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In music theory, the wolf fifth (sometimes also called Procrustean fifth, or imperfect fifth) [1] [2] is a particularly dissonant musical interval spanning seven semitones. Strictly, the term refers to an interval produced by a specific tuning system, widely used in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries: the quarter-comma meantone temperament. [3] More broadly, it is also used to refer to similar intervals (of close, but variable magnitudes) produced by other tuning systems, including Pythagorean and most meantone temperaments.
When the twelve notes within the octave of a chromatic scale are tuned using the quarter-comma meantone systems of temperament, one of the twelve intervals apparently spanning seven semitones is actually a diminished sixth, which turns out to be much wider than the in-tune genuine fifths, [a] In mean-tone systems, this interval is usually from C♯ to A♭ or from G♯ to E♭ but can be moved in either direction to favor certain groups of keys. [4] The eleven perfect fifths sound almost perfectly consonant. Conversely, the diminished sixth used as a substitute is severely dissonant: It sounds like the howl of a wolf, because of a phenomenon called beating. Since the diminished sixth is nominally enharmonically equivalent to a perfect fifth, but in meantone temperament, enharmonic notes are only nearby (within about 1/4 sharp or 1/4 flat); the discordance of substituted interval is called the "wolf fifth".
Besides the above-mentioned quarter comma meantone, other tuning systems may produce severely dissonant diminished sixths. Conversely, in 12 tone equal temperament (12-TET), which is currently the most commonly used tuning system, the diminished sixth is not a wolf fifth, as it has exactly the same size as a perfect fifth.
By extension, any interval which is perceived as severely dissonant and regarded as "howling like a wolf" is called a wolf interval. For instance, in quarter comma meantone, the augmented second, augmented third, augmented fifth, diminished fourth, and diminished seventh may be called wolf intervals, as their frequency ratio significantly deviates from the ratio of the corresponding justly tuned interval (see Size of quarter-comma meantone intervals).
The reason for "wolf" tones in meantone tunings is the bad practice of performers pressing the key for an enharmonic note as a substitute for a note that has not been tuned on the keyboard; e.g. pressing the black key tuned to G♯ when the music calls for A♭. In all meantone tuning systems, sharps and flats are not equivalent; a relic of which, that persists in modern musical practice, is to fastidiously distinguish the musical notation for two notes which are the same pitch in equal temperament ("enharmonic") and played with the same key on an equal tempered keyboard (such as C♯ and D♭, or E♯ and F♮), despite the fact that they are the same in all but theory.
In order to close the circle of fifths in 12 note scales, twelve fifths must average out to 700 cents [b] Each of the first eleven fifths (starting with the fifth below the tonic, the subdominant: F in the key of C, when each black key is tuned to a meantone sharp / no flats) has a value of 700 − ε cents, where ε is some small number of cents that all fifths are detuned by. [c] In meantone temperament tuning systems, the twelfth and last fifth does not exist in the 12 note octave on the keyboard. The actual note available is really a diminished sixth: The interval is 700 + 11 ε cents, and is not a correct meantone fifth, which would be 700 − ε cents. The difference of 12 ε cents between the available pitch and the intended pitch is the source of the "wolf". The "wolf" effect is particularly grating for values of 12 ε cents that approach 20~25 cents [d] A simplistic reaction to the problem is: "Of course it sounds awful: You're playing the wrong note!"
With only 12 notes available in a conventional keyboard's octave, in meantone tunings there must always be omitted notes. For example, one choice for tuning an instrument in meantone, to play music in the key of C ♮, would be
A | [no A♯] | B♭ | B | [no B♯ and no C♭] | C | C♯ | [no D♭] | ||
D | [no D♯] | E♭ | E | [no E♯ and no F♭] | F | F♯ | [no G♭] | G | G♯ [choose one of either G♯ or A♭] |
with this set of chosen notes in bold face, and some of the omitted notes shown in grey. [e]
This limitation on the set meantone notes and their sharps and flats that can be tuned on a keyboard at any one time, was the main reason that Baroque period keyboard and orchestral harp performers were obliged to retune their instruments in mid-performance breaks, in order to make available all the accidentals called for by the next piece of music. [f] [g] Some music that modulates too far between keys cannot be played on a single keyboard or single harp, no matter how it is tuned: In the example tuning above, music that modulates from C major into both A major (which needs G♯ for the seventh note) and C minor (which needs A♭ for its sixth note) is not possible, since each of the two meantone notes, G♯ and A♭, both require the same string in each octave on the instrument to be tuned to their different pitches.
For expediency, keyboard players substitute the wrong diminished sixth interval for a genuine meantone fifth (or neglect retuning their instrument). Though not available, a genuine meantone fifth would be consonant, but in meantone tuning systems (where ε isn't zero) the sharp of any note is always different from the flat of the note above it. A meantone keyboard that allowed unlimited modulation theoretically would require an infinite number of separate sharp and flat keys, and then double sharps and double flats, and so on: There must inevitably be missing pitches on a standard keyboard with only 12 notes in an octave. The value of ε changes depending on the tuning system. In other tuning systems (such as Pythagorean tuning and twelfth-comma meantone), each of the eleven fifths may have a size of 700 + ε cents, thus the diminished sixth is 700 − 11 ε cents. If their difference 12 ε , is very large, as in the quarter-comma meantone tuning system, the diminished sixth is used as a substitute for a fifth, it is called a "wolf fifth".
In terms of frequency ratios, in order to close the circle of fifths, the product of the fifths' ratios must be 128 (since the twelve fifths, if closed in a circle, span seven octaves exactly; an octave is 2:1, and 27 = 128), and if f is the size of a fifth, 128 : f 11, or f 11 : 128, will be the size of the wolf.
We likewise find varied tunings for the thirds: Major thirds must average 400 cents, and to each pair of thirds of size 400 ∓ 4 ε cents we have a third (or diminished fourth) of 400 ± 8 ε cents, leading to eight thirds 4 ε cents narrower or wider, and four diminished fourths 8 ε cents wider or narrower than average. Three of these diminished fourths form major triads with perfect fifths, but one of them forms a major triad substituting the diminished sixth for a real fifth. If the diminished sixth is a wolf interval, this triad is called the wolf major triad.
Similarly, we obtain nine minor thirds of 300 ± 3 ε cents and three minor thirds (or augmented seconds) of 300 ∓ 9 ε cents.
In quarter-comma meantone, the frequency ratio for the fifth is 4 √ 5 , which is about 3.42157 cents flatter than an equal tempered 700 cents, (or exactly one twelfth of a diesis) and so the wolf is about 737.637 cents, or 35.682 cents sharper than a perfect fifth of ratio exactly 3:2, and this is the original "howling" wolf fifth.
The flat minor thirds are only about 2.335 cents sharper than a subminor third of ratio 7:6, and the sharp major thirds, of ratio exactly 32:25, are about 7.712 cents flatter than the supermajor third of 9:7 . Meantone tunings with slightly flatter fifths produce even closer approximations to the subminor and supermajor thirds and corresponding triads. These thirds therefore hardly deserve the appellation of wolf, and in fact historically have not been given that name.
The wolf fifth of quarter-comma meantone can be approximated by the 7-limit just interval 49:32, which has a size of 737.652 cents.
In Pythagorean tuning, there are eleven justly tuned fifths sharper than 700 cents by about 1.955 cents (or exactly one twelfth of a Pythagorean comma), and hence one fifth will be flatter by twelve times that, which is 23.460 cents (one Pythagorean comma) flatter than a just fifth. A fifth this flat can also be regarded as "howling like a wolf." There are also now eight sharp and four flat major thirds.
Five-limit tuning was designed to maximize the number of pure intervals, but even in this system several intervals are markedly impure. 5-limit tuning yields a much larger number of wolf intervals with respect to Pythagorean tuning, which can be considered a 3-limit just intonation tuning. Namely, while Pythagorean tuning determines only 2 wolf intervals (a fifth and a fourth), the 5-limit symmetric scales produce 12 of them, and the asymmetric scale 14. It is also important to note that the two fifths, three minor thirds, and three major sixths marked in orange in the tables (ratio 40:27,32:27, and 27:16; or G↓, E♭↓, and A↑), even though they do not completely meet the conditions to be wolf intervals, deviate from the corresponding pure ratio by an amount (1 syntonic comma, i.e., 81:80, or about 21.5 cents) large enough to be clearly perceived as dissonant.
Five-limit tuning determines one diminished sixth of size 1024:675 (about 722 cents, i.e. 20 cents sharper than the 3:2 Pythagorean perfect fifth). Whether this interval should be considered dissonant enough to be called a wolf fifth is a controversial matter.
Five-limit tuning also creates two impure perfect fifths of size 40:27. Five-limit fifths are about 680 cents; less pure than the 3:2 Pythagorean and/or just 701.95500 cent perfect fifth . They are not diminished sixths, but relative to the Pythagorean perfect fifth they are less consonant (about 20 cents flatter) and hence, they might be considered to be wolf fifths. The corresponding inversion is an impure perfect fourth of size 27:20 (about 520 cents). For instance, in the C major diatonic scale, an impure perfect fifth arises between D and A, and its inversion arises between A and D.
Since in this context the term perfect is interpreted to mean 'perfectly consonant', [5] the impure perfect fourth and perfect fifth are sometimes simply called the imperfect fourth and fifth. [2] However, the widely adopted standard naming convention for musical intervals classifies them as perfect intervals, together with the octave and unison. This is also true for any perfect fourth or perfect fifth which slightly deviates from the perfectly consonant 4:3 or 3:2 ratios (for instance, those tuned using 12 tone equal or quarter-comma meantone temperament). Conversely, the expressions imperfect fourth and imperfect fifth do not conflict with the standard naming convention when they refer to a dissonant augmented third or diminished sixth (e.g. the wolf fourth and fifth in Pythagorean tuning).
Wolf intervals are a consequence of mapping a two-dimensional temperament to a one-dimensional keyboard. [6] The only solution is to make the number of dimensions match. That is, either:
When the perfect fifth is tempered to be exactly 700 cents wide (that is, tempered by about 1/11 of a syntonic comma, or precisely 1/12 of a Pythagorean comma) then the tuning is identical to the now-standard 12 tone equal temperament.
Because of the compromises (and wolf intervals) forced on meantone tunings by the one-dimensional piano-style keyboard, well temperaments and eventually 12-tone equal temperament became more popular.
A fifth of the size Mozart favored, at or near the 55 equal temperament fifth of 698.182 cents, will have a wolf of 720 cents:18.045 cents sharper than a justly tuned fifth. This howls far less acutely, but is still noticeable.
The wolf can be "tamed" by adopting equal temperament or a well temperament. The very intrepid may simply want to treat it as a xenharmonic music interval; depending on the size of the meantone fifth, the wolf fifth can be tuned to more complex just ratios 20:13, 26:17, 17:11, 32:21, or 49:32.
With a more extreme meantone temperament, like 19 equal temperament, the wolf is large enough that it is closer in size to a sixth than a fifth, and sounds like a different interval altogether rather than a mistuned fifth.
A lesser-known alternative method that allows the use of multi-dimensional temperaments without wolf intervals is to use a two-dimensional keyboard that is "isomorphic" with that temperament. A keyboard and temperament are isomorphic if they are generated by the same intervals. For example, the Wicki keyboard shown in Figure 1 is generated by the same musical intervals as the syntonic temperament—that is, by the octave and tempered perfect fifth—so they are isomorphic.
On an isomorphic keyboard, any given musical interval has the same shape wherever it appears—in any octave, key, and tuning—except at the edges. For example, on Wicki's keyboard, from any given note, the note that is a tempered perfect fifth higher is always up-and-rightwardly adjacent to the given note. There are no wolf intervals within the note-span of this keyboard. The only problem is at the edge, on the note E♯. The note that is a tempered perfect fifth higher than E♯ is B♯, which is not included on the keyboard shown (although it could be included in a larger keyboard, placed just to the right of A♯, hence maintaining the keyboard's consistent note-pattern). Because there is no B♯ button, when playing an E♯ power chord, one must choose some other note that is close in pitch to B♯, such as C, to play instead of the missing B♯. That is, the interval from E♯ to C would be a "wolf interval" on this keyboard. In 19-TET, the interval from E♯ to C♭ would be (enharmonic to) a perfect fifth.
However, such edge conditions produce wolf intervals only if the isomorphic keyboard has fewer buttons per octave than the tuning has enharmonically distinct notes. [6] For example, the isomorphic keyboard in Figure 2 has 19 buttons per octave, so the above-cited edge condition, from E♯ to C, is not a wolf interval in 12-TET, 17-TET, or 19-TET; however, it is a wolf interval in 26-TET, 31-TET, and 53-TET. In these latter tunings, using electronic transposition could keep the current key's notes centered on the isomorphic keyboard, in which case these wolf intervals would very rarely be encountered in tonal music, despite modulation to exotic keys. [8]
A keyboard that is isomorphic with the syntonic temperament, such as Wicki's keyboard above, retains its isomorphism in any tuning within the tuning continuum of the syntonic temperament, even when changing tuning dynamically among such tunings. [8] Plamondon, Milne & Sethares (2009), [8] Figure 2, shows the valid tuning range of the syntonic temperament.
In music, just intonation or pure intonation is the tuning of musical intervals as whole number ratios of frequencies. An interval tuned in this way is said to be pure, and is called a just interval. Just intervals consist of tones from a single harmonic series of an implied fundamental. For example, in the diagram, if the notes G3 and C4 are tuned as members of the harmonic series of the lowest C, their frequencies will be 3 and 4 times the fundamental frequency. The interval ratio between C4 and G3 is therefore 4:3, a just fourth.
In music, there are two common meanings for tuning:
Pythagorean tuning is a system of musical tuning in which the frequency ratios of all intervals are determined by choosing a sequence of fifths which are "pure" or perfect, with ratio . This is chosen because it is the next harmonic of a vibrating string, after the octave, and hence is the next most consonant "pure" interval, and the easiest to tune by ear. As Novalis put it, "The musical proportions seem to me to be particularly correct natural proportions." Alternatively, it can be described as the tuning of the syntonic temperament in which the generator is the ratio 3:2, which is ≈ 702 cents wide.
Meantone temperaments are musical temperaments; that is, a variety of tuning systems constructed, similarly to Pythagorean tuning, as a sequence of equal fifths, both rising and descending, scaled to remain within the same octave. But rather than using perfect fifths, consisting of frequency ratios of value , these are tempered by a suitable factor that narrows them to ratios that are slightly less than , in order to bring the major or minor thirds closer to the just intonation ratio of or , respectively. A regular temperament is one in which all the fifths are chosen to be of the same size.
In music theory, an interval is a difference in pitch between two sounds. An interval may be described as horizontal, linear, or melodic if it refers to successively sounding tones, such as two adjacent pitches in a melody, and vertical or harmonic if it pertains to simultaneously sounding tones, such as in a chord.
In music theory, the syntonic comma, also known as the chromatic diesis, the Didymean comma, the Ptolemaic comma, or the diatonic comma is a small comma type interval between two musical notes, equal to the frequency ratio 81/80 (= 1.0125). Two notes that differ by this interval would sound different from each other even to untrained ears, but would be close enough that they would be more likely interpreted as out-of-tune versions of the same note than as different notes. The comma is also referred to as a Didymean comma because it is the amount by which Didymus corrected the Pythagorean major third to a just / harmonicly consonant major third.
In musical tuning, the Pythagorean comma (or ditonic comma), named after the ancient mathematician and philosopher Pythagoras, is the small interval (or comma) existing in Pythagorean tuning between two enharmonically equivalent notes such as C and B♯, or D♭ and C♯. It is equal to the frequency ratio (1.5)12⁄27 = 531441⁄524288 ≈ 1.01364, or about 23.46 cents, roughly a quarter of a semitone (in between 75:74 and 74:73). The comma that musical temperaments often "temper" is the Pythagorean comma.
A semitone, also called a minor second, half step, or a half tone, is the smallest musical interval commonly used in Western tonal music, and it is considered the most dissonant when sounded harmonically. It is defined as the interval between two adjacent notes in a 12-tone scale, visually seen on a keyboard as the distance between two keys that are adjacent to each other. For example, C is adjacent to C♯; the interval between them is a semitone.
A schismatic temperament is a musical tuning system that results from tempering the schisma of 32805:32768 to a unison. It is also called the schismic temperament, Helmholtz temperament, or quasi-Pythagorean temperament.
In music theory, a comma is a very small interval, the difference resulting from tuning one note two different ways. Traditionally, there are two most common comma; the syntonic comma, "the difference between a just major 3rd and four just perfect 5ths less two octaves", and the Pythagorean comma, "the difference between twelve 5ths and seven octaves". The word comma used without qualification refers to the syntonic comma, which can be defined, for instance, as the difference between an F♯ tuned using the D-based Pythagorean tuning system, and another F♯ tuned using the D-based quarter-comma meantone tuning system. Intervals separated by the ratio 81:80 are considered the same note because the 12-note Western chromatic scale does not distinguish Pythagorean intervals from 5-limit intervals in its notation. Other intervals are considered commas because of the enharmonic equivalences of a tuning system. For example, in 53TET, B♭ and A♯ are both approximated by the same interval although they are a septimal kleisma apart.
Quarter-comma meantone, or 1 / 4 -comma meantone, was the most common meantone temperament in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, and was sometimes used later. In this system the perfect fifth is flattened by one quarter of a syntonic comma ( 81 : 80 ), with respect to its just intonation used in Pythagorean tuning ; the result is 3 / 2 × [ 80 / 81 ] 1 / 4 = 4√5 ≈ 1.49535, or a fifth of 696.578 cents. This fifth is then iterated to generate the diatonic scale and other notes of the temperament. The purpose is to obtain justly intoned major thirds. It was described by Pietro Aron in his Toscanello de la Musica of 1523, by saying the major thirds should be tuned to be "sonorous and just, as united as possible." Later theorists Gioseffo Zarlino and Francisco de Salinas described the tuning with mathematical exactitude.
In music, 53 equal temperament, called 53 TET, 53 EDO, or 53 ET, is the tempered scale derived by dividing the octave into 53 equal steps. Each step represents a frequency ratio of 21 ∕ 53 , or 22.6415 cents, an interval sometimes called the Holdrian comma.
In music, 31 equal temperament, 31 ET, which can also be abbreviated 31 TET or 31 EDO, also known as tricesimoprimal, is the tempered scale derived by dividing the octave into 31 equally-proportioned steps. Each step represents a frequency ratio of 31√2 , or 38.71 cents.
In music, septimal meantone temperament, also called standard septimal meantone or simply septimal meantone, refers to the tempering of 7-limit musical intervals by a meantone temperament tuning in the range from fifths flattened by the amount of fifths for 12 equal temperament to those as flat as 19 equal temperament, with 31 equal temperament being a more or less optimal tuning for both the 5- and 7-limits.
In music, 19 equal temperament, called 19 TET, 19 EDO, 19-ED2 or 19 ET, is the tempered scale derived by dividing the octave into 19 equal steps. Each step represents a frequency ratio of 19√2, or 63.16 cents.
The Kirnberger temperaments are three irregular temperaments developed in the second half of the 18th century by Johann Kirnberger. Kirnberger was a student of Johann Sebastian Bach who greatly admired his teacher; he was one of Bach's principal proponents.
In classical music from Western culture, a diminished third is the musical interval produced by narrowing a minor third by a chromatic semitone. For instance, the interval from A to C is a minor third, three semitones wide, and both the intervals from A♯ to C, and from A to C♭ are diminished thirds, two semitones wide. Being diminished, it is considered a dissonant interval.
A regular diatonic tuning is any musical scale consisting of "tones" (T) and "semitones" (S) arranged in any rotation of the sequence TTSTTTS which adds up to the octave with all the T's being the same size and all the S's the being the same size, with the 'S's being smaller than the 'T's. In such a tuning, then the notes are connected together in a chain of seven fifths, all the same size which makes it a Linear temperament with the tempered fifth as a generator.
Dynamic tonality is a paradigm for tuning and timbre which generalizes the special relationship between just intonation and the harmonic series to apply to a wider set of pseudo-just tunings and related pseudo-harmonic timbres.
In classical music from Western culture, a diminished sixth is an interval produced by narrowing a minor sixth by a chromatic semitone. For example, the interval from A to F is a minor sixth, eight semitones wide, and both the intervals from A♯ to F, and from A to F♭ are diminished sixths, spanning seven semitones. Being diminished, it is considered a dissonant interval, despite being equivalent to an interval known for its consonance.
... musical interval 'pythagorean major third'.
perfect concord.