List of polytonal pieces

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List of pieces using polytonality and/or bitonality.

Ein musikalischer Spass Play K522 multitonality.png
Ein musikalischer Spass Play



  1. Stein, Deborah (2005). "Introduction to Musical Ambiguity" in Engaging Music: Essays in Music Analysis, p.82-3. New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN   0-19-517010-5.
  2. Kostka, Stefan and Payne, Dorothy (1995). Tonal Harmony, p.495. ISBN   0-07-300056-6.
  3. 1 2 3 Richardson, John (1999). Singing Archaeology: Philip Glass's Akhnaten, p.73. ISBN   9780819563422.
  4. Ross, Alex (2007). The Rest Is Noise: Listening to the Twentieth Century, p.83. ISBN   9780374249397.
  5. "Jeff Beal Explains the House of Cards Theme". YouTube .
  6. Biber, Heinrich Ignaz Franz von. "Battalia à 10". II. Die liederliche Gesellschaft von allerley Humor.
  7. Wilkins, Margaret Lucy (2006). Creative Music Composition, p.78. ISBN   9780415974677.
  8. Hinson, Maurice (2000). Guide to the Pianist's Repertoire, p.334. ISBN   9780253336460.
  9. "Philip Glass : Symphony No. 2",
  10. 1 2 Karlin, Fred and Wright, Rayburn (2004). On the Track: A Guide to Contemporary Film Scoring, p.359. ISBN   9780415941365.
  11. DeLone, et al. (1975). Aspects of 20th Century Music, p.339. ISBN   0-13-049346-5.
  12. Diton, Robert (September 23, 2011). "Bruce Hornsby to bring the noise to Englewood",
  13. Latham, Alison (2004). The Oxford Dictionary of Musical Works, p.173. ISBN   9780198610205.
  14. One of "2 Organ Pieces" (@IMSLP), published 1949
  15. Ives, Charles. "Piano Sonata No.2 'Concord, Mass., 1840–60'" (PDF). II. The Alcotts.
  16. "Frownland by Captain Beefheart & his Magic Band: Analysis". YouTube .
  17. Gagné, Nicole V. (2012). Historical Dictionary of Modern and Contemporary Classical Music, p.171. ISBN   9780810879621.
  18. 1 2 3 Reti, Rudolph (1958). Tonality, Atonality, Pantonality: A study of some trends in twentieth century music, [ page needed ]. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press. ISBN   0-313-20478-0.
  19. See . Opens with themes in A, B modal (or F?) and C simultaneously, for example.
  20. Encyclopædia Britannica, "Polytonality (music)".
  21. Gaudeamus. The life of Julius Röntgen (1855-1932). Composer and musician. Dr Jurjen Vis, Waanders Uitgevers Zwolle, 2007, Appendix 4, p.449
  22. Maconie, Robin (2005). Other Planets, p.71. ISBN   0-8108-5356-6. "Has distinctly polytonal tendencies."
  23. Swayne, Steve (2011). Orpheus in Manhattan: William Schuman and the Shaping of America's Musical Life, p.244. ISBN   9780195388527.
  24. Berry, Wallace (1976). Structural Functions in Music, p.183n1. ISBN   0-486-25384-8.
  25. Anatomy of a Musical: An Analysis of the Structure of Jeff Wayne’s Musical Version of The War of the Worlds
  26. Country Life, Volume 154, p.2015.