List of intervals in 5-limit just intonation

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The intervals of 5-limit just intonation (prime limit, not odd limit) are ratios involving only the powers of 2, 3, and 5. The fundamental intervals are the superparticular ratios 2/1 (the octave), 3/2 (the perfect fifth) and 5/4 (the major third). That is, the notes of the major triad are in the ratio 1:5/4:3/2 or 4:5:6.


In all tunings, the major third is equivalent to two major seconds. However, because just intonation does not allow the irrational ratio of 5/2, two different frequency ratios are used: the major tone (9/8) and the minor tone (10/9).

The intervals within the diatonic scale are shown in the table below.


NamesRatio Cents 12ET interval
(in cents)
Definition 53ET interval
(in Holdrian commas)
53ET interval
(in cents)
Arel-Ezgi-Uzdilek notation
(a 53ET-based notation)
unison 1/10.00000octave
syntonic comma 81/8021.510c or T  t122.64semi-diminished octave
diminished second
128/12541.060D or S  x245.28augmented seventh
lesser chromatic semitone
minor semitone
augmented unison
25/2470.67100x or t  S or T  L367.92diminished octave
Pythagorean minor second
Pythagorean limma
256/24390.22100Λ490.57Pythagorean major seventh
greater chromatic semitone
wide augmented unison
135/12892.18100X or T  S490.57narrow diminished octave
major semitone
minor second
16/15111.73100S5113.21major seventh
large limma
acute minor second
27/25133.24100L or S + c or T  x6135.85grave major seventh
grave tone
grave major second
800/729160.90200τ or Λ + x or t  c7158.49acute minor seventh
minor tone
lesser major second
10/9182.40200t8181.13minor seventh
major tone
Pythagorean major second
greater major second
9/8203.91200T or t + c9203.77Pythagorean minor seventh
diminished third256/225223.46200S + S10226.42augmented sixth
semi-augmented second125/108253.08300t + x11249.06semi-augmented sixth
augmented second75/64274.58300T + x12271.70diminished seventh
Pythagorean minor third32/27294.13300T + Λ13294.34 Pyth minor 3.png Pythagorean major sixth
minor third6/5315.64300T + S14316.98 Just minor 3.png major sixth
acute minor third243/200333.18300T + L15339.62grave major sixth
grave major third100/81364.81400T + τ16362.26acute minor sixth
major third5/4386.31400T + t17384.91 Just major 3.png minor sixth
Pythagorean major third81/64407.82400T + T18407.55 Pyth major 3.png Pythagorean minor sixth
classic diminished fourth32/25427.37400T + S + S19430.19classic augmented fifth
classic augmented third125/96456.99500T + t + x20452.83classic diminished sixth
wide augmented third675/512478.49500T + t + X21475.47narrow diminished sixth
perfect fourth4/3498.04500T + t + S22498.11perfect fifth
acute fourth [1] 27/20519.55500T + t + L23520.75grave fifth
classic augmented fourth25/18568.72600T + t + t25566.04classic diminished fifth
augmented fourth45/32590.22600T + t + T26588.68diminished fifth
diminished fifth64/45609.78600T + t + S + S27611.32augmented fourth
classic diminished fifth36/25631.29600T + t + S + L28633.96classic augmented fourth
grave fifth [1] 40/27680.45700T + t + S + t30679.25acute fourth
perfect fifth3/2701.96700T + t + S + T31701.89perfect fourth
narrow diminished sixth1024/675721.51700T + t + S + S + S32724.53wide augmented third
classic diminished sixth192/125743.01700T + t + S + L + S33747.17classic augmented third
classic augmented fifth25/16772.63800T + t + S + T + x34769.81classic diminished fourth
Pythagorean minor sixth128/81792.18800T + t + S + T + Λ35792.45Pythagorean major third
minor sixth8/5813.69800(T + t + S + T) + S36815.09major third
acute minor sixth81/50835.19800(T + t + S + T) + L37837.74grave major third
grave major sixth400/243862.85900(T + t + S + T) + τ38862.85acute minor third
major sixth5/3884.36900(T + t + S + T) + t39883.02minor third
Pythagorean major sixth27/16905.87900(T + t + S + T) + T40905.66Pythagorean minor third
diminished seventh128/75925.42900(T + t + S + T) + S + S41928.30augmented second
semi-augmented sixth [1] 216/125946.92800(T + t + S + T) + S + L42946.92semi-augmented second
augmented sixth225/128976.541000(T + t + S + T) + T + x43973.58diminished third
lesser minor seventh
Pythagorean minor seventh
16/9996.091000(T + t + S + T) + T + Λ44996.23greater major second
Pythagorean major second
greater minor seventh9/51017.601000(T + t + S + T) + T + S451018.87lesser major second
acute minor seventh729/4001039.101000(T + t + S + T) + T + L461041.51grave major second
grave major seventh50/271066.761100(T + t + S + T) + T + τ471064.15acute minor second
major seventh15/81088.271100(T + t + S + T) + T + t481086.79minor second
narrow diminished octave256/1351107.821100(T + t + S + T) + t + S + S491109.43wide augmented unison
Pythagorean major seventh243/1281109.781100(T + t + S + T) + T + T491109.43Pythagorean minor second
diminished octave48/251129.331100(T + t + S + T) + T + S + S501132.08augmented unison
augmented seventh125/641158.941200(T + t + S + T) + T + t + x511154.72diminished second
semi-diminished octave160/811178.491200(T + t + S + T) + T + t + x + c521177.36syntonic comma
octave2/11200.001200(T + t + S + T) + (T + t + S)531200.00unison

(The Pythagorean minor second is found by adding 5 perfect fourths.)

The table below shows how these steps map to the first 31 scientific harmonics, transposed into a single octave.

HarmonicMusical NameRatioCents12ET Cents53ET Commas53ET Cents
3perfect fifth3/2701.9670031701.89
5major third5/4386.3140017384.91
7augmented sixth§7/4968.83100043973.58
9major tone9/8203.912009203.77
11major fourth11/8551.32500 or 60024543.40
13acute minor sixth§13/8840.5380037837.74
15major seventh15/81088.271100481086.79
19Pythagorean minor third§19/16297.5130013294.34
21wide augmented third§21/16470.7850021475.47
23classic diminished fifth§23/16628.2760028633.96
25classic augmented fifth25/16772.6380034769.81
27Pythagorean major sixth27/16905.8790040905.66
29minor seventh§29/161029.581000451018.87
31augmented seventh§31/161145.041100511154.72

§ These intervals also appear in the upper table, although with different ratios.

See also

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Pythagorean tuning</span> Method of tuning a musical instrument

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Minor third</span> Musical interval

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Minor sixth</span> Musical interval

In Western classical music, a minor sixth is a musical interval encompassing six staff positions, and is one of two commonly occurring sixths. It is qualified as minor because it is the smaller of the two: the minor sixth spans eight semitones, the major sixth nine. For example, the interval from A to F is a minor sixth, as the note F lies eight semitones above A, and there are six staff positions from A to F. Diminished and augmented sixths span the same number of staff positions, but consist of a different number of semitones.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Comma (music)</span> Very small interval arising from discrepancies in tuning

In music theory, a comma is a very small interval, the difference resulting from tuning one note two different ways. Strictly speaking, there are only two kinds of comma, the syntonic comma, "the difference between a just major 3rd and four just perfect 5ths less two octaves", and the Pythagorean comma, "the difference between twelve 5ths and seven octaves". The word comma used without qualification refers to the syntonic comma, which can be defined, for instance, as the difference between an F tuned using the D-based Pythagorean tuning system, and another F tuned using the D-based quarter-comma meantone tuning system. Intervals separated by the ratio 81:80 are considered the same note because the 12-note Western chromatic scale does not distinguish Pythagorean intervals from 5-limit intervals in its notation. Other intervals are considered commas because of the enharmonic equivalences of a tuning system. For example, in 53TET, B and A are both approximated by the same interval although they are a septimal kleisma apart.

Quarter-comma meantone, or 14-comma meantone, was the most common meantone temperament in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, and was sometimes used later. In this system the perfect fifth is flattened by one quarter of a syntonic comma (81:80), with respect to its just intonation used in Pythagorean tuning ; the result is 3/2 × 14 = 45 ≈ 1.49535, or a fifth of 696.578 cents. This fifth is then iterated to generate the diatonic scale and other notes of the temperament. The purpose is to obtain justly intoned major thirds. It was described by Pietro Aron in his Toscanello de la Musica of 1523, by saying the major thirds should be tuned to be "sonorous and just, as united as possible." Later theorists Gioseffo Zarlino and Francisco de Salinas described the tuning with mathematical exactitude.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Musical temperament</span> Musical tuning system

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Interval ratio</span> In music, ratio of pitch frequencies

In music, an interval ratio is a ratio of the frequencies of the pitches in a musical interval. For example, a just perfect fifth is 3:2, 1.5, and may be approximated by an equal tempered perfect fifth which is 27/12. If the A above middle C is 440 Hz, the perfect fifth above it would be E, at (440*1.5=) 660 Hz, while the equal tempered E5 is 659.255 Hz.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Lattice (music)</span>

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  1. 1 2 3 "Stichting Huygens-Fokker: List of intervals".