Republic Pulse9,84237,376117,811/249,416
Faisal Afif Al SayeghBEIRUT 2Democratic Gathering  Progressive Socialist Party DruzeFuture for Beirut1,90262,970147,801/353,417
Farid Georges Philip Al BoustaniMOUNT LEBANON 5Strong Lebanon  Free Patriotic Movement MaroniteMount Lebanon's Guaranteed change9,65751,027173,320/329,880
Farid Haykal Al KhazenMOUNT LEBANON 1National Coalition  Independent MaroniteDecision is Ours9,08118,553117,603/176,716
Fayez Michel Ghosn

Died on November 22, 2021 [3]

NORTH 3National Coalition  Marada Greek OrthodoxTogether for North and Lebanon4,22440,788117,811/249,416
Faysal Omar Karami NORTH 2Consultative Gathering  Arab Liberation Party SunniNational Dignity7,12629,101151,759/350,154
Fouad Moustapha Makhzoumi BEIRUT 2  National Dialogue Party SunniLebanon is Worthy11,34615,773147,801/353,423
Gebran Gergi Bassil NORTH 3Strong Lebanon  Free Patriotic Movement MaroniteStrong North16,26938,342148,811/249,416
Georges Elie OkaisBEKAA 1Strong Republic  Lebanese Forces Greek CatholicZahle Our Cause11,36318,70294,082/175,618
Georges Jamil Adwan MOUNT LEBANON 4Strong Republic  Lebanese Forces MaroniteReconciliation9,95698,967173,320/329,871
Georges Naim AtallahNORTH 3Strong Lebanon  Free Patriotic Movement Greek OrthodoxStrong North7,38338,342148,811/249,416
Ghazy Mohamad ZeatirBEKAA 3Development and Liberation  Amal Movement ShiaHope and Loyalty17,767140,747190,268/315,647
Hadi Fawzi HobeichNORTH 1Lebanon First  Future Movement MaroniteFuture for Akkar13,05576,452136,947/283,794
Hadi Mohammad Rafik Aboul HosnMOUNT LEBANON 3Democratic Gathering  Progressive Socialist Party DruzeBaabda Unity & Development11,84426,50080,052/166,140
Hagop Mardrios Hambarsom TerezianBEIRUT 1Strong Lebanon  Tashnag Armenian OrthodoxStrong Beirut One3,45121,37344,714/134,736
Hagop Ohanes Hagop BakradonianMOUNT LEBANON 2Strong Lebanon  Tashnag Armenian OrthodoxStrong Metn7,18238,89792,446/179,920
Hani Hassan KobaisiSOUTH 3Development and Liberation  Amal Movement ShiaHope and Loyalty20,504193,224228,563/460,571
Hassan Nizamddine FadlallahSOUTH 3 Loyalty to the Resistance   Hezbollah ShiaHope and Loyalty39,722193,224228,563/460,567
Henri Pierre El Helou

Resigned on 8 August 2020 [4]

MOUNT LEBANON 4Democratic Gathering  Progressive Socialist Party MaroniteReconciliation7,89498,967173,320/329,875
Henry Youssef ChedidBEKAA 2Lebanon First  Independent MaroniteFuture for W. Bekaa and Rashaya1,58431,81768,227/143,816
Hikmat Faraj DibMOUNT LEBANON 3Strong Lebanon  Free Patriotic Movement MaroniteNational Accord7,92841,66991,052/166,136
Hussein Ali El Hajj HassanBEKAA 3 Loyalty to the Resistance   Hezbollah ShiaHope and Loyalty15,662140,747190,268/315,644
Hussein Said JechiSOUTH 2 Loyalty to the Resistance   Hezbollah ShiaHope and Loyalty23,864134,068150,264/304,196
Ibrahim Ali El MousawiBEKAA 3 Loyalty to the Resistance   Hezbollah ShiaHope and Loyalty16,942140,747190,268/315,650
Ibrahim Samir AzarSOUTH 1Development and Liberation  Independent MaroniteFor Everyone11,66322,08367,346/122,524
Ibrahim Youssef KenaanMOUNT LEBANON 2Strong Lebanon  Free Patriotic Movement MaroniteStrong Metn11,17959,89792,446/179,921
Ihab Arwa HmadeBEKAA 3 Loyalty to the Resistance   Hezbollah ShiaHope and Loyalty18,404140,747190,268/315,645
Imad Naim Wakim BEIRUT 1Strong Republic  Lebanese Forces Greek OrthodoxBeirut One3,93616,77244,714/134,743
Inaya Mohamad EizzidineSOUTH 2Development and Liberation  Amal Movement ShiaHope and Loyalty18,815134,068150,264/304,198
Jamil Mohamad Amin Amin El SayedBEKAA 3  Independent ShiaHope and Loyalty33,223140,747190,268/315,643
Jean Arshak TalozianBEIRUT 1Strong Republic  Lebanese Forces Armenian CatholicBeirut One4,16616,77244,714/134,736
Jean Badawi Obeid

Died on 8 February 2021 [5]

NORTH 2 Independent Centre Bloc   Independent MaroniteDetermination1,13642,019151,759/350,152
Jihad Mourched El SamadNORTH 2Consultative Gathering

(Withdrew from Consultative Gathering)

  Independent SunniNational Dignity11,89729,101151,759/350,153
Joseph Gerges IshakNORTH 3Strong Republic  Lebanese Forces MaroniteStrong Republic Pulse5,99037,376117,811/249,416
Kassem Omar HachemSOUTH 3Development and Liberation  Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party – Lebanon Region SunniHope and Loyalty6,012193,224228,563/460,572
Majed Eddy Faek Abi LamaaMOUNT LEBANON 2Strong Republic  Lebanese Forces MaroniteMetn Heart of Lebanon8,92213,13892,446/179,926
Mario Aziz Aoun MOUNT LEBANON 7Strong Lebanon  Free Patriotic Movement MaroniteMount Lebanon's Guaranteed change10,12449,027189,320/329,882
Marwan Mohammad Hmadeh

Resigned on 5 August 2020 [6]

MOUNT LEBANON 4Democratic Gathering  Progressive Socialist Party DruzeReconciliation7,26698,967173,320/329,877
Michel Elias El Murr

Died on 31 January 2021 [7]

MOUNT LEBANON 2  Independent Greek OrthodoxMetn Loyalty11,94513,77999,446/179,925
Michel Georges DaherBEKAA 1Strong Lebanon

(Withdrew from Strong Lebanon Bloc)

  Independent Greek CatholicZahle for Everyone9,74236,39194,082/175,613
Michel Hanna MoussaSOUTH 2Development and Liberation  Amal Movement Greek CatholicHope and Loyalty4,162134,068150,264/304,195
Michel Rene Mouawad

Resigned on 9 August 2020

NORTH 3Strong Lebanon

(Withdrew from Strong Lebanon Bloc)

  Independence Movement MaroniteStrong North8,57133,342117,811/249,416
Mohamad Dib NasrallahBEKAA 2Development and Liberation  Amal Movement ShiaBetter Tomorrow8,89732,57868,227/143,813
Mohamad Hassan Raad SOUTH 3 Loyalty to the Resistance   Hezbollah ShiaHope and Loyalty43,797193,224228,563/460,565
Mohamad Kassem El KaraaouiBEKAA 2Lebanon First  Future Movement SunniFuture for W. Bekaa and Rashaya8,76831,81768,227/143,817
Mohamad Nagib Azmi MikatiNORTH 2 Independent Centre Bloc   Azm Movement SunniDetermination21,30042,019151,759/350,149
Mohamad Tarek Talal El MerehbiNORTH 1Lebanon First  Future Movement SunniFuture for Akkar14,14576,452136,947/283,793
Mohamd Abdel Latif KabbaraNORTH 2Lebanon First  Future Movement SunniThe Future is for the North9,60051,937151,759/350,145
Mohamd Moustafa SleimanNORTH 1Lebanon First  Future Movement SunniFuture for Akkar14,91176,452136,947/283,792
Mohammad Kassem Rachid Al HajjarMOUNT LEBANON 4Lebanon First  Future Movement SunniReconciliation10,00398,967173,320/329,874
Mohammad Moutapha KhawajaBEIRUT 2Development and Liberation  Amal Movement ShiaBeirut's Unity7,83447,087147,801/353,421
Moustafa Ali HusseinNORTH 1Strong Lebanon  Independent AlawiteStrong Akkar1,35334,430136,947/283,796
Moustapha Ali Al Hussein Died on 28 July 2021 [8] MOUNT LEBANON 1National Coalition  Independent ShiaDecision is Ours25618,553117,603/176,717
Nabih Moustafa Berri SOUTH 2Development and Liberation  Amal Movement ShiaHope and Loyalty42,137134,068150,264/304,192
Nadim Bachir Gemayel

Resigned on 8 August 2020 [1]

BEIRUT 1 Kataeb   Kataeb MaroniteBeirut One4,09616,77244,714/134,736
Nazih Nicolas NajemBEIRUT 2Lebanon First  Future Movement Greek OrthodoxFuture for Beirut2,35162,970147,801/353,415
Nehmat Georges Frem

Resigned on 8 September 2020 [9]

MOUNT LEBANON 1Strong Lebanon until 25 October 2019, then independent  Independent MaroniteStrong Lebanon10,71754,544117,603/176,710
Nehme Youssef TohmeMOUNT LEBANON 4Democratic Gathering  Progressive Socialist Party Greek CatholicReconciliation7,25398,967173,320/329,878
Nicolas Kamil NahasNORTH 2 Independent Centre Bloc   Azm Movement Greek OrthodoxDetermination1,05742,019151,759/350,150
Nicolas Maurice Sehnaoui BEIRUT 1Strong Lebanon  Free Patriotic Movement Greek CatholicStrong Beirut One4,78821,37344,714/134,736
Hassan Ezzeddine [10] SOUTH 2 Loyalty to the Resistance   Hezbollah ShiaHope and Loyalty
Nouaf Mahmoud El Mousawi

Resigned on 18 July 2019 [11]

SOUTH 2 Loyalty to the Resistance   Hezbollah ShiaHope and Loyalty24,379134,068150,264/304,194
Nouhad Saleh Al Mashnouk BEIRUT 2Lebanon First  Future Movement SunniFuture for Beirut6,41162,970147,801/353,418
Osman Mohamad AlameddineNORTH 2Lebanon First  Future Movement SunniThe Future is for the North10,22151,937151,759/350,144
Oussama Maarouf Saad El MasriSOUTH 1  Popular Nasserite Organization SunniFor Everyone9,88022,08367,346/122,525
Paula Sirakan Yacobian

Resigned on 8 August 2020 [1]

BEIRUT 1  Independent Armenian OrthodoxKulluna Watani2,5006,84244,714/134,736
Pierre Rachid Bou Assi MOUNT LEBANON 3Strong Republic  Lebanese Forces MaroniteBaabda Unity & Development11,49826,50090,052/166,139
Roger Gergi AzarMOUNT LEBANON 1Strong Lebanon  Free Patriotic Movement MaroniteStrong Lebanon14,79389,544137,603/176,711
Roula Nizar El TabeshBEIRUT 2Lebanon First  Future Movement SunniFuture for Beirut6,63762,970147,801/353,416
Saad Eddine Rafik Al Hariri BEIRUT 2Lebanon First  Future Movement SunniFuture for Beirut20,75162,970147,801/353,413
Salim Abdallah Saadeh NORTH 3Social Nationalist Bloc  Syrian Social Nationalist Party Greek OrthodoxTogether for North and Lebanon5,26340,788117,811/249,416
Salim Georges AounBEKAA 1Strong Lebanon  Free Patriotic Movement MaroniteZahle for Everyone8,56736,39198,082/175,615
Sami Ahmad Chaouki FatfatNORTH 2Lebanon First  Future Movement SunniThe Future is for the North7,94351,937151,759/350,147
Sami Amin Gemayel

Resigned on 8 August 2020 [1]

MOUNT LEBANON 2 Kataeb   Kataeb MaroniteMetn Pulse13,96819,00392,446/179,923
Samir Adnan El JisrNORTH 2Lebanon First  Future Movement SunniThe Future is for the North9,52751,937151,759/350,146
Selim Antoine KhourySOUTH 1Strong Lebanon  Free Patriotic Movement Greek CatholicSaida & Jezzine Together7,70835,12769,846/122,527
Shamel Rachid Roukoz MOUNT LEBANON 1Strong Lebanon until 25 October 2019, then independent  Independent MaroniteStrong Lebanon7,30079,544127,603/176,713
Shawki Gergi Al DakashMOUNT LEBANON 1Strong Republic  Lebanese Forces MaroniteDefinite Change10,03226,980137,603/176,715
Simon Farid Abi Ramia MOUNT LEBANON 1Strong Lebanon  Free Patriotic Movement MaroniteStrong Lebanon20,72979,544137,603/176,712
Sitrida Elias Tawk NORTH 3Strong Republic  Lebanese Forces MaroniteStrong Republic Pulse6,67737,376127,811/249,416
Tamam Saeb Beik SalamBEIRUT 2Lebanon First  Future Movement SunniFuture for Beirut9,59962,970147,801/353,414
Taymour Walid Joumblatt MOUNT LEBANON 4Democratic Gathering  Progressive Socialist Party DruzeReconciliation11,47898,967173,320/329,872
Tony Sleiman Franjieh NORTH 3National Coalition  Marada MaroniteTogether for North and Lebanon11,40740,788117,811/249,416
Wael Wehbe Abou Faour BEKAA 2Democratic Gathering  Progressive Socialist Party DruzeFuture for W. Bekaa and Rashaya10,67731,81768,227/143,815
Walid Mohamad SouccariehBEKAA 3Consultative Gathering  Independent SunniHope and Loyalty6,916140,747190,268/315,646
Walid Wajih El BaarinNORTH 1Lebanon First  Future Movement SunniFuture for Akkar20,42676,452136,947/283,790
Wehbe Khalil Khalil KatichaNORTH 1Strong Republic  Lebanese Forces Greek OrthodoxFuture for Akkar7,91176,452136,947/283,791
Yassin Kamel JaberSOUTH 3Development and Liberation  Amal Movement ShiaHope and Loyalty7,920193,224228,563/460,566
Ziad Halim Al Hawwat MOUNT LEBANON 1Strong Republic  Lebanese Forces MaroniteDefinite Change14,42426,980117,603/176,714
Ziad Michel AssouadSOUTH 1Strong Lebanon  Free Patriotic Movement MaroniteSaida & Jezzine Together10,27035,12769,346/122,526

See also

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  4. Azar, Georgi. "Lebanon's government resigns amid mounting pressure". Annahar.
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