List of ministers of the Supreme Federal Court (Brazil)

Last updated

This is a list of ministers of the Supreme Federal Court (STF) of Brazil since its foundation as Supremo Tribunal de Justiça (Supreme Justice Court) the highest Brazilian court during the imperial period (1822–1889). [1]


Supremo Tribunal de Justiça – Brazilian Empire

NameProvínce/State of origin
Adriano José LealFlag of Portugal.svg  Portugal
Adriano José Leal FilhoBandeira da Bahia.svg  Bahia
Afonso Artur de Almeida AlbuquerqueFlag of Portugal.svg  Portugal
Agostinho Marques Perdigão MalheirosFlag of Portugal.svg  Portugal
Agostinho Petra de BittencourtBandeira do estado do Rio de Janeiro.svg  Rio de Janeiro
Albino José Barbosa de OliveiraCoimbra (Flag of Portugal.svg  Portugal)
Alexandre Bernardino dos Reis e SilvaBandeira de Pernambuco.svg  Pernambuco
André Alves Pereira Ribeiro e CirneBandeira do estado do Rio de Janeiro.svg  Rio de Janeiro
Antônio Augusto da SilvaBandeira da Bahia.svg  Bahia
Antônio Buarque de LimaBandeira de Alagoas.svg  Alagoas
Antônio Cerqueira LimaBandeira da Bahia.svg  Bahia
Antônio da Costa PintoBandeira de Minas Gerais.svg  Minas Gerais
Antônio da Silva TelesBandeira da Bahia.svg  Bahia
Antônio de Sousa MendesBandeira do Piaui.svg  Piauí
Antônio Francisco de AzevedoBandeira do estado de Sao Paulo.svg  São Paulo
Antônio Gerardo Curado de MenesesIlha da Madeira (Flag of Portugal.svg  Portugal)
Antônio Inácio de AzevedoBandeira da Bahia.svg  Bahia
Antônio José da VeigaFlag of Portugal.svg  Portugal
Antônio José de Carvalho ChavesFlag of Portugal.svg  Portugal
Antônio José de Miranda
Antônio Luís Figueira Pereira da CunhaFlag of Portugal.svg  Portugal
Antônio Paulino Limpo de Abreu

(Visconde de Abaeté)

Lisboa (Flag of Portugal.svg  Portugal)
Antônio Pereira Barreto PedrosoBandeira de Minas Gerais.svg  Minas Gerais
Antônio Pinto Chichorro da GamaBandeira da Bahia.svg  Bahia
Antônio Rodrigues Fernandes BragaBandeira do Rio Grande do Sul.svg  Rio Grande do Sul
Antônio Simões da SilvaBandeira da Bahia.svg  Bahia
Caetano José da Silva SantiagoBandeira de Pernambuco.svg  Pernambuco
Caetano Vicente de Almeida Júnior

(Barão de Mucuri)

Bandeira da Bahia.svg  Bahia
Cândido José de Araújo Viana

(Marquês de Sapucaí)

Bandeira de Minas Gerais.svg  Minas Gerais
Cassiano Spiridião de Melo MatosBandeira da Bahia.svg  Bahia
Cornélio Ferreira FrançaBandeira da Bahia.svg  Bahia
Custódio Manuel da Silva GuimarãesBandeira do Ceara.svg  Ceará
Cipriano José VelosoBandeira da Bahia.svg  Bahia
Ernesto Ferreira FrançaBandeira da Bahia.svg  Bahia
Eusébio de Queirós Coutinho da SilvaLuanda (Flag of Angola.svg  Angola)
Firmino Pereira MonteiroBandeira do estado do Rio de Janeiro.svg  Rio de Janeiro
Francisco Alberto Teixeira de AragãoLisboa (Flag of Portugal.svg  Portugal)
Francisco Balthazar da SilveiraBandeira da Bahia.svg  Bahia
Francisco Carneiro de CamposBandeira da Bahia.svg  Bahia
Francisco de Paula Cerqueira LeiteBandeira de Minas Gerais.svg  Minas Gerais
Francisco de Paula Pereira DuarteBandeira de Minas Gerais.svg  Minas Gerais
Francisco Domingues da SilvaBandeira do Ceara.svg  Ceará
Francisco Gomes de Campos

(Barão de Campo Grande)

Bandeira do estado do Rio de Janeiro.svg  Rio de Janeiro
Francisco Jorge MonteiroBandeira da Bahia.svg  Bahia
Francisco José Alves CarneiroBandeira do estado do Rio de Janeiro.svg  Rio de Janeiro
Francisco José de FreitasBandeira da Bahia.svg  Bahia
Francisco Maria de Freitas e AlbuquerqueBandeira da Bahia.svg  Bahia
Francisco MarianiBandeira da Bahia.svg  Bahia
Francisco Soares Bernardes de GouveiaBandeira de Minas Gerais.svg  Minas Gerais
Gustavo Adolfo d'Aguilar PantojaBandeira da Bahia.svg  Bahia
Inácio José de Mendonça UchoaBandeira de Alagoas.svg  Alagoas
Inocêncio Marques de Araújo Góis

(Barão de Araújo Góis)

Bandeira da Bahia.svg  Bahia
Jerônimo Martiniano Figueira de MeloBandeira do Ceara.svg  Ceará
João Antônio de Araújo Freitas HenriquesBandeira da Bahia.svg  Bahia
João Antônio de VasconcelosBandeira da Bahia.svg  Bahia
João Antônio Rodrigues de CarvalhoBandeira do estado do Rio de Janeiro.svg  Rio de Janeiro
João Batista Gonçalves Campos

(Visconde de Jari)

Bandeira da Bahia.svg  Bahia
João Carlos LealBandeira da Bahia.svg  Bahia
João de Medeiros GomesBandeira do estado do Rio de Janeiro.svg  Rio de Janeiro
João Evangelista de Negreiros Saião Lobato

(Visconde de Sabará)

Bandeira de Minas Gerais.svg  Minas Gerais
João Gomes de CamposBandeira do estado do Rio de Janeiro.svg  Rio de Janeiro
João Joaquim da SilvaBandeira da Bahia.svg  Bahia
João José da VeigaCoimbra (Flag of Portugal.svg  Portugal)
João José de Almeida Couto

(Barão do Desterro)

Bandeira da Bahia.svg  Bahia
João José de Andrade PintoBandeira do estado do Rio de Janeiro.svg  Rio de Janeiro
João José de Oliveira JunqueiraBandeira da Bahia.svg  Bahia
João Lopes da Silva CoutoBandeira do estado do Rio de Janeiro.svg  Rio de Janeiro
Joaquim Caetano da Silva GuimarãesBandeira de Minas Gerais.svg  Minas Gerais
Joaquim Francisco de FariaBandeira do estado do Rio de Janeiro.svg  Rio de Janeiro
Joaquim Francisco Gonçalves Ponce de LeãoBandeira da Bahia.svg  Bahia
Joaquim José Pinheiro de Vasconcelos

(Visconde de Monserrate)

Bandeira do Espirito Santo.svg  Espírito Santo
Joaquim Marcelino de BritoBandeira da Bahia.svg  Bahia
Joaquim Pedro VilaçaBandeira do estado de Sao Paulo.svg  São Paulo
Joaquim Tibúrcio Ferreira GomesBandeira da Bahia.svg  Bahia
Joaquim Vieira da Silva e SousaBandeira do Maranhao.svg  Maranhão
José Albano Fragoso

(1º presidente)

São João Batista do Lumiar

(Flag of Portugal.svg  Portugal)

José Antônio de Magalhães CastroBandeira da Bahia.svg  Bahia
José Antônio de Siqueira e SilvaBandeira do estado do Rio de Janeiro.svg  Rio de Janeiro
José Ascenço da Costa FerreiraBandeira do Maranhao.svg  Maranhão
José Baptista de LisboaBandeira do estado do Rio de Janeiro.svg  Rio de Janeiro
José Bernardo de FigueiredoBandeira de Pernambuco.svg  Pernambuco
José da Cruz FerreiraBandeira do estado do Rio de Janeiro.svg  Rio de Janeiro
José de Assis MascarenhasFlag of Goias.svg  Goiás
José Inácio Accioli de VasconcelosBandeira do estado do Rio de Janeiro.svg  Rio de Janeiro
José Maria de Sales Gameiro de Mendonça PeçanhaBandeira do estado do Rio de Janeiro.svg  Rio de Janeiro
José MarianiBandeira da Bahia.svg  Bahia
José Matoso de Andrade CâmaraLuanda (Flag of Angola.svg  Angola)
José Paulo de Figueiroa Nabuco AraújoBandeira do Para.svg  Pará
José Pereira da Costa MotaBandeira do estado do Rio de Janeiro.svg  Rio de Janeiro
José Pereira da Graça

(Barão de Aracati)

Bandeira do Ceara.svg  Ceará
José Ricardo da Costa Aguiar d'AndradaBandeira do estado de Sao Paulo.svg  São Paulo
José Tavares BastosBandeira de Alagoas.svg  Alagoas
José Verneque Ribeiro d'Aguilar
Lourenço José da Silva SantiagoBandeira de Pernambuco.svg  Pernambuco
Lucas Antônio Monteiro de Barros

(Visconde de Congonhas do Campo)

Bandeira de Minas Gerais.svg  Minas Gerais
Luís Antônio Barbosa d'AlmeidaBandeira da Bahia.svg  Bahia
Luís Barbosa Accioli de BritoBandeira do estado do Rio de Janeiro.svg  Rio de Janeiro
Luís Carlos de Paiva TeixeiraBandeira do estado do Rio de Janeiro.svg  Rio de Janeiro
Luís Correia de Queirós BarrosBandeira de Pernambuco.svg  Pernambuco
Luís Gonzaga de Brito Guerra

(Barão de Açu)

Bandeira do Rio Grande do Norte.svg  Rio Grande do Norte
Luís Joaquim Duque Estrada Furtado de MendonçaBandeira do estado do Rio de Janeiro.svg  Rio de Janeiro
Luís José de SampaioBandeira do Rio Grande do Norte.svg  Rio Grande do Norte
Manuel Caetano d'Almeida e AlbuquerqueBandeira de Pernambuco.svg  Pernambuco
Manuel de Jesus Valdetaro

(Visconde de Valdetaro)

Bandeira do estado do Rio de Janeiro.svg  Rio de Janeiro
Manuel dos Santos Martins ValasquesBandeira da Bahia.svg  Bahia
Manuel Elisário de Castro MenezesBandeira do Ceara.svg  Ceará
Manuel Filipe MonteiroBandeira da Bahia.svg  Bahia
Manuel Inácio Cavalcanti de Lacerda

(Barão de Pirapama)

Bandeira de Pernambuco.svg  Pernambuco
Manuel José de Freitas TravassosBandeira do Rio Grande do Sul.svg  Rio Grande do Sul
Manuel Machado NunesBandeira do estado do Rio de Janeiro.svg  Rio de Janeiro
Manuel Messias de LeãoBandeira da Bahia.svg  Bahia
Manuel Pinto Ribeiro Pereira de SampaioBandeira do Espirito Santo.svg  Espírito Santo
Manuel Rodrigues VilaresBandeira do estado de Sao Paulo.svg  São Paulo
Miguel Joaquim de Castro MascarenhasBandeira da Bahia.svg  Bahia
Olegário Herculano d'Aquino e CastroBandeira do estado de Sao Paulo.svg  São Paulo
Ovídio Fernandes Trigo de LoureiroBandeira do estado de Sao Paulo.svg  São Paulo
Monsenhor Pedro Machado de Miranda MalheirosFlag of Portugal.svg  Portugal
Silvério Fernandes de Araújo JorgeBandeira de Alagoas.svg  Alagoas
Tomás Antônio Maciel Monteiro

(Barão de Itamaracá)

Bandeira de Pernambuco.svg  Pernambuco
Tomás Xavier Garcia d'AlmeidaBandeira do Rio Grande do Norte.svg  Rio Grande do Norte
Tibúrcio Valeriano da Silva TavaresBandeira da Bahia.svg  Bahia
Tristão de Alencar AraripeBandeira do Ceara.svg  Ceará
Viriato Bandeira DuarteBandeira do Maranhao.svg  Maranhão
Legenda:     Ministers who joined STF

Supremo Tribunal Federal – Republic

STF, in its initial composition had fifteen ministers. Decree n.º 19.656, Provisory Government act of 1931, reduced the number of ministers to eleven. The AI-2, of 1965, raised the number of ministers to 16. In 1969, AI-6 returned the composition to eleven ministers, which stays until this day. [2]

JusticeSeatReplacingTenureAppointed byPrior position
1 Visconde de Sabara.jpg João Negreiros Saião, Viscount of Sabará1st(new seat)28 February 1891

4 May 1892
Deodoro da Fonseca Justice of the Superior Court of Justice
2 Freitas Henrique.jpg Freitas Henriques2nd(new seat)28 February 1891

9 February 1894
Deodoro da Fonseca Justice of the Superior Court of Justice
3 Tristao de Alencar Araripe.jpg Alencar Araripe3rd(new seat)28 February 1891

25 January 1892
Deodoro da Fonseca Justice of the Superior Court of Justice
4João de Andrade Pinto4th(new seat)28 February 1891

8 October 1894
Deodoro da Fonseca Justice of the Superior Court of Justice
5 Olegario Herculano.jpg Aquino e Castro5th(new seat)28 February 1891

10 August 1906
Deodoro da Fonseca Justice of the Superior Court of Justice
6Joaquim Francisco de Faria6th(new seat)28 February 1891

1 February 1892
Deodoro da Fonseca Justice of the Superior Court of Justice
7Mendonça Uchôa7th(new seat)28 February 1891

25 March 1892
Deodoro da Fonseca Justice of the Superior Court of Justice
8Queiroz Barros8th(new seat)28 February 1891

15 March 1892
Deodoro da Fonseca Justice of the Superior Court of Justice
9Sousa Mendes9th(new seat)28 February 1891

6 May 1892
Deodoro da Fonseca Justice of the Superior Court of Justice
10Trigo de Loureiro10th(new seat)28 February 1891

29 September 1894
Deodoro da Fonseca Justice of the Superior Court of Justice
11Costa Barradas11th(new seat)28 February 1891

21 October 1893
Deodoro da Fonseca Judge of law
12 Barao de Pereira Franco.jpg Luís Pereira Franco, Baron of Pereira Franco12th(new seat)28 February 1891

20 January 1902
Deodoro da Fonseca Desembargador of the Federal District Court of Appeals
13 Barao de Lucena.jpg Henrique Pereira de Lucena, Baron of Lucena13th(new seat)28 February 1891

25 January 1892
Deodoro da Fonseca Governor of Pernambuco
14 Jose Julio de Albuquerque Barros (Barao de Sobral).png José Albuquerque Barros, Baron of Sobral14th(new seat)28 February 1891

31 August 1893
Deodoro da Fonseca Director-general of the Secretariat of Justice Affairs
15 Joaquim de Toledo Piza e Almeida.jpg Piza e Almeida15th(new seat)1 April 1891

22 April 1908
Deodoro da Fonseca Judge of law
16 Macedo Soares.jpg Macedo Soares3rdAraripe29 January 1892

14 August 1905
Floriano Peixoto Judge of the Federal District Court of Appeals
17Barros Pimentel13thLucena29 January 1892

18 November 1893
Floriano Peixoto Desembargador of the Federal District Court of Appeals
18 Anfilofio de Carvalho.png Anfilófio de Carvalho6thFaria1 March 1892

3 April 1895
Floriano Peixoto Federal Deputy from Bahia
19 Dr. Jose Hygino Duarte Pereira - Ministro do Interior.jpg José Higino1stSabará4 June 1897

7 June 1897
Floriano Peixoto Minister of Justice and Interior Affairs (acting)
20Bento Lisboa7thUchôa4 June 1892

18 November 1893
Floriano Peixoto Judge of the Federal District Court of Appeals
21Ferreira de Resende9thS. Mendes28 June 1892

26 October 1893
Floriano Peixoto Vice Governor of Minas Gerais
22Faria Lemos8thQ. Barros4 June 1893

11 January 1894
Floriano Peixoto President of Minas Gerais
23 Candido Barata Ribeiro.jpg Barata Ribeiro14thJ. A. Barros25 November 1893

24 September 1894
(Rejected by the Senate)
Floriano Peixoto Mayor of the Federal District
24Bernardino Ferreira7thLisboa4 June 1892

24 October 1905
Floriano Peixoto Justice of the Military Supreme Council
25Sousa Martins9thResende10 October 1894

25 December 1896

Floriano Peixoto Justice of the Military Supreme Council
26 Pindahiba de Mattos.jpg Pindaíba de Matos11thBarradas10 October 1894

27 December 1910
Floriano Peixoto Desembargador of the Federal District Court of Appeals
27 Herminio do Espirito Santo.jpg Hermínio do Espírito Santo13thPimentel17 November 1894

11 November 1924
Floriano Peixoto Federal judge
28 Américo Brasiliense 8thLemos24 November 1894

25 March 1896
Floriano Peixoto President of São Paulo
29 Fernando Luis Osorio em 1893 (2).jpg Luís Osório2ndHenriques28 November 1894

26 November 1896
Floriano Peixoto Brazilian Ambassador to Argentina
30 Americo Lobo Leite Pereira.gif Américo Lobo15thB. Ribeiro8 December 1894

1 October 1903
Floriano Peixoto Senator for Minas Gerais
31 Ubaldino-do-Amaral-Fontoura.jpg Ubaldino do Amaral10thLoureiro15 December 1894

4 May 1896
Prudente de Morais Senator for Paraná
32 Lucio de Mendonca (Iconografico).jpg Lúcio de Mendonça4thJ. A. Pinto24 April 1895

26 October 1907
Prudente de Morais Director-general of the Secretariat of Justice Affairs
33Figueiredo Júnior6thA. de Carvalho11 December 1895

23 August 1897
Prudente de Morais Attorney
34Ribeiro de Almeida8thBrasiliense24 June 1896

30 September 1913
Prudente de Morais Desembargador of the Federal District Court of Appeals
35João Pedro Belford2ndOsório20 January 1897

2 November 1910
Manuel Vitorino Senator for Maranhão
36 Joao Barbalho Uchoa Cavalcanti.jpg João Barbalho10thAmaral20 January 1897

16 April 1906
Manuel Vitorino Senator for Pernambuco
37 Manoel Jose Murtinho.png Manuel Murtinho9thMartins23 January 1897

22 April 1917
Manuel Vitorino President of Mato Grosso
38 Andre Cavalcanti.jpg André Cavalcanti de Albuquerque1stHigino12 June 1897

13 February 1927
Prudente de Morais Judge of the Federal District
39Augusto Olinto6thF. Júnior8 September 1897

12 August 1898
Prudente de Morais Judge of law
40Gonçalves de Carvalho6thOlinto1 September 1901

18 January 1901
Prudente de Morais Judge of the Federal District Court of Appeals
41 Alberto torres.jpg Alberto Torres6thG. de Carvalho18 May 1901

18 September 1909
Campos Sales President of Rio de Janeiro
42 Epitacio Pessoa (1919).jpg Epitácio Pessoa 12thPereira Franco28 January 1902

17 August 1912
Campos Sales Minister of Justice and Interior Affairs
43 P.A.OliveiraRibeiro.TJSP.jpg Oliveira Ribeiro14thLobo14 October 1903

29 June 1917
Rodrigues Alves Desembargador of the Court of Justice of São Paulo
44 Ministro Guimaraes Natal.jpg Guimarães Natal3rdSoares23 September 1905

13 April 1927
Rodrigues Alves Federal judge
45 Antonio Augusto Cardoso de Castro.jpg Cardoso de Castro7thFerreira11 November 1905

26 October 1911
Rodrigues Alves Chief Police of the Federal District
46 Amaro-Cavalcanti.jpg Amaro Cavalcanti10thBarbalho27 June 1906

30 December 1914
Rodrigues Alves Legal advisor to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
47Manuel Espíndola5thA. Castro29 September 1906

7 October 1912
Rodrigues Alves Desembargador of the Federal District Court of Appeals
48Pedro Lessa4thL. Mendonça20 November 1907

25 July 1921
Afonso Pena Attorney
49Canuto Saraiva15thP. Almeida16 June 1908

25 May 1919
Afonso Pena Desembargador of the Court of Justice of São Paulo
50 Ministro Godofredo Cunha.png Godofredo Cunha6th [D-1931]Torres25 September 1909

18 February 1931
Nilo Peçanha Federal judge
51 Leoni Ramos.jpg Leoni Ramos2ndBelfort22 November 1910

20 March 1931
Nilo Peçanha Chief Police of the Federal District
52Muniz Barreto11th [D-1931]Matos31 December 1910

18 February 1931
Hermes da Fonseca Desembargador of the Federal District Court of Appeals
53Oliveira Figueiredo7thC. Castro11 November 1911

29 October 1912
Hermes da Fonseca Senator for Rio de Janeiro
54Enéas Galvão12thPessoa24 August 1912

24 November 1916
Hermes da Fonseca Desembargador of the Federal District Court of Appeals
55Pedro Mibielli5th [D-1931]Espíndola13 November 1912

18 February 1931
Hermes da Fonseca Desembargador of the Court of Justice of Rio Grande do Sul
56 Sebastiao de Lacerda.jpg Sebastião Lacerda7thFigueiredo16 November 1912

5 July 1925
Hermes da Fonseca State Deputy of Rio de Janeiro
57Coelho e Campos8thR. Almeida1 November 1913

13 October 1919
Hermes da Fonseca Senate for Sergipe
58Viveiros de Castro10thA. Cavalcanti3 February 1915

14 April 1927
Venceslau Brás Minister of the Federal Court of Accounts
59João Mendes12thGalvão5 January 1917

24 October 1922
Venceslau Brás Professor at the Law School, University of São Paulo
60Pires e Albuquerque9th [D-1931]Murtinho26 May 1917

18 February 1931
Venceslau Brás Federal judge
61 Edmundo Lins.jpg Edmundo Lins14thO. Ribeiro12 September 1917

16 November 1937
Venceslau Brás Desembargador of the Court of Justice of Minas Gerais
62 Ministro Hermenegildo de Barros.jpg Hermenegildo de Barros15thSaraiva26 July 1919

16 November 1937
Delfim Moreira Desembargador of the Court of Justice of Minas Gerais
63Pedro dos Santos8thCampos29 November 1919

18 February 1931
Epitácio Pessoa Desembargador of the Court of Justice of Bahia
64 Alfredo Pinto, sem data.tif Alfredo Pinto4thLessa21 September 1921

8 July 1923
Epitácio Pessoa Minister of Justice and Interior Affairs
65Geminiano da Franca12thMendes22 November 1922

18 February 1931
Epitácio Pessoa Chief Police of the Federal District
66Arthur Ribeiro4thA. Pinto6 August 1923

24 March 1936
Artur Bernardes Desembargador of the Court of Justice of Minas Gerais
67 Joao Luis Alves em novembro de 1922.tif João Luís Alves13thEspírito Santo24 January 1925

15 November 1925
Artur Bernardes Minister of Justice and Interior Affairs
68Bento de Faria7thLacerda19 August 1925

25 May 1945
Artur Bernardes Attorney
69 Uladislau Herculano de Freitas.jpg Herculano de Freitas13thJ. Alves28 January 1926

14 May 1926
Artur Bernardes Federal Deputy from São Paulo
70Heitor de Sousa13thFreitas2 July 1926

11 January 1929
Artur Bernardes Federal Deputy from Espírito Santo
71Soriano Sousa1stA. C. Albuquerque25 February 1927

20 July 1933
Washington Luís Desembargador of the Court of Justice of São Paulo
72Cardoso Ribeiro3rdNatal25 May 1927

16 May 1932
Washington Luís Desembargador of the Court of Justice of São Paulo
73Firmino Whitaker10thV. Castro6 June 1927

5 March 1934
Washington Luís Desembargador of the Court of Justice of São Paulo
74 Rodrigo Octavio.jpg Rodrigo Otávio13thH. Sousa8 February 1929

7 February 1934
Washington Luís Consultant General of the Republic
75 Eduardo Espinola.jpg Eduardo Espínola8thP. Santos13 May 1931

25 May 1945
Getúlio Vargas Attorney
76Plínio Casado12thFranca4 June 1931

1 October 1938
Getúlio Vargas Federal Interventor of Rio de Janeiro
77 Ministro Joao Martins de Carvalho Mourao.png Carvalho Mourão2ndRamos8 June 1931

10 December 1940
Getúlio Vargas Dean of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
78 Laudo Ferreira de Camargo.jpg Laudo de Camargo3rdC. Ribeiro9 June 1932

25 April 1951
Getúlio Vargas Desembargador of the Court of Justice of São Paulo
79Costa Manso1stS. Sousa28 August 1933

3 May 1939
Getúlio Vargas Desembargador of the Court of Justice of São Paulo
80 Octavio Kelly (1936).tif Otávio Kelly13thOtávio14 February 1934

30 July 1942
Getúlio Vargas Federal judge
81Ataulfo de Paiva10thWhitaker20 March 1934

16 December 1937
Getúlio Vargas Desembargador of the Federal District Court of Appeals
82Carlos Maximiliano4thA. Ribeiro4 May 1936

13 June 1941
Getúlio Vargas Prosecutor General of the Republic
83 Armando de Alencar, sem data.tif Armando de Alencar14thLins22 November 1937

6 May 1941
Getúlio Vargas Desembargador of the Federal District Court of Appeals
84Francisco Cunha Melo15thBarros24 November 1937

1 April 1942
Getúlio Vargas Federal judge
85 Jose Linhares, Ministro do Supremo Tribunal Federal.tif José Linhares 10thA. Paiva24 December 1937

29 January 1956
Getúlio Vargas Desembargador of the Federal District Court of Appeals
86Washington de Oliveira12thCasado12 October 1938

17 June 1940
Getúlio Vargas Federal judge
87 Frederico de Barros Barreto, Presidente STF.tif Barros Barreto1stManso17 May 1939

20 May 1963
Getúlio Vargas Desembargador of the Federal District Court of Appeals
88 Ministro Anibal Freire.jpg Aníbal Freire12thW. Oliveira26 June 1940

17 May 1951
Getúlio Vargas Consultant General of the Republic
89Castro Nunes2ndMourão18 December 1940

2 September 1949
Getúlio Vargas Minister of the Federal Court of Accounts
90 Orozimbo Nonato.jpg Orozimbo Nonato14thAlencar21 May 1941

27 January 1960
Getúlio Vargas Consultant General of the Republic
91 Ministro Waldemar Cromwell Falcao.jpg Waldemar Falcão4thMaximiliano18 June 1941

2 October 1946
Getúlio Vargas Minister of Labour
92Goulart de Oliveira15thC. Melo15 April 1942

28 May 1950
Getúlio Vargas Desembargador of the Federal District Court of Appeals
93 Filadelfo de Azevedo, professor do Colegio Pedro II.tif Filadelfo e Azevedo13thO. Kelly16 August 1942

26 January 1946
Getúlio Vargas Professor at the National Law School
94Edgard Costa7thB. Faria8 November 1945

19 January 1957
José Linhares Desembargador of the Federal District Court of Appeals
95 Antonio Carlos Lafaiete de Andrada, Ministro do Supremo Tribunal.tif Lafayette de Andrada8th [AI-6]Espínola8 November 1945

3 February 1969
José Linhares Desembargador of the Federal District Court of Appeals
96 Ribeiro da Costa.jpg Ribeiro da Costa13thF. Azevedo30 January 1946

5 December 1966
José Linhares Chief of Police of the Federal District
97Hahnemann Guimarães4thW. Falcão30 October 1946

3 October 1967
Eurico Gaspar Dutra Prosecutor General of the Republic
98 Luiz Gallotti.jpg Luís Gallotti2ndNunes22 September 1949

16 August 1974
Eurico Gaspar Dutra Prosecutor General of the Republic
99Rocha Lagoa15thG. Oliveira16 June 1950

19 November 1960
Eurico Gaspar Dutra Justice of the Federal Court of Appeals
100 Mario Guimaraes, Ministro do Supremo Tribunal Federal.tif Mário Guimarães3rdCamargo28 May 1951

10 April 1956
Getúlio Vargas Desembargador of the Court of Justice of São Paulo
101 Nelson Hungria Hoffbauer, Ministro do Supremo Tribunal Federal.tif Nelson Hungria12thFreire4 June 1951

11 April 1961
Getúlio Vargas Desembargador of the Federal District Court of Appeals
102Ary Franco10thLinhares1 February 1956

17 July 1963
Nereu Ramos Desembargador of the Court of Justice of Rio de Janeiro
103 CandidoMota.jpg Cândido Mota3rdM. Guimarães2 May 1956

18 September 1967
Juscelino Kubitschek President of the Republican Party
104 Antonio Vilas Boas.jpg Antonio Vilas Boas7thE. Costa20 February 1957

25 November 1966
Juscelino Kubitschek Desembargador of the Court of Justice of Minas Gerais
105 Goncalves de Oliveira.jpg Antônio Gonçalves de Oliveira14th [AI-6]Nonato15 February 1960

3 February 1969
Juscelino Kubitschek Consultant General of the Republic
106 Victor Nunes Leal STF.jpg Victor Nunes Leal 15th [AI-6]Lagoa7 December 1960

16 January 1969
Juscelino Kubitschek Chief of Staff of the Presidency
107Pedro Chaves12thHungria26 April 1961

5 June 1967
Jânio Quadros Desembargador of the Court of Justice of São Paulo
108 Hermes Lima.tif Hermes Lima 1st [AI-6]Barreto26 June 1963

19 January 1969
João Goulart Prime Minister of Brazil
109 Evandro Lins.tif Evandro Lins e Silva 10th [AI-6]A. Franco4 September 1963

16 January 1969
João Goulart Minister of Foreign Affairs
110Adalício Nogueira16th [AI-2](new seat)25 November 1965

24 February 1972
Castelo Branco Desembargador of the Court of Justice of Bahia
111 Prado Kelly.jpg Prado Kelly17th [AI-2](new seat)25 November 1965

18 January 1968
Castelo Branco President of the Order of Attorneys of Brazil Federal Council
112 Oswaldo Trigueiro de Albuquerque Mello, Ministro do Supremo Tribunal.tif Osvaldo Trigueiro18th [AI-2](new seat)25 November 1965

3 January 1975
Castelo Branco Prosecutor General of the Republic
113 Deputado (BA) Aliomar Baleeiro.tif Aliomar Baleeiro19th [AI-2](new seat)25 November 1965

2 May 1975
Castelo Branco Federal Deputy from Guanabara
114 CarlosMedeiros.jpg Carlos Medeiros20th [AI-2](new seat)25 November 1965

18 July 1966
Castelo Branco Federal Councillor of the Order of Attorneys of Brazil
115 Eloy da Rocha.jpg Elói Rocha20thMedeiros15 September 1966

3 June 1977
Castelo Branco Desembargador of the Court of Justice of Rio Grande do Sul
116 Djalci Falcao.jpg Djaci Falcão7thVilas Boas21 February 1967

26 January 1989
Castelo Branco Desembargador of the Court of Justice of Pernambuco
117Adauto Cardoso13thR. Costa2 March 1967

18 March 1971
Castelo Branco Federal Deputy from Guanabara
118Barros Monteiro12thChaves7 July 1967

3 May 1974
Costa e Silva Desembargador of the Court of Justice of São Paulo
119Amaral Santos3rdMota18 October 1967

25 July 1972
Costa e Silva Professor at the University of São Paulo
120 Themistocles Cavalcanti.jpg Themístocles Cavalcanti4thH. Guimarães18 October 1967

14 October 1969
Costa e Silva Deputy of the Constituent Assembly of Guanabara
121 Thompson Flores.jpg Thompson Flores17thP. Kelly14 March 1968

26 January 1981
Costa e Silva Desembargador of the Court of Justice of Rio Grande do Sul
122 Bilac Pinto (1957).tif Bilac Pinto4thT. Cavalcanti17 June 1970

9 February 1978
Emílio Garrastazu Médici Brazilian Ambassador to France
123Antônio Neder13thA. Cardoso28 April 1971

10 June 1981
Emílio Garrastazu Médici Justice of the Federal Court of Appeals
124 Xavier de Albuquerque.jpg Xavier de Albuquerque16thNogueira19 April 1972

21 February 1983
Emílio Garrastazu Médici Prosecutor General of the Republic
125Rodrigues Alckmin3rdA. Santos11 October 1972

6 November 1978
Emílio Garrastazu Médici Desembargador of the Court of Justice of São Paulo
126 Joao Leitao de Abreu, Chefe do Gabinete Civil da Presidencia da Republica..tif Leitão de Abreu12thB. Monteiro17 June 1974

11 August 1981
Ernesto Geisel Chief of Staff of the Presidency
127 Cordeiro Guerra.jpg Cordeiro Guerra2ndL. Gallotti26 September 1974

18 March 1986
Ernesto Geisel Prosecutor of Guanabara
128 Moreira Alves.png Moreira Alves 18thTrigueiro20 June 1975

20 April 2003
Ernesto Geisel Prosecutor General of the Republic
129Cunha Peixoto19thBaleeiro4 July 1975

9 December 1981
Ernesto Geisel Desembargador of the Court of Justice of Minas Gerais
130Pedro Soares Muñoz20thE. Rocha8 August 1977

5 November 1984
Ernesto Geisel Desembargador of the Court of Justice of Rio Grande do Sul
131Décio Miranda4thB. Pinto27 June 1978

2 September 1985
Ernesto Geisel Justice of the Federal Court of Appeals
132 LuisRafaelMayer.jpg Rafael Mayer3rdAlckmin15 December 1978

14 March 1989
Ernesto Geisel Consultant General of the Republic
133 MinistroClovisRamalhete.jpg Clóvis Ramalhete17thFlores8 April 1981

25 February 1982
João Figueiredo Consultant General of the Republic
134Firmino Paz13thNeder24 June 1981

17 July 1982
João Figueiredo Prosecutor General of the Republic
135 Jose Neri da Silveira, Ministro do Supremo Tribunal Federal..tif Néri da Silveira12thL. Abreu1 September 1981

24 April 2002
João Figueiredo Justice of the Federal Court of Appeals
136 Alfredo Buzaid, Ministro da Justica.tif Alfredo Buzaid19thC. Peixoto30 March 1982

20 July 1984
João Figueiredo Minister of Justice
137 Oscar Dias Correa.jpg Oscar Correia17thRamalhete26 April 1982

17 January 1989
João Figueiredo Federal Councillor of the Order of Attorneys of Brazil
138 Aldir Passarinho.jpg Aldir Passarinho13thPaz2 September 1982

22 April 1991
João Figueiredo Justice of the Federal Court of Appeals
139 Rezek2006.jpg Francisco Rezek 16thX. Albuquerque24 March 1983

15 March 1990
João Figueiredo Prosecutor of the Republic
140 Sydney Sanches.jpg Sydney Sanches19thBuzaid31 August 1984

27 April 2003
João Figueiredo Desembargador of the Court of Justice of São Paulo
141 Octavio Gallotti.jpg Octavio Gallotti20thMuñoz20 November 1984

28 October 2000
João Figueiredo Minister of the Federal Court of Accounts
142Carlos Madeira4thMiranda19 September 1985

17 March 2000
José Sarney Justice of the Federal Court of Appeals
143 Dep Celio Borja -2.jpg Célio Borja2ndC. Guerra14 April 1986

31 March 1992
José Sarney Special advisor to the Presidency
144 Paulo Brossard (17691560031) (cropped).jpg Paulo Brossard 7thD. Falcão5 April 1989

24 October 1994
José Sarney Minister of Justice
145 Sepulveda pertence.JPG Sepúlveda Pertence 17thO. Correia17 May 1989

17 August 2007
José Sarney Prosecutor General of the Republic
146 Celso de Mello em fevereiro de 2017.jpg Celso de Mello 3rdMayer17 August 1989

13 October 2020
José Sarney Prosecutor of São Paulo
147 Marco Aurelio Mello em setembro de 2017.jpg Marco Aurélio Mello 4thMadeira13 June 1990

12 July 2021
José Sarney Justice of the Superior Labour Court
148 Carlos mario velloso.jpg Carlos Velloso16thRezek13 June 1990

19 January 2006
Fernando Collor Justice of the Superior Court of Justice
149Ilmar Galvão13thPassarinho26 June 1991

3 May 2003
Fernando Collor Justice of the Superior Court of Justice
150 Rezek2006.jpg Francisco Rezek 2ndBorja21 May 1992

5 February 1997
Fernando Collor Minister of Foreign Affairs
151 Mauricio Correa 2003.jpg Maurício Corrêa7thBrossard15 December 1994

8 May 2004
Itamar Franco Minister of Justice
152 Nelson Jobim.jpg Nelson Jobim 2ndRezek15 April 1997

29 March 2006
Fernando Henrique Cardoso Minister of Justice
153 Ellen Gracie (cropped).jpg Ellen Gracie 20thO. Gallotti14 December 2000

8 August 2011
Fernando Henrique Cardoso Desembargadora of the Reginal Federal Court of the 4th Region
154 Gilmar Mendes 2016.jpg Gilmar Mendes 12thSilveira20 June 2002

Fernando Henrique Cardoso Attorney General of the Union
155 Ayres Britto.JPG Ayres Britto 13thGalvão25 June 2003

18 November 2012
Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva Professor at the Federal University of Sergipe
156 O ministro do STF Joaquim Barbosa.jpg Joaquim Barbosa 18thM. Alves25 June 2003

31 July 2014
Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva Prosecutor of the Republic
157 Cezar Peluso 2011.jpg Cezar Peluso 19thSanches25 June 2003

3 September 2012
Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva Desembargador of the Court of Justice of São Paulo
158 Eros Grau (2009) copyred.jpg Eros Grau7thM. Corrêa30 June 2004

2 August 2010
Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva Professor at the University of São Paulo
159 Ricardo Lewandowski em novembro de 2016 (recorte).jpg Ricardo Lewandowski 16thVelloso16 March 2006

11 April 2023
Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva Desembargador of the Court of Justice of São Paulo
160 Carmen Lucia em junho de 2017.jpg Cármen Lúcia 2ndJobim21 June 2006

Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva Prosecutor of Minas Gerais
161 Carlos Alberto Direito.jpg Menezes Direito 17thPertence5 September 2007

1 September 2009
Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva Justice of the Superior Court of Justice
162 Dias Toffoli em outubro de 2019.jpg Dias Toffoli 17thDireito23 October 2009

Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva Attorney General of the Union
163 I Jornada de Direito Processual Civil (cropped).jpg Luiz Fux 7thGrau2 March 2011

Dilma Rousseff Justice of the Superior Court of Justice
164 Rosa Weber em outubro de 2019.jpg Rosa Weber 20thGracie19 December 2011

30 September 2023
Dilma Rousseff Justice of the Superior Labour Court
165 Teori Zavascki-edit.jpg Teori Zavascki 19thPeluso29 November 2012

19 January 2017
Dilma Rousseff Justice of the Superior Court of Justice
166 Luis Roberto Barroso 2014.jpg Luís Roberto Barroso 13thBritto26 June 2013

Dilma Rousseff Prosecutor of Rio de Janeiro
167 Luiz Edson Fachin 18dez2015.jpg Edson Fachin 18thBarbosa16 June 2015

Dilma Rousseff Professor at the Federal University of Paraná
168 Ministro Alexandre de Moraes como presidente do TSE.jpg Alexandre de Moraes 19thZavascki22 March 2017

Michel Temer Minister of Justice
169 Kassio Nunes Marques.jpg Nunes Marques 3rdC. Mello5 November 2020

Jair Bolsonaro Desembargador of the Regional Federal Court of the 1st Region
170 Andre Mendonca posse STF.jpg André Mendonça 4thM. A. Mello16 December 2021

Jair Bolsonaro Attorney General of the Union
171 Cristiano Zanin (cropped).jpg Cristiano Zanin 16thLewandowski3 August 2023

Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva Attorney
172 Flavio Dino, ministro do STF.png Flávio Dino 20thWeber22 February 2024

Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva Minister of Justice


  Ministers who were also STF presidents   Current member and former president of STF  Member and current president of STF
  Current STF member  Member and current vice-president of STF

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  1. "Ministros do Supremo Tribunal Federal". Supremo Tribunal Federal. Retrieved 27 June 2014.
  2. "Linha sucessória" (PDF). Supremo Tribunal Federal. April 2010. Retrieved 6 January 2011.