Localization of a category

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In mathematics, localization of a category consists of adding to a category inverse morphisms for some collection of morphisms, constraining them to become isomorphisms. This is formally similar to the process of localization of a ring; it in general makes objects isomorphic that were not so before. In homotopy theory, for example, there are many examples of mappings that are invertible up to homotopy; and so large classes of homotopy equivalent spaces[ clarification needed ]. Calculus of fractions is another name for working in a localized category.


Introduction and motivation

A category C consists of objects and morphisms between these objects. The morphisms reflect relations between the objects. In many situations, it is meaningful to replace C by another category C' in which certain morphisms are forced to be isomorphisms. This process is called localization.

For example, in the category of R-modules (for some fixed commutative ring R) the multiplication by a fixed element r of R is typically (i.e., unless r is a unit) not an isomorphism:

The category that is most closely related to R-modules, but where this map is an isomorphism turns out to be the category of -modules. Here is the localization of R with respect to the (multiplicatively closed) subset S consisting of all powers of r, The expression "most closely related" is formalized by two conditions: first, there is a functor

sending any R-module to its localization with respect to S. Moreover, given any category C and any functor

sending the multiplication map by r on any R-module (see above) to an isomorphism of C, there is a unique functor

such that .

Localization of categories

The above examples of localization of R-modules is abstracted in the following definition. In this shape, it applies in many more examples, some of which are sketched below.

Given a category C and some class W of morphisms in C, the localization C[W1] is another category which is obtained by inverting all the morphisms in W. More formally, it is characterized by a universal property: there is a natural localization functor CC[W1] and given another category D, a functor F: CD factors uniquely over C[W1] if and only if F sends all arrows in W to isomorphisms.

Thus, the localization of the category is unique up to unique isomorphism of categories, provided that it exists. One construction of the localization is done by declaring that its objects are the same as those in C, but the morphisms are enhanced by adding a formal inverse for each morphism in W. Under suitable hypotheses on W, [1] the morphisms from object X to object Y are given by roofs

(where X' is an arbitrary object of C and f is in the given class W of morphisms), modulo certain equivalence relations. These relations turn the map going in the "wrong" direction into an inverse of f. This "calculus of fractions" can be seen as a generalization of the construction of rational numbers as equivalence classes of pairs of integers.

This procedure, however, in general yields a proper class of morphisms between X and Y. Typically, the morphisms in a category are only allowed to form a set. Some authors simply ignore such set-theoretic issues.

Model categories

A rigorous construction of localization of categories, avoiding these set-theoretic issues, was one of the initial reasons for the development of the theory of model categories: a model category M is a category in which there are three classes of maps; one of these classes is the class of weak equivalences. The homotopy category Ho(M) is then the localization with respect to the weak equivalences. The axioms of a model category ensure that this localization can be defined without set-theoretical difficulties.

Alternative definition

Some authors also define a localization of a category C to be an idempotent and coaugmented functor. A coaugmented functor is a pair (L,l) where L:C → C is an endofunctor and l:Id → L is a natural transformation from the identity functor to L (called the coaugmentation). A coaugmented functor is idempotent if, for every X, both maps L(lX),lL(X):L(X) → LL(X) are isomorphisms. It can be proven that in this case, both maps are equal. [2]

This definition is related to the one given above as follows: applying the first definition, there is, in many situations, not only a canonical functor , but also a functor in the opposite direction,

For example, modules over the localization of a ring are also modules over R itself, giving a functor

In this case, the composition

is a localization of C in the sense of an idempotent and coaugmented functor.


Serre's C-theory

Serre introduced the idea of working in homotopy theory modulo some class C of abelian groups. This meant that groups A and B were treated as isomorphic, if for example A/B lay in C.

Module theory

In the theory of modules over a commutative ring R, when R has Krull dimension ≥ 2, it can be useful to treat modules M and N as pseudo-isomorphic if M/N has support of codimension at least two. This idea is much used in Iwasawa theory.

Derived categories

The derived category of an abelian category is much used in homological algebra. It is the localization of the category of chain complexes (up to homotopy) with respect to the quasi-isomorphisms.

Quotients of abelian categories

Given an abelian category A and a Serre subcategory B, one can define the quotient category A/B, which is an abelian category equipped with an exact functor from A to A/B that is essentially surjective and has kernel B. This quotient category can be constructed as a localization of A by the class of morphisms whose kernel and cokernel are both in B.

Abelian varieties up to isogeny

An isogeny from an abelian variety A to another one B is a surjective morphism with finite kernel. Some theorems on abelian varieties require the idea of abelian variety up to isogeny for their convenient statement. For example, given an abelian subvariety A1 of A, there is another subvariety A2 of A such that


is isogenous to A (Poincaré's reducibility theorem: see for example Abelian Varieties by David Mumford). To call this a direct sum decomposition, we should work in the category of abelian varieties up to isogeny.

The localization of a topological space, introduced by Dennis Sullivan, produces another topological space whose homology is a localization of the homology of the original space.

A much more general concept from homotopical algebra, including as special cases both the localization of spaces and of categories, is the Bousfield localization of a model category. Bousfield localization forces certain maps to become weak equivalences, which is in general weaker than forcing them to become isomorphisms. [3]

See also

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This is a glossary of properties and concepts in category theory in mathematics.

In mathematics, particularly in homotopy theory, a model category is a category with distinguished classes of morphisms ('arrows') called 'weak equivalences', 'fibrations' and 'cofibrations' satisfying certain axioms relating them. These abstract from the category of topological spaces or of chain complexes. The concept was introduced by Daniel G. Quillen (1967).

In abstract algebra, Morita equivalence is a relationship defined between rings that preserves many ring-theoretic properties. More precisely two rings like R, S are Morita equivalent if their categories of modules are additively equivalent. It is named after Japanese mathematician Kiiti Morita who defined equivalence and a similar notion of duality in 1958.

In mathematics, a quotient category is a category obtained from another one by identifying sets of morphisms. Formally, it is a quotient object in the category of categories, analogous to a quotient group or quotient space, but in the categorical setting.

In algebraic topology, a discipline within mathematics, the acyclic models theorem can be used to show that two homology theories are isomorphic. The theorem was developed by topologists Samuel Eilenberg and Saunders MacLane. They discovered that, when topologists were writing proofs to establish equivalence of various homology theories, there were numerous similarities in the processes. Eilenberg and MacLane then discovered the theorem to generalize this process.

In category theory, a branch of mathematics, a (left) Bousfield localization of a model category replaces the model structure with another model structure with the same cofibrations but with more weak equivalences.

In mathematics, a sheaf of O-modules or simply an O-module over a ringed space is a sheaf F such that, for any open subset U of X, F(U) is an O(U)-module and the restriction maps F(U) → F(V) are compatible with the restriction maps O(U) → O(V): the restriction of fs is the restriction of f times that of s for any f in O(U) and s in F(U).

This is a glossary of properties and concepts in algebraic topology in mathematics.

In mathematics, the quotient of an abelian category by a Serre subcategory is the abelian category which, intuitively, is obtained from by ignoring all objects from . There is a canonical exact functor whose kernel is , and is in a certain sense the most general abelian category with this property.


  1. Gabriel, Pierre; Zisman, Michel (1967). Calculus of fractions and homotopy theory (PDF). Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete, Band 35. New York: Springer-Verlag. p. 12.
  2. Idempotents in Monoidal Categories
  3. Philip S. Hirschhorn: Model Categories and Their Localizations, 2003, ISBN   0-8218-3279-4., Definition 3.3.1